The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 19 - Shanhai Transport Station

Scarlet bones, see Scarlet bones again!

The skeletal bones in front of him were red and bloody. The skeletal bones were broken and covered with scars. Several skeletal hands held rusty broken swords, broken bells, and bells.

Several people in Qi Fei looked closely and couldn’t help but take a breath.

The broken sword, broken bell, and law bell have old fingerprints. Even if several things are made of iron, if you want to pinch out the fingerprints, Qi Fei’s current power can’t do it.

Moreover, those few things can never be made of ordinary copper and iron. As for the rusty spots above, there is no doubt that the fingerprints caused the energy in these things to be lost and become ordinary.

“What the **** is this?” The fat man had already taken off his coat and rolled it up into a backpack. He was wearing a large vest, flower pants, and a long knife in his hand.

The little monk was still thinking about the Buddha, but from time to time he watched everything next to him, then shivered and continued to pray.

The three walked around the bones and walked out of the passage. The front was suddenly bright, but the sight in front of them made them all dumbfounded.

In the middle of the road is a wide road. On both sides of the road are numerous lattice rooms of varying sizes and irregular shapes. Each room faces the road with an open metal fence.

The lattice rooms, large and small, square and round, covered the sides of the road.

There is at least one dead body in each lattice room, and each dead body was fastened to a lute bone by an iron chain.

These dead bodies were not bones, but dry bodies, and the grid of the grid was red, exuding a strong smell.

Countless such fences and lattice rooms on both sides of the road.

The dead corpses were terrifying, gnashing their teeth. All the dry corpses had such expressions, as if they had encountered some horrible things, and suddenly died.

“Is this prison?” The fat man burped.

This is indeed a prison, but who created it? Qi Fei’s mind is full of doubts. Is the prison built by the immortals? Or a prison built by a practitioner?

In any case, it is not good here!

A few people didn’t talk, and the white leopard’s hair exploded. Only the black cat walked silently and smartly, watching everything on both sides with interest, and raised his head from time to time, inhaling deeply.

The three men and two beasts walked for half an hour before leaving here to enter a hall in front.

The hall was dark and horrible. There was an exit on the other side. There was a stone level at the exit. The stone steps were covered with bloodstains. There was a person sitting cross-legged on it.

Several people approached a little, stayed still, and took a breath of air.

Sitting above the stone level in front of him, the man was wearing a blue gown, his head turned toward the sky, pale, full of helplessness and unwillingness, and was looking at a few people in a frown.

Suddenly, two tears flowed from the corner of his eye!

As soon as the fat man said “mom,” he turned and ran, and the little monk was frightened.

Qi Fei grabbed the fat man and whispered, “He’s a dead man.”

He had long felt that there was no vitality all over the Tsing Yi people in front of him, and he did not know how many years he had died.

It was just that the corpse did not rot after death, and even shed tears, which made people scared.

Several people trembled forward, carefully walking around Tsing Yi’s body.

After walking up the steps, there was a door in front, a black door, and a gap was opened in the door.

Qi Fei walked to the end, and the fat man in front of him suddenly whispered, “Fei, that’s not right. There should have been no one here for many years. If that person is a dead person, I don’t know how many years have died, why clothes Not rotten at all, like the new one? “

Qi Fei was shocked. He had already thought of this, but he had a mystery to the monk, thinking that the clothing of the fairy or monk was different. At this moment, the fat man reminded him to look back.

Seeing this, he could not help rising from the bottom of his heart!

The head of the Tsing Yi corpse turned around somehow, his **** eyes were looking at him, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his cold mouth, and the **** eyes were pale

With a bang in his head, Qi Fei hurriedly turned and took a step forward, stepping into the black door.

After a whirlwind of heaven and earth, another temple appeared. This is a huge hall, as if it is a place for ordinary discussions.

There are a series of blood-colored footprints on the bluestone slabs on the ground floor in the palace, all leading in one direction.

Qi Fei was still immersed in the shock just now. The Tsing Yi corpse was clearly dead. Why did he suddenly look back at himself?

Hallucinations, this must be hallucinations!

But those pale eyes were so clear and so bleak and bleak.

He shook his head and looked at the blood-colored footprints on the ground of the huge hall, all the chaotic footprints leading in one direction.

The fat man and the little monk looked at him in surprise. The two stepped over the black door first and did not see Tsing Yi’s body turning back.

Qi Fei gritted his teeth, which was too amazing.

Several people walked forward along the scarlet footprints. The hall was very large, and several doors were crossed in front of it. They saw many wrecks and dead bodies, but they never saw the stone steps at the black gate of the **** prison. A dead body like Tsing Yi’s body.

The last few people came to a huge silver-white door, which was more than ten feet high, covered with moire flowers and birds carved in the sun.

The most shocking thing was that there was a blood fingerprint on this silver-white door.

The white door also opened a gap. Several people looked at each other and walked in with tremor.

Inside the gate, a soft white light shines, and in the eyes is a large room with a radius of over a thousand meters. In the center of the room, there is a strangely shaped thing close to three feet in diameter.

It was a round platform, and an arc-shaped screen directly behind the platform surrounded the platform halfway. Mountains and sea were carved on the screen, and there was a starry sky beyond the sea.

In front of the screen, there are steps to go up to the platform.

Above the platform, there are jade beacons on the sides of the steps with a height of one and a half meters and ten grooves on the beacons.

Several people approached and saw that seven of the ten grooves were covered with gray powder.

Three other translucent crystals were set in the other three grooves. The crystals were off-white and flickering with fluorescence, but they looked fragile and seemed to turn into dust at the touch.

And a series of bloodstained footprints that entered the hall went straight to the platform. The bloodstained footprints were chaotic, and it seemed that many people had been crowded on this small platform.

“Transfer array, teleport array!” Shouted the fat man.

“The runner array!” The little monk’s eyes glowed.

“It’s not the same as in Changbai Mountain.” Qi Fei is also a bit excited. The thing in Changbai Mountain is composed of unknown metals, crystals, and materials that can’t be named. That thing is an instrument at a glance. The one in front of me is full of mystery and cannot see the essence.

Several people couldn’t wait to walk up to the middle of the platform. “How to do it, how to do it?” The fat man yelled.

After several people stepped onto the platform, the platform did not respond, there was no light, and there was no thunder shake.

Nima, at this moment, some people remember that they will not use it!

What about finding a teleportation array? They do n’t use it. Do not say that this thing needs to be activated by the so-called Reiki Xuanqi Wangba Qi, just thinking with toes. This thing also needs energy. Is it a spirit stone or a fairy stone, how to determine the coordinates, is there a corresponding one? Spell, this is all a problem!

Several of them looked at each other with smiles.

In the end, the fat man gritted his teeth: “Practice yields true knowledge, and practice can test all truths.” He stepped forward, approached the jade beak, looked at the ten grooves above, suddenly reached out his hand, and suddenly hurled towards the three crystals in it. Press the grooves.

“Slow!” Qi Fei hurried to see him recklessly, but everything was too late.

A thunderous noise blew up all around, three grooves emitting three-color light, covering several people in an instant.

Then there was a shock on the platform, and the rear screen lit up, and the mountains and stars above seemed to come alive.

The milky light shrouded the distance of these three feet, and then the platform shook again, and in the blink of an eye, there was no one on the platform.

In the groove of the jade besieger, only three crystals remained ashes.

Huge bursts of roar spread from here, like a chain, and the whole world collapsed.

On this day, the vast Kunlun Mountains, in which the nameless peaks collapsed, never existed.

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