The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1219

Chapter 1222 training

The most important thing to build a highway is money.

With a large amount of military expenditure, these troops were originally budgeted and would not have much impact on the empire.

At the same time, Zhang Yu had to dig several other canals.

After all the canals are dug through, people and goods can circulate quickly.

Zhang Yu worked directly in Jingzhou, visited some places in Jingzhou, and also looked at the public hospitals established in Jingzhou.

In the end, the practice found that the public hospital still had to make money and had to give doctors bonuses.

Of course, compared with other places, the level here is high and the price is low, which is still very popular with the people.

The public hospital established in Jingzhou has more than one hundred medical staff, and several large-scale pharmaceutical gardens have been established at the same time.

Medicine has slowly formed a very rudimentary system.

As long as this system is established and can run for a long time, it will definitely develop in the future.

Zhang Yu kept all these precious experiences and books, and after passing on them and studying them, he would surely be able to carry it forward.

“It’s time to return to Beijing, I hope this Shuchuan can come back soon.”

Shuchuan is a very important place in the Huaxia plate, and Zhang Yu will have to unify it no matter how much it pays.

After this battle, after more than half a year of military management, the previous innovations have been confirmed.

“If you have money, you have to spend it. Hundreds of millions of silver coins will be enough for me to spend a while.”

Zhang Yu raised the military expenses in advance, and now he has spent less than one-third of the military expenses. There is a large amount of military expenses left. One-third is left, and the other one-third is spent on his own.

The first is to build an expressway. This road from Beijing to Shanghai will cost a lot.

Zhang Yu himself estimated that it would take about 100 million silver coins. This is because the land has been leveled and the roadbed has been built.

On the highway, the roadbed and everything are ready-made, as long as the concrete is poured on it.

This road must be repaired. Zhang Yu wants to train industrial workers. Now, except for those in the engineering school, only some people can use this cement.

If this road is built, more people will definitely use cement in the future.

Cement is open to buy. Your family wants to build a yard, and you want to build two houses. If you use cement, you can build a few stories high.

Make some demonstrations before they can be popularized in the future.

Zhang Yu didn’t know how the glass was researched. Zhang Yu only knew a general method, and then let the teachers and students of the School of Engineering to study it. The best research can be found. Zhang Yu can’t do it if it is not researched.

In the Engineering College, there are not many teachers and students, just a few hundred people, and they have begun to study various technologies.

Of course, these techniques are all carried out under Zhang Yu’s guidance.

Scholars like today no longer study Confucius and Mencius all the time, but study various subjects.

Various basic disciplines have risen, and I believe they will flourish in a few years.

Zhang Yu went back.

“Lord, people outside say that the lord is wise, and everywhere is praising the lord.” Dianwei guards Zhang Yu, and he reports to Zhang Yu when he hears some news.

These Zhang Yu had received the news a long time ago. He did not expect that he would be so effective in marching hundreds of Romans around the world.

When hundreds of Romans dispersed to various places, people from all over the place rushed to watch.

“Sure enough, it’s the devil, they actually eat people.”

“Their eyes are actually blue.”

“It’s terrible. Fortunately, your Majesty was wise and blocked them.”

“Oh, your majesty is in no danger, right.”

The people all over the world were shaken. Seeing this Roman, no one dared to say that Zhang Yu was arrogant, and no one dared to make trouble at this time.

No one dared to get up and make trouble at this time for the reforms Zhang Yu promoted, and all the systems were stabilized.

These Romans gave Zhang Yu a lot of credit. If it weren’t for them, Zhang Yu’s innovation would never go so smoothly.

At this time Zhang Yu’s prestige reached its peak.

Everyone in the world has seen the Romans with their own eyes, and they all know that Zhang Yu has protected China’s orthodoxy and protected them.

Especially some scholars, don’t know how many articles have been written to praise Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu didn’t stop it either. There are many innovations in the follow-up, all requiring him to have high prestige.

When I went back this time, I took a different road. Many roads were built. Although they were all dirt roads, some were paved with broken stones, but they were already formed roads.

“Give me another twenty years, and I will repair him several horizontally and vertically. I can’t repair too much. I will repair one of them for one year’s income.”

Zhang Yu began to imagine that if he really budgeted one road a year and started one road, then he would definitely become the king of the future and the emperor through the ages.

Your own innovation will definitely lay the foundation for future generations.

Zhang Yu did not visit along the way this time, but he received various reports on the way.

“Hey, this semi-monthly magazine has started advertising, not bad.”

Advertising, the first advertisement was for their own tobacco.

But this time, other businessmen started to advertise. If the effect is good, there will be many businessmen advertise on it in the future. With advertising revenue, the price of this semi-monthly magazine can be lowered again, and more people will buy and distribute The amount is even greater.

“It was a very good beginning, and finally some businessmen started to try it. In the future, the semi-monthly magazine may become a weekly magazine, so it will be published every ten days.”

The area of ​​the empire is too large, and all places are far away, so the transportation is still inconvenient today.

Zhang Yu’s current method is to typeset half a month or more in advance, and then send the sample publications to various places for printing, and when the day comes, all places will start printing at the same time.

However, only a few places can print at the same time, and some places can only buy semi-monthly publications that have been published for a long time.

However, in Beijing, once a new semi-monthly magazine starts to be published, many people will rush to buy it. Nowadays, thousands of copies can be sold in one place in Beijing.

The semi-monthly publication has become a window for everyone to understand the world.

There are a variety of more important government orders, events happening in various places, and various papers.

Zhang Yu also intends to publish a scientific journal dedicated to various academic papers, which can be published as soon as there are new discoveries.

In the early days, Zhang Yu sent it directly to the colleges, and of course it was also publicly released. Someone was willing to buy it, whether it was for his own research or arty, in short, to spread scientific knowledge.

On the way back, Zhang Yu thought with joy.

He is now in his early thirties, in his prime, and because of his martial arts studies, he is much younger than his true age.

Zhang Yu will have no problem serving the Empire for another thirty years.

He has 30 years enough time, many policies do not need to be impatient, and slowly advance.

Some of the innovations have been determined.

Zhang Yu is now consolidating these innovations and not letting people fight back.

“A good rest for a year, this year will not toss, but the road has to be repaired, and the canal has to be dug.”

Zhang Yu does not intend to carry out major innovations, so that the entire China begins to recuperate.

There are now more than one million troops, close to two million troops.

Zhang Yu directly cut 200,000 troops when he was in Jingzhou.

This two hundred thousand is just the beginning.

Zhang Yu didn’t start disarmament immediately because he didn’t know how to arrange so many troops. He always had to let the locals have a familiar process so that they could be able to arrange so many troops.

(End of this chapter)


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