The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1114 undercurrent


Xiangyang City is in chaos, at least the undercurrent is surging.

I don’t know how many people are secretly active.

Cai Hao has been discussing matters with his confidant, and he must call his confidant every day, and he can’t worry if he doesn’t discuss matters for a day.

Cai Hao didn’t even go to patrol the barracks.

In the past few days, at night, his subordinates had a lot of activities, and many families would entertain them.

These aristocratic families are all inquiring about them, and at the same time someone secretly woos them.

There are 160,000 troops in Xiangyang City.

Three of them belonged to Zhang Yu, and these three did not move around, but stayed in the military camp all the time, to win over their men.

At this time, it’s very simple to win over your subordinates, don’t deduct the food and pay, just get them more benefits.

Cai Hao was upset for three consecutive days and didn’t sleep much at night.

He wants to sleep but can’t sleep.

On this day, Cai Hao summoned the crowd again.

“Cao Cao has agreed to send troops and they will arrive in two days. What do you think?”

Cai Hao asked, and several people came out and suggested some plans for him.

Cai Hao made arrangements so that half of the city wall was guarded by Cao Jun, and the other half were taken by them, but the streets and city gates had their people to do it.

Cai Hao felt that the arrangement was very appropriate.

The matter was arranged properly, Cai Hao asked again: “What else do you want to add?”

Xu Chen came out and said: “The prince, the enemy’s siege will inevitably lead to instability of the military and the people in the city. I implore the prince to arrange half-day patrols every day to patrol the barracks and the streets to calm people, and to prevent the younger generation from being unhappy.”

“Great goodness, this king will arrange it.”

Xu Chen retreated. Cai Hao saw that everyone had nothing to add, so he let everyone go back, but he was exhausted and went back to rest by himself.

Xu Chen proposed to patrol the barracks and patrol the streets. Cai Hao felt it was very necessary at the time, but he didn’t think it was too urgent.

Cai Hao returned to the backyard.

Two days later, Cao Cao’s army arrived early.

Cao Ren brought an army of 100,000 to support.

This Cao Cao attaches great importance to the fact that one hundred thousand troops are all elite soldiers.

After Cao Cao’s army arrived, Zhang Yu immediately ordered to advance one hundred miles.

I went directly to a hundred miles outside Xiangyang City.

However, Zhang Yu still did not attack.

The generals were a little anxious, they thought about fighting.

Although Zhang Yu did not attack Xiangyang, his movements continued.

After he transported the money collected from Jingzhou back, the cabinet became busy.

To begin, immediately continue to enlist 200,000 soldiers and horses.

These two hundred thousand were recruited from all states. After the order arrived, all counties completed the recruitment within two days.

A county recruited some and completed the task quickly.

This time, the training will be handed over directly to the counties. They will complete two months of recruit training in each county, wait for the completion of the recruit training, and then gather and train for another month.

Finally, they were directly assigned to the military for training.

The perfect system allowed Zhang Yu to train a soldier and horse in a short period of time.

Stop talking about gossip.

Zhang Yu marched to a hundred miles away, and then he summoned Guo Jia alone.

“Fengxiao, how is the plan completed? It’s up to you whether you can break the city quickly.” Zhang Yu asked Guo Jia into the big account.

Guo Jia was in a good mood and sat down, and then said to Zhang Yu: “Master, the progress is going smoothly. Now the city is panicked and the people are available. Now that Cao Jun has moved in, our second phase of the plan can begin.”

“How about Xu Chen?” Zhang Yu asked again.

“This person is very smart, a talent as a counselor, and at the same time very calm, without showing any flaws. In a few days, we will push him out and become the person Cai Hao trusts more, and even the most trusted person.” Guo Jia said.

“It has been arranged for several years, just this time.” Zhang Yu said with emotion.

At the beginning, he set up his own intelligence agency and planted a lot of nails in Jingzhou, but he didn’t expect to use it so quickly.

A large number of nails were buried, and after several years of germination, someone finally reached a very high height, which can play a decisive role.

When Cao Ren entered Xiangyang City, Cai Hao personally met him at the city gate.

After some courtesy, Cao Ren arranged the army. The city had already arranged a barracks for them, and there was no problem with the supply of food and grass.

This Cao Ren is a general of Cao Cao’s side, and even Cao Cao’s most trusted warrior.

After entering the city, Zhang Yu still did not attack.

For three days in a row, Zhang Yu did not move at all.

Cai Hao held another meeting, the difference is that this time Cao Ren also participated.

Cai Tao was polite first, and then introduced each other.

After that, let a few staff members briefly talk about the situation inside and outside the city.

Finally, Cai Wei said: “According to the news, Zhang Yu is still increasing his troops. I am afraid that he will have to assemble his army before attacking. This Xiangyang city is strong, and Zhang Yu’s two or three hundred thousand people dare not attack. .”

Cao Ren smirked in his heart. How can he, Cai Hao, and He De, can let Zhang Yu’s millions of troops attack him.

But he didn’t say anything about it, instead he came out and said: “Zhang Yu determined that our lord would interfere, so he began to deploy a large number of soldiers and horses in the north, above the Yellow River, for fear that there is another plan.

Cai Hao nodded and couldn’t help but relax a lot.

Zhang Yu was not in a hurry to attack, so that he could wait for Cao Jun’s reinforcements, and at the same time let him make more arrangements.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yu is still hundreds of miles away. These days, Cai Hao keeps asking people to dig out rocks, chop wood, make bows and arrows, and reinforce the city’s defenses.

He has been preparing. If Zhang Yu drags on for a while, he will be more fully prepared by then.

Soon, Cao Ren has been in the city for ten days in a blink of an eye.

In the past ten days, apart from defending on the wall, he went to the palace to discuss matters with Cai Wei and others, and did nothing.

The city was quite calm, and Cai Hao was getting busier and busy, as Xu Chen suggested, he did not do the patrol of the barracks and the streets.

All kinds of news were constantly reported to Cai Hao, and Cai Hao looked at them in detail.

Zhang Yu never acted, which also gave Cai Tao a sigh of relief.

Although Zhang Yu did not attack, he continued to increase his strength. At this time, Zhang Yu had gathered 400,000 troops, and other troops were being mobilized.

At the same time, in Yanzhou, Jizhou and other places Zhang Yu was also gathering an army, and then pressed Cao Cao.

Cao Cao mobilized troops and horses to guard Zhang Yu around Luoyang.

A bigger war seems to be brewing.

Recently, Cao Cao hadn’t been very good. Zhang Yu and the others blocked the salt. They couldn’t use salt to raise military expenses, and their finances were very tight.

In the city of Xiangyang, Xu Cheng was busy for a few days, and finally was able to go to the teahouse for a cup of tea. The teahouse owner already recognized him and came forward to serve him personally.

When checking out, Xu Chen also bought some tea back.

After returning, Xu Chen took the tea directly into the study.

Take out a piece of paper from the tea. This paper is not so easy to find in the cracks of the package.

After spreading out the information, Xu Chen checked it carefully.

.. Wonderful Bookstore.


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