The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 134

Chapter 128:

According to what Wei Yufeng said, Zhuang Yi quickly found the eye of the defensive line-it was a golden ball about the size of a basketball, spinning in mid-air, and there was nothing around it. The energy fluctuates, but it can become the eye of such a complicated formation, and the energy contained in it can be imagined.

Without being confused by the calm appearance of the golden sphere, Zhuang Yi played a twelve-point spirit and used his knowledge of the defense formation to simulate the atmosphere of the defense formation all over his body, integrating with the defense formation. Then he slowly approached the golden sphere, covered his hand on the golden sphere, and input his spirit power, trying to open the golden sphere.

When his spirit power merged into the golden sphere, the golden sphere shook slightly. The next moment, it seemed as if the golden sphere produced an incomparable suction force. The surrounding energy belonged to the defensive array, as if all were The golden sphere absorbs generally, the energy is absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye, compressed, and the last life is transformed from invisible to mist, and from mist to water. When compressed to a certain degree, take Zhuang Yi and the golden sphere as In the center, the energy exploded fiercely, soaring into the sky, and even Zhuang Yi and the golden orb were turned into the center of the defensive array.

All this happened too suddenly. Zhuang Yi only felt that after a while, he appeared 100 meters directly above Yuhun Hall. The golden ball was suspended in front of him, and Zhuang Yi’s feet were full of golden light. Looking at it, whether it is the Palace of Souls, the Wall of Miracles, or the strange monsters like ocean tides, they are all in sight. As if the whole person was integrated into the defensive formation, integrated with the formation eye, the entire defensive formation was under his control.

At this time, Zhuang Yi’s sensing ability was unprecedentedly sensitive, and every detail around him was filled with his mind. Knowing that he had successfully entered the first step of awakening the eyes, Zhuang Yi sank his heart and regarded himself as part of the defense formation. , Slowly leading the eruption of the powerful power contained in the golden orb, and unleashing the true power of the defensive array!

The abnormal change in the center of the defensive array caused a brief silence on the entire battlefield, but soon, whether it was a human or a strange monster, it reacted for the first time.

“Who is that person, where is Wei Yufeng?” The person in charge on the Yuhundian city wall looked at the figure in the center of the formation, and understood that the defense formation was successfully restored. A hint of joy flashed in his eyes as he saw the opening formation. The person at is very strange, so he immediately asked the people around him.

“I don’t know… I shouldn’t be from the Palace of Souls.” The people beside him stared at Zhuang Yi and whispered, “But he is going very smoothly. He seems to be a strong man who is proficient in the formation.”

When the other party heard the words, he stopped thinking about it, and he immediately ordered: “When the alien demon sees the defensive formation opened, it will immediately counterattack in a big move, and then pass the order, swear to defend the Palace of Souls, and go all out to protect this person!”


When the human side issued the order, the alien demon did not respond slowly, and even due to the particularity of the alien species, the communication and order were even faster than that of the human.

Among them, the blood-red alien demon with three heads and the elders of the Imperial Soul Hall reacted immediately, deliberately evading the attacks of the elders of the Imperial Soul Hall several times, and then flashed and rushed towards Zhuang Yi.

Upon seeing this, the elder of the Yuhun Hall coldly snorted: “The defense formation has been opened, and it is useless to struggle alone!”

As he said, he immediately pursued the alien demon, and at the same time, the other two alien demon also made the same behavior, the same as the elder of the soul hall, and the other two elders of the soul hall also quickly pursued.

Every move among the six top powerhouses naturally attracted everyone’s attention. When the Demon Hunter and Xue Blade and other spirit masters discovered that the three blood-red monsters went out towards Zhuang Yi together, they immediately involuntarily exclaimed: ” Rey is in danger!”

“Damn, the blood-red alien demon is too fast, and the elders of the Palace of Souls can’t catch up!”

“The defense team doesn’t know if I can protect Rey…”

Facing the battle of these top-level powerhouses, these ordinary spirit masters basically had no room to intervene, and could only stand still in a hurry. Lei Xiu perceives Zhuang Yi’s crisis, and sees the surrounding monsters staring at him. Lei Xiu erected a high-energy barrier in front of him to temporarily resist the attack of the lower monsters. He quickly looked to the rear and looked at him. When the three blood-red monsters approached Zhuang Yi, Lei Xiu immediately said to Mo Wei, “Hold my position!”

“Yes.” Zhang Chengluo responded reflexively. In the next second, a red light flashed in Lei Xiu’s eyes. The spirit power he released quickly recovered, and then turned and rushed towards Zhuang Yi’s direction.

Lei Xiu’s attribute is thunder and lightning, and speed is his strongest point. What’s more, he and Zhuang Yi are connected by a contract. If he wants to get to Zhuang Yi, his speed is often much faster than ordinary people.

Zhang Chengluo saw that Lei Xiu disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and a few flashes caught up with the elders of the Imperial Soul Palace, and pursued the alien demon at a faster speed, with a flash of horror in his eyes.

The three elders who were chasing the alien demon saw that someone had passed them. At the same time, one of the elders was about to stop Lei Xiu and tell him, a seventh-level spirit master, not to go up and die. The other elder immediately said, “Let him Go, the soul master suffers too much in terms of speed, and he is very strong in the aspect of generating alien monsters. The three blood-red alien monsters may reach the front before we form the domain. If this young man can block them for a few seconds… ”

The words of this elder fell, and the other two elders were silent. After a while, the old elder Jiang who wanted to stop Lei Xiu sighed: “It’s a pity that a good seedling…” With Lei Xiu’s seventh-level strength, he burst out of his ninth level. The speed of a soul master is almost unheard of. Such a talent would have shocked the entire Imperial Soul Palace if it were in the past. However, today such a talent will fall like this!

Not far in front of the three elders of the Palace of Souls, three blood-red alien demons rushed out of the defensive array, only to see the top three alien monsters with red light flashing all over, and the three black and red demonic qis rose into the sky. Then twisted into a ball, like a huge tornado, under the control of the three alien monsters, it attacked Zhuang Yi in the center of the defensive array!

Although the eyes of the defensive formation have not been awakened and cannot burst out the strongest strength, the defensive formation itself still has a certain defensive ability. When the tornado formed by energy swept to the defensive formation, the defensive formation immediately began to operate, as if A large elastic cover, when encountering the approach of a tornado, the defensive array was squeezed and contracted continuously, and where the tornado attacked, the platinum light became brighter and brighter.

At the same time, the three elders of the soul hall stopped about 20 meters away from the defensive formation, and the three ninth-level intermediate powerhouses were released. The unique white light of the soul master used the three elders to release As the center, it exploded violently, and finally turned into a light wall, standing outside the Palace of Souls, at the moment when the defense formation was broken by the power of the alien demon, the power of the three elders of the Palace of Souls Connected with the white golden light of the defensive array, it finally formed an independent space confined by the domain!

At the moment when the space was formed, Zhuang Yi, who was at the center of the formation, finally released his hand from the golden orb. At the moment when Zhuang Yi let go, the entire defensive formation changed from a white golden light to thin. The dense and complex patterns, including the Palace of Souls and the Wall of Miracles, have all become sophisticated formations, outlined in golden patterns, as if they were an enlarged version of the three-dimensional map of the Palace of Souls in the center of the previous formation. And at the very center of them is this golden round eye!

The defensive formation was finally opened, and Zhuang Yi’s soul power was hollowed out. He fought on the battlefield first, and then confronted the ninth-level monster. Not only did he withstand a blow from the ninth-level monster, but also broke through the turbulence of the space. , Summoning monsters twice in a row, and after that, he has to devote himself to repairing the formation and awakening the formation eyes, doing these things with such a high intensity without stopping, changing to an ordinary soul master, afraid He had been exhausted a long time ago, and his mental power and soul power would be completely drained. As a confident summoner, although Zhuang Yi survived, he was completely exhausted.

At the moment when he took a step back and completely relaxed, the attacks of the alien monsters that had broken the defensive formation suddenly poured in. Before Zhuang Yi could react, he felt the black and red magic energy directly penetrate his chest. !

At the same moment, Lei Xiu, who finally rushed to Zhuang Yi’s side, watched Zhuang Yi completely hit. Lei Xiu’s body became stiff and his brain was blank. However, a few seconds later, when he lowered his head and found that his chest had a monster. Angrily overflowing, he slowly corroded his body bit by bit. Lei Xiu seemed to think of something, and the expression on his face gradually relaxed. Finally, he closed his eyes and fainted.

“Lei Xiu!!”

Outside the defensive array.

The attack of the three blood-red monsters, the awakening of the defensive array, and the combination of the three elders of the Palace of Souls-these three forces burst out at the same moment and collided together. Only a few deafening explosions sounded, as if Both the space and the land were shattered and collapsed. With the Palace of Souls as the center, the space of thousands of meters in a radius was suddenly distorted, including all the monsters and humans present. As the space was distorted, all hearing and vision were lost in an instant!

However, the existence of the Imperial Soul Palace defensive array has caused this force to stand upright despite being strong. In the end, this blasting force was squeezed and released to a kilometer away to defend against it. The soul hall is the central point, spreading out in a ring, in addition to making the already barren desert even more sterile, the terrifying alien monsters residing outside the soul hall that are as dense as seawater are also unlucky enough to be swallowed by this force. Most of it!

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