The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 157 - Old wasteland

Qi Fei used the tread-air method to stop and go in the air. Unconsciously, more than ten days later, he had already flown over more countries.

Unfamiliar with Tian Jianxing’s geography and the political relations between countries, he was questioned and shelled more than once while passing the airspace of these countries.

After avoiding several pursuits, Qi Fei couldn’t help feeling a little anxious. According to this, his escape route would leak sooner or later, and it would be sooner or later to be caught.

He began to adjust the plan, and the direction of the flight was increasingly toward remote and sparsely populated places. In the end, almost all the mountains and wild mountains and wetlands and grasslands were taken.

On this day, he just flew over a huge stone barren mountain, and saw that an endless stone field appeared in front of him.

This Ishihara has no end in sight. The internal terrain of Ishihara is complicated, with strange stones, sullen, and even some places are filled with light smoke and mist, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling continues to look extremely terrifying.

What the **** is this, Qi Fei can’t help getting scalp for a while. He wants to bypass this huge Ishihara side, but after looking to both sides, he can’t see where the margin is at all. Extending all the way, it seems that the end of this Ishihara is not until the horizon.

At this time, there were only two roads left for Qi Fei, one was going straight ahead, entering Ishihara and crossing it, and the other was turning around to change direction and find another route.

He stood in the air with some hesitation, but at this moment, Qi Fei heard a huge roar coming from behind him. He hurriedly looked back, and saw that there were hundreds of ships in the distance behind him. The large aircraft was approaching him quickly in a siege.

Your sister, Qi Fei looked at the flying fleet composed of steel torrent-like aircraft. When the black sky filled the half of the sky, his heart suddenly flinched. He had no time to think, rushed forward, and plunged his head in. Over the endless Ishihara.

His head was so fierce that he ran out two or three miles directly above Ishihara, and then his body suddenly sank, as if the original huge suction power of the stone was pulled suddenly from the air. Fortunately, he could not fly It was high, and it was a real body, so it only fell a few pounds and did not directly die.

Qi Fei endured the severe pain in his body, and quickly got up from the ground. He looked back, but found weirdly, that the hundreds of aircraft were all around the outside of Ishihara. No one flew in.

His heart sank suddenly, he didn’t think he had any arrogance of the king, and the shock of the tiger’s body could make the chasers surrender.

Is it the original problem? The thought that Qi Fei couldn’t help narrowing his eyes here should be the only explanation, but he didn’t know what the original problem was.

He flew this way, he did not go straight, because he walked a few wild mountains and mountains, so the route was extremely twisty. At the same time, he was not always watching maps on the Internet, so this place was quite strange.

Thinking of this, Qi Fei did not dare to continue advancing, but hurriedly opened the intelligent communication ring, and wanted to find out exactly where it was.

But when he tried to open the communication ring, he found that the intelligent communication ring seemed to be broken. He lost the sensor and couldn’t open it. He anxiously opened the intelligent communication belt again, but the result was still the same. There is really a problem here, but what is the problem? Qi Fei looked at the flying fleet that was still floating outside Ishihara, could not help but calm down, and began to meditate.

This place, this place suddenly raised a very bad guess in Qi Fei’s heart.

When Qi Fei was thinking wildly, a fierce debate was going on in the main fleet of the flying fleet on the sky outside Ishihara.

In front of a metal round table, there are five people sitting around. These five people are all variants, and there is a screen directly in front of them. There is also a person sitting in the screen, who is expressionless. Listening to the argument of five people.

“My opinion is to attack now, and before this boy has penetrated, he will approach him with a thunderbolt, and will catch him alive!”

“What are you kidding about? It ’s a messy ancient mine. Who dares to go in? The higher the level, the harder it is to survive. Do you forget how your Contra base came out when you came here?”

“Do n’t bother you, I think I ’ll send some members of Zeni and Rift to try it out, and see if I can get him back, even if I ca n’t get it back, start him to the depths. He can never get out of here, even die in it! “

“Members of Zhenli and Earth Split? You are reluctant to be willing to be our base for animal blood, and even mutants like you and me may not be able to catch this kid. The members who sent Zhenli Split are past food delivery, not to mention that the kid is now in Two or three miles away, the distance is a very delicate position, aren’t you afraid those members can’t get in and out? “

“Don’t make a noise. I think we should wait for the existence of Lutian Class. If this boy is outside the ancient mine, how can we catch him, but it is better not to act lightly now.”

“Your vitality base has suffered the most damage. Your base also has Lutiantian powerhouses. Why don’t you come out and arrest this kid? You want our super base giants to send support from the infinite world?”

“You are not unaware of the situation of our vitality base. You always pay attention to fairness and fairness. The kid has done too much, but he has not violated the rules we set in Qingjin City and the inner circle of Mitianping. If our base sends out Some strong men from Lutian came forward, and some were too unreasonable, not to mention that the parties themselves did not make this request! “

“Do you mean that the first vitality girl in your base did not delve into this matter? As far as I know, her father is one of the big brothers in your vitality base. How could it not be held accountable, as well as the general affairs director of your base, although He is just an ordinary mutant, but after this incident, his combat power will fall back to the cracked ground? I do n’t think he can recover without one hundred and eighty years. Is n’t he not pursued? ”

“I don’t know much about this and this. The order I have accepted is to hunt down this young man with the strongest worldly power. It is best to catch it.”

“Well, your vitality base wants to be beautiful, knowing that this kid has not only mysteries, but also other secrets. As for the capture and capture of the big men you do not send to the brigade, how can you capture it?”

“Isn’t there a big man in Lutian base who is rushing to Tianjian Star? If we send it out again, wouldn’t it be a breeze? Hey, we will catch this guy at that time. I ’m afraid we will have another shot at our base. Anything else! “

“Don’t make a noise!” The portrait on the screen in front of him suddenly said at the moment: “The young man has already walked into the ancient wasteland!”

“What!” The five people at the round table looked at a large display in the cabin together, and Qi Fei was slowly walking towards Ishihara. Because the chaos and ancient mines had the ability to interfere with the magnetic wave signal, Qi Fei’s figure was now Gradually blurred.

At this moment, it seems that I feel that I am being monitored. Qi Fei on Ishihara suddenly turns his head, smiles, and raises the **** (.) Towards the flying fleet. Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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