The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 97

Chapter 91:

Zhuang Yi watched Zhuang Ziliu’s figure gradually disappear in front of him. Only the last sigh still lingered in his ears. After a few seconds, the sound gradually disappeared. The surroundings were still dark. The only difference was that it flashed where Zhuang Ziliu disappeared. The several patterns are clearly maps of hidden soul beasts nearby, and they also contain the way out from this labyrinth-like space. Zhuang Yi has studied arrays for many years, and has a strong memory of graphics, but he remembers them all in a flash. NS.

As the picture disappeared, there was silence all around, as if nothing had happened. Zhuang Yi recalled what Zhuang Ziliu said just now, thinking of the tragedy that happened thousands of years ago, and he couldn’t say anything in his heart. He raised his eyes and looked at the tragedy. In the direction that Zhuang Ziliu disappeared, he bent down and bowed: “Thank you for the gift from the predecessors. I am the only one left in the summoner family. Although I don’t know if there are any other blood relatives in the world, the dealer has been destroyed for a hundred years. When I arrive at Bai Li, I will do my best to bring his body to be buried with the seniors.”

Zhuang Yi’s words echoed in the empty space. Thinking of the form of the mainland today, Zhuang Yi sighed in his heart: Zhuang Ziliu must not know that the summoner family will soon be destroyed, and all the summoners have been chased down in the mainland and become bereaved dogs. Not only his beloved Baili, but also his relatives and friends, I am afraid they are already…

However, things are impermanent. Who would have thought that the Summoner would still have a direct descendant like him, and that he would actually enter here after a few years. It was fortunate to hear such a story. Now that the alien demon has appeared, according to what Zhuang Yi has learned, it is related to Summoning. The teacher also has a somewhat inexplicable relationship, and no one can guarantee that there is no other summoner in this world. After all, a spirit master from level 7 to level 8 is a leap of spiritual power. When level 6 enters level 7, the combination of soul tempered body and qualitatively transformed spiritual power will increase the life span of a hundred years, and then level 8 to ninth, ninth level. When you reach the tenth level, your life span will increase every time you cross one level. Although Lei Xiu is the only one who has reached the tenth level on the mainland, there are many at the eighth and ninth levels. Tenacity is…

Lei Xiu was still fighting outside, Zhuang Yi ran away from his mind. He didn’t stay long, and immediately turned around and took the Amethyst Phoenix Bird and left here along the path of memory.

Manipulating the soul power to open the exit channel at the exit, the light gate that disappeared with the white light when Zhuang Yi entered the center of the space once again appeared in the center of the flower field.

As soon as the light door was opened, the spirit power raging outside quickly poured in. After several days of constant fighting in the Rift Valley Abyss, Zhuang Yi’s strength has long been firmly at the top of the fifth level, because he is about to cross the sixth level, so the spirit power is this. It was a little unstable. At this time, being shocked by the external spirit power, Zhuang Yi quickly stabilized the spirit power in his body, and at the same time stepped out with the Amethyst Phoenix Bird.

Lei Guang and Hong Guang raged outside, magnifying Yin Kui’s body more than five times, and uplifted on the ground, standing in mid-air like a tall building. On the other side, Lei Xiu, who was facing Yin Kui, was also unwilling to show weakness.

Lei Xiu evolved into a Lei Lie Steel Tiger at the sixth level. After the seventh level, he turned into an adult and said that he could not become a tiger, so Zhuang Yi didn’t know what he evolved into after he entered the seventh level.

At this time, looking at the giant tiger formed by thunder and lightning in mid-air, the whole body was shining with violent purple thunder light. Although it was transformed from thunder and lightning, it was extremely realistic. A pair of purple vortexes formed nearly black tiger eyes and stared at Xiang Yinkui. , The bunch in the middle of the king character in the forehead was red, like a flame. This unique symbol immediately stunned Zhuang Yi-the seventh-level warcraft Douyang Xieyouhu.

The humanoid Thunderbolt stood on top of the tiger’s head transformed by lightning. Following the high-intensity blasting attack on the seeds of the shade sunflower, the giant tiger jumped vigorously, avoiding the attack on the shade sunflower. The long tiger’s tail flicked fiercely, and the purple and thick thunderbolt suddenly exploded like a rainbow like breaking through the world, and the branches and leaves of the dark sunflower were knocked down one after another. It suddenly shrank the flowers into a ball, defending against Lei Xiu’s attack. After a while, the place severely injured by Lei Xiu was healed again!

Zhuang Yi watched Lei Xiu and Xiang Yinkui fight indiscriminately. He wanted to step forward to help, but he couldn’t start. According to Zhuang Ziliu, this Xiangyinkui was originally reserved by him to lead the Summoner’s family into his burial ground. This also explains why the Linglong box can be used to suppress Xiangyinkui before. After all, Zhuang Ziliu was a ninth-level summoner before his death, and the arrangement he made was definitely not something Xiang Yinkui could violate.

It’s a pity that although Zhuang Ziliu left his relics to future generations, he did not expect that not only was it unpredictable, but the same is true of Warcraft. Xiangyinkui’s nature is to love and protect treasures. Yin Kui probably slowly developed selfishness, and understood that Zhuang Ziliu had hidden a lot of good things. Even if he couldn’t get it, he didn’t want to be taken away by others. Therefore, Zhuang Yi came this time, this strain Xiang Yin Kui only three times. Blocking four times completely violated Zhuang Ziliu’s last wish.

At this moment, Zhuang Yi felt that the spirit power in his body was showing signs of a breakthrough. He quickly climbed to the sixth level and sprinted. Zhuang Yi was taken aback. He finally gritted his teeth and retreated. In a safe place, the Amethyst Phoenix Bird was taken back, and a defensive formation was quickly arranged around, Zhuang Yi began to sprint to the sixth level with all his strength.

The fifth-level Zhuang Yi is two levels away from the seventh-level Lei Xiu and Xiang Yinkui. Although he can now give Lei Xiu some help, he cannot completely defeat Xiang Yinkui completely overwhelmingly. Zhuang Yi might as well take this opportunity to break through the sixth level and give Lei Xiu even more help.

Each level of a soul master has a certain risk, but Zhuang Yi has been fighting repeatedly in recent days. Although his soul power has improved very quickly, he is fighting steadily. This time he has entered the sixth level, but Zhuang Yi is extremely sure.

Not far away, only a few loud “bangs” were heard, and the sound of continuous explosions in mid-air shook the whole earth. Lei Xiu stood on the forehead of the Douyang Xieyou tiger transformed by lightning, facing the opposite direction. Yin Kui confronted, the blow just now would not only severely hurt Yin Kui, but also consumed most of his soul power. At this time, Xiang Yin Kui was healing his wounds, and Lei Xiu was recovering his soul power as soon as possible to fight for the next time. Yin Kui was severely wounded to death.

Plant-based monsters are worthy of the rumors. Once they pass the fifth level, they will become more headaches. Their resilience and defense are generally amazing, and their attack power is full of variety. It is very difficult for the flower seeds of Xiangyin Sunflower. The most troublesome thing is that the pain of the plant is low. Even if the leaves are cut off, the flowers and rhizomes can attack and defend without any effort. It is not affected by Lei Xiu’s attack power. Ordinary level 7 is better, otherwise the ordinary level 7 monsters will have to be consumed alive when encountering Xiangyinkui.

Lei Xiu turned his head slightly while regaining his spirit power, looking towards Zhuang Yi’s hidden direction.

He sensed it the moment Zhuang Yi came out, and Zhuang Yi began to sprint to the sixth level, Lei Xiu was the first to notice, so he must hold this Xiangyin sunflower, and never let it discover the Zhuang that is hidden on the side of the promotion. easy–

The spirit power in Zhuang Yi’s body circulated rapidly. When he climbed to a peak suddenly, his whole body tensed. As the mental space in his brain became wider, the spiritual light beam became thicker, and Zhuang Yi’s spirit power also violently Strengthened, soared instantly, passed the fifth level, and officially reached the sixth level!

Zhuang Yi opened his eyes swiftly, his gaze was like a torch. As he was promoted to level 6, not only his spirit power was greatly improved, his physical fitness was also strengthened by the baptism of spirit power, and his five senses also increased a lot.

The surrounding area was still gray, but what he saw was clearer than before. Walking out of the formation, Zhuang Yi looked up at Lei Xiu and Xiang Yinkui who were fighting together again. Zhuang Yi’s spirit power was suddenly released. The amethyst phoenix bird and oleander that needed to be released, because after he was promoted to the sixth level, it was easy to control the fifth-level spirit beast. The three-line spirit beasts merged directly in the body, and then soared out in Lei Xiu. In the gap after the attack, Zhuang Yi controlled the Amethyst Phoenix Bird to immediately take over for Lei Xiu, without giving Xiang Yinkui any chance to breathe, another round of attack came!

It stands to reason that Zhuang Yi of the sixth level controls the fifth-level spirit beast, although due to the increase in spirit power, his proficiency and skill will be much stronger than before, and his attack power is stronger than that of the fifth-level, but he cannot undergo earth-shaking changes. , However, the Amethyst Phoenix Bird was originally a seventh-level beast degenerate. Even if Zhuang Yi is now promoted to the sixth-level, he is still one level worse than the Amethyst Phoenix Bird when he was strongest. Therefore, the Amethyst Phoenix Bird also follows Zhuang Yi’s promotion resulted in a subtle change. It was larger than it was at level 5, the flame temperature was higher, and the attack range was much wider.

The Amethyst Phoenix bird flew to Xiang Yinkui’s side in a blink of an eye. Under normal circumstances, Xiang Yinkui had already used an indiscriminate attack, but at this time it was injured by Lei Xiu and was busy recovering, and he had no time to take care of the Amethyst Phoenix. The bird, the amethyst phoenix bird immediately hovered and flew like a spiral toward the shade of the shade. The blue-violet flames burned in mid-air following the trajectory of the amethyst phoenix bird’s flight, completely enveloping the shade of shade.

Xiangyinkui is a plant. Although it is higher than the Amethyst Phoenix bird, it is still extremely sensitive to flames. It barely recovers some injuries. It is about to pull out the branches and leaves to slap the flames. At this moment, the wind hidden in the flames And Oleander blocked Xiang Yinkui. At the same moment, the power of Lei Xiu and lightning struck again!

The Amethyst Phoenix Bird and Lei Xiu’s Douyang Xieyouhu intertwined and did not give Xiang Yinkui any chance to recover. The two attacked together, even if Xiang Yinkui’s resilience was strong, his spirit power would not be endless. Yes, seeing thunder and flames intertwined all over it, to the Yinkui like a snake, twisting unwillingly in the air to make the final blow, but finally fell powerlessly, like a tall building, the huge body changed in the blink of an eye Small, restored to the appearance of the ordinary King Xiangyinkui.

Zhuang Yizheng breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he felt a mental power, not someone else’s, it was Xiang Yinkui who was about to die. Unwilling to die completely like this, he simply contacted Zhuang Yi with mental power and was willing to transform into a soul beast. , Continue to live in another form.

Zhuang Yi didn’t expect this Xiangyinkui to have such plans. Although this Xiangyinkui caused great trouble to him and Lei Xiu, he changed his mind to the fact that the 7th-level monsters would be auctioned out for extremely high prices. The price, even if you go out hunting, is not so easy to see.

Eventually Zhuang Yi walked to Xiang Yinkui, his mental power was intertwined with Xiang Yinkui, watching Xiang Yinkui finally turned into a translucent appearance, Zhuang Yi is currently at level 6, but Xiang Yinkui at level 7 can’t Absorbed, he took out the bottle for storing soul beasts that Boda Academy had given him in the space, and in the next second, the Yin Kui suddenly turned into a ray of light and flew into the bottle.

When Zhuang Yi finished all this, Lei Xiu also put away his spirit power and walked slowly in front of Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi retracted the bottle into the space. Seeing Lei Xiu walking towards him, he finally stood in front of him, with a sharp and stern face and sharp tails of eyes, but the expression looking at him was exceptionally gentle.

Zhuang Yi suddenly thought of the disappearing Zhuang Zilu in the space. The love between him and Bai Li Zhuang Yi is not good for comment, but they have to say that their stories make Zhuang Yi start to think about the summoner and the summoned beast from a broader perspective. The feelings between them, and… Zhuang Ziliu tried his best to make Bai Li into an adult, but his Lei Xiu turned into a human by chance when he was at the sixth level, and he had to say that things are impermanent.

Lei Xiu was stronger than him, and more sensible and calm than him. He fought side by side with him along the way, protected him, and cared about him. At any time, he was the first one to think of.

With such a person by his side, he is a hundred times, a thousand times fortunate than Zhuang Ziliu, but if it were not for Zhuang Ziliu, he would not have a deep understanding of this.

Lei Xiu and Zhuang Yi looked at each other. Through the life contract, feeling Zhuang Yi’s unspeakable emotions, Lei Xiu immediately walked up to Zhuang Yi, lowered his head and said to Zhuang Yi: “I consume a lot of soul power.”

Zhuang Yi was taken aback, then raised his head without saying a word, and put his forehead close to Lei Xiu’s.

Lei Xiu smiled lightly, raised his hand and hugged Zhuang Yi firmly.

Zhuang Yi’s body stiffened. When he recovered, he had already stretched out his hand and hugged Lei Xiu’s body…

Xiangyin sunflower king was subdued, and the entire Xiangyin sunflower field no longer poses any threat to Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu. While Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu returned to the original bifurcation along the stream, they sorted out what Zhuang Ziliu had left him. Of those maps.

Although Zhuang Yi already has a seventh-level soul beast, the eighth-level and ninth-level soul beasts that Zhuang Ziliu left him can be hidden in this valley. Knowing where the treasure is and he can take it away, Zhuang Yi Naturally it is impossible to let it go. If the seventh-level spirit beasts are still extremely precious, the eighth-level and ninth-level spirit beasts can’t even be bought by the rich. You can go hunting on your own. You have to enter the heart of the Warcraft Forest. The beasts are not fools, if they don’t want to be souls. Beasts, once they see a spirit master who is threatening to themselves come in, even those highly intelligent beasts, even if they are dead enemies on weekdays, will unite to attack humans. Therefore, spirit beasts above the king level use the words “valuable” to describe a little bit. It is not an exaggeration that Zhuang Yi is not willing to miss this rare opportunity.

Zhuang Yi led the way, and Lei Xiu followed silently behind him. His spirit power was consumed a lot when he fought Xiang Yinkui before. After being sorted out by Zhuang Yi, he recovered most of it, and there was a little thunder left. Xiu wanted to recover on his own and fight against the beasts of the same level. Although it was relatively hard work, it also gave Lei Xiu a lot of gains, which would be of great benefit to the improvement of his spirit power.

In Zhuang Ziliu’s arrangement, the closest to Xiang Yin sunflower flower field is a seventh-level fire spirit beast. This spirit beast fits Zhuang Yi’s attributes and can be used by Zhuang Yi in the future, so this will be his first destination. .

As we got closer to the seventh-level fire spirit beast, the nearby air became more and more cold, and the wind was blowing through in a chilly manner. From time to time, a few ice scum shots hit Zhuang Yi’s face. Zhuang Yi suddenly felt that the situation was a little weird. .

According to the map left by Zhuang Ziliu, the temperature around here is relatively high and it is very suitable for storing fire-type spirit beasts, but the actual situation is completely contrary to the description. The fire spirit beast is hidden in an extremely inconspicuous place. If there is no map left by Zhuang Ziliu to get it, it is very difficult. Zhuang Yi walked along the route of Zhuang Ziliu’s map. During the period, he used the power of the summoner several times to break it. Only then did he finally find this fire-type soul beast, unexpectedly, this soul beast was not at the seventh level, but at the sixth level!

“Could it be that the surrounding environment has changed in the past hundred years, and the spirit beast has not been stored properly, and it has been downgraded?” Zhuang Yi muttered. Seeing Lei Xiu standing behind him to defend him, Zhuang Yi immediately used his mental power to interact with this. The head fire system soul beast communicates.

This fire soul beast is a sixth-level fire swallow. Seeing Zhuang Yi’s mental power attack, Huo Yan immediately counterattacked back with mental power. Zhuang Yi was surprised to see that this fire swallow was unwilling to be subdued by him. .

Obviously, this Huoyan was originally at level 7, but due to various accidents, it turned into level 6, and depending on its appearance, if it continues, I’m afraid it will continue to be downgraded from level 6, even if it’s a spirit beast. This is also intolerable.

After being subdued by Zhuang Yi, although he was imprisoned in Zhuang Yi’s spiritual light beam, it was equivalent to integrating with Zhuang Yi’s spiritual power. Zhuang Yi’s promotion was its promotion. Anyway, it has become a soul beast. , Choosing a master with strong talent will be the best choice.

However, in the next second, Zhuang Yi understood why Huo Yan would counterattack. After resisting Zhuang Yi’s mental power back, Huo Yan almost greedily plunged his mental power into Zhuang Yi’s body. Attention like a butterfly-anti-controlling the soul master!

Zhuang Yi’s mental power has always been not weak, and it is often much higher than that of a spirit master at the same level. This is related to his talent. This Huoyan has been transformed into a spirit beast for many years and has not been preserved. It has long been weak. Its delusion of such strength to counterattack Zhuang Yi is simply idiotic.

Just as Zhuang Yi was about to compete with Huoyan, suddenly, the Amethyst Phoenix Bird on the spiritual beam rioted.

Zhuang Yi was stunned, and then he felt the message from the Amethyst Phoenix Bird—it actually had the idea of this Fire Swallow!

The situation of the amethyst phoenix bird is special, and it is also the strongest and most intelligent among all the soul beasts that Zhuang Yi has subdued. At this time, it proposed to merge with Huoyan. Zhuang Yi thought about it, and finally agreed.

Anyway, this Huoyan is not his opponent, and the mental power of the Amethyst Phoenix is integrated with him, but the person who shoots is different. Zhuang Yi believes that the Amethyst Phoenix is not so stupid as to have an absolute advantage. fail.

In the next second, the amethyst phoenix bird immediately rushed towards the fire swallow, and the fire swallow had the idea of invading Zhuang Yi’s body to counter-control. When the amethyst phoenix bird pounced towards it, the fire swallow immediately began to counterattack. The mental powers quickly intertwined in Zhuang Yi’s body, attacking, swallowing, and merging without giving way to each other.

Zhuang Yi once fought against Sanshengdie with such mental powers and was almost controlled by Sanshengdie. In the end, Lei Xiu rescued him. At this time, watching Huoyan and Amethyst Phoenix fight as a half-bystander, Zhuang Yi felt that At the same time of novelty, the perception of spiritual power has also been improved a lot.

In the end, as expected by Zhuang Yi, the Amethyst Phoenix Bird took less than half an hour to completely conquer Huo Yan.

When Huo Yan turned into a soul beast and entered Zhuang Yi’s spiritual space and merged into his spiritual light beam, the soul beast of Zhuang Yi Zhan’s spirit master and the sixth-level soul beast in the spiritual light beam of the Yu soul master appeared at the same time, and The appearance of this Huoyan was also slightly different from what he had just seen. It looked more like a fusion of Amethyst Phoenix Bird and Huoyan, and Zhuang Yi was stunned.

Is this the reason for the Amethyst Phoenix Bird’s move? Using it to swallow the Fire Yan, and Zhuang Yi’s conquer, is equivalent to Zhuang Yi once again conquering the Amethyst Phoenix Bird in another form, and finally this brand new one The soul beast not only retains some of the characteristics of the Huoyan, but also bears the brand of the Amethyst Phoenix Bird…

It’s worthy of being a seven-level old fritters, even if it becomes a soul beast, it’s very cunning.

Zhuang Yi looked at the spirit beasts of the two lines, and laughed, but he didn’t feel angry at all.

The behavior of the Amethyst Phoenix Bird not only did not cause any loss to Zhuang Yi, it even saved him the trouble of subduing a series of spirit masters. If he could, Zhuang Yi could not wait for the next time he conquered a seventh-level spirit beast, Continue to use this method, after all, the more advanced it is, the harder it is to find the soul beast!

But this is just to think about it. The Amethyst Phoenix Bird itself is degraded at level 7, and it can be used to fight against the level 7 or below with the help of Zhuang Yi, but when it encounters a spirit beast that is comparable in strength to its peak period, It’s not enough to see it degraded.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it anymore. He had just entered the sixth level, and he didn’t know how long after the seventh level, so let’s think about it again.

After successfully subduing the soul beast, Zhuang Yi opened his eyes and saw Lei Xiu standing aside looking at him with concern. Zhuang Yi talked to Lei Xiu about the Amethyst Phoenix Bird and Huoyan just now, and got up with Lei Xiu. , Walked towards the next destination-the eighth-level soul beast.

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