The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 181

Chapter 175:

When the young soul master took Zhuang Yi Leixiu to find the team leader, he was teaching students in a school in Bichun City.

Although the situation in the central region is much better than in the northwest, many people still died in the battle with different demons. Many spirit master teachers in schools in the city were ordered to rush to the front when the different demons attacked, and many never came back. .

So these remaining experienced soul masters in the city assumed the responsibilities of teachers and passed their experience to the students.

Zhuang Yi and the others arrived at a coincidental time. It happened to be just after school at noon. The young people walking in the front saw a middle-aged man walking out of the classroom surrounded by students, and immediately shouted, “Head! ”

The middle-aged man immediately raised his head and looked over. However, his gaze was not on the group of young people, but at Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu for the first time, and even followed the swaggering white crane behind Zhuang Yi Lei, and He noticed the little squirrels sleeping with their heads in their paws.

When the middle-aged man noticed Zhuang Yi and his party, Zhuang Yi also saw clearly the appearance of this middle-aged man. He was ordinary in appearance, of medium build, and looked very ordinary. He was a fifth-level spirit master.

Seeing that Zhuang Yi and others were getting closer and closer to him, the middle-aged man looked at the young soul masters: “What are these?”

“They are spirit masters who just came from Liyun City this morning. They originally wanted to go to Boda City, but Boda City is blocked, so we advised them to stay in Bichun City temporarily and wait for a while to find a chance to go back. “One of the young soul masters explained.

The middle-aged soul master suddenly shook: “Liyun City, just two of them and two beasts?”

“Yes.” Zhuang Yi replied.

The eyes of the middle-aged man looking at Zhuang Yi and his party were a bit different. Unlike those spirit masters who had stayed in Bichun City after the war, this middle-aged team leader had been on the battlefield and had seen the cities turn to the west. The ruins, the appearance after being occupied by different demons or monsters, it takes more than ten days to ride a car between Liyun City and Bichun City. Now the road is destroyed. These two people and two beasts can only rely on their feet to drive on the road. It takes at least twenty to thirty days.

In these dozens of days, God knows what kind of accidents will happen. The leader of the strongest spirit master team in Bichun City now can’t guarantee that he can walk back safely. It can be seen that these two young people would have great luck otherwise. , Or have a strong strength!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man said politely: “The road from Liyun City to Bichun City is far away. It is not easy for the two to reach Bichun City safely in this troubled time. Although Bichun City is a small city, there are more than one hundred soul masters in the city. It’s safe, if you two want to live here, I can arrange a place for them at any time.”

“—Head, I have invited them to join our team, but in the end, you still have to nod your head. It’s better for you to test their strength. If you pass the level, let them stay in Bichun City and join us temporarily.” The outspoken young soul master immediately said to the middle-aged man without waiting for Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu to answer.

When the middle-aged man heard the words, he just wanted to stare at him, but the group of students around him who had finished class, but had not left yet, heard that the teacher wanted to test the strength of the other two spirit masters, and his eyes brightened. One of the students was Under the push of the classmates, he stood up and looked at the middle-aged man and said, “Teacher, you are not saying that the level of a soul master is not the most important. Actual combat is the root. The soul masters who have been on the battlefield and those who have not been on the battlefield are completely different. It’s different, so let’s take a look at how you fought today, right?”

“Teacher, show your strength!”

“Teacher, go all out!”

There was one who took the lead, and the remaining students shouted excitedly, looking at the middle-aged man and Zhuang Yi and his party with expectation.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man glared fiercely at the young soul masters. Seeing that the students were still waiting for his answer, he looked at Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu with some embarrassment.

Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu are both higher than the middle-aged soul master. If you fight against him at this time, you will be bullying. Zhuang Yi stepped forward and looked at the group of students. , It’s not a fight. And we’ve just come to Bichun City, and we want to live here for a while, just let us do it with our heads just after we meet. It’s not appropriate.”

“If you intend to join the teacher’s team, you must use your strengths. The teacher is a spirit master who has returned alive from the battlefield. He has killed countless strange demons. Only those with sufficient strength are qualified to become his team members! ”

“With us watching, the process of the game is fair and just. If you are a man and a powerful soul master, what are you afraid of? Now use your soul power to prove it to everyone.”

“It not only helped the teacher to check it, but also let the teacher give us a practical lesson, killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.”

The students immediately refuted what Zhuang Yi said.

The middle-aged man heard the students run on Zhuang Yi and the others with sharp teeth like this, trying to force Zhuang Yi and the others to fight. The middle-aged man’s face turned green, looking at the students and the young soul masters. Looking forward to the excited eyes, the middle-aged man sighed secretly and was about to start asking for battle. Zhuang Yi smiled at him and looked at the group of students and said, “I want to prove my strength and give you a meaningful lesson. There is only one way to fight with your teacher. How about this, I have a fight with all of you, and let you check me out for the teacher, how about it?”

“Are you bullying the small with the big?” The thinking of this group of students is the same as those of the young soul masters. Normal students are now protected in the school. Only the graduated soul masters can come from Liyun City. After arriving in Bichun City, after listening to Zhuang Yi’s method, there were students who were sharp and authentic.

After hearing this, Zhuang Yi glanced at the number of the classroom in front of him and smiled slightly: “If I guessed correctly, you should be the third grade students in this school?”

“So what?” the students said in unison.

“I am nineteen years old this year, and the same age as you.” Zhuang Yi said with a smile, “not only did not bully the small with the big, but also allowed you to bully the small with more.”

“Only nineteen years old?”

“are you still a student?”

“Then why don’t you stay in your own school?!”

Not only was the group of third-grade students in front of him shocked, the young soul masters and middle-aged men on the side were all staring. The students seemed to mature too much.

“I’m going to be an exchange student. It’s summer vacation.” Zhuang Yi explained briefly, “Well, dare you let me teach you a lesson?”

“Damn it, even the students of Barda don’t dare to challenge us all by one person. If you want to, then you can do it for you.”

Feeling despised by Zhuang Yi, the students immediately gritted their teeth.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man wanted to come forward to stop this incident, but thinking of Zhuang Yi’s age, he couldn’t help swallowing what he wanted to say.

When the strange demon came, this group of students was protected as the hope of Bichun City’s future. Although later when the strange demon used guerrilla methods to attack, this group of students also had a brief contact with the strange demon under the leadership of the teacher, but At this time, the main task of the attacking aliens was to pretend to attack and harass humans. This group of students did not go through the cruelest battles, but only saw the “cowardly and weak” side of the aliens. Now they are young and arrogant. I listened to what the elders said, but didn’t take it to heart at all.

The only two outstanding soul masters in the third grade were also sent to BD training. The soul masters left at this time were basically not baptized by war. They may have good temperaments, but they have not been tempered.

Now there is a spirit master who is the same age as them, but far more mature than them. Perhaps with the help of this spirit master, this group of students will recognize themselves more correctly.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man pulled a few young soul masters around and backed away, vacating the venue for Zhuang Yi and the students.

Upon seeing this, Lei Xiu asked Baihe and the little squirrel to back up a few steps. He stood aside with his arms around his chest, just like when Zhuang Yi and his classmates were in class, Lei Xiu leaned on his side and watched silently. The same as Zhuang Yi.

The scale of this school is small. There are more than 30 soul masters in the third grade, and the level is generally much lower than that of Borda’s students, most of which are only level two to three. Although the level is not high, their reaction ability is good. As the middle-aged man, Lei Xiu and others retreat and make room for them to play, the group of students immediately grouped together, fighting the Yusuke three departments as a small team, and then merged. As a whole, Zhuang Yi was completely enclosed in the center.

Zhuang Yi looked around at the students who were staring at him with scorching eyes. He remembered how he stood with Huang Jie, Lin Rui and others when he was in Boda, and had a practical lesson with Teacher Shangguan and Teacher Wei.

Although Zhuang Yi’s body is the same age as these third-grade students, his mental age is far too old. Looking at this group of students is no different from seeing the younger generations. When he saw that they released their spirit power to attack him, Zhuang The spirit power in Yi’s body moved quickly, recalling the method when Teacher Wei taught them, and pointing out the shortcomings of everyone from the actual combat, Zhuang Yi immediately went all out to find the weaknesses of each of the more than 30 people. Then, while his body moved, he defeated everyone’s attacks, pointed out their biggest weakness, and unceremoniously defeated it.

With the power of Zhuang Yi’s seven-level and three-line spirit masters, dealing with this group of spirit masters whose average strength does not exceed the third level is almost like an adult playing against a group of young children, even if there are more of them, it just takes some time to deal with. Nothing, it didn’t pose a threat to Zhuang Yi at all, and within less than ten minutes, the spirit power of all the students was dissipated by Zhuang Yi.

“How could it be…” The young soul masters who first received Zhuang Yi looked at each other. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that a nineteen-year-old soul master could actually do this.

It only dissipated the spirit power, but did not hurt them at all, and at the same time allowed the opponent to realize where he was defeated. To do this, it is definitely much more difficult than simply defeating the opponent.

“Head, what level is this soul master?” a young soul master couldn’t help but leaned to the middle-aged man and asked.

“I don’t know, I’m afraid it will be comparable to the strongest soul master in the Bichun City soul master team.” The middle-aged man replied, looking at Zhuang Yi and his party with a thoughtful look, seeming to be thinking about something.

At the same time, looking at Zhuang Yi, who had no wrinkles at the corners of his clothes, the students who were defeated by the group looked at Zhuang Yi incredulously. A student widened his eyes and said, “You are really the same age as us. Arrived, what level of soul master are you?”

Because he was so excited, he asked three questions in one breath, which everyone wanted to know.

“It doesn’t matter which level of spirit master I am. What is important is the result of this test? And did you understand anything in the battle just now?”

Upon hearing the words, the students immediately recalled the changes in the short ten minutes, and they immediately fell silent, as if immersed in their post-war perception.

And the middle-aged man who stood by and caught the situation in his eyes, looking at the unconscious smile on Zhuang Yi’s face, he immediately made a decision and walked up to Zhuang Yi sincerely and said: “Your power is so strong, look ahead. The entire Bichun City is also ranked high. If your Excellency is willing to stay in Bichun City, let alone our small team of soul masters, even if you want to live in the City Lord’s Mansion, there will be no problem.”

Zhuang Yi immediately waved his hand after hearing this: “Where, the masters in Bichun City are like clouds, you praise me too much.”

The middle-aged man looked up at Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu: “Could you take the liberty to ask about the names and ranks of the two?”

The middle-aged man’s voice fell, and the people around immediately raised their heads and looked at Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu, especially the group of young spirit masters who had brought Zhuang Yi and others. They had already asked before, but after being interrupted, they did the same. I didn’t take it to heart, no matter where I thought that the two people who brought in casually would turn out to be masters, they were suddenly curious about the level of Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu.

Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu looked at each other. Zhuang Yi pointed to Lei Xiu and said, “This is my…companion, Thunder Tiger, a sixth-level war spirit master. My name is Zhuang Yi, a seventh-level auxiliary soul master.”

“Level seven, level seven…” The young spirit masters and students almost dropped their chins. A nineteen-year-old level seven spirit master, wouldn’t it be the same as Boda’s famous super genius? !

After the middle-aged man was surprised, he was overjoyed: “Two, can you take a step to speak?”

Zhuang Yi nodded, and followed the middle-aged man to the side with Lei Xiu. The middle-aged man confirmed that the students not far away could not hear their voices, and immediately said to Zhuang Yilei: “The two have just arrived in Bichun City. I’m afraid I don’t know yet. Bichun City seems to be peaceful, but in fact there are many hidden dangers. Although the strange monsters have no idea what they are doing recently and rarely attack, they have been harassed by a group of monsters. They come to Bichun City every few days to steal food and give Bi Spring City caused great trouble.”

“Warcraft?” Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Yes. After the outbreak of the war, there was not much food left in every city. This spring, the aliens attacked and all the food was destroyed. Humans must rely on the stored food to survive this year. But the appetite of Warcraft is large, and the food is not enough for them. For food, this group of beasts is not many and extremely cunning. This group of beasts expected this. They only steal food, do not hurt people, do not damage things, come and go without a trace, and are very difficult to deal with. Spring City’s current strength, if it is to fight head-on with Beasts, it is very likely that both will be hurt. By then, if you give the strange magic an opportunity, it will put the entire Bichun City into crisis.”

“Do you want us to be able to deal with Warcraft with you?” Zhuang Yi said.

The middle-aged man nodded.

“Are there any specific information about Warcraft?” Lei Xiu asked.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and said: “My brother is the squadron leader. The strongest in Bichun City has been holding meetings these days. Only the squadron leader and above are eligible to participate. If you want, I will take you to meet. He, let him tell you more details, can you?”


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