The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 127 - Brother run

The juvenile had tooth decay and kept his cold-faced look all year round, making this smile extremely ugly: “I did meet again, this time I must eat you and bury you in my belly forever.”

Feng Tiehua heard a word and looked at Qi Fei: “Master, do you know?”

Qi Fei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Feng Tiehua with a bitter smile and said, “I haven’t just met, I have played against him.”

Feng Tiehua said “Oh”, and her heart suddenly began to bitterly, thinking that this year was really a bad year, and that everything was not smooth, she was assigned to evolutionary civilization for no reason, but wanted to find some way out, but encountered trouble one after another.

He glanced at Qi Fei secretly, a word popping up in his mind emerged in his mind, how to say, dead friends are not dead! Brother, do n’t blame Brother, I ’m sorry for you. I just could n’t run in the underground palace. Now I met a powerful evolver, and I had a chance to run away. I ’m so sorry for that. He took a deep breath as he wanted to. Tones, one red, one white and two apricots came out of the space ring.

At this time, Qi Fei looked at the tall and thin old man in black, and he had already roughly judged what A Leng and the old man were tracking for. It must be because of the unintended method of entering the mad blood abyss. The old man in black should look like It’s A Leng’s boss or elder.

Isn’t the elder the Aalin’s dad from whom he provoked last time? Qi Fei thought that there was a twitch in the corner of his mouth, is there such a coincidence? This is really possible!

But even so, he didn’t believe that the old man was a mutant class, he thought he was not so unlucky, and encountered two mutant class strong one after another in the same day.

If it ’s not a mutation level, it must be a ground-breaking level. The ground-breaking level itself ca n’t beat it. The great existence of the four-finger black hand-drawn three demon clan into the Gaotang mirror ca n’t be played out. I believe that the old hooligan of the engineering system will not give himself any good fruit. What else can I think of now?

Qi Fei frowned, thinking in his heart, thirty-six plans, go for the best!

He glanced at Feng Tiehua next to him, and saw Brother Feng seems to be stuffing something in his mouth, as if it were two round gadgets, is it a crazy pill, but with his small body, It’s useless to go crazy, huh? Seems wrong, Brother Feng’s eyes are full of apologies? Sorry, didn’t he want to attack himself? It’s not right, it’s broken, I want to run away!

Although Qi Fei didn’t know how Feng Tiehua could escape from the Earthsplitter, Feng Tiehua’s expression had already revealed this signal.

“Master Duan, there is a sentence, I don’t know if you have heard it or not.” Feng Tiehua looked at Qi Fei mutteringly.

Qi Fei blinked, and the expression on his face began to be absurd.

“That sentence is called the death of the Daoyou immortal. Brother Qi, why are you going to heaven?” As soon as Feng Tiehua said half of the words, Qi Fei turned around, and her toes moved a little to the sky.

I saw Qi Fei in the midst of the sky, like a plume of smoke, running away from the wind in the distance, the speed was extremely fast, leaving only a vague word in the air: “Brother run away, don’t drag the text.”

Feng Tiehua was suddenly anxious, only listening to the sound of “cracking”, and suddenly there were wings under the ribs, a slight fan, even soared into the air, and then flew in the other direction.

These few flashes of light, even the tall and thin old man as the existence of the ground fissure peak is invincible, no one can think of two little awakening levels, even have the ability to fly in the air!

After the tall and thin old man stayed for a while, he looked at A Leng and snorted: “Sure enough, he is a man of great fortune, even this secret method can be grasped. It seems that this is indeed a worthwhile trip, but this secret method The two of them couldn’t hold on for so long. We also destroyed the two outer aircraft. Now we exit the valley and find our own aircraft. You go after the long-winged boy. I will go after that. A Leng heard a word, and quickly withdrew from the line with the old man.

Qi Fei moved into the sky and ran in the wind after jumping into the sky. I did n’t know how long it had been in the past. I just felt sore around my body and almost exhausted my power. I saw a city in front of me. .

The city is not that big, he ran in the wind, and didn’t know how far he ran, but just avoided the 100,000 mountains, but did not leave the Lycra Union.

The place where Qi Fei falls is not a prosperous area, but a secluded alley. Although there are few so-called poor people in evolutionary civilization, the houses in this area are relatively dilapidated and are probably regarded as alternative slums.

He was vigilant in the alley, thinking as he walked, since A Leng was also a member of the Department of Evolution, his identity could not easily be leaked. In this way, hotels and hotels would naturally not be able to stay, but they would not be able to walk around like this. What means does the tall and thin old man have, using satellites and other things, to determine his position.

However, it is not easy to find a family to hide at will. It is necessary to know whether it is a citizen state or a coalition state. Because of the many years of Star Wars, everyone is very alert, and they can’t kill and kill themselves. This is also not feasible.

Qi Fei feels that after this period of training, he has almost touched the threshold of the true power level. If he gives himself a little time, he will definitely break through the bottleneck, and then he will realize the third-level tricks of Zhou Tian’s vast chaos, and Teng Long breaks the third type without breaking and standing. There is no possibility of a battle with the Earth Ripper, but the premise is that he needs to find a safe place to make a breakthrough.

In his mind, he repeatedly pondered the solution to this matter, and gradually walked to the middle of the alley. On the side of the narrow alley, there was an old courtyard. In the courtyard stood a dilapidated wooden building. Fei’s ear strength has long heard the puffing sounds coming from the wooden building of the small courtyard, and the crackling sound of the flesh colliding.

I like day prostitution, but it doesn’t seem right! Qi Fei narrowed his eyes and listened carefully.

“Pharaoh, work hard”

“I’m working hard, is your old Song as strong as me?”

“Giggle, of course, my old Song is not as powerful as you. He is too weak, and he was gentle when he did it.”

“Baby, when is he coming back?”

“It seems to take a week, don’t mention him, mention him too disappointed, the fierce is like this, that’s it, right, right.”

The adulterer and silver woman, Qi Fei was a little angry, thinking about it, he jumped into the yard, his speed was fast, like a light and shadow under the clear sky. After entering the yard, after a few shakes, he came to the shabby little wood. In front of the building.

He reached out his hand and twisted it slightly. The wooden door opened instantly. After closing the door slowly, Qi Fei went straight upstairs.

The bedroom door on the second floor was not closed, he walked quietly to the door, only to see the big bed in the room, one brown, one white and two flesh entangled.

This pose is very difficult. It seems that I have time to give it a try. Qi Fei looked at the live broadcast in front of him, and couldn’t help touching his chin, thinking in his heart.

“Ah,” the woman inside the room first discovered the existence of Qi Fei, and was so frightened that she yelled, and when Qi Fei raised her hand, she threw out two stones and knocked them out.

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