The Strongest Master of the Starry Sky

Chapter 74 - Bet

The head of the selection office was a bald, shirtless veteran.

He sat behind the large metal table, stroking the buttons on the console with his hand, and said with some discomfort: “Ladies, I suggest you choose the duel mode. Only then can you truly experience the thrill of killing and excite yourself. The greatest potential in the body, for an evolutionary, this is a great benefit, how about, do I need to help you choose directly? “

The flashy young man took a look at Qi Fei, shook his head with a smile: “I have no interest in killing an evolutionary from a micro planet, so choose the contrast mode, but the contrast mode can add color heads, that is, I don’t know if someone from a micro planet has this capital. “

Qi Fei was embarrassed along the way. At this moment, when he heard the words “colorful”, his eyes suddenly released a moving light, and a holy light slowly rose on his face.

“So, isn’t that great?” He said hesitantly.

“Hahaha, the hunk is scared, rest assured, we don’t want your money,” someone laughed.

“But, it ’s still not good. We will be colleagues in the future, and I have never been gambling like this. I am an evolutionary as a monk. I only drink one glass of water and two slices of dry bread every day. I never No entertainment, not even a girlfriend “

“Oh, I don’t see how your boy is quite pure. Are you afraid? If you are afraid, you will kneel on the ground with three heads and be called Grandfather Three. Otherwise, you can sign a contest. Brothers are happy, maybe you After losing, I will find a few sassy girls to play for you, I ’m afraid that your kid wo n’t be able to bear it, haha ​​”

Qi Fei blinked and said cautiously, “I don’t want women, and I don’t have much property. I really can’t come up with any good things to make colorful heads.”

The flashy young man smiled slightly: “Rest assured that if I win, I do n’t want your money, as long as you answer me a few questions, of course, I will go to the polygraph room to ask you these questions. This requires your consent. You know, the polygraph room is for spies and traitors, and you have to sign an instrument stating that you agree. “

Qi Fei thought about it and said hesitantly, “It’s that simple?”

The flashy young man nodded: “It’s as simple as that, and I won’t ask you personal questions, including the evolutionary map you learned, the tricks you are good at, and I will explain them in the paper.”

Qi Fei touched his pocket and said with a little doubt: “Will I have to bet on anything?”

The flashy youth touched his nose with his fingers: “Of course, you can take out your most valuable thing. If I lose, I will give you the value.”

“It ’s just that I do n’t have much money by value. There is nothing worthwhile. All my savings are in a card. I still want to use this money to buy an intelligent communication belt.” Qi Fei’s hand Make a pose of a star coin card in your pocket.

“Hi, folks, hurry up, but you just buy the money for an intelligent communication belt and hurry up. We lose twice as much as we lose.” Rude tall man said impatiently.

“But, I still want to buy a few more machine servants. You know that I am a bitter monk. I usually spend my time on the exercise map. I heard that the machine servants are very capable, which is very expensive.” Qi Fei low Head, said a little embarrassed.

“You guy is really troublesome. I’m on behalf of a few brothers. If we lose, we will give you five times the star coins. That’s enough.” Rude Han Han squeezed his fists.

“Um, I also want a small aircraft, as long as one person can sit on it, it is more convenient than a car, it seems that it still needs some money.” Qi Fei said, scratching his head.

The flashy youth frowned: “Okay, I promise you, if I lose, I can pay you ten times the star coin, and now I can always sign a contract.”

Qi Fei nodded, his face was thick and happy, and he stopped talking.

The bald veterinarian with a rosy nose reached out with a grin and took out a crystal plate, so that the two of them wrote down the agreed matters, and after they signed their names, they coughed and said, “About Caitou, because one party is a virtual request, So it does n’t have to be kept with me for safekeeping. The other party is Starcoin, which needs to be kept with me for fairness. “

Qi Fei stepped forward, facing away from a few people, and took out the star coin card and put it in the veteran’s hand. The veteran didn’t care about it at first, but took a little hard work. The six-digit figure on it suddenly made his eyes. One bright, one million, one million star coins.

The veteran pouted his mouth and looked at Qi Fei meaningfully.

Qi Fei said gently, “Senior, please.”

The veteran nodded indifferently, placed the star coin card gently on the table, covered it with the palm of his hand, and said aloud, “Boys, the inspection of the color head is finished, and we can go off.”

“How much money did the kid actually charge? Is there 10,000 yuan? How did the old man cover the coin card with his hands?” Someone whispered.

“Do n’t talk nonsense, do you know who it is, this is the first time you are here, but the curator of the duel hall, don’t look at his age, we can’t beat him if we add it together, this But one of the most difficult people in the evolution department. “Someone hurriedly mentioned.

Qi Fei had a smile on his mouth and a holy light on his face. He was originally given a million yuan by Qian Fatty, but he bought a communication belt, checked his physique, and had some small expenses. Only about 850,000 were left, but He recently made a live broadcast and made a lot of money, about 100,000 yuan. Just now he secretly transferred to the Starcoin card and brought back a whole million Starcoin.

At this time, a tall metal door in front of the left of the people slowly opened, exposing a large site with a height of more than ten stories and a few thousand square meters.

The bald-headed veterinarian yelled cheerfully, “You two are talking about you, come in quickly.”

The flashy youth glanced at Qi Fei and first went into the test venue.

The veteran squinted and watched Qi Fei also walked in, and slowly closed the metal door, then he did not know what switch was activated, and saw that the position of the original wall in front of it became transparent. The side of the wall was exactly the test space. Great venue.

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