The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 169 - Chapter 170

Qi Fei saw his pale green face in the Daqian Mirror, and he was suddenly shocked. Nima, what’s the situation? Does the prince become a frog!

His complexion immediately became cloudy, and it seemed that the messy ancient mine was far more complicated than he thought.

At this time, because he couldn’t connect to, he couldn’t verify what the situation was, but even a stupid person could guess that this was definitely not a good thing.

Qi Fei was surprised in his heart. Qing Leijian had walked more than half of the gorge. Suddenly there was something in front of him that made him stay for a while, just beside the trail directly in front of him. Several dark green trees covered him. Next, a dilapidated small temple appeared suddenly. The small temple was breezy on all sides. Only half of the temple door was left. There was a rotten plaque on the door that wrote three words. Two, it is exactly what Lanmou Temple looks like.

Seeing Qi Fei taking a sigh of coolness, the ruined temple in front of him was almost exactly the same as the strange little temple he had seen before.

He was not slow in driving Qinglei Sword at this moment, he was passing by on the path, but he passed the ruined temple in a flash. But he always felt something wrong, but he couldn’t say why. Just as he continued to travel for dozens of miles, and had already flew out of the canyon between the two mountains, a small temple appeared in front of him.

Qi Fei gritted his teeth, ignored it, and rushed straight out of the canyon.

But from now on, such a small temple will appear at most tens of miles, at least a few miles.

Qi Fei saw his scalp numb, but he had already lost his heart and did not stop, so he proceeded quickly, until there was a small temple across the road.

This little temple is obviously different from the others. All other little temples are built by the road. Only this cross the road, Qi Fei sighed and looked at the front, and slowly stopped the Qinglei sword at his feet. move on.

The temple is so brand-new, but it can be seen that it should be the same as those dilapidated temples before, but this is obviously what it was when it was newly built. It is brand-new, brick-by-tile, and even distant. The smell of fresh paint came from inside.

Qi Fei jumped down from Qing Lei Sword and walked forward slowly. It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse, but it seems that after all, it is necessary to explore this little temple again.

Just when he had just walked twenty meters in front of the temple door, the door of the little temple suddenly opened, and from there came a girl with short ears and exquisite looks, and there was a scruffy air in her eyebrows.

The girl was only sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a plain navy shirt school uniform, a blue skirt underneath, her legs straight and clear, bare feet, watching Qi Fei without a word.

“You, you” When Qi Fei saw the girl, his eyes flickered suddenly.

Hallucinations. This must be hallucinations. This is absolutely impossible!

“Leiwa, Leiwa, is this a fantasy?” Qi Fei hurriedly contacted Qinglei Jianling in his heart.

“Master Hui, you ca n’t tell the younger, there is someone in front of you, but the younger ca n’t see her looks at all, and she does n’t know what she looks like in your eyes!”

Is there really one person? I know! Qi Fei gritted his teeth.

Can it really be so realistic? But this is definitely an illusion, because at this time, it is absolutely impossible for him to meet this person!

“Who the **** are you?” Qi Fei said coldly.

“Qi Fei, I haven’t seen you in a long time. I never thought you were as self-righteous as before!” The girl said indifferently.

“Who are you?” Qi Fei is still these words.

“Qi Fei, who do you think I am?” The girl tilted her head and looked at him, with a naughty look in her apathy.

“Who the **** are you?” Qi Fei has held Qing Lei Sword in his hand.

The girl suddenly smiled, and looked down at her slender and white feet: “Qi Fei, how is my sister now, is she still so cute, so cute, and naughty, you are Do n’t you still like her that way? ”

Qi Fei’s expression turned pale for a moment.

“The people in our family actually have the ancient blood of the stars in their bodies, so every generation will return to the stars. This generation is me, but I miss my sister in my heart, so I tried to change her phone. a bit”

With a bang, Qi Fei cut it out without saying a word. He did not believe what he saw in front of him, nor would he believe it.

Qing Lei Jian Yin carried the voice of thunder, and Qing Guang shot out instantly. The girl’s words were split in half before she finished speaking.

But the body of the girl who split into two halves suddenly burst into light, and flew up in the blink of an eye, but actually appeared not far away. This time she sat on a large rock, holding two pairs of crystal calf, and said quietly: “I You know, you do n’t believe me, this is not to blame you. After all, we should be very far apart. I only found you through the projection of the universe. What you see now is nothing more than a shadow. Qi Fei, no matter what, You must take good care of yourself! “

“Go to Nima’s cosmic projection!” Qi Fei cut out with a sword again.

The light flashed, and the girl’s body broke up and then appeared in another place: “You are still that self-righteous, I am just a trace of energy projection, you can’t hurt me at all, seeing how you are now, you should have started to cultivate, Know how your combat power is, but it should not be too high. I really want to know what exercises you practice! “

“You never talk to me in such a tone, so you are not her!” Qi Fei still looked indifferent.

“I’m not her? Then who am I? Qi Fei, dare you say that you never touched me?” The girl chuckled with one hand on her chin.

“I just don’t like you, and I don’t like your current tone, even if you are really Murong Wisdom, let me die!” Qi Fei sneered suddenly, showing an extremely cold expression.

Nether prison! Do not break without standing forward! !!

Ok? !! !! !!

why? Why did my energy suddenly recover?

Qi Fei shot directly without thinking too much, but he did not expect that the evolutionary energy he had lost before was completely recovered.

Suddenly, a high fence formed by black space energy suddenly appeared, and then trapped the girl. As Qi Fei’s boxing came out, he changed his name to the unbreakable indestructible.

“This is” The girl found herself trapped in the fence and didn’t care about it at first, but suddenly her face changed dramatically: “This is impossible, this is Qifei you!”

Qi Fei didn’t listen to her at all and threw three punches in a row, shattering the girl’s body and turning it into light and shadow. The void cage, the void cage! Go forward! Go forward!

Qi Fei continuously used the void cage and went forward!

At this moment, an extremely round feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, it seemed as if he had realized an indescribable artistic conception, that was what seemed to be a combo!

It’s really a combo, what a perverted move this should be!

Void cages and fists can form combos!

Only boxing can work, not even swords. Only boxing can form a combo with space skills. Qi Fei’s mind suddenly came up with such an idea.

He didn’t know at this time that he was marching into a high-level hall of martial arts. This is the realm that countless people have dreamed of. Combo, in fact, also has a name called Infinity Kill! !! !!

The void cage, in conjunction with Shenglong’s destruction, is not actually Shenglong’s destruction, but it has been changed by Qi Fei to the indomitable and indomitable.

Behind the infinite kill is the vigorous energy support. Without the energy storage several times higher than the same level, you can’t use infinite kill!

So infinite killing is a martial arts state that is extremely difficult to take shape.

But Qi Fei has nine supplements, so energy is not a problem.

But Qi Fei still thought of this realm as a simple combo at the moment, but he already felt the subtlety among them.

After releasing the space cage three times in a row, the girl’s light and shadow were finally broken up by him, but a sigh of sigh came from the girl: “Qi Fei, I am really Murong Wisdom”

Qi Fei slowly retracted his fist and looked at the place where the light and shadow dissipated, expressing expressionlessly: “Perhaps you think you are, but I know that even if you really are, you are no longer you!”

This may sound contradictory, but it is the most realistic answer that Qi Fei thinks at the moment.

Just after he pondered for a moment, when he just wanted to turn around the temple, the door of that little temple suddenly opened again, and he slowly came out again.

It was a little old man wearing a period costume. He was simple in clothes and not amazing in appearance, but Qi Fei couldn’t help taking a sigh of relief when he saw him. This little old man was similar to the Ming Dynasty Buddha statue in the temple. The dead body in the coffin and the smoky monster were very similar.

The face of the little old man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek was expressionless and his body seemed to be hidden in layers of illusoryness, but the powerful and unmatched breath exuded from Zhou’s body made Qi Fei almost have difficulty breathing.

this is

“Master, this is not an illusion.” Leiwa’s voice was a little dignified, and she was obviously afraid of the other side.

The little old man looked at Qi Fei quietly like that, and then looked at the place where Murong’s wisdom body had just been destroyed by him. He sighed and raised his hands to look at the sky.

His eyes seemed to pierce the sky, wondering where he looked.

Qi Fei didn’t dare to move. The old man’s arrogance was as if he could get him to eighteen layers of **** with one glance and turn him into flying ash.

Although Qi Fei boasted a lot of means, he was cautious in facing the old man.

The old man looked at the sky for a while before muttering to himself: “Must the legend be true? But how is it possible, how can there be such a place in the starry sky, and if so, where is it.”

He gradually retracted his eyes and fell on Qi Fei again: “Young man, you have been poisoned by poison. If you rush into the chaos and ancient mines again, I am afraid that it is not far from death.”

When Qi Fei heard his word and hurriedly held his fist, he said eagerly, “Dare to ask the seniors, what is the poison?”

The old man laughed: “Since you dare to enter this messy ancient mine, you don’t know what is poisonous. This is really a joke. Then I ask you, how did you get here? As far as I know, here is One of the fierce places, don’t say that you are a small true power level, I am afraid that it is the Lutian level, and the male division level is afraid to enter here! “

Qi Fei twitched his mouth and said, “The kid was chased and killed, and finally he had no choice but to break into this place accidentally. He also asked his predecessors for advice.”

The old man was silent for a long while, then slowly said, “I can only tell you that the green breath on your face is a symptom of poisonous poison. He became a wild servant, and his severely rotten skin because he could not bear the toxins, until he became a skeleton. “

“Excuse me, what is the barren servant?” Qi Fei didn’t have much fear in his heart, more was puzzled.

“It is to become a messy servant, be enslaved by it, lose self, lose freedom, and since then people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts.” The little old man said leisurely.

Qi Fei frowned: “Excuse me, senior, how can this poison be solved?”

“Young man, you have to leave here before considering this matter.” The little old man made no comment about Zhifei.

Qi Fei laughed awkwardly twice, he already saw that the old man was not malicious to him, and could not help looking at the temple behind the old man.

The little old man looked at Qi Fei, and said calmly on his face: “It is the old man ’s temple of wickedness. People have evil thoughts, but they lose themselves if they do n’t.

“I would also like to ask my predecessor, the boy encountered a monster on the way here, with rough skin and thick white hair, which can be fascinating,” Qi Fei asked.

“Oh, that’s because the old man’s bad hair was made bad. Young man, although you and I met are destined, but the old man also answered your question. If nothing is wrong, the old man will leave.”

The little old man flashed suddenly, the temple behind him disappeared first, then he seemed to be illusive, and then disappeared hundreds of meters away in a flash, then disappeared without a trace. .

Qi Fei was stunned. The little old man could use “tele-shift” exercises in the ancient waste mines. Could this person use the exercises without being suppressed?

He also thought that he suddenly recovered the evolutionary energy unit. Could it also be related to this little old man?

He stood on the path for a while, and then touched Gaotang’s mirror to his face, but his face was still light green. Although there was no feeling on the body at the moment, it was definitely the viciousness of the old man Ah, listening to the old man’s point of view, this poison can be solved, but it should be difficult, otherwise he won’t say to let himself out of the ancient mine first.

But now it is very difficult for him to look back, glanced forward, Qi Fei heartlessly, summoned the Qinglei fairy sword, jumped up, and continued to fly along the path to the distance. (.)


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