The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 928: Growing stronger

Chapter 928: Growing stronger

“Your Power of the World is still very undeveloped at the moment, and it has a long way to go to evolve into true laws. However, you’re in luck, as I can share some insights with you.”

Time King smiled at Xiaya, as she was experienced in this field.

Upon hearing this, Xiaya couldn’t help but rejoice. He needed this kind of experience at the moment, and Time King’s guidance was exactly what he was looking for. He sat up straight, eager to carefully listen to Time King’s insights and absorb what was useful to him.

Next, Time King slowly explained the main points of some laws, like a gentle rain moistening the surroundings. Time King’s explanation brought a different kind of enlightenment to Xiaya, who was just beginning to delve into the laws of domain.

To be frank, it was too soon to call this power the Power of the World. The little world Xiaya had created could only be considered a “Domain” for now. There was still a long way to go before it truly evolved into a world.

The evolution from “Domain” to “World” was a long process.

Just like the process of creating the Domain before, a slight carelessness could lead to the loss of all the previous efforts.

In Xiaya’s heart, he vaguely felt that even if he grew to the peak relying solely on the hybrid energy of one nature, it was unlikely to transform into the true laws of the world. It seemed that something important was still missing, but Xiaya couldn’t accurately determine what exactly was lacking at the moment.

Time King quietly looked at Xiaya. As someone who had experienced it before, she knew that she could only provide some guidance in this area and not reveal everything. Otherwise, the laws would change, and they would no longer be Xiaya’s laws.

“The evolution of the Power of the World takes a long time, and it cannot be rushed. Let’s discuss the matter of the Original King next.” Time King picked up the exquisite teapot and filled her cup. Then she held the teapot and poured tea for Xiaya and the Great Heaven Official.

“For Mavis and me, the Original King is just a minor character, but it’s different for you. A king is still a king, even if he is from a bygone era, and he is not someone you can touch. Xiaya is currently at a critical stage of transcending, which is of utmost importance and must not be disturbed by external factors. So, my suggestion is to have the Time Realm or Angel Realm intervene directly, ferret out the Original King from the shadows, and deal with him.”

Times have changed. In the past, they didn’t see the possibility of Xiaya transcending clearly. Now that they can see the hope of him transcending right in front of them, Time King was even more determined.

They have been waiting for someone like Xiaya for countless eras. Finally, they have hope of completing the laws designated by the mysterious “He”, so they can’t let external factors interfere with Xiaya’s growth.

It’s like the last leg of a long journey, and they need to be even more careful.

In this regard, Time King and Great Heaven Official’s detachment also has certain limits.

They don’t care about the countless beings because they are destined to not be able to transcend. Even those who have reached the fourth level of the Divine Realm, they have seen too many in countless eras. Only those who have reached the fifth level of the Divine Realm will be highly regarded by them.

However, when it comes to their own interests, Time King will be very careful.

Undoubtedly, Xiaya’s importance to them is now very obvious. They were counting on Xiaya’s transcendence, and in this situation, the existence of the Original King became an unstable factor.

“I agree to immediately get rid of the Original King,” Great Heaven Official nodded.

“Then it’s settled. First, we need to find the whereabouts of the Original King. If we can’t find him, we’ll expand the search range step by step, squeeze the living space of the Original King, and force him out.”

Time King and Great Heaven Official discussed, preparing to completely eliminate the Original King.

Upon hearing this, Xiaya couldn’t help but feel pity for the Original King. Under the attention of two supreme powerhouses who have transcended the Divine Realm, Original King’s future would likely be miserable.

In the days that followed, Meifei stayed temporarily in the Time Realm to train, while Xiaya found a quiet place to improve his own strength.

Time passed, and Xiaya continued to experiment. There were failures along the way, but he gradually approached success bit by bit, until one day he felt the timing was right.

On that day, Xiaya bid farewell to Time King and left the Time Realm with Meifei and Android 18.

“Xiaya, where are we going?” Android 18 stood beside Xiaya in the vast expanse of the starry sky, curiosity evident on her usually cold face.

“Are we going directly back to Planet Hongshan?” Meifei asked.

“No, we won’t go to Planet Hongshan for now.”

Xiaya smiled faintly, his gaze staring straight ahead at the brilliant and colorful cloud-like nebula, resembling cotton candy that would dissolve upon contact with water.

“Then where are we going?”

“We’re going to pay a visit to Planet Yardrat and retrieve something from there.”

Xiaya spoke a few words and placed his hand on the shoulders of Android 18 and Meifei. Then, with a sudden activation of his space-time power, their figures disappeared from the starry sky and appeared on Planet Yardrat in Universe 5.

Meifei looked around at her surroundings. The landscape of this planet had not changed much over thousands of years. Meifei could vaguely recognize the original appearance of Planet Yardrat.

“Over here, follow me,” Xiaya said as he walked forward.

All three of them were extraordinarily powerful experts, and they moved at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, their figures were swallowed by the vast desert sandstorm.

A few minutes later, they appeared near a palace located on a cliff.

This was an ancient palace built by the Yardratians for Meifei. Not far from it was a hemispherical hut, which was now reduced to ruins. The structure of the hut had long weathered, and the wind and sand had buried the past, as well as the hut.

Xiaya stopped in front of the hut, with the previous images still vivid in his mind. However, in the blink of an eye, several thousand years had passed.


Xiaya snapped his fingers, and a crisp sound rang out. Suddenly, a powerful aura spread out.

The ground suddenly rumbled, and the rocks that had been eroded by the wind and frost for a long time finally shattered into pieces. Then, under the curious eyes of Android 18 and Meifei, a purple light sphere emerged from the ground, like a dragon’s roar in their ears, with dozens of dragon-like lines curling inside the purple light sphere, slowly moving.

Compared to the original Domain, the color of this small sphere had become deeper.

“What’s going on? Why is this thing on Planet Yardrat?” Meifei recognized the light sphere as the Domain that Xiaya had created before. Wasn’t it already destroyed by her father?

Xiaya solemnly took the purple light sphere into his hand and then merged it into his body.

“This Domain’s sphere was created by me before Time King sealed this timeline. It was then stored in Planet Yardrat. After thousands of years of evolution, it is more complete than it was at the beginning.”

When Time King was about to seal this timeline, Xiaya had the idea of storing the Domain’s sphere in Planet Yardrat.

Because he knew that Planet Yardrat would be safe and sound for the next few thousand years, which meant that these thousands of years could be fully utilized. If the “Domain” was allowed to evolve on its own, the growth cycle would be extremely long, and Xiaya couldn’t wait that long.

Now that the seal on the timeline had been lifted, the “Domain” world on Planet Yardrat had indeed grown stronger after such a long time.

This will save Xiaya a lot of time. Just as Bardock returning to the past was an event that was bound to happen in history, the time when Time King sealed the Domain became an “imprint” that was supposed to appear on the timeline.

After taking the “Domain” back into his body, Xiaya immediately felt a refreshing sensation.

He then took Meifei and Android 18 back to Planet Hongshan, while he himself did not stay and quickly headed towards the Angel Realm. For the current Xiaya, going to Time Realm, Dragon Realm, and Angel Realm by himself was no longer a challenge.

“Great, as long as Xiaya-sama and Meifei are safe.”

On Planet Hongshan, Kusu, who had been anxiously waiting for Xiaya and the others, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw them return safely.

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