The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 80

Chapter 81 Jiaguan Jinjue

The shocked Huangfusong and Zhu Jun were silent for a long time, and neither of them thought that this would be the case.

They have always guarded Zhang Yu, just not letting him do too much credit, but now it’s better. Zhang Yu not only made credit, but also made great contributions.

“This Zhang Yu is too terrifying, more tolerable than us old guys.” Huang Fusong finally sighed.

Zhu Jun also sighed deeply and said: “Yizhen, unless we stifle Zhang Yu, it will be difficult to stop him from rising, and we are already old. If he rebels in the future, I am afraid we will all become dead bones. Up.”

“Smear the hero, this kind of thing is not something you and I can do.” Huang Fusong finally found that he had nothing to do with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu had no affiliation with him, and there was nothing wrong with him sending troops to attack Runan.

Those who entered the Changshe City, Huangfusong had the right to control him, but those who did not enter the Changshe City, Huangfusong had no right to control him at all.

Zhang Yu took advantage of this loophole.

Huangfu Song didn’t forget Zhang Yu’s five thousand soldiers and horses outside, but didn’t ask about it.

Once you ask, if you don’t let these five thousand soldiers go to war, you can’t justify it. Assigning them to fight will definitely make Zhang Yu a great credit, so Huangfu Song deliberately ignored it.

However, this neglect made Zhang Yu take great credit.

In other words, Ling Cao and Huang Zhong went south immediately when they almost killed the yellow turban outside Changshe City.

Although He Yi, Bo Cai and others escaped, they only took a few hundred remnants with them.

When they arrived at Runan City, Ling Cao followed them.

At this time, there were not many yellow turbans in the city of Runan. With the big defeat, the morale was gone, and Ling Cao attacked them.

In the city of Runan.

“Brother Ling Cao, Brother Zhang had previously ordered that he captured Runan City, and he would transfer the seizures in it soon. How many have been transferred now?”

Two days after he captured Runan City, Huang Zhong asked.

“All have been transferred, but we are still too late. The Yellow Turban has transferred most of the huge wealth, and we have only collected millions of money.” Ling Cao said regretfully.

The yellow scarf swept across the entire Runan and most areas of Yingchuan, and the accumulated wealth was amazing, but Ling Cao and the others did not find much. It seems that most of them have been transferred.

Zhang Yu and the others also have tens of thousands of Yellow Turban prisoners, part of them are the army, most of them are the family members of the Yellow Turbans.

Ling Cao also arranged for people to take them back together, and not to take them back. When the officers and soldiers arrive, these people will die.

The important town of Runan was breached and the Yellow Turban was wiped out all the way. Huang Fusong began planning to go north to Jizhou and attack Zhang Jiao with Lu Zhi.

The army came back one after another and regrouped in Changshe City.

Cao Cao, Sun Jian and others were depressed when they knew that Runan City had been breached. But it is already a fact, so the two did not go to Runan City, but returned on the spot.

Going to Runan City will still make people jealous or jealous, and they are prone to conflict. For that point of interest, Sun Jian and Cao Cao certainly know how to choose.

After    came back, Huangfusong and Zhu Jun were also very depressed.

After the meeting hall, only Huangfusong and Zhu Jun were the only ones.

“Yizhen, do you want to play the court and transfer this Zhang Yu to our department? After all, Zhang Jiao still has more than 300,000 soldiers and horses, which is not easy to fight. Besides, being transferred to our department can better control Zhang Yu. “Zhu Jun said.

Because of this, Huangfusong also has a headache.

Transferring into your own army has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

That is, Huangfusong must treat him equally when that happens. If he still treats them differently, it will be difficult for the troops to bring them.

But Huangfu Song really didn’t want Zhang Yu to gain too much power.

So Huangfu Song was very entangled.

“Well, don’t care about him, let’s go north and throw this Runan and Yingchuan to him.” Huang Fusong finally decided.

A few days after the army came back, Huangfusong set off with the army. During this period, Zhang Yu was not found, and he did not give Zhang Yu any order.

“Hey, this is abandoned again.” After watching the army go, Zhang Yu shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Yu cannot leave because his army is still in Runan City.

Zhang Yu ordered Xi Zhicai to immediately go north and establish a supply base elsewhere, and the original supply base will remain.

The reason is very simple. Zhang Yu plans to go to Jizhou to fight in the next step. During this period, he must supply logistics and the supply of soldiers has been solved.


At this time, another battle began above the court.

The most fierce battle is the award of Zhang Yu.

There is not much doubt about the other awards.

“No, give Zhang Yu a title, absolutely not.” Above the court, there was a big contradiction with Zhang Yu’s award.

“Although Zhang Yu has great merit, but he is only seventeen years old, how can he be awarded the most gold and silver cloth?”

“Yes, Zhang Yu was already in a high position, so he should be the county magistrate.”


Most of the ministers strongly opposed, opposing Zhang Yu’s appointment.

“Father, do you have any suggestions?”

Liu Hong has a big head, it is so troublesome to give Zhang Yu an official.

Now Zhang Yu is the biggest hero. It won’t work if he is not appointed, and there is nothing wrong with giving the title to him.

But almost all the ministers objected, so he had to ask Zhang Rang.

“Holy Lord, this chapter Yu has done a great job, and he won’t be appointed as an official. How to let the soldiers use his life? What’s more, this Zhang Yu is loyal to the country and sympathetic to your Majesty, and must be rewarded.” Zhang Rang said.

Liu Hong listened, nodded, and then he wanted to seal Zhang Yu’s township and give him the post of general.

“Your Majesty is not allowed.”

“Your Majesty, how can this Zhang Yu be.”

“Your Majesty, the minister risked his death to remonstrate.”

There was another round of opposition from the ministers, and the opposition was loud.

It seems that Liu Hongfeng rewarded Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu is the unconscious gentleman.

After the last dispute, Liu Hong was furious.

“Okay, I will designate Zhang Yu as a Ting Hou, and the officials will worship Anyi to protect the army.” Finally, Liu Hong made a final decision.

Anyi guard army is not big, just a rank six general.

Liu Hong officially opened Chrysanthemum, and the ministers did not dare to say any more. After all, if the emperor changed his mouth, the problem would be big.

Before they officially opened the rewards, they dared to make noises, dared to make noise, and really opened their mouths, which is equivalent to the imperial edict.

In this way, Zhang Yu’s award was set, and it was sealed all at once.

In the Han Dynasty, Feng Hou was a great thing, although Zhang Yu was the youngest Ting Hou.

Zhang Yu, who is far away in Changshe City, didn’t know that he had gone through such a dispute over his affairs.

At this time, he was waiting in Changshe City, waiting for the arrival of his army, and the arrival of Xi Zhicai.

After all, there is no logistical support, and Zhang Yu is raised by his step-father. It will be difficult to handle if something happens at that time.

So Zhang Yu planned to wait until he was ready, because it was only in early May, and the Yellow Turban was not so easy to lose. If you go early, you may suffer heavy losses in the fight, so Zhang Yu feels that it is better to go later and just pick up the cheaper ones. .

Within a few days, Ling Cao and Huang Zhong joined Zhang Yu with an army.

Although after a great battle, Zhang Yu still has more than 5,000 troops in his hands.

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