The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1175

Chapter 1178 Province, City and County System

Zhang Yu came to the area delineated outside Linzi City.

There are indeed workshops here, and Zhang Yu has seen more than 30 workshops.

Zhang Yu’s complexion is not very good. There are more than 30 workshops in this area of ​​hundreds of acres.

There are more than 30 workshops and a few houses, and many products are sold everywhere.

Local people in the workshop came and went, and the road was bumpy, and several people pushed heavy cars passing by.

Zhang Yu can imagine the situation inside. This must be a failure. Although he did not personally summon the local officials, he only asked a policeman to bring his own letter.

My own letter is also imperial edict.

Dare to disobey is to resist the will.

Zhang Yu asked them to centralize all the workshops for easy management.

And they have only concentrated more than 30 workshops until now.

You know, Zhang Yu roughly calculates, there are also three or four hundred workshops outside the city.

There are so many workshops, but only these more than 30 have gathered.

Zhang Yu was naturally dissatisfied.

He has given the imperial decree for more than eight months, and now he is still in such a broken state.

Zhang Yu was very angry.

“Send someone to arrest Yang quickly, and the current policeman Yang is here.”

Zhang Yu was very angry when he saw such a “tragic phenomenon”.

He did what he had confessed to the county guard.

It took two hours to find Officer Yang, who was patrolling outside, so he could not be found.

“Subordinates pay respect to the lord.”

Those who come out of the army don’t like to be called Emperor Zhang Yu, but like to be called the lord.

Zhang Yu also prefers this title, more like his own.

Zhang Yu sat down directly on the side of the road, and then said: “I wrote to the county guard that day and asked him to move all the workshops over. Today I see why it is like this.”

Zhang Yu’s tone was a bit heavy. Officer Yang was neither standing nor sitting, and then he had to squat next to Zhang Yu.

“Master, the subordinates have indeed delivered the letter to the county guard. With the credit of sending the letter, the subordinate has also been promoted to the position of captain who patrols all the workshops.”

“The county guard came here a few times before, and they all planned well, but later encountered some problems. After the county guard came a few times, he did not continue to force it. Later, I heard that the county guard wrote several letters to the cabinet. After that, I just left it here, just let my subordinates come over regularly.”

After listening to Zhang Yu, his face turned black.

If you encounter difficulties, you will not do the things you explain yourself.

“Do you know the specific difficulties?” Zhang Yu asked again.

“The land here is owned by the public. The county has already replaced all the land. Those workshop owners think that if they build their workshops on someone else’s land, what should they do if they are swallowed up together in the future?”

“In addition, each workshop owner has also calculated that they will dismantle the already built workshop, and then build another workshop, which is time-consuming and laborious.”

“Furthermore, all the workshops are gathered together, there is no secret in this, and then the business secrets of each family will be leaked out again.”

“These are part of the reason, as well as the reason for the workers. The workers live at home. Those workers are recruited by the workshop owners nearby. If you build a workshop here, this will be a big trouble.”

Officer Yang told Zhang Yu many reasons.

However, these are all reasons and difficulties.

But in the face of these difficulties, officials choose not to act. They should eliminate one difficulty after another, instead of stagnating as they are now.

After Zhang Yu listened, he did not dispel his anger.

“Tell me who this county guard is.”

Zhang Yu does not know the other party, there are more officials, and many things are handled by the cabinet, and Zhang Yu did not personally participate.

“He is over forty years old, let him retire and go home for the elderly.” Zhang Yu said after listening to the words of Officer Yang.

He sighed, he was lonely.

Zhang Yu has many advanced concepts, but no one can implement them.

Like Wang Mang before, many of Wang Mang’s new policies are very advanced in the 21st century.

But what can be done? The people implementing these New Deals are all ancient people. Even if Wang Mang is a transcendence figure, it is too late to start training talents for the New Deal since he usurped the throne.

Zhang Yu has already started training very early, and has trained a group of talents with relatively new knowledge, but it is also cautious and gradual in advancing many new policies.

Now I have another big somersault here.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said, “Come here, get ready, send the letter to the cabinet, and ask them to arrange for a few people with the highest ranking in the imperial examination to come over.”

Zhang Yu made people prepare horses, from here to the capital very quickly, up to two days.

And Zhang Yu began to write a letter, the letter was very simple, he asked the cabinet to inspect a group of people and transfer them to use.

Just outside the city of Linzi, Zhang Yu would personally guide this piece of experimental base to deal with it. He didn’t allow it to be abandoned like this, and the matter just passed.

Zhang Yu directly sent a county guard home to let him “gloriously” retire. At least he could receive his pension so that he would not starve to death.

“Let’s start from Qingzhou.”

Zhang Yu asked someone to find a detailed map, and then began to draw.

Since then, there has been no Qingzhou, only Shandong Province, with several cities and counties under the city.

Zhang Yu decided to make further changes. It cannot be radical, but it can also be carried out radically in one place and deal with problems as soon as they find problems.

If he is not aggressive, Zhang Yu doesn’t know what difficulties are waiting for him in this era.

For example, businessmen in this era still have a lot of distrust of the government, and they dare not build their own workshops on public land.

If they are built on public land, they are afraid that their own workshop will be annexed by the government.

If Zhang Yu wants to develop a development zone, he must break this distrust of the government.

Zhang Yu has accumulated a huge prestige now, so it is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor and proceed aggressively.

Kuaima can be delivered to the capital soon from Shandong. The cabinet members in the capital are used to it. Zhang Yu often has letters sent on the road, and the cabinet is required to deal with it.

The members of the cabinet already knew well about some high-level talents Soon Chen Gong drafted a list and handed it to the cabinet for discussion.

There was no big problem in the discussion. The two were professionals, and the other departments needed them, so they were replaced.

In this way, after the list was drawn up, the order was quickly transferred to Shandong Province.

And Zhang Yu still stayed in Linzi, preparing to adjust the officials here.

Zhang Yu, the official here, needs to be re-adjusted, so that the provinces, cities, and counties are all set up.

It is no trivial matter to re-divide the administrative regions.

Many things have to be clarified and many materials have to be transferred. It is not that easy to change all of them.

Zhang Yu asked a place close to the capital to begin to change, and then slowly spread out.

Reform the power of officials once again.

.. Wonderful Bookstore.


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