The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 544 - The return of the emperor

Qi Fei looked at Xiaoyuan’s sister-like appearance and did not speak.

Xiaoyuan Shimei’s mouth cornered, and she continued, “Go and take the sand dance, Chu Mengxue and Ji Bingqiong will also take over, and Rong Rong’s girl. Although the potential of the fantasy civilization is strong, it may not be safe. I do n’t know what the Heavenly Lord Lord wants to do next. “

Qi Fei nodded at this moment and said, “So, okay.”

Xiaoyuan Shimei heard the words and immediately stretched out her hand and twisted it around his waist: “Da liar, have you been waiting for me!”

Qi Fei immediately felt aggrieved, yelling, and said, “Of course not!”

Xiaoyuan sister retracted her hand and said, “Hum, also said no, your expression has betrayed you now!”

Qi Fei drew his mouth and said, “I left the Void Fortress, the Sun and Moon double rings, and the three Great Emperors collected during the day, so the Langya Xianpai had nine Great Emperors, one infinite. The first step of the congenital device to suppress the situation, unless Tianyou directly attacked Langya, or even if there are a large number of other people, it will not be possible to break here in a short time, and at my current speed, I can quickly come back to rescue, so , You tell the master, you do n’t have to worry about everything. “

Xiaoyuan sister nodded her head and said, “Please rest assured. I read the information during the day. I do n’t know if you are dominated by God. Now most of the masters of fantasy civilization are attacking the holy island. I am afraid that they will not come for a while. Langya. “

Qi Fei nodded and said, “I didn’t expect that the sacred island’s heritage was so strong. In three years, three emperors were promoted, and the emperor’s utensils suddenly became as many as a dozen. There were actually two more. An artifact of the same rank as the Nether Fortress. “

Xiaoyuan sister curiously said, “Qi Fei, do you mean that the elders said during the day are true?”

Qi Feidao: “Sister Mei, are you saying that those emperors who have traveled farther into the starry sky are now returning?”

Xiaoyuan sister said: “Yeah!”

Qi Fei nodded and laughed, “It’s true. When they said, I took a distant look at the holy island. It was really true. In addition to the three newly promoted emperors, there were five or six. Standing on the first step of the infinite power, these people should be the great emperors who had gone far from the starry sky. In other areas of life, they have been promoted to the infinite and gained infinite life. Those who have not returned, are estimated It’s buried elsewhere, and I also glanced at the side of evolution civilization. The situation there is similar, and there are so many powerful people who have been promoted to the first step of infinity. “

Xiaoyuan sister said, sadly: “It is a pity that no ancient heavenly power came back.”

Qi Fei laughed: “It really isn’t, but the Emperor Tiangong, the founder of ancient heaven, is still alive in the world, and he is the reincarnation master. That is the power of the second step of the infinite world!”

Xiaoyuan sister blinked and hummed slightly. Qi Fei immediately said: “Forget it, don’t talk about the old guy, in fact, you can’t blame him for not being authentic. He really can’t get the head of the ancient master. When he comes out, Tianyou will intercept him. Tianyou is the third step. It is difficult for the Emperor Tiangong and the Emperor Tiangong to fight him. If it were not for the head of the Gu Pan master, although the three of them could not kill each other, But Tiangong and Tiangong are bound to be imprisoned by Tianyou. “

Xiaoyuan sister thought for a moment, sighed softly: “Are you really not going to help the Holy Island?”

Qi Fei pumped at the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

Xiaoyuan sister pouted and said, “How do you leave?”

Qi Fei stood up and glanced at the moonlight outside the window: “Now go, the sooner the better.”

Xiaoyuan’s sister reluctantly said, “Qi Fei, you have to be careful. I always feel that Tianyou is not so simple.”

Qi Fei nodded, then stretched out his hand, the void fortress pattern on the palm expanded a little bit, and then seemed to cover the sky, covering the top of Langya Xianshan

Flying in the night, Qi Fei flew over a world without greatness. He discerned the direction, and then disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he stood not far from a blue planet.

This planet is very beautiful, and it is slowly moving. Qi Fei looked at this planet with a lot of emotion in her heart.

This is his mother star, he just stepped out from here, walked into the starry sky, and reached the realm of power today.

Looking from a distance, he has felt countless breaths. These breaths are very strange. It is clear that the fantasy civilization is hiding around to monitor the earth.

These breaths didn’t move, they were just monitoring, maybe Tianyou felt that the time had not yet come, or perhaps among the 490 earth seeds, 360 had not yet been promoted to the emperor.

However, Qi Fei saw a person sitting in a starry sky from a distance. This is a Tsing Yi man. He looks elegant, has long eyes, half eyes closed, his face is heavy and sad.

This man is a young shirter who has had several intersections with Qi Fei. At this moment, Qi Fei can already guess his identity to some extent. This person should be in the valley of Yinfeng, the offspring of the expeditionary force, and the leader of the red surname. Posterity.

The expeditionary force came from the ancient discus that no longer exists, and the Xuanhuang star was once called the ancient disc star after the fusion of the ancient dominator’s heart, and this Tsing Yi man should be the only one in the universe today. Xuanhuang Xingren.

Qi Fei also saw a woman behind the Tsing Yi people. The woman was tall, with an angel face and a devil’s body, and she had **** charm all over her.

In his realm at this moment, it can be seen that Sha Qingwu’s body has the same bloodline as the Tsing Yi people, that is a kind of awakened bloodline, which has nothing to do with blood, but for the powerful, it has this same He is a blood relative.

Qi Fei nodded secretly, he already understood why the people in Tsing Yi would take the sand and dance gently.

The man in Tsing Yi is already the first realm of infinity. At this time, he also saw Qi Fei, his eyes slowly opened, and said, “You are here.”

Qi Fei stepped forward, “I’m here.”

“You understand everything?” Tsing Yi people’s words were somewhat inexplicable.

“Yes, I understand everything!” Qi Fei’s answer was also puzzling.

Tsing Yi people smiled bitterly: “You understand everything, but I haven’t fully understood it, but I know that someone is going to move this star. At that time, someone destroyed Gu Panxing. I have no power to stop it. Today, I may still have no power Block, this blue planet is the shadow of Gu Panxing. Although I may still not be able to block this time, I have decided not to escape. “

Qi Fei sighed. He knew that this was the obsession of the Tsing Yi people. He regarded the earth as the ancient star.

“With me, I won’t let anyone ruin this planet.” Qi Fei leisurely said. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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