The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 477 - The most ruthless battle since ancient times

Just as the Tang army defeated, contracted its troops, and guarded the defense line in the Suliang area, Hu Nuguo suddenly sent a certificate to Tang.

At this time, issuing the national certificate is a common tactic of the two warring parties in the war. Most of them are lions opening their mouths and proposing certain conditions as a bargaining chip. In some conditions, they know that it is impossible to achieve, but they must write out disgusting opponents and proceed. Means of mental suppression.

When this Guoshu reached the Tang Dynasty Chaotang, the entire Chaotang suddenly exploded, because the contents of the Guoshu were too insulting.

Hu Nuguo put forward astronomical demand items, including gold, silver, jewelry, cattle, sheep, horses, grain, satin, and other things. The most important thing was that the back of the state book also said that I heard that the Emperor Tang had a princess with a colorful butterfly. Born smart and beautiful, so I plan to marry and ask the Tang Emperor to send the little princess over and be the concubine to the emperor Demon of Hu Nuo

The entire court was boiling, the civil servants spit and fluttered, and the generals were equally indignant, but the matter was originally the responsibility of the generals, so the indignant had it, but he did not dare to make a loud noise, and no one asked for it After all, You Fengfeng is a great commander, and the commander of the 300,000 army sent by the court was also a good commander. Both of them were folded under the cavalry of Hu Nu. Please stop.

The general of the town hall “suddenly” at this time, temporarily suppressing the noise, and then only listened to Tang Huang’s voice coldly and authentically: “You Ai Qing, Hu Nu is so mad, speaks wildly, and treats me like Tang. It’s extremely insulting, it’s terrible. Any suggestions from Ai Qing? “

As soon as this remark was made, the hall began to whisper again immediately. After a while, the ministers began to play in succession, some were recommended, and even more suggestive.

The recommended minister recommends everyone, there are commanders on various fronts, and some celebrities in the North, but the Emperor Tang has a contemplative expression and has no words.

Until one person came to work, it turned out to be a respectable leftist, and recommended Doctor Guanglu and Prince Edward Duan Chunqiu, a strange expression flashed on Tang Huang’s face.

Qi Fei was idle and had injuries, so he did not go up.

With Zuo ’s recommendation of Qi Fei, the ministers of North Korea and China seemed to remember what they were, and they even scrambled to recommend Qi Fei. In addition to Qi Fei ’s military achievements, some people said directly that this should be light. Doctor Lu Duan Chunqiu’s responsibility, the emperor Hu Nu dare to be coerced by Princess Cai Die, then the adult Duan will definitely fight the battlefield and destroy the enemy.

If Qi Fei is present, I’m afraid I will spit out the old blood directly. What is my responsibility should be my responsibility, Grandpa, if you fight, you will fight. Nima’s sure!

The Emperor Tang was also unhappy when he heard the words, but the Tang court always dared to talk to the monarchs and officials, so he just took a deep breath and exclaimed: “Doctor Xuan Guanglu, Prince Duan Chunqiu went to the hall.”

In October of the 17th year of Datang Tianbao, Doctor Guanglu, Prince Prince and Junior Division Duan Chunqiu sealed the martial arts general, the second grade. He was the governor of the Northwest during the war. He had jurisdiction over the three provinces of the Northwest and the governor of the Northwest war. He led a 300,000 army to help the Northwest border.

In November of the 17th year of Datang Tianbao, Liangzhou, Suzhou, and Yinzhou in the northwest gathered the northwest frontiers, cooperated with the soldiers and horses of the court, and came back with a big counterattack.

The military strength of the two sides is still dominant in the Tang Dynasty, but the battle situation is still not optimistic. It was almost a two-to-one casualty. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the war. Both sides suffered heavy losses. For a time, the Northwest Army and Hu Nu began to use the three provinces of the Tang Dynasty. Face off.

At the beginning of the eighteenth spring of Tianbao, there was another general battle. Tang Guobing divided into five routes: Liangzhou soldiers, Suzhou soldiers, Yinzhou soldiers, the central court soldiers, and criminal soldiers.

There are 100,000 criminal soldiers in the three northwest provinces, which is a huge number. Generally, criminals assigned to the northwest are mostly strong men armed with force or violent crimes. Although these men are assigned to the army, they are all inferior. Bing, tattooed on his face, must not be promoted.

Qi Fei personally collected the criminal army under His Majesty, and got 100,000. He promised that if the war was successful, the criminal army could be rid of its sin and tattoos, and those who had merit could be promoted, and those who had died would have care and family members.

Not only the criminal army, but also the entire northwest, all soldiers, Qi Fei issued an order. Once the Hu Nu was driven out of the border of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang army entered the territory of the enemy country. Wherever the battlefield was obtained, it was not confiscated, it was allowed to be private, and ten enemies were killed. When Level up and take down one of the ten enemy cities!

When this order was passed to the court, it was not shock but silence. Everyone knows that this is war, either you die or I live. If you are not cruel, then the enemy will also be cruel. But is this order Still a little too much?

Finally, there is an old scholar who speaks, but he does not accuse Qi Fei too much, but just said that killing ten enemies, when promoted to the next level, will cause the massacre of the enemy ’s first rank to pretend to be the leader? The next ten cities, one of them, if the war fails, will it attract the same revenge from the enemy?

Tang Huang heard a long silence, but just said: I have promised Duan Chunqiu to act cheaply! Then he retreated.

In July of the eighteenth year of Tianbao, Tang Jun finally went on a **** battle. After several battles, he finally expelled Hu Nu ** from the border. At this moment, the total troops of the northwest of Tang Jun are only about 500,000. Sixty thousand left.

Tianbao in September of eighteen years, after a short period of cultivation, General Shenwu, Duan Chunqiu, the governor of the northwest, a brief memorial to the imperial court, began to fight back against slaves!

In November of the eighteenth year of Tianbao, the Tang army was 300,000 and the internal criminal army was 60,000. With the potential of overwhelming force, it entered the borders of Hu Nu and thousands of miles!

In December of the 18th year of Tianbao, Hu Nu suffered a snowstorm in the country that was never encountered in the past 100 years, and the cattle and sheep froze to death. The people also suffered a lot of injuries and injuries. credentials.

Duan Chunqiu did not send this book to the court, but tore it directly between the fronts, causing a great uproar in the court of the Tang Dynasty. Duan Chunqiu’s self-respect and intention to rebel turned up.

At this time, inside Duanfu, Murong Rong was accompanied by Xiaoyuan teacher and sister to drink tea and enjoy the snow.

Tianbao March 19th is a month in which the history of the Great Tang Dynasty was recorded. This month, Duan Chunqiu’s 300,000 troops divided into three roads, and the Wu Nu Kingdom was fifty sincere. Wu Gou, received the weather of Guanshan Fifty States.

In June of the 19th year of Tianbao, Hu Nu’s country began to split, and some Hu Nu’s generals relied on Datang. At this time, Qi Fei’s army had occupied half of Hu Nu’s land.


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