The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1120

Chapter 1122 Cai Tao is trapped


Tonight is a sleepless night.

How many people are frightened at home.

Especially those families who are still hesitating, and families who want to escape.

When Zhang Yu quickly hit the edge of Xiangyang, these aristocratic families had no time to react.

They have nowhere to escape.

Of course it is okay to take a small part of the family property and escape with the family, but this is too much to give up.

If they openly sell land and real estate, Cai Hao is the first to forgive them.

“It’s not like eight days, it’s only the sixth day.”

“Zhang Yu is a big liar, the old man hasn’t escaped yet.”

“Oh, if I knew it earlier, I would leave the city and surrender earlier, so I can keep more property.”

“Hey, now you feel relieved, you don’t need to continue to escape. If you can’t escape anyway, just live in Jingzhou with peace of mind.”

“70% of my fortune.”

This time, when Zhang Yu came in, these aristocratic families were not afraid, they were not afraid at all, but sad.

Zhang Yu is not the same Zhang Yu as before, and will not wantonly massacre the family.

As long as you don’t resist, cooperate well, and accept your property, you will still be a good citizen.

Therefore, these aristocratic families are not afraid, they beat them.

It’s just sad.

After all, it is 70% of the property.

Although, if you change into a silver ticket, it’s okay to hide it on your body, but they didn’t have time to prepare, they came too suddenly.

I don’t know how many people still have a lot of property in other counties or outside the city.

These aristocratic families have changed. In the past, if Zhang Yu was killed, they would be afraid, because Zhang Yu didn’t know how many families had been destroyed.

It won’t be anymore, but it’s sad, so sad.

This night, ordinary people were still afraid, because the swordsman was a disaster for them.

The one who fears the most is the Cai family. Others can be fine, but Cai Hao and his Cai family can’t tell.

Cai Hao waited in the palace, but still did not wait for the report led by Cai.

He didn’t know that the leader of Cai was finished.

However, Cai Hao is a wise man, and he can tell by listening to the killings everywhere.

The four city gates have been broken, and there are more than 400,000, nearly 500,000 troops outside, how can they resist it?

Cai Hao summoned his staff to come, but after a long time, only a few people came.

At this time, Cai Hao felt lonely.

Cai Tao, there is no chance.

His subordinates are also scared, and following Cai Hao, it may be death.

The shouting and killing outside continued, high for a while and low for a while.

Cai Hao waited left and right. Before the person who reported, Cai Hao sighed deeply and sat down decadently.

Cai Hao glanced at the deputy commander of the guards.

The deputy guard surnamed Wen, and he has been with him for almost two years.

When the leader Cai is not there, this deputy leader naturally takes care of all matters.

“General Wen, you go and pour some hot tea for the adults, and then ask the soldiers to look outside and report if you have any situation.” Cai Hao said.

General Wen was actually promoted by Cai Wei, and the two commanders were not actually generals.

Wen commander doesn’t matter, he bows with both hands, and then retreats.

After going out, Commander Wen glanced around, and then began to arrange.

He sent many people out, and then transferred some people over.

It took about half an hour for Wen Commander to complete all the transfers.

His official position is not high, but because he is someone close to Cai Tao, some things can still be done.

After the transfer was completed, Wen Commander walked in.

The Wen commander walked in, and Cai Hao sat with a few staff members.

In the main hall, a lot of lights were lit, and the whole lobby was very bright.

Commander Wen came in, empty-handed, and Cai Hao had no tea for him to make.

“Why haven’t tea been poured over yet.” An staff member said angrily.

“Forgot.” Wen Commander said lightly.

Several people were obviously in a bad mood, so the staff member cursed: “Dog stuff, how can I do something bad.”

Commander Wen didn’t speak, and walked over.

“Puff ”

Suddenly, Commander Wen drew his sword and stabbed the staff to death.

“Ah, what are you doing.”


“Do you want to rebel?”

The remaining staff screamed in horror.

This Cai Hao was also dumbfounded. After a while, he swept the things off the table, and then said loudly, “Beast, who let you kill?”

Wen commanded the knife wiped on the staff, then put it away again, and then walked to the middle and said, “Master, just kill someone. If it doesn’t, it will be quiet.”

“Ha ha ha” Cai Hao heard this, sneered, and then said: “You are going to rebel, you are going to rebel.”

Wen commander did not deny.

The other staff dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. They just killed an individual. At this time, they curse at others, not for death.

Cai Hao looked around. His guards didn’t react at all when they saw the killing here. It can be seen that the guards here are also under the command of Wen.

Cai Hao sighed and said: “This king treats people not badly. People outside have betrayed this king, and you have also betrayed this king. Why on earth?”

Commander Wen clasped his fists and said, “Master, my subordinates came to Jingzhou on the order of my Majesty the Tang five years ago. In fact, their subordinates are not betrayal.”

Cai Hao was shocked. Five years ago, this Wen commander was actually a person sent by Zhang Yu five years ago.

Cai Hao remembered that when he had just started working on Liu Biao, there were a lot of people who were short of his staff, so he hired people everywhere.

As a result, Zhang Yu may take this opportunity to lay in a large number of people.

After many times, his territory continued to expand, and more and more people were needed, so Zhang Yu put more people in at this time.

It’s scary to think about it.

Cai Hao can imagine how many people there are in Jingzhou, so it is not difficult to imagine Jiang Han’s betrayal, because Jiang Han is also Zhang Yu’s.

One of his own officials in frontiers is a spy, so how can I fight this?

Tonight, Zhang Yu suddenly attacked the city. It is also conceivable that many people are his people, so he did it easily.

Cai Hao sighed decadently.

At this time, on the street, Xu Chen led three thousand people to the palace quickly.

Xu Chen, he led the soldiers in directly, no one stopped him.

Xu Chen, with a high status, was recently ordered to capture the anti-thief, and he still had Cai Hao’s token in his hand, so he was naturally unblocked.

After Xu Chen entered, he arranged his soldiers and horses in the palace.

He was relieved to see that nothing happened here.

Xu Chen will rush back with his troops just because he is afraid of what will happen to Cai Hao.

After he led the troops there, it was still peaceful, everything was under control.

Xu Chen took two hundred people to the main hall.

The people he brought around were sealed off.

Xu Chen arrived and went directly to the main hall.

“Meet your lord.”

When Xu Chen arrives, Wen leads the salute.

Xu Chen nodded and looked at the situation inside the hall.

When Cai Hao saw Xu Chen’s arrival, there was hope in the first place, but as Xu Chen and Wen were in charge, he knew that they were in collusion, and his heart sank.

“Xu Chen, are you from Zhang Yu too?” Cai Hao asked.

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