The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1184

Chapter 1187 The effects of opium

Zhang Zhao stayed in the disaster area for more than a month, and the peace here has been restored long ago. Because he was right by the Yangtze River, he recovered quickly.

This is the golden waterway of the Yangtze River. With a developed economy, it is easier for some people to find fire.

Zhang Zhao is here, mobilizing a lot of resources, using work for relief, and opening a new road, allowing the victims to build roads, and at the same time organizing the militias and veterans.

Zhang Zhao wrote to Zhang Yu and recommended Chen Wu. Chen Wu became the chief officer of the county and temporarily handled the construction of the rescue team. He was also a soldier and got along well with these retired troops, some of which were from his former ministry.

After Zhang Yu learned about this in the capital, he learned more.

“This is Zhang Zhao’s suggestion. What I mean is to immediately advance the retirement of 300,000 troops.”

Zhang Yu showed Zhang Zhao’s letter to the cabinet. After reading it, several people fell silent.

Before, they opposed Zhang Yu’s system, retiring a certain number of soldiers each year, or letting some people enter the army for two years of training.

These retired troops are a huge hidden danger.

But now it seems that this is two-sided, as long as the work is done well, they are a big help.

The cabinet began to discuss, the main thing is to formulate some preventive systems, which is now a good proof, but will there be any changes in a few years.

The cabinet still has doubts about Zhang Yu’s system, but at the present time, no one can stop it unless it continues to advance.

Zhang Yu ordered the army to retire 300,000 people in an orderly manner. At the same time, it recruited 300,000 people. Next year, it will continue to retire 100,000 and recruit 100,000 people.

Part of the recruits served for two years and part of them for three years, after which they were scheduled to retire.

Only with the replacement of old and new blood will the army be healthier.

In this way, Zhang Yu and the others must attach importance to the training of officers.

Zhang Yu intends to personally promote a group of college students to enter the army, serve two or three years, and then a group of people will stay.

These people will undergo great changes in their lives after being tempered by the army.

The beginning of the formulation of a system.

Zhang Yu has been paying attention.

After Zhang Zhao came back, Zhang Yu transferred Chen Gong and Tian Feng out of the capital and sent them to various places.

The cabinet cannot stay in the capital all the time, but also needs to travel around to understand the specific content.

If you don’t experience the system and policies you have made yourself, you don’t know how much effect this system has played.

Zhang Yu has been secretly promoting the canal issue. After the students and professors of the School of Engineering completed their surveys, Zhang Yu worked in several places at the same time.

Thousands of miles from north to south, Zhang Yu recruited thousands of people every two hundred miles, and started to dig through five places at the same time.

Thousands of people are well managed and will not cause any troubles. Compared with the road construction brigade, they are inconspicuous at all.

Several months passed again, and all the innovations went smoothly.

Zhang Yu has re-divided the administration of the three eastern provinces, as well as Jizhou and other places.

The three northeastern provinces have also completed the renovation of some counties and cities.

This is very important. The province can reserve part of the funds, and there are corresponding funds.

At that time, we can focus on developing some places and some projects.

The same is true for counties and cities.

This is very good for local development.

The former officials, even though they were scholars, were actually silly readers and didn’t have much abilities.

When they go to the place, they are responsible for everything, and they don’t understand it. In the end, they just don’t have trouble.

Now it is different. Zhang Yu is the emperor. He has cultivated a large number of talents. These are basic talents. When governing the world, these basic talents are very, very important.

Several innovations have yielded many results.

Today, Shanghai has a population of 300,000, making it a very important county.

Zhang Yu has officially promulgated the imperial decree to upgrade Shanghai, which is now equivalent to the municipal level. When it is further developed, it will be a municipality and provincial level configuration.

This is something that will happen sooner or later, and Guangdong, now also has great potential, relying on overseas advantages, it is developing very fast.

After nearly a year of development, the strength of the empire has risen rapidly.

Zhang Yu began to calculate military affairs again.

It has been determined that the Roman Empire in the West has begun preparations, and the leading army has already set off.

The Roman Empire was powerful, but did not dare to advance. At this time, it just sent the vanguard troops.

Xi Zhicai had already returned to the capital, and Chang’an and Luoyang Zhuge Liang were in charge at this time.

The various undertakings of the empire were going very well, and the national strength was strong, so Zhang Yu convened the cabinet again.

This time the cabinet, Chen Gong and Tian Feng were outside, and they did not come back. The other six cabinet members were all there.

“With one year of preparation, we have achieved a great advantage in the military. Although the number of troops has not increased, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.”

“Especially the logistical configuration has been improved, and there will be no large-scale mobilization of food, grass, weapons and equipment for two years.”

When Zhang Yu got the news, Rome sent more than 20,000 people over, which was considered the vanguard.

“Bong Xiao, let me talk about the situation first, how is our opium plan going?”

Guo Jia nodded, this is something he has been promoting.

“Opium. Since the beginning of this year, we have sold millions of silver coins, which has brought great benefits to the empire. We don’t know about the Roman Empire. There is news on the Shuchuan side that Liu Bei has been infected with opium.”

Once infected with opium, it is very troublesome.

Zhang Yu said: “Continue to infiltrate, it’s best to let the senior officials or key figures in Shuchuan control it. After a period of time, only we have opium. If they don’t cooperate, there will be no opium. Let them start selling information of little value. Then slowly zoom in, corroding them a little bit.”

Zhang Yu knew that he had to slowly corrode, and now he should not be impatient, nor let them notice.

After they find out, then the kind that is too late, then Zhang Yu will use thunder means to solve the matter.

The infiltration plan went very well, Zhang Yu continued to advance, and the others did it very concealedly and very carefully.

Determine the target of corrosion and then look for opportunities to offer opium, usually to tell them that they are used for healing.

Corroded Liu Bei, when Liu Bei fell ill once, when he was treated, someone offered this thing.

This is called Fushou Ointment. The word Fushou can be misunderstood. In fact, it is a poison. If you take it, you will only die sooner and return Fushou wool.

“Very well, make a good plan and step up. The current thinking is to focus on corroding the bottom layer and the key position.”

“After waiting to a certain extent, focus on corroding the upper layers. Be very careful when corroding the upper layers.”

Corrosion of the bottom layer, one or two problems, will not be concerned.

But if one person at a higher level has a problem, they may be thoroughly investigated. Of course, Zhang Yu and the others have also formulated relevant emergency responses.

Now they don’t know the medicinal properties of this Fushou ointment. If something goes wrong in time, they won’t think about it right away. This requires cover.

(End of this chapter)


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