The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 321 - +322

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 321: Dangerous Ranking

After the end of this round of games, the league ’s official website once again updated the standings. Long Yin originally ranked sixth with 106 points, but now tied for sixth with Huaxia with 108 points because Huaxia hit a weak team today. To 7: 2 points, the total score catch up.

The next game happened to be the match between Long Yin and Huaxia. Many people focused their attention on this game.

In the first round of round-robin competition, Longyin Changsha faced China at home. That game was directed by Liu Chuan, and the water maze map was selected to score a 6: 3 score. In the team battle stage, winning three flags directly shaved China. Can the old captain of Huaxia play such a score at the Huaxia home court in Beijing with his knowledge of Huaxia this time? Many people are guessing.

Fans of the Longyin team naturally hope that Liu Chuan will give it a try to take advantage of this game to open a little more points, but everyone’s mind is also very clear that Huaxia’s real commander Xie Guangyi can not be underestimated, and in the case of Huaxia’s home court It’s not so easy to get points.

In the anxious expectation, the day to play with China is finally here.

At home in Beijing, Liu Chuan, as the captain of Huaxia, has been killed by countless strong teams here. Whenever China plays at home, the cry of “Chuan Shen” in Beijing’s largest e-sports stadium can almost clear the sky. Today, Liu Chuan returns to his hometown, but is bringing a new team to play Huaxia, which makes many Chinese fans feel particularly uncomfortable.

A sharp-eyed fan found that Liu Chuan held the surrounding of the Huaxia team in his hand—a book with the Huaxia team logo printed on it. He called his teammates together in the soundproof room, pointing at the book and saying something, apparently in Arrange tactics.

Looking at the familiar book, a lot of Huaxia fans excitedly swipe the screen on the live broadcast screen: “Let’s see that Sichuan team also holds the surrounding commemorative book from Huaxia!” “Chuan Shen did not forget Huaxia!” Chuan Shen still misses Huaxia very much! “

Many Chinese fans almost moved and cried, but before they were touched, Liu Chuan suddenly took out a thermos cup with the Qixingcao team logo on his bag, sipped with a smile, and took out a Clan Team from his pocket. Writing pen, continue to talk while writing.

Everyone: “…”

Sure enough, I can’t think of someone too beautifully.

This “mix and match around the major teams” style can hardly be seen directly. As soon as Chuan Shen came out, the captains of other teams were embarrassed to take out their own surroundings. To see how smart Chuan God was, his backpack followed the treasure chest Same thing, everything is everything, one key is the key chain of the Snow Wolf team … Everyone really has to serve!

The ring race soon began. The players sent by Longyin team were still Wu Zewen, Lin Tong and Xu Ce, while Hua Xia sent Yu Yang, Liang Haibin and Xie Guangyi!

This lineup surprised the audience. In such a crucial game, Long Yin’s Yantai did not even send four blues to play, but Huaxia was the captain Liang Haibin and deputy captain Xie Guangyi at the same time. From the perspective of attention, Huaxia is obviously stronger than Long Yin.

The audience watching the game couldn’t help but whispered, “It’s time to send Lin Tong to the ring? What is Sichuan God thinking about?”

“That is to say, the opposite Liang Liang sheep played a transition, it must be Xie vice team guarding the uncle, Lin Tong is not waiting to lose the Shangliang team?”

“Longyin’s female player is not good enough. She has entered the disadvantage from many times on the platform!”

Someone even swipes the screen fiercely: “Why not let the four blues come on?”

The doubts on the live channel quickly filled the screen. Lin Tong, who was playing in the field, couldn’t see these. At this moment, she was staring at Liang Haibin’s movements with concentration. This was the first time that she played against the top air master Wudang. The melee fight of the melee sword sect broke out, and the qi sect is more like a long-range mage, using sword qi as an attack method, and Liang Haibin also featured a “deceleration control field” play.

Airbirth deceleration is the softest control skill with the shortest cooling time in all occupations. Liang Haibin’s strongest place is here. Basically, players who fight against him will be brought into the slow deceleration rhythm by him. The young captain, known as the “Turtle Beam”, also relied on this method of killing many masters with a soft play and a slow play. Lu Xiang once commented: “Following Liang Haibin pk is like being surrounded by a group of sheep. It’s so slow! It’s so anxious to me! “

Although Yang Jian is the first master of Wudang Jianzong, Yang Jian would also like to spit on Liang Haibin, the upper air sect. At this point, he and Lu Xiang rarely reached an agreement.

At Lin Tong’s level, it was normal for Liang Haibin to beat, but she also had the patience to work with Liang Haibin for a long time after the second appearance, and she has worn off Liang Haibin’s blood blue.

Sitting in the audience for a while, Liu Chuan asked in a low voice, “What do you think?”

He asked if it was Lan Weiran next to him, who touched his chin and said, “Lin Tong has always been very hard. This girl has courage. This is her advantage, but as a transitional player in the ring, She should learn more stable slow-playing methods, which can give advantages to the weak, but to a master like Shangliang Haibin, she will reveal more flaws and give the other party more opportunities. “

Liu Chuan nodded: “I happened to meet the slowest Liang Haibin among all the players in the league today. I think Lin Tong’s thinking has changed very quickly. She started to learn to slowly consume with Liang Haibin. The cd card is very good. “

Lan Weiran agreed: “Well, I also told her before the game. On the field, I have to forget those fixed patterns and routines, and learn to be flexible. Lin Tong’s style of quick play is definitely influenced by Qin Ye. Too big. “

The named Qin Ye suddenly turned around and said, “Is this blame me?”

Lan Weiran said with a smile: “How dare I blame you, I just think that Lin Tong has been learning from you, and her play is a bit too simple. Her speed is not as high as yours, and even I can’t match it. Breakouts are actually fast. It ’s not the most suitable course for her. To deal with players who are weaker than her, she will be very happy with this method, but she will be tragedy against the master. “

“Yes.” Liu Chuan also looked back at Qin Ye and said, “I am most relieved now is Lin Tong. She was brought out by you. The style is always involuntarily imitated by you. This must be changed as soon as possible. Arrived In the playoffs, every aspect of the wheel battle must not go wrong. As the joint point of our team’s platform, Lin Tong must hold his ground. Transitional players are more inclined to be invincible. It is best to deal with fast and slow play. Now. “

Qin Ye glanced at him and said coolly, “The team has been losing its captain. What do you say about the playoffs?”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “What are you afraid of? When the fall is really bad, the three of us will not go together to guard the uncle. The veteran will go out and one of the two will scare them to death.”

Lan Weiran: “…”

Qin Ye: “…”

The three of us guard together? Thank you for wanting it!

Lan Weiran and Qin Ye suddenly had an impulse to join him to fight him. Long Yin lost three points in a row, but Liu Chuan, the captain of the team, calmly talked here and had to say that Liu Chuan ’s The mental capacity is really strong to the point of abnormality.


Lin Tong finally lost in the hands of Liang Haibin. There is nothing doubtful about this result. After all, Liang Haibin was a person who wanted to vomit blood even after Yang Jian and Lu Xiang met. Grinded Lin Tong sister to death.

Lin Tong was a little embarrassed when she came off the field. She was really annoyed. She wanted to stick her hand out of the computer to hang out with Liang Haibin on the opposite side. Liu Chuan looked at her with a depressed face and couldn’t help Smiled and said, “How do you feel about playing against the league’s strongest turtle?”

Lin Tong lowered his head: “… tired.”

“Is that right?” Liu Chuan agreed, “I also felt tired when I played with Liang Haibin. The battle that can be solved in 3 minutes usually can be dragged to 15 minutes here. Once in Huaxia, once I asked Lu Xiang to pk with him in the game, Liang Haibin began to drag slowly, Fawn couldn’t beat him for a while, and he was continuously slowed down. At that time, Fawn was too hungry at dinner time, and he lay directly on the ground. Ping said, “I’ll give up, let’s kill me. Let’s have dinner first”, Liang Haibin thought he was cheating, didn’t come up to hit him, and still stood slowly grinding away, Lu Xiangkuan Sudden death, simply reached out and unplugged the network cable. “

“…” Lin Tong heard this, and couldn’t help but “chuo” smiled, “Indeed, playing with Liang team requires great patience.”

Liu Chuan also smiled slightly and said, “I and Si Lan have been discussing just now. You can patiently control the distance to calculate the other party’s cd and slowly play with him. You are doing much better than I expected. But You are still a bit worse than a real master. You are not fluent in the overall rhythm. Do you feel like you are playing one card at a time? “

Lin Tong busy said: “Yes, I always feel that some skills will not be connected.”

“Your ideas are too limited, and the melee fighting genre is actually very flexible.” Liu Chuan explained patiently, “Like Xiang is a fast attacker, like Xiao Sijing is a typical slow and stable player. You have been studying with Qin Ye before, so you have been pursuing a fast-paced rhythm, but you ca n’t be faster than Qin Ye and Lu Xiang. You will go back to this game with Liang Haibin today. Take a closer look. I hope that what you can do is not stability and desperation, but stability and patience. “

Liu Chuan said, and patted her shoulder gently: “You should slow down, Lin Tong.”

Lin Tong’s nose was suddenly sore, and for a moment he even felt as relaxed as the heavy burden on his shoulders.

Yes, she has been pursuing the fastest sense of attack. In fact, she knows that she is the most talented in the Longyin team. To this day, she can rely on the kind of perseverance and perseverance on the peace day. She worked hard and she could n’t compare with the three great gods. Among a few newcomers, her hand speed was worse than Wu Zewen. Similar-all ordinary people who don’t have any talents and rely on hard work.

Genius is a minority after all, and ordinary talents like her are the majority in professional leagues.

There are too many big gods in the Dragon Yin team, she is just a little transparent.

Today, Liu Chuan can play four blues, but Liu Chuan did not do so. Knowing that China and China might be played by Liang and Xie on the ring, Liu Chuan still insisted on sending her to the field. Lin Tong’s heart is actually very grateful. Such a choice will undoubtedly make Liu Chuan face the pressure from the media and fans, but Liu Chuan still gave her this rare opportunity to play against the slowest master in the league.

——Lin Tong, you should slow down.

——During this time, I have been trying to catch up with everyone, trying hard to practice speed and practice bursts, but even if you try hard again, you can’t fight Lu Xiang and Yang Jian, natural fast-paced masters, so slow down and be good Think about what you should do and organize yourself.

——Slow, this word seems very ridiculous in the game, but today ’s match, let Lin Tong know, what kind of slow can really kill people invisible!

Looking at the bright eyes of the girl next to her, Liu Chuan knew that she had reacted.

From slow to fast is a very difficult accumulation process. Lin Tong has played so many games from the newcomer. He looks hard to train for the ultimate outbreak of hand speed. Liu Chuan sees this girl. She works hard but lacks With a little talent for hand speed, now he should slow her down. Moving from fast to slow is a reverse process, and between these two transitions, she will find a lot of details that were previously ignored.

For example, a person who is not very talented and talented, has been climbing the mountain hard, chasing the footsteps of his teammates, tired and panting, and has no mood to enjoy the scenery by the road, but one day, she found her teammates We were waiting for her at the top of the mountain, and when she was finally able to go down, the relaxed mood was enough to let her down, slow down her pace, and notice the countless beautiful scenes she had missed along the way.

This is a process from slow to fast, and then from fast back to slow, which is also the most suitable training plan for Liu Tong in Liu Chuan’s opinion.

Give her the greatest pressure first, inspire her maximum potential, let her be familiar with the rhythm of all high-breaking and fast-hitting, then relax, slow down, and calm her down. After experiencing the two extremes, she will complete her thinking completely. Metamorphosis, become the most stable chain of the Dragon Yin team. Fast is fast, slow is slow, adaptable, stable and patient-this is the quality that the transitional players should have.

The Dragon Yin team can have no genius, but it can’t have short board.

Liu Chuan is very clear about the characteristics of each team member, and has been slowly training them according to his own plan.

As a captain, he has a clear plan from beginning to end.

If the Longyin team is a ship, then he is the one who masters the direction of the ship on the vast sea. Even if he is hit by the wind and waves, he will not change easily. He is stronger than anyone because He knew that he was not wrong, and he knew where the end was.

Many people think that Long Yin lost so many games in a row, and Liu Chuan’s attitude is still so laid-back, it is too calm.

However, Chuan Chuan would like to say–why he has big ambitions, why stick to one or two small wins?

Chapter 322

After Lin Tong was sent off by Liang Haibin, Xu Ce couldn’t resist Xie Guangyi’s snow-fall style. He was sent off by Huaxia’s defending general Xie Vice Team. This is the fourth consecutive loss of the Longyin team since entering the second stage. Fall off the ring.

The audience began to wonder: Wasn’t Long Yin very strong before the ring race? How do you start losing in two stages?

After discussion, many people think that the key lies in Lin Tong.

Because of the existence of Wu Zewen’s Xueba, Long Yin’s start of the competition is generally an advantage. However, every time Taiwan ’s competitions go downhill when Lin Tong is playing, Lin Tong is a desperate player, but she ca n’t fight the gods at all, and once she enters the disadvantaged here, it will be very difficult for Xu Ce to come back. Because the defending generals of other teams are also greater gods than Xu Ce.

Many people on the Internet have questioned whether Lin Tong is holding back the team, thinking that Liu Chuan should not let her go, but should let Si Lan go.

However, in the following team battle phase, the Longyin team played very well. The map chosen by Huaxia is a relatively classic valley, and the terrain is not complicated. Xie Guangyi obviously also wants to hit the front directly, because he is definitely overcast. This big brother …

Liu Chuan’s command in teamfights is still strong, coupled with his understanding of the tactics of Huaxia’s teamfights, he guessed the tactical intentions of Huaxia directly at the beginning, and won 2 command flags in surprise-away. Two flags, this is already a very good ending in the teamfight phase.

Unfortunately, the final score of this game was 4: 5 due to the defeat of the platform. Therefore, the Dragon Yin team temporarily fell to seventh place with a total score of 112 points, and Huaxia ranked sixth with a total score of 113 points. name.

In the post-match interview, many reporters raised a lot of questions in the audience ’s minds: “In this important match, Huaxia Zheng and the vice captain teamed up to guard the uncle, while Long Yin’s deputy captain Si Lan did not play at all. Was this decision too rash? “

“Although the player Lin Tong worked very hard, but to put it bluntly, the court is not a place to talk about love. I think the Sichuan team took care of this female player a little. The reason is that Lin Tong put the situation into an inferior position during the transitional connection, resulting in Xu Ce eventually failing to return. “

“Is the Sichuan team planning to continue this leisurely way? You are not afraid to play off, and you can’t make it to the playoffs in the end?”

Regarding these questions, Liu Chuan had already anticipated them, and smiled slightly, saying, “I have my own considerations about who to send out and rest for every game. I don’t just mess around. I can’t change every point. I will explain it to everyone in detail. If every point is explained clearly, the bottom line of the Dragon Yin team will be clarified by other teams. You can simply understand it-I am in the next big game. “

Reporters: “………”

It is said that Liu Chuan is playing a big game? The news quickly spread throughout the professional world.

Xiao Sijing said in the group: “It’s obvious that there is nothing left to talk nonsense. Whoever believes is stupid.”

As a result, the news had just been sent to the group, and Lu Xiang just jumped out and said, “What is the master playing ?! Is it a deliberate loss? Let us relax our vigilance and finally have another wave of Jedi counterattack?”

Everyone looked at the time when the two messages were sent one after another, and smiled silently in the heart of the little boy Luxiang who said “who believes who is stupid”.

Everyone on the surface did n’t believe Liu Chuan ’s words, but he could n’t help but worry. Long Yin ’s recent results are not ideal, but it can be seen that Liu Chuan ’s overall thinking is for the playoffs, because the season The format of the playoffs is different from the regular season. The playoffs are played in two consecutive games. The host and the guest rotate the map. The wheel battle must be played continuously for 6 people. One player can play twice. Therefore, Lin Tong and Xu Ce. Must be cultivated as soon as possible, Liu Chuan is obviously using every opportunity to let the newcomers practice their hands.

But … Isn’t the “study group” Liu Chuan choosing too luxurious?

Actually, let the captains and deputy captains of the major teams give your newcomers, sisters and vampires as companions, can you be more controllable?

What’s more important is … you are practicing now, in case you do n’t have enough points to play, can you not make it to the playoffs?

In this regard, Liu Chuan ’s Xueba has a very scientific explanation—

“Our current score is 112 points, ranking seventh. The national color points behind us are 111 points, Beacon 110 points, and Cang Lan 109 points. The gap is very small.”

At this time, Wu Zewen was holding the laptop and sitting in the hotel room to study the leaderboard seriously, while Liu Chuan sat next to him with a smile and listened carefully to Xueba’s analysis report. He heard this and rubbed Wu Zewen Hair: “Well, go on.”

Wu Zewen said: “This is the national team ’s 21-point score line so far. You see, their recent points have risen faster because the first opponent of the second stage was the Thorns, which directly won 9: A score of 0, and next, they have to face Qixingcao and Huaxia strong teams. Guose played Qixingcao and Huaxia. However, it was often 2: 7. Therefore, the probability of Guose scores surpassing Dragon Yin. Less than 10%. “

“Very good.” Liu Chuan expressed satisfaction with the result.

Wu Zewen went on to say: “As for the fire, this team’s strength is not strong. Their points are rising too fast. It is the same reason as Guose. It also encountered several second-rate teams at the beginning of the second stage and played two games 7: 2. The schedule of our team is exactly the end of the first stage and the start of the second stage is all strong teams. Now even if you are squeezed out of the top eight, you do n’t have to be afraid. As long as you finish the bronze bird, you will encounter 8 second-rate weak teams in the back. .According to my analysis, the first stage of Beacon’s weak team never scored 9: 0. Their team’s tactics only rely on the captain Qi Feng’s state transfer play, it is difficult to play the crushing round, so the total of Beacon’s total The probability of points surpassing Long Yin is lower than that of National Color, less than 5%. “

“Very good.” Liu Chuan nodded. “What about Canglan?”

Wu Zewen said: “Of the teams behind us, the most likely to surpass Long Yin is Cang Lan. Their schedule is similar to ours. They also encountered strong teams continuously, and Cang Lan just won us 1 point. If they can Winning Huaxia and Qixingcao could surpass us. “

Wu Zewen paused and looked back at Liu Chuan: “If Cang Lan surpasses us, then we can also squeeze into the playoffs in the eighth place. But there are a few points to note. First, we must win the national color and the flames. Let the two teams behind us get too many points from our hands. In addition, when playing against the weak teams, there must be no mistakes in the 3 points of the Taiwan competition, it is best to play at least two 9: 0, that way It’s stable. “

Xueba took the detailed data analysis table seriously to Liu Chuan. The table he drew was very detailed, and even marked the minimum score expected value for each game, as long as he could get the expected score calculated by Wu Zewen. , Long Yin can successfully enter the playoffs.

Liu Chuan picked up his watch and took a closer look. In fact, Cang Lan, Qixing Cao, Luo Hua Ci, Hua Xia, these four games have already been played, and the next strong team is Sheng Tang and Tongque, Guose and The overall strength of the two teams of Beacon is still a little short of time. After playing these teams, the winter passes, and the spring belonging to the Dragon Yin team will slowly come.

Liu Chuan carefully packed the watch painted by Wu Zewen, kissed his forehead and said softly, “Tough work, did you stay up late last night?”

“Well.” Wu Zewen looked up at him earnestly, “I know that you are under a lot of pressure these days. Every time you lose a game, you have to face all kinds of questions from reporters … Actually, I really believe in you, you are sure It’s pretty secure, right? “

“That’s of course.” Liu Chuan raised his lips slightly, stretched out his hand to hold Wu Zewen in his arms, and whispered, “Those reporters only watch the results of each match, but they don’t know the back and forth connections. They explained clearly that everything I do now is aimed at the final goal. “

Wu Zewen asked in doubt: “What is your goal?”

“Champion,” Liu Chuan said with a smile.

These two words came out of his mouth, so taken for granted.

The kind of self-confidence and demeanor of “The Return of the King” seemed to be natural, leaving Wu Zewen temporarily in place.

Although Liu Chuan always said that “the team that does not want to win the championship is not a good team” when mobilizing the conference before, everyone did not take this sentence seriously. A newly formed team wants to win the championship? You’re going to be laughed to death, right?

But Liu Chuan said it seriously, his eyes were very firm, as if he had everything in mind.

Wu Zewen was silent for a moment before asking: “Do you think … do we have this strength?”

“When the team was just set up, I discussed it with Silan privately. At that time, our goal was to make the playoffs first, because there were too many new players in the team, and we were not so sure.” Liu Chuan paused and said, “But it’s different now. After so many games, you and Xu Ce’s progress is almost twice as fast as I thought. The two of you are rare talented players. Lin Tong is even more than I expected. Desperately and diligently, Shaoji, Xiaoyu, and Li Xiang are all working very hard. Overall, the Longyin team has three experienced players: I, Yeye, and Silan. You and Xu Ce have two hands. Genius, there are four hard-working newcomers, the whole team is particularly positive, this kind of strength in the league is also the strength of the first-tier teams. I think we can still fight for the championship trophy this season. of!”

Facing Liu Chuan’s smiling gaze, Wu Zewen immediately nodded his head seriously, held his hand, and said decisively, “Well, try hard to fight for it!”

His family Xueba always does this, trusting him unconditionally and supporting him …

Liu Chuan rubbed Wu Zewen’s head with a smile, and said, “With you, I am more confident than before. You will draw the trend graphs of the major teams. Don’t show them to everyone for now, let them be nervous and stressed. To be motivated. “

Wu Zewen would understand: “Well, I only show you.”

Liu Chuan laughed: “It’s just fine for both of us, let them be nervous first.”

Long Yin’s team entered the playoffs very confidently, Wu Zewen did not say anything and did not mention it to anyone. In the past few days, several newcomers in the team have been practicing hard because they are worried about not being able to enter the playoffs. Li Xiang and Lin Tong are invariably staying in the training room until 11 o’clock every night. When they go back, they take a shower and go to bed. Liu Chuan needn’t say anything, they are active as if they were charged automatically.

Although they lost several games in a row, everyone’s face did not have any discouragement and negative emotions. Instead, it was because of the pressure of “may not enter the playoffs” that they inspired the biggest fighting spirit!

——Liu Chuan is very pleased about this.

However, the practice of losing four games in a row is almost the same. Liu Chuan believes that it is time to have a real victory to give everyone some confidence.

Long Yin’s next opponent happened to be the Tang Dynasty team from Chengdu. At the first stage, Long Yin played a 7: 2 map of the woods by Yan Ziyi in Chengdu. Today, Liu Chuan has learned everything. Take out a map of the swamp that Long Yin is better at, but it is hard to kite up in the Tang Dynasty, and let Wu Zewen, who is also good at terrain analysis, return the color, and also make a 7: 2!

Fans of Dragon Yin Team have come alive!

At this moment, all the consolation and loss of four consecutive games turned into shouting cheers. Everyone spit out the suffocating chest for a long time!

The score of 7: 2 made the fans of Longyin Team happy for several days. Next, Long Yin went to Wuhan to dodge the fire team and also played 7: 2. It was another 7: 2 against the National Team in Changsha!

Three consecutive games won 7: 2, making all outside doubts disappear instantly!

However, there is another hard bone that is the copper bird. Long Yin was 7: 2 copper bird in Changsha. This time when he went to Guangzhou to play the copper bird, he could no longer slay the deer in the maze like he had originally. A very brutal 7: 2 counterattack!

The ups and downs score is really more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

After playing Bronze Sparrow, Long Yin will enter the steady period of the regular season. The next opponents are Blast, Quicksand, Beiming, Thorns, Silver Moon, Iron Blood, Xuanyuan, Chixiao, and Snow Wolf.

The audience watched the schedule and were shocked-what exactly were we nervous about Nima a few days ago! This is exactly the rhythm of the Dragon Yin team’s killing the Quartet, right? !!

Sure enough, Long Yin vs. Blast, the final score was 9: 0.

Long Yin vs. Quicksand, the final score is 9: 0.

Long Yin vs Bei Ming, the final score was 9: 0.


Three consecutive 9: 0 games not only made the audience enthusiastic, but even the captains of other professional teams in the professional league were a little worried. Long Yin, which has experienced the trough period, is now unstoppable like a dragon, and no team can stop it. They impacted the pace of the playoffs.

During this time, Liu Chuan has been letting the newcomers fight against the great team gods. This unscrupulous way of letting the various gods in the professional circle to accompany the new team members of Longyin team finally showed the horrible effect at this moment-

I heard Wu Zewen killed three in Yantai?

I heard that Lin Tong killed one and two in the ring against the weak team. Can you believe it?

I heard Xu Ce got the title: “Vampire playing soy sauce.”

I heard that Xu Ce couldn’t bear the loneliness. He also won three kills when he applied for the first appearance?

Just because they have been playing against the top great gods, the consciousness of several newcomers of the Dragon Yin team will involuntarily follow up. When they pk, that consciousness is completely against the consciousness of the first-line great gods in the league, and they suddenly become the second-class weak teams Very easy.

If it were not for Liu Chuan’s long-term vision and dare to withstand the pressure, the newcomers had been trained in the first and second stages, and Lin Tong, Xu Ce, and Wu Zewen would not have been able to improve their heads-up skills so quickly.

By the time the Chixiao team was finished, Long Yin’s ranking in the standings had changed back to fifth in the first stage. In other words, in terms of the first and second stages, Long Yin still won more in general, and the weak team lost less points. The strong team basically exchanges the points you win and I win. The results are already quite good for a new team!

The captains of many teams in the professional circle are beginning to worry. Isn’t the Longyin team just trying to make the playoffs? Look at this momentum … is it going to hit the rhythm of the trophy?

There are still three days before the final round of the playoffs. At this time, the top eight in the team standings are Qixingcao, Tongque, Luohuaci, Xuelang, Longyin, Huaxia, Shengtang, and Canglan. The finishing strength of the two teams, Guose and Fenghuo, is indeed a little underdeveloped, and indeed, as Wu Zewen analyzed, the total points in the later stages gradually opened up the gap with the top eight.

The final round of the game will determine the final ranking. Long Yin is currently ranked fifth. As long as it is not a great tragedy of 0.9 by the Snow Wolf, it can be said that it has entered the playoffs.

That night, Liu Chuan was about to go to bed, and suddenly received a text message: “Brother, who do you direct next game? Tell me about it.”

It turned out that Yang Xiaojian came to explore in advance.

Liu Chuan smiled, and replied with a signboard saying: “Guess :)”

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