The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 2107

Chapter 2107 : Inexplicable self-confidence in Higa

They felt so, but they didn’t say it.

If this kind of thing is said, wouldn’t it mean that the opponent Zongshen has an opinion, after all, the hand Zongshen specially trained them.

The handist Zongshen didn’t think it mattered, no matter how they looked at him, he didn’t care much.

According to opponent Zongshen, as long as there is an effect, everything else does not matter.

Under Otori Cyotaroh’s strong attack, they quickly broke the opponent’s rhythm, making them unable to continue thinking.

Every time they come, they are overwhelmed by the ball, which makes them very distressed, but there is no way.

They are basically out of breath by Otori Cyotaroh, and it is obvious that Shishido Ryoh’s offensive is very useful.

“Damn, are they trying to exhaust us?”

“Let’s not talk about the question of whether you are tired or not, the key is that this kind of consumption is also mutual!


Are we tired, aren’t they tired?”

When the two of them raised this question, they both looked at the situation on the opposite side.

The two were panting, but they didn’t seem to be stopping at all.

“It seems Shishido Ryoh and the others are ready to fight!

They want to carry this method to the end!”

The others also nodded, everyone can see it!

Now this situation is so obvious, isn’t it normal!

And since this method is useful, then why can’t it continue!

As long as they are capable, they can continue.

What kind of state they are now, they know best, so Zongshen doesn’t worry at all.

I have said everything that should be said, and taught everything that should be taught!

As for the others, just follow their own ideas.

He doesn’t have the habit of covering everything.

As a player, if you don’t have the ability to think independently, it is very worrying.

So Zongshen never thought of teaching step by step.

After all that should be said, they will naturally ask if they don’t understand.

Hand Zongshen, they just watched from the stands, because they could see that they should have no problem winning this game.

Shishido Ryoh and Otori Cyotaroh can have such growth, which surprised Tezuka Zongshen.

But he knew that this kind of growth was achieved by themselves, not with anyone.

They have put in considerable effort, and they have all studied hard!

Hand Zongshen still remembers that when he gave them special training before, they would directly ask where they didn’t understand, not so much sorry.

And they asked very meticulously. Sometimes when Tezuka Zongshen didn’t talk about it, they would ask if they noticed it.

Hand Zongshen will not feel a bit annoying for such a player, he is willing to say if he is asked, of course he is too lazy to say if he does not ask.

They have grown up like this, and Zongshen feels it’s normal!

Bang bang bang!

This match was finally taken down by Shishido Ryoh and Otori Cyotaroh!

Watching them play very hard in this way, but they are very happy with the result.

“Finally it was a victory, and our hard work finally paid off!”

The excitement of the two is for sure, they both paid a lot!

Although they are not only paying for this one, but this is their first battle!

They knew very well what the first battle meant.

All their contributions are engraved in their bones. As long as they pay, there will be gains. This is a must.

It’s just that this gain is not reflected in the victory or defeat, but in their real absorption.

Hand Zongshen said before that training is to strengthen themselves and improve themselves.

But Zongshen has no way to guarantee that everyone will go well after everyone is on the court!

The players they met are also constantly improving, which is completely two different things.

But as long as they play and win, the psychology of the players is naturally different.

When the two of them returned to the rest area panting, everyone cheered.

This is what they should have, because they bring honor to the team.

“How did you feel after this game?”

Someone looked at them and asked.

The two of them were panting and didn’t know what to say, they just smiled and kept nodding their heads.

“Let them rest first. After experiencing such a fierce battle just now, they must take a good rest at this time, and then talk about other things.”

As soon as Zongshen talked about it, the others were quiet!

There is nothing wrong with this, they suddenly changed their style of play, so it was the first time they saw two wild people!

But this effect is really useful. At the very least, if you hit the opponent, you can’t fight back, and you can’t even use that nasty move.

“You performed very well, and you have absorbed what you have learned very well, and you have done a good job on the spot.

These two sentences of the hand Zongshen can be regarded as a great affirmation. Anyone who can get the praise of the hand Zongshen on the field, it is estimated that he can wake up with a smile.

The two nodded happily, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

They just sat down to rest.

Handyman Zongshen can see that they are very overdrafted!

In this game, they tried their best, but the result was good. Now they have scored two points and they are not injured.

“You really have made a lot of progress. And how can your reaction ability be so fast.

When everyone is worried for you, you have all found a solution too powerful.

“Isn’t it? It really made me frightened.

The two were sitting in the rest area, surrounded by a group of people, all second-tier players.

The first-line players sat next to them and looked at them. At this time, both of them were tired and speechless.

So they didn’t say anything, what else could they say!

The hand Zongshen has finished talking about it. The compliment of Zongshen is probably more useful than anything they say.

Hyotei is peaceful, but Higa Middle-School is not the same 1.3.

After the two men were off the field, the coach gave them a slap in the face.

“Coach, it’s not that we don’t make a move, but there is no chance! Have you seen it on the scene?”

Someone retorted.

The coach gave them a vicious look, but didn’t speak any more.

Kite Eishirou looked at Hyotei at this time, and then pushed his glasses again.

Fortunately, he arranged for himself to be the third to play, just in case, otherwise he would really be taken away by three to zero!

If that is the case, it would be really shameful!

His indifferent feeling is as if he will definitely win after playing.

And others at Higa Middle-School think so too.

In the eyes of the people around, they don’t know where their inexplicable self-confidence comes from.

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