The Strongest Martial Spirit of Infinite Upgrade

Chapter 2769: Lei Tian continent

Just surrender, loyalty takes time to test.

Therefore, the Emperor did not tell the Fox clan about Chu Yan and the biggest secret of anti-shintoism, the heavenly curse.

The last item is naturally an oath of heaven.

I just said that this time, the heavenly vow written on an animal skin taken out by the emperor was not the heavenly oath of Shifang Star Field at all, but a higher level of heavenly oath.

With the power of the Fox clan, I dare not violate it in this life.

"Master, if you have a chance, can you see us, Lord of War !?"

Emperor Yuan Yuan asked tentatively.

From the emperor, they already know that there is a ray of the spirit of the ancient War God in the body of Chu Yan, and it is still the main spirit.

And their foxes have been guarding for hundreds of thousands of years, but they are just a subordinate of the Lord of War.

Therefore, the Fox family has a special sense of loyalty and blood heritage to this Lord of War.

Even, among the Fox clan, many big brothers, after hearing that their clan passed to the ancient war god, all of them were flushed with excitement, and the spirits were about to fly out of the body.

Included in the negotiations in the previous days, some fox clan gangs directly began to self-proclaim themselves as God of War descendants, and described Chu Yan as God of War.

Of course, 鲲 Emperor is very happy to see all this, because, obviously, because of this relationship, the entire fox clan's recognition and loyalty to Chu Yan was instantly pulled up a lot.

"Okay, I'll sue Lord Ares for this matter, everything will be accepted by him!" Hou laughed afterwards.

"Thank you! Thank you, Lord Huang!"

Emperor Wu Yuansheng and a group of fox clan lords, thank you quickly.

In the next time, Chu Yan retreated in the fox temple, and occasionally appeared in some hidden jedi of the fox family, improving some aspects of cultivation and strength.

Wherever Chu Yan passes, when he encounters any fox tribe, he will frighten the other person and kneel down, proclaiming "Lord!"

This is a bit embarrassing for Chu Yan. In the end, he tried not to leave the temple as much as possible, and immersed himself in the retreat.

Time passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a year passes ...

In more than one year, the entire anti-shintoism seems to have completely disappeared from the Ten-Fang Starfield, and no one member has appeared in the vision of all forces.

This made all the sects of Shifang Star Realm believe that after the last battle of the Shinto Sutra, it has been completely suppressed by the Holy Pavilion.

Since then, the Celestial Pavilion has ruled the ten-square star domain and is still the largest force.

However, to everyone's surprise, the situation in the entire Shifang star area has not been calmed by the disappearance of anti-Shinto and Chu Yan.

On the contrary, the disciples of Shengtiange, just like crazy, turned the ten-square star field almost completely, looking for the trace of Chu Yan everywhere.

This mammoth carpet-like search naturally found nothing.

However, among the ten-square star fields, ancient ruins, even ancient ruins, have been born continuously.

The forces of all parties were too lazy to care about the madness of the Holy Pavilion, and all of them went towards those who were born and lost.

For a while, a peerless genius became the heir to various ancient and archeological sites.

Among these descendants, there are powerful saint emperors and ordinary emperor realms, but none of them has been cultivated.

In addition, Tianyulou, Dark Temple, Mixed Yuanzong, and Six of the Seven Great War Clan, there are constantly powerful giants waking up from the closed state.

不断 The constant exchanges between the top powers seem to be quietly preparing for something.

Among them, the most prominent one is the Holy Pavilion.

They will be shocked, Huan Shenyun, Qin Muxue and other geniuses, all sent out, shot around, and frequently fought.

Even some strong demigods are outnumbered by a few and declared defeated!

At this moment, the Ten-Fang Starfield was once again a sensation, and all the forces and strong men were rumoring the news about the Supreme List.

Some people even suspect that some of the Celestial Supremes of the Holy Pavilion have broken through the demigod and are ready to impact it.

However, when it comes to the power of that side, that strong man, when talking about the Supreme List, will think of it consciously or unintentionally, or say, a name ... Chu Yan!

At the same time, in addition to the top of the Celestial Hall of Heaven, the second one that has caused a sensation in the entire ten-square star field is a strong man named "Sword Emperor of the River".

新 The newly emerged casual repair in the past two years, with a blood demon sword, killed the three geniuses of Tianyulou and Tianyulou, fighting for three days in a row. In the end, they even shocked the entire Shifang Starfield.

Holding a blood demon sword, a demon martial spirit, wherever he went, the flames sealed the sky, which almost became the symbol of "Sword Emperor of the River".

The Emperor of the Sword River, Chang Tianhe, as a casual repairer, became the sixth existence on the Supreme Heavenly List.

所有人 Everyone thought that when the five heavenly rankings of the Sacred Pavilion were supreme, when they fought with the "Sword Emperor" sooner or later, both sides disappeared at the same time.

This point, although disappointing everyone, can be guessed, this is related to the forthcoming "God War".

The tranquility before a storm has made Shifang Starfield, the forces and the strong all parties pay more attention to the news of one person.

Lu Chuyan, what is there! ?

Since the beginning of the battle of the gods, can this shocking genius rise up against the tragic situation of the Holy Pavilion, or be ruined! ?

I am afraid that this may become the battle of the gods, the biggest suspense.

The time passed, and in a blink of an eye, another three months passed.

The entire ten-square star field is a complete one, all the forces return to the sectarian forces, and there is no miraculous battle.

Since the war between the gods and demons in ancient times, the three-month period is probably the most peaceful period in the history of Shifang Starfield ~ ~ Shifang Starfield, the eighth starfield Thunderland continent.

This is a lonely continent. Since the war of the ancient gods and demons, the ruins of the ancient battlefield that once broke out of the world war have been in a kind of desolation and loneliness.

The entire continent, nearly half of the area, is reddish land. For hundreds of thousands of years, no grass has been produced, and all the aura has been lost.

Even the most stubborn weeds cannot grow on this continent.

However, in the past year, various figures have begun to appear in this thunderland continent.

These figures, for hundreds of thousands of years, re-embarked on this battlefield relic, not for anything else, but because this crimson continent is where the forthcoming battle of the gods is.

All major forces sent detectives to stay on this ruined battlefield and investigate ...

What is the purpose? Naturally, I want to know if other forces have laid out something in advance here, or if there is anything special here, take precautions in advance.

"Just now ... that was the patrol of the Holy Pavilion !? Almost hung up!"

A young warrior in leather armor with thick eyebrows showing his figure from a void, his face pale, and said to his companions around him.

"The little captain seems to have a pupil-like martial arts soul, which is terrible!" Said his companion with a lot of fear.

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