The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 58 - +059

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 058 Elder Qian Spider

After the elder Qianjue rebelled from the Five Poison Doctrines in the past, he secretly colluded with the blood-clothed people and practiced the technique of growing immortal. The whole person became inhuman and devil. He also conquered all the spiders in the spider hole with puppetry. Let the entire spider hole size spiders become his younger brother. Every once in a while, the Elder Thousand Spiders will refresh in the Spider Cave and leave the Spider Cave to swim in the southern Xinjiang region. When passing by, players will be killed by the spiders, and blood will flow everywhere they go.

As the first world boss in the game, this ruthless five-drug traitor tortured and killed all players with due diligence.

This boss’s signature skill is to summon spiders, keep summoning spiders, confining all players within 20 meters with spider silk, and then let the negative effects of poisoning on everyone over ten layers, and quickly infect the surrounding people, This state of poisoning is spreading at a rate comparable to airborne viruses, and collective poisoning will soon be poisoned.

In the past, hitting the boss was slowly ground with human tactics, but this method obviously does not work in this area.

There are so many clan guilds in this area. When you play bosses, other guilds will definitely not stand idly by. Everyone fights together. In a messy mess, it is really impossible to determine which boss’s final ownership belongs to.

Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen walked around the spider hole, then pointed to a few landing points, and said, “Remember these positions, and when you reach the boss, you will follow this route at the fastest speed. Transfer there … “

Liu Chuan demonstrated and jumped to the tree next to him.

Wu Zewen also jumped up with him.

Liu Chuan continued to jump to the next location, typing while explaining: “The most special thing about this boss is that he is a traitor to the Five Drug Doctrine. When the disciples of the Five Drug Doctrine hit him, their hatred will be higher than other schools. I I want you to help, because of this, you fight hatred to the highest, the boss will chase you, and you will have the opportunity to take him out of here … “

Wu Zewen nodded seriously.

After playing for so long, he already understood the meaning of hatred.

The mobs and bosses in the online games have a hatred value to the player. The higher the damage you hit him, the higher the hatred he has towards you, and he will chase you. The copy of the game in the game is basically the thick and thick main T + powerful output + treatment, the main T must pull the boss, the output can not be easily OT, the treatment must be added to the blood, this is every player who plays a copy should Know something. The output martial defense is very low. Once the OT is caught by the boss, it is the rhythm of the spike.

Liu Chuan actually wanted the crispy five poison to pull away the boss …

If this conversation is heard by others, he will definitely feel that he is a rookie who does not know how to play boss!

Liu Chuan continued: “If the distance to the boss is less than 20 meters, you will be restrained by his spider, unable to move, and then caught up by the boss to spike. Therefore, you must pay attention to the distance from the boss and control it at 21- 25 meters. “

Wu Zewen asked: “That is to say, I want to do the strongest damage at the fastest speed from a distance of 20 meters, and fly away with light power, taking away the boss while hitting?”

Liu Chuan said: “That’s right. This is a very difficult game. You need to pinpoint each light foothold, and you must keep up with the hand speed of the boss. After the boss uses spiders to restrain players within 20 meters, they will Players cause poisoning, and the poisoning will quickly spread around. At that time, I will arrange a powerful treatment, which will be responsible for adding blood and detoxifying you. You only need to concentrate on playing boss. “

From the spider hole to the marriage tree, at such a long distance, while flying lightly and hitting the boss with the strongest output, there must not be any mistakes. As long as there is a loophole in the operation, it is undoubtedly dead …

Such a difficult task, actually gave Wu Zewen a novice? !!

Of course, Liu Chuan has his own reasons.

Although Wu Zewen is a novice, he will not be nervous and scared. He can always keep his mind calm, even if he is chased by the boss, he can not panic and chaos. In addition, he has a strong learning ability, and his hand speed is extremely fast. Very confident!

Wu Zewen knew that it was very difficult for his level to achieve this, and seriously suggested: “This task is difficult. I can’t guarantee that there is no mistake. Or I will give you the account number and password of Wudu, you will do it?”

Liu Chuan said, “I still have to command the overall situation. At that time, many guilds will definitely have a scuffle. I can’t command while pulling the boss. So, leave this task to you, okay?”

His trust made Wu Zewen feel embarrassed to refuse.

Wu Zewen didn’t hesitate any longer and said, “Since you believe me so much, let me try it.”

Liu Chuan smiled: “Okay! There is still some time before next Wednesday, we can slowly practice. You follow me first, write down the route!”

The two jumped back and forth between the trees, looking from the ground, as if the top masters were chasing lightly.

Some players passing by couldn’t help but stop and looked up at the blue and purple flashes in the sky, and said in surprise: “Which video group is shooting the MV? The light work is so handsome ! “

“Yeah! One Tang Men and one Five Poison, light work is really beautiful!”

The passersby were watching, Wu Zewen was attentive at this moment, following the figure of Tang Men in front, and calculating the coordinate displacement of each other’s foothold.

Liu Chuan’s light power is undoubtedly top-notch, and Wu Zewen is obviously still struggling to keep up with him.

Liu Chuan paused thoughtfully and asked, “Can you keep up?”

Wu Zewen said, “Reluctantly.”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “No rush, you go this route for the first time and practice a few more times, I believe you can keep up.”

Wu Zewen nodded: “Again.”

The two just flew from the spider cave to the marriage tree, flying back and forth several times.

On the fifth pass, Wu Zewen was finally able to keep up with Tang Men’s footsteps.

Liu Chuan couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s really fast for you to learn.”

Wu Zewen said, “I have written down all the coordinate points.”

… no wonder so accurate!

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, “Then we will change the method next, you walk in front, I will kill you in the back, you will treat me as a boss of the world, and run forward while attacking me.”

Wu Zewen said, “OK.”

——The Tangmen Knights [流芳百世} opened the hatred to you!

The screen suddenly turned red, and Tang Men killed him politely. Wu Zewen hurriedly ran forward, hitting him while running.

Just now I just need to run forward. It ’s not difficult to find the point of light power. Now I ’m attacking, running forward, and controlling the distance between the two. Tang Men chased a series of moves …

Liu Chuan stopped after two hits, and smiled and said, “It’s slow, if I boss, you’ve already hung up.”

Wu Zewen’s ears were slightly red, and he explained embarrassingly, “I can’t get too busy with one heart and three uses.”

Liu Chuan said: “I slow down. You are familiar with it first, and we will practice a few more times.”

Wu Zewen nodded: “Well.”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “Don’t worry, the speed of the boss is definitely not as fast as mine, and it will be slowed down by the players in various ways. So if you can pass the level smoothly under my hands, pulling the boss will not be a problem at that time.”

Wu Zewen said seriously: “I know, come again.”

The two started to practice again.

The same section of the road, flying back and forth repeatedly, most people may find it boring. But Wu Zewen was full of fighting spirit at the moment. The speed of Tang Men’s masters made him unmatched. The more there was a gap, the more he wanted to overcome it.

Therefore, the full-fledged Xue Ba, a practice is an entire hour …

after an hour.

Li wanted to ask curiously on the team channel: “Your husband and wife haven’t finished the task yet? It’s been an hour.”

Liu Chuan said: “It’s done early, we are doing light exercises here. By the way, you two also come here, here is the southern Xinjiang marriage tree.”

Li Xiang and Jiang Shaoqing came over soon.

Liu Chuan jumped from the top of the tree and made a mark in the middle of the two trees, saying, “Next Wednesday night, we will fight the boss of the world. After the five poisons bring the boss over, you apprentice will take over.”

Li thought suddenly stunned: “World boss? I’ll take over?”

Liu Chuan laughed: “How’s it going?”


Are you sure your apprentice will not be vomited by the boss of the world?

Liu Chuan said, “Shaolin is a melee. It ’s very difficult to pull the boss from the crowd, so I have given the most difficult task to Wudu. After he pulled the boss over, you immediately catch the boss under the tree. Hatred, fight hatred up as fast as possible, and then you come to Lord T. “

Li Xiang:”……”

As a meat shield, Li wants to resist only bosses with 30 small copies so far. The bosses in the world sound terrible!

Li wanted to say, “I haven’t played this boss, what if I can’t pull it!”

Liu Chuan said, “If you can’t pull it, I will drive you out of the division, and let night and night pull you black.”

Li Xiang:”……”

Anyone who plays Buddha Shaolin will have his dream of being able to resist the boss of the world!

The master who cannot carry the boss of the world is not a good master!

Li wanted to say excitedly: “Okay! What do you need to pay attention to when pulling this boss?”

Liu Chuan said: “This boss cannot be fixed. He will walk around and put countless spiders to imprison everyone. In case you are imprisoned, I will arrange for you to solve it. You pay attention to control the hatred.” Liu Chuan said On the one hand, I quickly made a site mark next to the two trees. “You’re pulling him back and forth between these two points. The boss pulls his back to the back. You have to step backwards step by step, pay attention to hiding your feet. Under the spider web. “

Li wanted to nod: “I see!”

Jiang Shaoqing looked around and quickly responded, asking, “Do you want the output team to stand on the top of the tree?”

Liu Chuan said: “Well. The five poisons have just been calculated. The distance from the top of the tree is 23-24 meters. Some genres can attack the boss. I will choose a batch of skills that can hit the powerful output of the boss. The team stood at the top of the tree and waited for the boss to come over. We ambush here in advance. If other guilds come over, the terrain is also our advantage. “

This large area of ​​flowers is indeed a very suitable place for ambush.

In the other servers, the elder Qian spiders generally grabbed their blood after the spider hole was refreshed.

The long journey to pull the world boss from the distant spider hole to the marriage tree is an unprecedented and unheard-of style!

His idea is very bold … but isn’t it delicate? !!

He counted every step well, even taking all unexpected factors into account, so as to make the success rate the highest!

Jiang Shaoqi couldn’t help asking: “What do I need to do?”

Liu Chuan said: “You protect the five poisons with me, don’t let him be affected. After the boss comes to the marriage tree, you will bring a team of Wudang on the periphery to control those who are in trouble, then I will lead the team to clear the field. . “

Jiang Shaoqi nodded: “I understand.”

Liu Chuan said: “We also need to find a very powerful treatment. The five poisons will definitely be poisoned throughout the process of pulling the boss. The poisoning stack will drop blood very quickly and must be solved. Without strong treatment, five poisons You might be poisoned in the middle. “

Jiang Shaojie said, “Since Qixingcao Guild is going to cooperate with you, how about finding their treatment at that time?”

Liu Chuan said: “I also think so, it is difficult to find a wild powerful nurse in the short term. I am not sure how the treatment level of Qixingcao is, and I still need to communicate with the president.”

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived. At this moment, a private chat pop-up window popped up in the lower left corner, which happened to be the chairman of Qixing Cao.

Broken grass said to you: “Brother, do you want the weapon of the 35-level hidden weapon Tangmen?”

Followed by a 35-level hidden weapon pouch.

Liu Chuan opened the sticker and looked at it puzzledly: “Doesn’t your guild’s Tangmen need it?”

Broken grass sent a smiley face: “We have all the Tangmen of the Guild Elite Corps. We will play a copy this afternoon and we will have several Tangmen weapons in a row. If you don’t have them, I will mail them to you.”

The chairman did not succeed in attracting Liu Chuan on several occasions, but Bronchoma is also a smart person and has always maintained a friendly relationship with Liu Chuan. This kind of free-lance master is better to maintain a certain friendship than to offend each other.

Liu Chuan said, “Thank you, then!”

Broken grass said, “You’re welcome.”

Liu Chuan asked, “I didn’t go online in the afternoon, have you got through the 35 copies?”

Broken grass said: “Well, several major guilds have cleared the customs today, but the system’s performance record has not yet been broken. Will you continue to teach the guilds who set records?”

Liu Chuan said: “I haven’t played the 35-level copy, and I haven’t studied the strategy carefully. I’ll talk about it later.”

The intestine was choked for a moment, and said, “Brother, don’t always teach them free guides, collect some tuition! Such a high-end record-breaking guide, you can make a lot of money by selling it at a price. Teaching them for free is so uneconomical! “

Qixingcao did not compete for a copy of the record, so the broken intestines stood consciously on Liu Chuan’s side, and reported an unrest for Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan laughed: “It’s all right.”

He is not teaching for free, but for mutual benefit. The chairmen of the learning strategy have already unknowingly become a free coaching team hired by Liu Chuan. As an advanced sample, they have been watched, studied, and studied by Wu Zewen and Li Xiang …

Broken grass: “By the way, the boss of the world will be refreshed next Wednesday night, and everyone will be at level 40. Do you have any ideas?”

Liu Chuan said: “I just want to tell you about this. How many 40-level regiments can your guild drive?”

Broken grass said: “At the current pace, 300 people will be present at the time, and at least 10 regiments will be opened.”

The upgrade speed of the Grand Guild is really powerful. If the 10 groups are well coordinated, it will be very promising to win the world boss.

Liu Chuan said: “I already have an idea for this boss. The key is, can’t you please let me be the commander in chief?”

Chief Commander?

Weedweed suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Each grand guild has its own cultivated command. This kind of command is generally the core master in the guild. Few guilds are willing to ask foreign aid to be the command. On the one hand, please ask the foreign aid command to lose face. On the other hand, the major guilds are now highly competitive, and it is common to send spies to each other and undercover. It is very difficult for outsiders to obey the command completely without any precaution … Many spies have occurred before. The situation where the boss sent the boss intentionally was extremely distressing.

The masters of this guild will exclude outsiders, which is also human nature, not to mention the situation of Qixingcao is more complicated …

Broken grass sent an awkward expression: “Brothers are really embarrassed. I originally wanted you to command. Unfortunately, our guild management held a small meeting in the afternoon. The president decided to come to the new district on Wednesday. This time, he hit the world boss. She will personally direct. “

Liu Chuan hesitated, and said with interest: “Oh? The president of the three-color scenery grass? Your three-color sister will personally conduct this boss?”

Broken grass said: “Yes. Many major guilds in this area have settled in. The first world boss at level 40 has a great influence on the prestige of the guild, so the president decided to bring the group in person. I told your sister in three colors What she means is that it is best for you to be an expert. You can take the output team to fight the boss, and the external side will give it to us. The reward of the boss in the world can be given to you at that time. “

Liu Chuan couldn’t help laughing.

He can understand the worries of these grand guilds. After all, it is a shame to ask the foreign aid commander to go out. Since the president of Qixingcao is coming over, it is indeed inappropriate for Liu Chuan to be commanded by an outsider.

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, “Three-color landscape grass, your president is a great sister. I know this, but she may not win the boss. You go back and tell her that I have more than 80% confidence that I can win. Elder Qianzhu, either let me direct it or you can fight by yourself, and I will find other guilds to cooperate. “

Broken intestine choked, “You say you have more than 80% confidence?”

Liu Chuan said: “Well, my method is not the same as the general method. I will bring the main players directly. This method of play requires repeated practice many times to complete. Temporary calling is not acceptable. I am training here. , So I have to direct it. “

Weedweed: “…”

Broken grass was suddenly shocked. Didn’t expect this person to start training to fight the world boss so early? How to train the boss in the world? The boss hasn’t refreshed yet? Fight against the air?

Broken heart grass desperately scratched his head, puzzled.

Liu Chuan laughed: “It doesn’t matter who the command is, winning the boss is the most important. What do you say, president?”

Broken grass thinks bitterly, really can’t be refuted!

Regardless of who the command is, the ultimate goal or the ownership of the world boss, the first world boss to be served, the first killing of the Guild Seven Star Grass, the full service announcement, the guild ranking rose to the first, a lot of prestige bonus-this is the most Pivotal!

Broken grass quickly figured out: “Okay! I’ll talk to the president, master, wait for me!”

Liu Chuan said: “It’s best to give me a reply before next Monday. If not, I’ll find another guild to cooperate.”

Broken grass said, “Know, I’ll be sure as soon as possible!”


Chapter 059 The new copy

After sending away the chairman of Qixingcao Guild, Liu Chuan had several pop-up windows in the lower left corner.

Ye Luo silent: “Master, is there a special play on your 35th level copy? (Smile)”

Guoshuang Shuangshuang: “Brothers have been upgraded to level 35. Will the new copy go? No one?”

Fanhuo princes: “Dude, is there a new strategy for you at the Eighteenth Arhats? (Handshake)”

All came to ask the Raiders …

Apparently, Liu Chuan led the team to break the world record last night, and the presidents of the guilds were stunned. If the management of the major guilds in the past is still in doubt, the world record will be broken, and the chairman of the congregation will no longer doubt the level of the Tangmen master’s copying.

Now that the official has confirmed that there is no plug-in, this shows that Tang Men’s method of making copies is completely reasonable!

World records can be broken. This is obviously the most professional copy command. The scoring system has been studied thoroughly!

Although the Grand Guild came to find someone to learn the strategy is a bit shameful, but such a copy master, teach you the strategy for free, you still have to take the attitude that I will not learn I want to fight by myself? The presidents are not stupid … the pie fell from the sky, no matter what so much, just pick it up and eat it.

So, looking at Liu Fang Best in the friends list rose to level 35, several presidents came to ask the strategy.

Liu Chuan smiled, and replied: “Old rules, let the masters of the specified genre come to me to PK, if they can beat me, I will teach for free.”

The presidents said: This is very simple!

I won you last time!

I didn’t realize that I was the president of the free coach, and agreed to this request very happy. Some presidents are still whispering in their hearts: Does this master have a tendency to masochistic, PK always loses, and is so persistent in fighting?

We will always be embarrassed to win you!

Liu Chuan’s mood is very happy. With the help of so many high-end coaches, Ze Wen and Li Xiang can imagine the speed of improvement.

Liu Chuan watched the time and responded to the three presidents of Changan, Guose and Beacon: “I will go to the 35-level copy a few times before I can tell you when the strategy is ok. About 8 tomorrow night I’ll give you news, how? “

The master himself worked hard to research the copy, developed a new strategy and taught us for free, really a good person!

The three chairmen were completely dissatisfied and made an appointment immediately.

Liu Chuan also received three good cards.

After talking with the three presidents, Liu Chuan waited for a while, but Tongque, Huaxia and Luohuaci never found him again.

At Huaxia, Xie Guangyi was the correct hidden weapon Tang Men who came to make a copy last time. Liu Chuan looked a bit like Xie Guangyi at that time, so he did n’t take any shots from start to finish so as not to be recognized. Xie Guangyi might have guessed some, so he explained the change of the guild.

On the Bronze Bird, Liu Chuan saw it when he turned the list. The first three tops of the 35th copy of the Eighteen Arhats were all covered by the Bronze Bird. The chairman, Thorny Bird, had clearly seen the situation of Mingjian Pavilion, and immediately took the elite team quickly Upgrade to kill first. If all the top three are taken down, the record will not matter.

As for the Guild of Falling Flowers …

Liu Chuan has always been puzzled. He never looked for him from beginning to end. Why is it so calm?

This guild is really mysterious.

Anyway, three guilds came to him, and Liu Chuan’s purpose could be achieved. If there are too many coaches, Wu Zewen and Li Xiang will not be able to digest it. Select some masters of a specific genre to come and discuss. Recording the video and letting them study slowly, it is enough for two little whites to be busy for several days.


The new copy opened at level 35 is called “Eighteen Arhats”.

Unlike the plot mode of “Evening Famous Sword Pavilion”, the Eighteenth Arhat Formation is a copy of the formation method.

There are no bosses in the matrix version, but eighteen Shaolin monks set up a lohan array to attack the player. The player only needs to knock down the eighteen monks and break the matrix. Even if the copy successfully breaks through the barrier, they can get rewards.

Without a copy of the boss, it is more difficult to fight.

The most disgusting point of this copy is that the eighteen monks are linked by hatred.

The hatreds of most mobs in online games are calculated separately, and you will be attracted by which one you play, and the ones next to you will not be affected. And in the hatred-linked group, if you hit any one of them, it will cause the group to be sieged by eighteen Luohan at the same time-in short, the eighteen Luohan work together to stab the enemy, and you move any one of them. Will swoop at you collectively.

The number of teams destroyed in this copy is simply innumerable …

The siege of 18 Shaolin monks, no reason to spike players. The output team of the no-mother can’t pass. This copy does not have high requirements for output. What is needed is a sharp master T, a sharp treatment, and a sharp field control.

At 9:30 in the evening, Liu Chuan called his teammates to gather and teleported to Shaolin Gate.

Qingfeng Dao asked: “I want to play Eighteen Arhats?”

Liu Chuan replied: “Well, let’s go to the copy with normal difficulty first and study the play.”

Li wanted to say, “If I remember correctly this copy, 18 Luohan linkages, right? Shall we not treat it?”

Liu Chuan said: “For the normal difficulty, you don’t need a group for the time being. Go ahead and check it out. The hero must have a cure. I will talk about it later.”

Liu Chuan walked to the door of Shaolin Temple to talk to the monks, and a line of prompts popped up on the screen of the four at the same time–

Your team is about to open the [Eighteen Arhats] ordinary copy, the copy map is loading, please wait …

After a while, the map is loaded.

The copy map of the Eighteen Luohan Formation is an open space at the entrance of Shaolin Temple. As soon as you enter the copy, you can see that a strange formation was formed by eighteen Shaolin monks in the middle of the open space. I hate killing, and there are no mobs in the copy to kill, so I start to challenge.

After all, it is a low-level copy, which has been studied by players for many years, and the play of the copy has also been studied.

Eighteen monks will randomly release negative states to players and infect teammates within 5 meters. Burning state, continued to lose blue; bleeding state, continued to lose blood; weak state, attack power and defense power decreased greatly; fear state, unable to make any action.

Because the negative state is contagious, the player must stand separately, but the problem is that the eighteen Luohan cannot be fixed in place. Once they are in place for 10 seconds, they will be violent, and they must find a way to use mobile warfare. When eighteen monks move together, the scene is easy to get out of control, and once it gets out of control, it is easy to die.

Fortunately, the eighteen Lohan are all eating control, if the player can control them, the pressure will naturally be reduced. Therefore, in this copy, group control occupations will be more popular.

Liu Chuan briefly explained the play on the team channel: “The most common play for this copy is to use the Gangster or Qizong Wudang to control the field. The Gangsters’ sweep of the Qianjun and Qizong Wudang swords are like Hongdu. It can be repelled in groups. Several people take turns and exchange positions like playing football, so that eighteen Luohan can be slowly repelled to death. “

Li Xiang is also an old player, and soon understood: “Is always knocking back the continuous control? There is a cooling time limit for the knockback skills. Several people must move like a relay and fight back. It is simply playing football! This requirement is too much! It ’s high. If one of them does n’t fit well, it ’s easy to kill it? ”

Liu Chuan said: “Yes, seamless connection sweeps across thousands of troops, and the requirements for the beggars are very high. In case the beggars are in a negative state, the treatment must also be done in seconds. Therefore, the top three of this copy are all used by the Tongque Association Take it. “

Lu Xiang, the vice captain of the Tongque team, was rated as the strongest gangster, and many players who like the beggar are fans of Lu Xiang. This has also led to the fact that there are many beggars in the Tongque Guild. There are four in the team. Powerful beggars, hit this copy naturally like a fish.

Wu Zewen asked: “Our team has no beggars, is it another way of playing?”

Liu Chuan said, “We play with kites.”

“…” After a long list of ellipsis, Li wanted to help: “Do you want to fly 18 Luohan kites?”

Liu Chuanxiao: “Why not? Group flying kites depends on the skills of the master and the chief.”

“…” Li wanted to feel a lot of pressure.

Liu Chuan said: “The field-control kite play is more complicated. The advantage is that the output of the distance profession is much higher than the group attack of the beggar. If we cooperate well, we will play faster and the score of the copy will be higher. “

Li wanted to try: “You can try it. I haven’t played like this.”

The chief of the breeze asked: “How do you do that?”

Liu Chuan said, “The key to this copy depends on the two of you. The master must pull the hatred and not let the output OT, the eighteen Lohan hatred linkage, the attack is quite high, if you are not careful, you will be seconds, once you are seconds, crispy profession Being besieged by eighteen Luohan is definitely an instant annihilation. Therefore, you must stand up. The damage reduction skills, life-saving skills, and state-of-the-art skills must be put on time. Everything is mainly life-saving. “

Li wanted to nod: “I understand.”

Liu Chuan continued: “The director is the key to flying a kite. Find out all Taiji array, Liangyi array, Sanqing array and Four Elephant array.

The breeze chief immediately found out the skills of the 35-level Wudang Taiji genre: “Do you mean to slow down the kite?”

Liu Chuan said: “Yes, the Taiji array must be kept at the feet of the eighteen Lohan. The eighteen Lohan will move very quickly and easily catch up with the master to kill him, so you need to make a position prediction and slow down with the Taiji group. Master pull As the 18th Luohan circled the court, Daochang and Healing assisted in the center of the field, and the other remotely kept a distance behind the Luohan array to fight against monsters, so as to avoid negative contagion.

Liu Chuan’s play is a kite-style mobile warfare around the center of the field. The master kite Luohan array, the output keeps the distance behind the group attack, the control field and the nanny assist in the middle, everyone is scattered. Taking the treatment station as the center, the Luohan array is moved around in a clock-like hand.

The whole team is like an interlocking chain, and if one of the links is not done well, it will easily lead to mass destruction. This kind of play is really a bit more troublesome, but if you cooperate well, it will definitely be much higher than the output of the beggar play.

However, this style of play has very high requirements for healing, field control and masters.

The master will bring great pressure around the 18th Lohan. In the middle of the field, heal and control the field. In high-speed mobile battles, he must always change his perspective to lose control skills, add blood, and resolve state, and he will become dizzy.

The play is clear, the key is actual combat practice.

The four went to the center of the venue, and the Luohan array started.

Buddha light shines! The bead was thrown in a straight line, forcing all enemy targets on the bead’s trajectory to attack itself.

The eighteen Luohan hatred linkage immediately turned to Li Xiang’s direction. Li Xiang was frightened and dragged eighteen monks to start running in circles. While losing the Buddha’s light to continue controlling the hatred, he should also pay attention to his position …

With so many bosses dragging behind, the pressure is really great!

The head of Qingfeng Dao quickly lost a Taiji array, just at the feet of the Eighteen Arhats, slowing down the group of Eighteen Arhats and reducing the pressure of the masters.

Li thought it was a little sigh of relief.

After a few seconds, the Eighteen Lohan stepped out of the Taiji array and resumed the previous speed. The wind breeze leader dropped another Tai Chi array and continued to let the Eighteen Lohan enter a deceleration state.

Liu Chuan couldn’t help but said, “Dao Chang’s formation is good!”

The skill of Qingfeng Dao was released, and the prediction was quite in place. Just after the formation method was thrown, the eighteenth Luohan entered the range of Taiji array, as if it was a good trap.

Jiang Shaojie played Taiji Wudang for the first time, and his mood was a little different.

Just then, Liu Chuan reminded: “Four Elephant Arrays.”

Jiang Shaoqing immediately came to understand that one of the four-element array and Wudang array method, also known as hit array, can increase the teammates’ 14% hit and 14% crit rate in the array.

The formation was thrown at the feet of Tang Men and Wu Du, and the hits increased, and the damage dealt immediately increased by one level.

Liu Chuan continued to remind: “Sanqing Array.”

Sanqing array. All teammates within the range of the formation method return 3% mana value per second and increase the understanding effect by 30%. It is Wudang’s most commonly used auxiliary return blue formation method.

Jiang Shaoqing lost to Liu Chuan at their feet, and the two’s blues slowly recovered.

This time, without the command of Liu Chuan, Qingfeng Dao followed a Liangyi array at the foot of Eighteen Lohan. The Liangyi array is a two-way array, which can increase the attack power of teammates by 50%, and can also reduce the range of the array. The enemy’s 50% defense power is used to assist teammates or restrain opponents, depending on the flexible use of lineups.

Liu Chuan looked at the perfect Liangyi array at the foot of Shi Ba Luohan and couldn’t help praising: “Very good, long.”

Jiang Shaojie was also a little happy. He found that although the Wudang Taiji genre was slow to release skills, he had to read a note, but once the formation method was released, the auxiliary effect for his teammates was more effective.

Just when there was a little tacit understanding, the master’s blood suddenly bottomed out, and he was chased to death by Eighteen Arhats.

The master was dead, and the hatred was chaotic. Eighteen Lohan began chasing the remaining three. None of the crispy professions were spared and they lay flat on the ground.

Four people have been making copies smoothly, this is the first time I feel the taste of mass destruction!

Liu Chuan wondered, “How did you do it, apprentice? Suddenly died?”

Li Xiang depressed and vomited blood: “I forgot to check the red medicine before entering the copy. I took half of the red medicine and ate it …”

Liu Chuan said helplessly: “Don’t stop medicine!”

Jiang Shaoqing: “…”

Wu Zewen: “…”

Li wanted to send a row of burnt expressions.

Whose master is so poor? She has been stocked, no one adds blood, and she has to take her own medicine, and she dies as soon as she stops …

Li thought very silently, “Can you find me a cure? Although it is a regular copy, I have a lot of pressure to take medicine myself. I bring eighteen bosses, and I beg you little friends for sympathy. Heart, just find me a nanny … “

Followed by a row of crying expressions.

Wu Zewen’s five poisons do not like to play with treatment. Li wanted to be stocked for so long. He didn’t know how many groups he took after taking the red medicine. It was a bitter tears.

Liu Chuan thought for a while and said, “Well, I’ll call you a cure in the world.”

Liu Chuan said that he sent a message on the World Channel: “Level 18 Eighteen Arhats, it ’s better to have a cure on ordinary difficulty, preferably a veteran!”

A line of private chat pops up immediately in the lower left corner-

The fish swims in the water and says to you: “Captain add me! I am a professional Qin Emei, I guarantee a sharp milk & gt; _ & lt;”

Among so many dazzling world news, Liu Chuan was quickly selected, and a private chat was sent. The response was so fast, obviously his eyes have been waiting for the copy team.

Liu Chuan couldn’t help asking: “How sharp are you?”

Yuer water lobbyed: “With my **** milk, to ensure that you are safe and painless, you can easily clear the copy & gt; _ & lt;”

Liu Chuan smiled: “Don’t brag, talk again.”

Yuer Shui lobbyed, “Thank you Captain! Add me to the group!”

Then right-click to apply to add teams, the speed is still extremely fast.

Several people in the team wondered, “What is this?”

Liu Chuan said: “This Emei said that he is a **** milk. Let us first experience the blood-improving technology of God milk. Come, God milk, enter this!”

Yuer Shuiyu sent a **** expression: “Masters, please take care of me, God’s milk is coming soon!”

After a while, he asked, “Where does the Eighteenth Arhats come in?”

Liu Chuan: “…”

Li Xiang:”……”

Jiang Shaoqing: “…”

Why does it suddenly feel like being pitted?

The author has something to say: 10,000 words updated today! Tired of vomiting blood!

But I am very happy to write, because the treatment has finally joined the team! Zewen, Li Xiang, and Taoist Chief are finally going to work!

It’s not easy to join the treatment! Li Xiang classmates have been taking medicine, and I feel very pathetic 🙁

In other words, who told you that the protagonist is 6 people O (∩_∩) O ~

Obviously there are more than 6 people, and at least 6 people are required for teamfights. There must be substitutes in the official team.

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