The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 94 - +095

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 094 Elder Qian spider (on)

The party went further and further, and several other guilds at the scene were still stunned.

What is this doing? Hit boss to OT? Is that five poison dead?

The damage of the elder Qian spider can only be carried by the thick-skinned Shaolin. The crispy skin and five poisons will be bound by the spider silk as long as it is close to the range of 20 meters by the boss. Once stopped, it must be the rhythm of being spiked. Hundreds of treatments were useless, and his blood could not withstand the bites of a few spiders.

However, until the figure of the misty swamp disappeared into sight, everyone did not see the sign of the boss turning back …

This is how he took the elder Qianzhu away under the eyes of countless experts? !!

This five poison is not seeking death, let alone messing up …

He did it on purpose!

The World Channel has begun to brush the screen crazy, and the Five Poison Sect is a flower and applause. No one thought that a Five Poison could take away the powerful world boss under the eyes of everyone!

The presidents who figured this out were indifferent, and immediately ordered: “Catch up! Stop him!”

Liu Chuan said with a smile, “It’s too late to chase now!”

Now I want to chase, it is really too late!

Not to mention that Liu Chuan’s strategic deployment has set up layers of interception barriers on the road. The spider eggs left by Elder Qian spider all the way are enough to make people suffer!

The elder Qian spider ran after Wu Zewen, and he lost the spider eggs just as he laid the eggs. The place where he passed was full of dense spider eggs. The first group of people who were caught up by Sheng Tang and Luohua Ci Guild had not yet come out. In the step, all the spider eggs hatched, and the large and small black spiders bitten when they saw someone nearby. Poisoning, poisoning … A large group of people around were alive and poisoned by a dozen layers of poisoning!

Chairman Tang did not intend to immediately order: “Don’t chase directly on the ground! Walk around the tree like they did!”

It is a pity that many people are not so skilled in their light work, and they are not sure where to settle. The fallen people are still alive and poisoned by spiders! But Qixingcao’s vanguard was prepared for a long time and coupled with Liu Chuan’s precise command, the speed of advance was almost double that of other guilds, and it disappeared in sight in a flash!

A clump around the spider hole paved the way for the corpses of the people killed by the spiders. In addition, the people of Shengtang and Luohuaci were shown as red names to each other. Many people put in range skills and caused accidental injuries. The two associations Fighting each other while chasing each other is even worse.

Fortunately, some masters of light power use the detour to kill the siege!

It was hard to chase near the marriage tree, but was dragged by a dragon claw of Shaolin ambush on the side of the road and strangled to death!

“Fuck! President, Qixing Cao has an ambush here!”

“There is a regiment of Shaolin intercepting!”

Hearing these reports, Tang’s brow frowned inadvertently. A regiment of Shaolin also ambushed along the road with treatment. Qixingcao seems to have been prepared. The Shaolins are thick and thick, and it is obviously very difficult to break through this layer of defense!

But … just give up?

Not reconciled! I took more than a dozen regiments out to grab the boss, and then watched a five poison take away the boss of the world, just like watching a little wolf cub take away fat from under the eyelid of a tiger– Makes people want to spit blood!

Tang inadvertently calmed down and immediately ordered: “Three and four regiments destroyed this group of monks, and the other regiments followed and rushed for me!”

The members of the Shengtang Guild obeyed the command of the chairman. The 3rd and 4th regiments came out to control the field. There were cracks in the surrounding circle of Shaolin, and the other regiments rushed over.

As a professional PVP guild, the execution ability of Shengtang Guild is not worse than Qixingcao, and the flowering words also imitated their unified actions. Many people died, and they finally broke through the first layer of interception.


Immediately after many people were killed, the Guild Channel mourned.

“Huawai is the big force of Qixingcao!”

“Hundreds of people are far away, and there is a regiment of Wudang on the ground full of formations. I can’t get through! I trust!”

The main forces of Tang Dynasty chased after all the way through the mountains and waters, and were already poisoned by the spiders to the residual blood. As a result, they encountered the traps and sieges already arranged by the main force of Qixingcao, which almost annihilated the entire army!

The Luohua Cihui Association followed closely and let the people in Shengtang help to block the gun. Many people use stealth skills and various light skills to lurk into the sea of ​​flowers and want to regain the hatred of the boss … As a result, there are two groups in the sea of ​​flowers. Mobile Assassins and Two Regiments!

The assassin who was ambushed in advance approached, and his life was so confusing!

The main force of the Luohuaci Guild failed to break through. The triple barrier ambushed by Qixingcao in advance caused the two guilds that were struggling to pursue more than half of their injuries and injuries. The beautiful sea of ​​flowers was suddenly filled with dense corpses …

And the main output group of Qixingcao?

At this point, the main output group standing on the top of the tree is hitting the boss at the fastest speed!

No one thought that the five poisons could actually bring the boss of the world.

When the members of the output team standing on the top of the tree saw the five poisonous birds flying from a distance, followed by the giant elder spider and a large group of spiders behind them, everyone was shocked. Standing silly on the tree, I don’t know what to say!

With the exception of a few heads, many team members didn’t know what they were doing at the treetops, and thought they were watching the scenery. In order to prevent undercover information from leaking, Liu Chuan asked the heads of delegation not to disclose in advance. As a result, the Qixingcao troops who “see the scenery” in the sea of ​​flowers were also shocked by this spectacular scene.

Wu Zewen was still very calm. While making a leap, he turned back on the boss and successfully pulled the Elder Thousand Spiders under the tree of the marriage tree. Li wanted to immediately go forward to catch the hatred, the light of the Buddha, and the sentient beings-Shaolin golden skill The effect immediately covered the whole body of the elder Qian spider. Li wanted to force the establishment of hatred at the fastest speed. Wu Zewen stopped attacking and jumped up, jumping directly to the top of the marriage tree!

The two completed the transfer of hatred very well.

The heads of the order then excitedly ordered their team: “All the people in our group, aiming at the boss under the tree, fire with all your strength! Fire with all your strength!”

“The group attack class cleans up the spiders at their feet, and chases the boss remotely, speed!”

“Gather and kill! I have injury statistics here, no one should paddle!”

A group of people then reacted and immediately fired the boss with all their strength, but they were still very shocked. Many people secretly checked the equipment and information of the five poisons or sent him friend invitations. Wu Zewen directly blocked the boss because he was focused on playing the boss. The message popup in the lower right corner.

Li wanted to be the master T, always carefully pulling the boss back and forth between the two trees.

There are so many spider eggs under his feet that he can’t avoid them at all. He can only open the skills of reducing damage and adding defense. Ten girls from Qin’eimei are specially adding blood to his body. All the equipment has been strengthened to the full level. Although it is still a bit difficult to resist the boss of the world, for Li Xiang, who has been stocked for a long time, how to grasp the skills is clear. This difficulty can be dealt with.

In the sea of ​​flowers, there have been several waves of group battles. The dead and wounded are the only output groups. As long as they focus on playing bosses, they will not be disturbed by the outside world.

On the voice channel, the head of the investigation said suddenly, “After the resurrection of Tang Dynasty, a group of people were brought and came from the direction of Crescent Moon!”

Liu Chuan said calmly: “The two mobile teams immediately shifted to the west and stopped them! The assassin regiments stayed in the inner circle! Don’t let people interfere with the output team!”

Following the arrangement of the commanders, several commanders quickly adjusted the formation.

Liu Chuan continued to instruct: “All the resurrected people of Qixingcao collectively choose the resurrection point of Qingshi Town, come together from the west, and copy their way!”

The Great Tang army that rushed from Crescent Spring encountered double pinch before and after and was once again destroyed by the main team of Qixing Cao.

Even Chairman Tang was killed accidentally.

Tang inadvertently frowned and tightened, and asked on the voice channel: “Are there any brothers who died near the boss, and see how much elder Qian spider’s blood is left?”

Someone who rushed to death near the boss immediately moved the mouse over the boss.

I do n’t know. At first glance, the brother said in shock: “Look, the boss ’s blood volume has dropped to 70%!”

Everyone was shocked!

70%? So fast?

The boss in the world is not like a regular boss. It ’s a common occurrence for several hours. Now it ’s only half an hour before the boss refreshes. It was actually beaten by a third of the blood of Qixingcao ’s main output team— This output speed is simply frightening!

The Tang Dynasty and Luo Hua Ci, however, experienced another annihilation.

Tang’s unintentional mood was complicated.

At the height of the Tang Dynasty, Luohua Ci, Qixing Cao, these grand guilds came out to play team battles alone. Everyone’s strength was similar, and no one was afraid of others. Today, however, Sheng Tang and Luo Hua Ci have been beaten to no avail. This is obviously due to tactical arrangements-Qixingcao seized the opportunity to play bosses and occupied the geographical advantage of Huahai. They Sheng Tang He Luohuaci rushed forward all the way, and became a ghost under the sword of the assassins lying in the sea of ​​flowers.

Such a strategic deployment allowed the Qixingcao Guild to successfully withstand the pursuit of the two guilds of Shengtang and Luohuaci.

Tang Wuyi thought more and more strange, and couldn’t help asking: “Who is Qixing Cao’s commander today?”

Vice President Tang Xin was in charge of undercover and diplomacy. He immediately reported: “I just asked the undercover. Qixingcao’s president, Tricolor Scenic Grass, came over today. She pulled a dozen heads alone into the voice room for a meeting. Each regiment of Qixingcao is under the command of the commander, and it is not clear to me who the commander is. “

Tang inadvertently frowned: “Three-color landscape grass? The strategic deployment today is not like the style of the female president.” He paused and said, “They are undercover and undercover so strict that they only reunite the reunion. Get up and direct, Qixingcao must be a master today. “

Tang Xin was silent for a moment, and dared to guess: “This rigorous strategic deployment will not come from the Xiao team in person? This is quite like the Xiao team’s style!”

Tang inadvertently rejected this speculation: “Impossible. There are still games this weekend. How can professional players run away to play bosses? Xiao Sijing must be busy studying the map against his opponent in the next game, a 40-level team. He cannot shoot the world boss. “

The chairman’s analysis was very reasonable, and a group of management could not help but be silent.

Tang had no intention to think seriously, and said, “Tang Xin, go and talk to the vice chairman of Luohuaci and see if they are willing to join hands.”

Tang Xin immediately went to private chat.

A reply was soon received: “Hualu said that the final decision of the boss in the world belongs to only one guild. If they join forces, who is the boss?”

This is also the biggest problem!

Even if a guild alliance is formed temporarily, the final system of the boss in the world will only belong to the guild with the highest output. The guild needs to reach an agreement in advance, otherwise, it is not good to grab the boss and play insults.

Tang did not intend to say, “The boss counts us, and all the dropped materials of the main output group are given to them.”

Tang Xin conveyed the meaning of the chairman, and then came back to rumor: “No trace, boss counted them, the main output of the drop material for us …”

Tang Wuyi: “… I depend!”

Even if he was always calm, he wanted to be crazy when he heard such a reply.

The deputy chairman of Luohuaci has no traces, just a treacherous villain who refuses to eat at all!

Tang inadvertently took a deep breath and said, “Forget it, I’ll go and talk to their president directly.”

Find an ID from the friends list, Fenghua Xueyue.

The fallen flower resignation team is a very artistic team, the team ’s logo is flowers, and the name of the guild management is also very artistic. What a flower, snow, moon, flowers, and flowers … This flower and snow moon is a hidden, very calming Chairman, Luo Huaci has been very low-key since he settled in the new district, and the copy is not contested. The boss is also at the end. No one can guess what he is thinking.

Tang had no intention to chat privately: “Brother Fenghua, or the two of us will kill Qixingcao first?”

Fenghua Xueyue said coldly, “Are you sure you can die?”

Tang Wuyi said, “As long as we join forces, the number of people is doubled. Even if the main force of Qixingcao is ambush in the sea of ​​flowers, but they also have to take care of the safety of the export mission. We have the advantage of numbers, kill them together and directly export Wouldn’t it be great if the team went out? “

Feng Huaxueyue said: “Cooperation is possible, boss is ours.”

Tang Wuyi: “…”

I really do n’t want to eat at all!

Everyone knows that the real value of this forty-level boss is the ownership of the guild. The honor value of the system reward allows the guild to directly top the list in the new district. The construction speed of pharmacies, warehouses, kitchens, etc. in the guild territory Will follow the leap forward.

Although the spider silk and five elements of the 40-level world boss are precious, compared with the honor value of the entire guild, that material is not worth mentioning at all …

Tang, of course, was unwilling to give up the world boss. In addition, Sheng Tang and the Huahua Resignation Team actually had a lot of grudges. The other party insisted that the world boss belong to them. Want to let Sheng Tang concede? Tang unintentionally is very unhappy!

The prosperous Tang and Luohua Ci were wiped back to the point of resurrection. Qixingcao had a rare time to take a rest.

The head of the Mobile Regiment, who was specifically responsible for the investigation, said again, “Sheng Tang and Luo Hua Ci returned to Crescent Moon together. There was no movement for a long time. What if they joined forces?”

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “Temporary alliance is not so easy. I guess they can’t talk about it.”

Liu Chuan didn’t guess wrong.

Guose and Beacon were able to form an alliance because the relationship between the two teams has been very good. The vice-captain of Beacon and the team leader of Beacon are both named Zhao. It is said that they are still brothers of Yuanfang. The level ranks bottom in the quarterfinals, quite like a pair of difficult brothers. Therefore, the relationship between Guose and Beacon is very good, and the fans of the two teams are also very harmonious.

-Sheng Tang and Hua Hua Ci are not the same.

Both teams are first-line strong teams and both have the possibility of winning championships. Although the Tang and Ye teams are not deadly opponents, they are definitely not friends. In order to compete for the trophy, the two teams have abused each other countless times. The fans of the two teams do not have a good opinion of each other … How can it be so easy to form an alliance in such a guild?

He Yue, as the president, naturally understands the two guilds. After listening to Liu Chuan ’s words, he agrees with the authentic: “Do n’t worry, since they did n’t form an alliance at the beginning, it ’s definitely not working now. Now, we let the undercover go to make troubles, and let them have internal strife. “

Everyone: “…”

He Yue asked: “How much blood has the boss got?

The head of the export group replied with excitement: “It’s already 50%, and it went well!”

Liu Chuan smiled: “Very good, let Tang and Tanghua continue to struggle, let’s focus on the boss.”

Here, the chairman of Tang Dynasty and the chairman of Luohuaci did not talk to each other.

Originally, the other party was very unpleasant, and the boss would only be judged to be a family in the end. No one wants to be soft first, and worked hard to kill the Qixing grass, then let the boss hand in hand … No one can swallow this breath!

The temporary alliance plan was formally lost.

Tang Wuyi had no choice but to turn around and take Sheng Tang’s brothers in the direction of the marriage tree again. On the way, he encountered a large force who encountered a flower-dropping confession.

Tang was really sad because he had lost a lot of hair, and asked helplessly: “How much blood is the boss?”

The person who died in the sea of ​​flowers and watched the boss specifically said without tears: “Chairman, it’s already 40% blood …”

Tang inadvertently said, “What’s the reaction over Luohuaci?”

Tang Xin replied: “Luohuaci just ordered a retreat …”

Tang inadvertently asked: “They gave up?”

Tang Xin said, “It seems so.”

The blood of the elder Qian spider has reached 40%. The system determines that the boss belongs to the calculation of the output. Since Qixingcao has killed nearly 60% of the blood of the boss, it is meaningless to grab the output now. All the output teams were eliminated, and then the boss’s hatred was cleared and recalculated …

However, in the siege of the three output teams that killed Qixing Cao?

Even if you cooperate with the Luohua Ci Guild, you can’t do it, not to mention the strength of the Shengtang family.

As for the three houses of Chang’an, Guose, and Beacon, they are even more unreliable. The three houses are still at the spider cave.

Tang did not intend to make a decision soon: “Okay, we will withdraw.”

Someone said unpleasantly, “Just withdraw?”

Tang inadvertently said, “I still have experience when I die. There is no need to tangle here. They all dissipate. Let Qixing Cao be cheap today and come back later!”

He died a few times in a row today, and lost a lot of experience. He never retreated, and the result was still such fearless sacrifice.

Although a little embarrassing, as the chairman, he should make the most rational decision.

Anyway, there is enough time to participate in the event, and everyone can get the event treasure box. Now it is not a loss to withdraw, and it is not necessary to send it to death.

Tang inadvertently ordered the Tang Dynasty Guild to retreat collectively. Many people actually wanted to retreat. It was not good to run on the spider eggs on the ground to kill him … After hearing this instruction, the Tang Tang people immediately ran half Return to the main city, return to the main city, and copy the next copy. Near the marriage tree, there were only a few red names.

The head of the investigation was pleased with the emperor: “Sheng Tang and Luo Hua resigned!”

Elder Qian spider’s health has been hit to 30%.

Liu Chuan immediately issued an instruction: “Melee defends Qingren outside, and all return to the inner circle of Huahai remotely-the target elder Qian spider, fire with all his strength!”

Without the interference of outsiders, everyone transferred the seedlings to fight the Elder Thousand Spiders, and the blood of the boss began to drop rapidly.

Everyone was shocked to find that the person named “Misty Marsh” in the output statistics panel was far ahead in damage, and the total damage actually reached more than 100,000!

Outside the game turned upside down, Wu Zewen has been playing the boss seriously, everything else does not care.

Because he is too focused, every skill of his will not fail, and there are treatments to add blood and blue to him. He just needs to let go and fight the boss …

After more than an hour, his damage has reached more than 100,000, and he was shocked by the group of Qixing Cao.

Some people couldn’t help talking about their base friends in private: “What are the origins of these five poisons, it’s too fierce!”

“Yeah, he can bring the boss of the world all the way, and his work is not bad at all.

“It is said that it is Liu Fangbai’s wife, terrific!”

Ten p.m.

World boss blood volume has finally reduced to 1%!

The Elder Thousand Spiders roared suddenly, all the surrounding spiders exploded collectively, the dark green venom sprayed across the screen, and the players at the scene were collectively killed.

This is the ultimate move before the death of Elder Qian spider, no one can escape. Even if he is going to die, this neurotic boss will drag everyone to bury him.

However, when this big move is released, it means … that the boss is finished!

The World Channel also popped up a line of prompts: “Thank you all for killing the five drug traitors [Elder Thousand Spiders]. The Martial Alliance will issue rich rewards to all the warriors who participated in this event. Please check at the messenger. The team [Seven Star Grass Guild] received an additional 1000 honor points for the guild, and 1,000 guilds for construction … “

The people of Qixingcao boiled collectively, and the guild channel was instantly drowned by flowers and applause.

Several other guilds are in a mixed mood. Although they are not reconciled, they have to say that the deployment of Qixingcao is really compelling!


Chapter 095: Elder Qian Spider (2)

As the chief commander of this time, Liu Chuan can be said to be the biggest contributor to the elder Qian spider.

Many heads of the voice channel said, “Dude, you are amazing!”

“I admire you!!”

“This is a great game!”

As the chief commander, he was in a state of danger and calm, 15 teams were accurately dispatched, and the layers of barriers gave the output team the best protection. The two * -type team battles that ambushed Tang Sheng and Luo Hua Ci were pretty beautiful. Enclosing is even more impressive! To win more with less, resign Shengtang and Luohua directly!

At the beginning, the leader who questioned him had admired the five bodies.

Especially Forget-Me-Not, I started screaming “You’re teasing me” and “You’re joking”, but at this time it was a big red face, and Liu Chuan said privately: “Brothers, I’m sorry! I don’t have eyes or eyes Taishan, you are so bullish! Admire admire! “Add a row of thumbs up at the back.

Liu Chuan replied with a smile: “Are you worthy to be a teacher?”

Forget-me-not, he hurriedly said, “Do it!”

He is a fan of Su Shilun, and he is playing with the five poisons. Just now I saw the misty swamp brought the boss all the way with his handsome light work, his eyes were almost gone.

This five poison is actually so powerful, Wangyoucao feels that he is not a loss to worship …

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “My wife has not yet confiscated the apprentice. Ask him if he wants to accept you.”

Forget-me-not, he said, “Okay, I’ll ask!”

After the world boss is killed, all the people who participated in the event will automatically have a letter of thanks from the Wulin League in the mailbox, which contains the treasure chest rewarded by the league. The treasure chest can randomly open various prizes.

In general, the main exporters get all the golden treasure chests, and they have a chance to open precious orange materials, seventh-level five-element stones, and rare mounts. Other players who have participated in killing bosses for more than an hour will get silver treasure chests, all of which are purple equipment of the corresponding level, and there is a small probability of opening precious orange materials. Passing by the soy sauce party who only killed some spiders, they will receive a consolation prize-a bronze treasure chest, which can only open some low-level blue clothes.

The main export group received the golden treasure chest. Except Wu Zewen and Li Xiang, the other 28 people were all members of Qixingcao.

President He Yue directly ordered: “The 28 treasure chests of the main group, you can collect them for a short period.”

The Great Guild ’s management system is strict. Those who hand over the treasure chests will naturally have other compensation methods. The main exporters are basically veterans, so they simply gave all 28 gold treasure chests to the broken gut.

He Yue said, “We send the treasure box directly to you?”

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “Thank you President.”

These 28 golden treasure chests can also be regarded as Liu Chuan’s command costs today. This was negotiated in advance, and He Yue gave them out very simply.

Qixingcao can be regarded as a great harvest tonight. Not only has the guild honor value and construction increased by 1000 points, it has directly raised the ranking of Qixingcao Association to the top of the full service. Everyone who participated in the event also got a silver treasure chest and opened it. The number of purple costumes is endless. Everyone exchanges stickers. The guild channel is beaming and lively.

Although several other guilds did not grab the boss, they also gained some treasure chests because they participated in the event.

At ten thirty in the evening, the first round of world boss activities in the new district was finally over.

The Wulin official forum has a post, which is a summary post for player reporters from various districts to specifically report on this world boss event——

“At 22:00, the first area of ​​Telecom Yi Jiangnan killed the 70-level world boss Nangong Mo and belonged to the Guild [Luo Hua Ci]. Commander: Blue Sky.”

“At 22:05, Shuilongyin in the Seventh District of Telecom killed the Elder Thousand Spiders and belonged to the Guild [Seven Star Grass]. Chief Commander: Three-color scenery grass.”

“At 22:15, the elder of the Qiaoqiao in the 5th district of Netcom killed the Elder Thousand Spiders and belonged to the guild [Cang Lan]. The chief commander: the old cat.”


Dedicated reporters counted the killing time of each boss in each district, the guild and the commander of the event, and also reported in detail the fighting situation of each boss refresh point. This post quickly became popular today. Few people lined up to post, and congratulated the guild for winning the boss.

Boss has been beaten countless times in the old district, and it works in harmony with nature, but this time the new district is impressive!

In the new districts that were opened in previous years, the bosses of the world were messed up for the first time, and the snatches and robs basically required to be killed at 12 pm. This year’s two new districts killed the elders in two hours. This makes many old players feel incredible.

Three-color scenic grass is the general chairman of Qixing Cao. With her, it is natural for Qixing Cao to win the boss.

What is the origin of the Canglan Association in the Netcom area?

Many people are talking about it, and Qixingcao ’s command channel is also talking about. Broken heart ca n’t help saying: “We ’ve been playing the boss fast enough today, and only took two hours to win the elder Qianzhu, but it ’s five areas of Netcom What happened to the Canglan Guild? It took two hours to win? Did they fight like this? “

Someone said, “This old cat’s name is somewhat familiar.”

Someone suddenly said, “Isn’t this the one who broke the world record of Mingjian Pavilion?”

The crowd reacted quickly.

Before, there was a Netcom team that broke the world record, put on a full service advertisement, and the famous Jiange record that Liu Chuan and their team broke the same night.

Broken heart can’t help but say, “Brother, this old cat really follows everything behind you! Isn’t it your enemy?”

Liu Chuan couldn’t help laughing, saying, “It just happened.”

He knows the origin of the old cat, so it is not surprising that the Netcom area can win the elder Qian spider in two hours. The old cat was transferred with the entire FTD team. The 6 people are all professional players. Needless to say, the level is natural. However, he named the union “Cang Lan” to surprise Liu Chuan. Unsurprisingly, the old cat team should also use the name “Canglan Team” to play the league. After all, it is an ancient Chinese game. He cannot always use the English name “FTD Team”.

It seems that the old cat is making good progress, and even the union has been formed.

He Yue saw this post and couldn’t help but chat privately with Liu Chuan: “This time the commander-in-chief is you, but the forum reporter wrote my name, should you correct it?”

Liu Chuan said: “No need. Everyone thinks you are the commander, which is also good for Qixingcao’s fame.”

He Yue wondered, “You don’t want to be famous at this opportunity?”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “No, I hit this boss for spider silk and five elements. The president paid me. We are also mutually beneficial.”

He Yue was silent.

Many commanders in online games need to be known by various means. As long as they have a reputation, they do n’t worry about major guilds rushing for them. Such powerful commands are well treated by the guilds, and the popularity of the command is sometimes greater than the president high. But this Tangmen didn’t care about fame, which made He Yue very confused …

Who the **** is this?

Is it really a folk master who doesn’t care about fame and fortune? Or is there another purpose?

He Yue was thinking, but a private chat popped up in the lower left corner: “President, if there is nothing else, I will leave the meeting first?”

He Yue quickly typed, “Don’t stay in our Qixing Cao?”

Liu Chuan replied: “No, I still take the team to make a copy.”

He Yue quickly typed and kept him: “It’s better to be a fixed commander of Qixingcao, level 50, 60, 70. In the future, each world boss will let you command. If you succeed, all the treasures of the first output group will be given You, as the command fee. “

Such conditions are already very advantageous.

The 30 gold treasure chests of the first output team were all worthy things, and the general guild commanders did not have this treatment.

Liu Chuan replied: “Thank you for your kind intentions. However, I still have a lot of things to do. Commanding the world boss is time-consuming and labor-intensive.”

He Yue reluctantly said, “No longer thinking about it? Or I will transfer the short section back to the headquarters. Will you be the president of this district?”

The President clearly knew that Liu Chuan was powerful, and the conditions became more and more open …

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “No need.”

What did He Yue want to say, but Liu Chuan simply sent a sentence: “Goodbye, chairman.”

Then, a message popped up in the lower left corner of Qixingcao Guild: “Liu Fangbaishi exited the guild.”

With the withdrawal of Liu Chuan, four people also withdrew from the misty swamp, the ideal master, the long wind breeze, and the fish swimming in the water.

Many people don’t understand what’s going on, and put a question mark on the guild channel.

Only the 15 heads today know the situation, and can’t help feeling a little lost …

Such a powerful master command is not for fame and fortune or identity. After finishing the world, the boss simply retired, took 28 treasure chests as the command fee, and waved his sleeves without leaving a cloud …

A group of heads suddenly felt a little bit reluctant to him.

With him here, playing the boss in the world is really easy and exciting. He just left like this! Why did you leave? !!

After seeing these people resign, Wu Cao Cao immediately sent a message to Wu Zewen: “Hey, girl, how are you? I want to recognize you as a master.”

Wu Zewen became famous in the full service because he pulled away the world boss. After the event, many people added his friends and sent him private chats. Wu Zewen was too busy to see this private chat news, but he could n’t help but feel a little confused, but take a closer look Wu Zewen’s name came to him suddenly–

“You are the commander of Qixing Cao? Bet with Liu Fang Best that I can’t pull back the boss, if that is the case, worship me as a teacher?”

Wuyoucao was said to be blushing and red, rubbing her face, and typing: “Cough, I look down on you! You are too good, I worship you as a master, sister?”

Wu Zewen replied: “I’m not a sister.”

Forget-me-not: “…”

Wu Zewen continued, “I’m a newbie.”

Forget-me-not: “…”

In a few words, Wu Zewen’s skill in killing his opponent reached the peak, and Wangyou Ca almost vomited blood.

-Are you new? Novice actually took the world boss? How can you let the veterans play the five poisons!

Forget-me-not, Depressed, “I said I wasn’t a girl for a while, and I was a novice for a while, I don’t believe it!”

Wu Zewen said, “It’s true.”

A line of vomiting blood was sent from Wangyou Cao, “Sister, don’t you tease me? Everyone knows that you are the wife of Liu Fangbaishi. He said that my family is poisonous. Everyone knows that your relationship is particularly good. Do n’t you Think, I also have a wife, I think you have no other intention to be a master, but just want to learn light exercises from you, your light exercises are so handsome! “

Wu Zewen: “…”

I really don’t know how to explain it.

Liufang’s wife? Everyone knows that they are feeling good?

It’s just the wife in the game. Marrying him was only for husband and wife tasks, but now …

Wu Zewen turned his head, just as Liu Chuan looked up, his heart suddenly jumped.

Wu Zewen pretended to ask calmly: “Elder Qian spider is finished, what next?”

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “I haven’t had time to praise you yet.”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted Wu Zewen’s shoulder gently. “Zewen, you are really handsome today.”

At that time, Liu Chuan followed Wu Zewen to protect him. When he took the boss to leave, in fact, Liu Chuan was more nervous than anyone. In the event of Ze Wen’s mistake, he would have to repeat it. May not be successful …

Watching Wu Zewen pulling the boss in fright, Liu Chuan himself sweated.

Fortunately, Wu Zewen did not disappoint him.

Wu Zewen’s performance today is really beautiful, not only stunned countless people, but Liu Chuan couldn’t help but admire it!

He didn’t make a single mistake from beginning to end, and the last injury data he broke exceeded 100,000. A lot of people who threw Qixingcao …

If it wasn’t for the internet cafe to sit, Liu Chuan would like to hug him.

So handsome! Zewen!

When Wu Zewen heard his praise, he couldn’t help but feel a little happy. Although his face was paralyzed, although his expression was not much, his eyes were very bright.

“Didn’t let you down?” Wu Zewen asked earnestly.

“I am very satisfied,” Liu Chuan said.

Facing his gentle eyes, Wu Zewen couldn’t help his heart speeding up, and immediately looked away.

In any case, such a long practice has not been wasted, and today finally paid off.

——I didn’t let you down.

The author has something to say:

The boss of the world is dead, Wu Xiaoshou’s EQ and level are advancing by leaps and bounds!

Where is the message! !! A message has a million points, dear, buried me in the message, OK? __ ^


I recommend to you an article of Meng Meng Da Vampire, my home Luo Ye Xiaoshou, pit products are guaranteed.

Vampire Hunter × Vampire, in the year of the pseudo brothers, welcome to jump to the pit with interest——

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