The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 1125: Who is the real murderer!

It was Chen Liuhe who felt that this kind of situation was basically impossible, so he completely relaxed his vigilance and did not notice any strange things before getting on the bus! Even if the car was installed with a bomb, they didn't even notice it!

If it weren’t for Zhou Hong’s timely call, I’m afraid he could not predict in advance that death was coming! I'm afraid the three of them are likely to be buried in the firelight and blown into mud by bombs!

For him, this is absolutely unforgivable and even more unforgivable!

He really wants to know now, who is it, eating such an ambitious leopard, and dare to do such crazy things!

"Wang Baeg! Someone dare to install a bomb on our car? Boldly smoked! Lao Tzu must chop him into 180 pieces and feed it to the dog!" Xu Conglong was angry and screaming loudly, eyes wide and fierce. Bloodshot, like killing!

Mowedi's face also became extremely gloomy, looking at the jeep, his eyes were blazing: "Who is so brave in Jingnan City? Don't you die?"

"Zhou Hong!" Xu Conglong spit out two words fiercely, and said to Chen Liuhe: "Six sons, it is Zhou Hong! It must be this dog!"

Xu Conglong said aggressively: "Our car stopped at the door of his nightclub! In less than an hour, he was hit by a bomb, not who else could he have? In Jingnan, only Hongmen has such a big dog Dare! I will kill him!"

Chen Liuhe and Mo Weidi did not speak. Obviously, they all kept silent opinions about Xu Conglong's speculation, and at least did not deny it at all, which shows that Zhou Hong is suspect!

At this moment, several cars came galloping and stopped on the road in an emergency. Zhou Hong rushed away with someone. When he saw that Chen Liuhe was unharmed, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he immediately loosened Tone.

"Your life is really big enough! This can be okay! It's okay!" Zhou Hong said to Chen Liuhe with a sullen face.

Seeing Zhou Hong appearing, Xu Conglong burst into flames. The anger on his face was like swallowing Zhou Hongsheng. Without saying a word, he threw himself over and raised his fist and smashed it into Zhou Hong's face. .

But before he could get to Zhou Hong, he was stopped by the strong man beside Zhou Hong, and Zhou Hong was frowning and stepped back slightly, staring at Xu Conglong with fierce eyes!

"Cow and mud horse, Zhou Hong, dare to install a bomb on our car, you eat the smoked tengu bile, I will kill you today!" Xu Conglong struggled hard, his fist hit the strong man's head violently on.

"Xu Conglong, calm down! This bomb is not my peace of mind!" Zhou Hong said with a frown.

"Fart, do you still want to quibble? The car is parked outside your field, because you are the most motivated and suspected, not who you are?"

Xu Conglong shouted, "Don't you want to quibble! Are you brave enough to kill the three of us? I think you should prepare the coffin for yourself! I don't call Xu Conglong if I don't kill you today! "

Xu Conglong went mad, shrugged off the strong man hugging him, and continued to rush to Zhou Hong, but was stopped again by Zhou Hong's bodyguard.

He stood there, pointing at Zhou Hong: "I'll go to you to compare! Do you think this is all right? Today? This thing is not over, you are a set of dogs behind your face! Even we dare to move, You are dead!"

Zhou Hong's face was extremely ugly, he said in a deep voice: "Xu Conglong, you better calm down! Think about it with your brain! If it is me who wants to kill you, how could I call Chen Liuhe to remind him that there is a bomb in the car If it’s not my reminder, I am afraid that you will have been killed by now!"

"Grass mud horse, also quibble? It's not the bomb you pressed, how can you know in advance? Come and notify us before the bomb explodes! Are you deliberately wanting us to die, are you? You want to elute your suspicion, don't you? I’m a fool?"

Xu Conglong angered and yelled at Mo Weidi: "Fuck~ your uncle, what are you doing stupidly? Call someone! Tonight, Zhou Hong's place will be lifted! Kill this bastard! No one's face is given, Hongmen is useless!"

"Xu Conglong, don't go crazy! Think about your brain! How can I do something that is not good for myself? I can know the bomb in advance, because the people under my hands saw it from the monitoring equipment abnormal!"

Zhou Hong argued: "The first time I heard this news, I informed Chen Liuhe! Killing you, what good is it for me? Even if I am stupid, I can't do anything outside my club? "

"None of the three of you is a person with a simple path to kill you. Isn't that digging your own grave?" Zhou Hongdao.

While the two were arguing, Chen Liuhe had not been angry, just quietly watching the reaction on Zhou Hong's face!

In his mind, Zhou Hong's suspicion is very small, but it cannot be directly ruled out, as Xu Conglong said, Zhou Hong is not without motivation!

But now looking at Zhou Hong's performance and reaction, Chen Liuhe can basically exclude Zhou Hong!

Because Zhou Hong is right, doing so will not do him any good! No matter how bold he is, he dare not use this method to blow up the three of them! Unless he doesn’t want to live, it’s almost the same!

"Okay, Cong Long! Calm down! This matter should not have much to do with Boss Zhou!" Chen Liuhe said lightly.

"Six brothers! This guy is not a good thing! We came out of him, and encountered such a thing! He does not want to elute the suspect!" Xu Conglong said to Chen Liuhe.

But Chen Liuhe glared lightly and shut his mouth obediently.

Zhou Hong took a deep breath and said to Chen Liuhe: "I don't have much relationship, but nothing at all!"

"Jingnan is too big, and I have a lot of eyes and ears outside the field. Some people have misgivings. I can't know everything!"

Zhou Hongning said: "I am also shocked and even more angry when this happens! But Chen Liuhe, with your wisdom, you should be very clear that this is definitely not what I did!"

"Even if I want to kill you, I will never use this method and method! Who can afford Xu Conglong and Mo Weidi? They are really dead, and the sky in Jingnan will change! Hongmen can't bear this Anger! Zhou Hong asked myself not so bold!" Zhou Hong said bluntly.

Chen Liuhe stared at Zhou Hong for a while, then suddenly smiled and said simply, "I believe in you!"

It is said that Zhou Hong secretly relieved! Although he did the right thing, he was afraid of being wronged in everything!

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