The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 483 - Chaos first appeared

Taishang Elder Yuan Danshu, after saying these words, he suddenly turned his face and continued: “Since Duan Tianzun is his own person, then I don’t need to cover up. I will have a meeting today while everyone is here. After the meeting, we will study how the promotion celebration of Duan Tianzun is held. “

Everyone heard the words and praised them. Although they didn’t know what the elder Elder wanted to say, they all made a gesture of listening.

Taishang Elder Yuan Danshu glanced at the crowd and nodded his head: “Just when I was just out of customs, I received a message from the Holy Island!”

“Sacred Island has n’t heard from me for more than 300 years, so I ’m also surprised by this transmission. The content of the Holy Island ’s transmission is urgent. The specific meaning is that although the golden age is coming, it is accompanied by large Crisis, big risk, the divine island is divined by three occult techniques, and the hexagrams of the divination are boundless sea of ​​blood, and the bones are piled up in the starry sky. , And then plan to form a big coalition to deal with the coming crisis. “

“After I went out of the customs, I contacted the old friends who were still alive, and found that the factions had already begun. Of the nine major sects, only us, Langya, have not yet begun to awaken the predecessors of ancient times. We can only believe in what we have, we ca n’t believe in nothing, and the golden age is coming, and those seniors who were originally sealed will also be born. It ’s only a step ahead, so I decided to start a full wake-up on the first day of next month. Seal the actions of the ancient and ancient predecessors. “

After the words of Yuan Danshu were exported, many elders couldn’t help being surprised!

When the divination of the holy island is almost inaccurate, the holy island generally only divinates the big things, the big direction, not the little things, and every time divination can hold the big direction in hand.

The boundless blood sea, the bones accumulate the starry sky, this is a hexagram that has never appeared before, even if the matter is not as serious as the divine island divination, then at least a medium-sized catastrophe is inevitable.

As Yuan Danshu finished speaking, a fierce discussion began in the secret hall.

The meaning of the holy island is to wait for the seal monks to fully wake up and start to organize an alliance. Since it is an alliance, then there will naturally be dominance, subordination, and even interest relationships. How to balance these relationships and how to avoid losses? It’s worth studying!

A day later, the Tianzun Promotion Ceremony was held, but this time it was surprisingly not like when the elders were promoted before, all parties were invited to come, but only held within the party. For the low-key of this celebration, Qi Fei had no opinion, the more low-key the more Okay, it ’s better not to hold it!

On the third day, the marriage between Qi Fei and Xiao Yuan was officially held. This time, the scale was slightly larger, but only a few martial artists who were good enough to attack and defend the league came to participate.

Wan Zhenyi’s heart is bitter, but she ca n’t help it. The elder too said that he should keep a low profile. He really wanted to know his disciples all over the world, and his aunt was in the state of heaven, and the most uncomfortable thing was It ’s a happy event outside, but I went out with a lot of gifted people. This time, I notified a few sects. This may not make it back. He originally thought that when his daughter got married, he would not only get back his half life. The accompanying gift activists, but also a large sum of money, I am afraid it is difficult to achieve now.

At the wedding banquet, there were still many uninvited guests, all of them monks who had a deep relationship with Wan Zhenyi and even Langya. However, one person was never thought of by Qi Fei, and this person was a thunderstorm. Sister Jiang Jiang Youyou!

Jiang Yanyou is already the early period of Zhenjun, which is equivalent to breaking the army.

Above the wedding banquet, she saw Qi Fei at a glance, and couldn’t help but be there, Qi Fei was also a momentary moment, but she was impassive and pretended not to know her.

Jiang Yanyou’s face changed and changed, and she remained silent for a long time, finally silent, without saying a word. After the wedding banquet was over, she left directly.

Within a few months, not only did the Langya Xianpai madly unlock the seals of their predecessors, but also other major martial arts, including the Demon Martial arts, they also unrolled the seals of their predecessors and began to accumulate strength.

That night, Qi Fei received a message from Ji Bingqiong on the infinite address book.

After reading this message with sister Xiaoyuan, he frowned for a long time and said nothing.

Qi Fei had already told Mu Rongrong at this time, about the behind-the-scenes black hand, that huge plan, all spoke to the Xiaoyuan sister through spiritual transmission, Xiaoyuan sister also knew that in the distant universe, There is an immense fantasy civilization.

Ji Bingqiong ’s message is very simple. The chaos of evolution and civilization has already appeared. Among the major bases, there are some young Tianjiao who have grown in strength and are no less powerful than the elders in the force. Then, some of them are young. Tianjiao even controlled his own forces. After these people controlled the forces, they began to wage wars and wars with other powerful bases!

Sister Xiaoyuan looked at the infinite address book and pondered for a moment before saying: “Xiangong, if you act on your own and have not deviated from the behind-the-scenes big-handed plan, shouldn’t you be in Qi’s magnate?”

Qi Fei glanced at her and nodded, he knew what Xiaoyuan said, that is, those Tianjiao who suddenly came out and controlled the major forces should be a kind of person with him, and if it did n’t happen With so many things, I have deviated from the original planned trajectory. At this moment, I should also control Qi Family, and do the same things as those young Tianjiao.

Qi Fei took a deep sigh, and he felt a feeling of rain and wind coming from the building. He slowly said, “I am afraid that the chaos of the cultivation civilization is coming, even other civilizations, even some of us. Knowing civilization will do the same. “

Xiao Yuan’s star eyes looked at him: “So we Langya?”

Qi Fei glanced at her and smiled: “Lang Ye may also have such a person, but because of my reasons, he didn’t show up, and he won’t be able to show up. Even if I show up, I will suppress him!”

Xiaoyuan sister thought for a while, and suddenly said: “I heard that Zhang Jiao had received a disciple before. This disciple is the blood from my Yuan family, as if the blood is relatively pure!”

“Huh?” Qi Fei narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: “I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go! I have the opportunity to solve him!”

Xiaoyuan sister blinked and said, “Can’t you fight for it?”

Qi Fei frowned: “I’m afraid it’s difficult. If he doesn’t have strong strength or protection of treasures, then first, he may not be able to withstand the temptation of great power, and second, he may not dare to resist, and also It’s hard to resist, it will be dangerous! Similarly, if he does not accept our fight, then I will be exposed. “

Xiaoyuan sister sighed slightly, and said nothing again.

Just then, the small tablet rang again, and it turned out that Ji Bingqiong sent another message.


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