The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 91 Regretful Zaterk

Sure enough, as Chang Sun Chong said, as long as everyone exerted a little force, the wall of the inner courtyard was knocked down directly.

After entering the inner courtyard, Li Xiang saw the situation clearly. He really didn't know what to say. Zuckerk just had no IQ and pulled everyone into the last building of the inner courtyard. , the height is about three stories, but we have already made it clear that we are going to attack with fire. If you still want to stay in this wooden house, isn't this a coffin for everyone?

"Li Xiang, you dare to attack me today. You are crazy. Do you know who I am? If something happens to me tonight, I, Tuyuhun, will never give up. When the time comes, a hundred thousand cavalry will march into Chang'an. You Can you bear this responsibility?"

Zaterk had already seen Li Xiang, and this guy himself felt guilty. Of course he knew why Li Xiang brought people in. When he sent people to assassinate Li Xiang before, he also knew there would be a reaction, but he didn't expect the reaction to be like this. Big, Li Xiang's doing this is tantamount to war between the two countries.

"Did you recognize the wrong person? Do I look a lot like His Highness Changsun? We just took a fancy to the gold and silver treasures here today. As long as you can hand over all the things, I will definitely spare your life."

There's nothing wrong with being a coward. Li Xiang doesn't want to admit it now. You haven't admitted the assassination yet, so I can't admit my identity. Anyway, as long as the matter is settled, everyone just heard that Zate Erke's threat made me feel uncomfortable in my heart. You are a big little country, but you are still dreaming about a hundred thousand cavalry entering Chang'an. What's wrong with you if you don't wake up?

"I didn't expect you to be scared sometimes. I thought you were brave enough to do something. If you don't have the guts, get out of here as soon as possible."

Zaterk just wanted Li Xiang to admit it.

"It seems that these people are still not convinced. Brothers, please add some fuel to their fire."

Li Xiang saw that the surrounding circle had been formed, and the porcelain bottles were distributed among his men. As long as Li Xiang threw the first one, the remaining people would know what to do.

"You idiot, I've already soaked the whole building, do you think you can still burn it? Do you think I'm stupid?"

After listening to Li Xiang's words, Zaterk burst out laughing. It was indeed what he said. These people kept pouring water on the floor just now, and now the whole floor is wet.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you can come down and surrender, we can talk about some things. But if you continue to resist, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Later you will know that surrender is a matter of course. A luxury.”

Li Xiang held the incendiary porcelain bottle in his left hand, and was ready to light it in his right hand. He said this to give the other party a last chance, but it was obvious that Zaterk had no such idea.

Li Xiang's answer was a sharp arrow. It was not as powerful as the person he assassinated that day, but he was still a master. Li Xiang dodged the sharp arrow, and his men immediately used their bows to fight back.

"Everyone, slow down. We can't waste arrows. We have a better attack method. You should take good care of it."

Li Xiang quickly stopped his men. They were all covered. Even if you fire an arrow now, it would not cause much damage to them.

Although everyone had porcelain bottles in their hands, they didn't know how to use them. They saw Li Xiang lighting up the waterfall outside, and then Li Xiang used all his strength to make the simple burning porcelain bottle hit it. On the wooden floor, it was also the room where Zaterk was.

The lamp oil suddenly broke into pieces, and the surrounding area was on fire. They had indeed soaked the wood with water, but because of the lamp oil, there was still a huge flame nearby, and the people inside were shaking their heads to watch. , their hair and clothes were burned all of a sudden. Many people jumped from the building screaming. The feeling of being burned was too uncomfortable. They would rather fall to death than be burned to death.

"All ministries obey orders and surrender..."

The leading generals also began to give orders, and more than twenty burning porcelain bottles were thrown over. Originally, the people in the small building thought that they were safe. With the help of the night and the solid floors, they should be able to hold on until dawn. At that time, Li People like these had to retreat.

But now this situation makes them dumbfounded. Hasn't it been soaked in water? But why is it still burning?

Zaterk was still talking harshly just now, but now he was on fire and was retreating. Many soldiers above were on fire. They were running around in the room. If there was no lamp oil on them, the wood around them would not be able to light. , but if there is oil...

There is moisture on the wood, but when the oil burns, the moisture is quickly evaporated. When the moisture drops to a certain level, the wood can be ignited.

People kept jumping down from the buildings. These people couldn't stand being burned, and then committed suicide by jumping off the building.

There is a certain amount of water stored upstairs, but there is not much water. Except for some dignitaries, other soldiers cannot get a share of it and can only commit suicide by jumping off the building.

Some people say that at the last moment, these soldiers may not care about their elders and inferiority, and they will fight desperately to grab water, but this did not happen. These people are also low-class people in Tuyuhun. If they did too much here, After returning home, the family members would not be able to survive, so even if they committed suicide by jumping off the building, they must save the lives of these nobles, especially Zaterk's life.

Seeing his loyal men jumping down from the building one after another, Zaterk was also burned inside and out.

Did he fail again?

Zaterk could not forget the shame of that day, so he sent someone to assassinate Li Xiang. He thought that this matter could be avoided. Even if it could not be avoided, Li Xiang had no evidence in his hand and could not do anything to him. But today Li Xiang came with people.

You can assassinate me without revealing your identity, then I can kill you without revealing my identity.

Of course, Li Xiang will not let this guy die like this. It is too cheap for him, so Li Xiang has to slowly torture him, kill all the loyal people around you, and let you experience endless fear and Sadness, this is the biggest punishment for you.

Regarding Li Xiang's behavior, the people present also noticed it, and each of them expressed their position in their hearts that they would never mess with this kid in the future. The consequences of messing with this kid would be too serious.

Li Xiang had already recovered. It seemed that the wooden building was constantly burning, but after the oil burned out, the structure of the entire building would still be intact. After all, it had been soaked in water before, and Zatel would still be able to be captured alive. gram…

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