The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 669

Vol 2 Chapter 482: Yo Yo

Xia Feng was in the school, wandering around the school while avoiding the school staff.

During this period, he saw a lot of hot female students.

However, he felt that he was a little face blind, because every female student with blond hair and big breasts, he felt like Tina, and had the illusion of sleeping all over the school.

There are many activity classes for students, and the gymnasium is always open during the day, with students from the basketball team training.

Xia Feng is actually willing to play basketball, but since sleeping in this world, he has never tried this sport again.

In fact, when he used to go to school, he was also on the school team. Although his physical fitness was average, his body work was particularly good. Dribbling breakthroughs and post-up singles were his two stunts.

But because the physical quality is relatively rubbish, I am afraid that if I encounter a tall and hard one, it will not be able to jump in, and I will not be able to beat it.

The United States is the country with the best development of basketball, no one.

One’s physical fitness itself is suitable for this sport, and another is that there is an unparalleled basketball culture here, as well as a mature training system.

Although there are so-called sports talents in China, unless they get good results in major national events or international competitions, they may be admitted to famous universities by exception.

But in the United States, as long as you play well in basketball, there will be many colleges that offer you many attractive conditions like recruiting.

In addition, there are junior high school leagues in junior high schools, high school leagues in high schools, and even elementary school leagues in elementary schools.

Even if the student’s grades are not good, all relying on basketball, they can get a scholarship and enter a famous school to study.

There are also very few teachers who feel that engaging in sports is not doing a proper job, and they are more supportive.

Especially for black students with better physical fitness.

Xia Feng searched the Internet and found that Charles White College, let alone dominating the country, is a small chicken in Washington State.

But judging from the way they trained, they were working very hard. There were also some black and tough jumping men, and they were quite easy to dunk.

Xia Feng had nowhere to go, and it was not an option to hang around outside the school. The gym happened to be open to the public. He came in and sat for a while, but no one came to chase him.

So he didn’t want to leave, he just sat here, watching people training, at least playing basketball wouldn’t be too boring.

Wang Wanru said that they didn’t finish school until 7 o’clock, and now the afternoon is not half over. He always heard people say that foreign high schools don’t have extra classes, but what the **** is this.

Xia Feng, who used to like to think wildly in his head, like to drink a little bit of wine and compare himself with others.

In fact, this is also something that can’t be helped. The more you want and the more you can’t get it, the more you will use some way to make up for the emptiness in your heart as much as possible.

Therefore, for some show superiors, you don’t even need to take care of them, let alone envy them, because when they show, they have already exposed their humble hearts.

Like most people say, there is no show.

The things he bought by smashing the pot and selling iron, the things he got by unscrupulous means, he thinks he has it, and he thinks you don’t have it, so he will show it off.

Xia Feng looked at the side of the court, and there were some black and tough people showing off their muscles. He was extremely sure that the other party must have been a thin person before, and had been ridiculed or bullied, so he was only showing off now. Very exciting.

Of course, he doesn’t despise this kind of behavior, because he himself is such a person, the reason why he doesn’t show off now, if he doesn’t pretend to compare, he has too many things to show off.

Show off your girlfriend?

Post a deposit?

Dry the car?

Big brother?

Thinking of this, Xia Feng suddenly felt at ease. He felt that he was now a semi-successful person. After he finished filming, he would not be able to spend more money in the future, and he was also buying a basketball team to play with.

Get a bunch of superstars in their prime, but don’t let them play, let them watch the water cooler.

For no other reason, money willful.

Xia Feng watched it for about an hour. He was a little tired from sitting, so he also stood up and walked along one end.

At this time, a basketball happened to roll to his feet. He turned his head and glanced and found that no one paid attention to the basketball, so he picked it up and patted it.

And I also played two crotch, but because of my raw hands, I didn’t dribble the ball a few times, and the ball hit my foot and flew.

“It looks like I’m no longer fit for the sport.”

Xia Feng walked over, picked up the basketball, and planned to put it aside.

As a result, as soon as he picked up the ball, a tall black man about 1.9 meters tall shouted to him:

“Who let you in! Get out of here quickly! You yellow dwarf!”

Xia Feng didn’t think anything at all, because he was training, it’s really not good for him to come in. If he found out, let him go out, and he just went out.

It happened that he had been sitting here for so long, and he was a little bored.

However, it’s okay for the other party to yell at him, and he even scolded him as a yellow dwarf, which he couldn’t bear.

Xia Feng picked up the basketball, then looked at the black man and said with a smile:

“Nigger, are you talking to me?”

In the United States, racial discrimination is a very sensitive thing. Of course, only black people are most sensitive to this kind of discrimination. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As for the yellow people, although they will encounter some things, they are not psychologically as big as the black people.

So calling a person a **** is equivalent to selling a batch of mothers in China, which is a very insulting word anyway.

Called a **** by Xia Feng, this tall black man quit his job immediately, but he didn’t call anyone, but strode over directly, seemingly wanting to beat Xia Feng fatly.

Xia Feng didn’t condone him either. To put it mildly, he could beat 30 black people with such a high height by himself.

“You **** thing, say it again!”

“You are so naughty, I scolded you, and you asked me to say it again, I said you nigger, how cheap you are.”

“Bastard, you’re dead, I’ll break your arm off and kick your stuff away with a kick!”

“Okay, I get it now.”

Xia Feng nodded, then suddenly became startled, pointed to the side and said:

“Hey, who do you see here?”

The tall black man looked in the direction of Xia Feng’s fingers subconsciously, but at this moment, a basketball suddenly flew towards him and hit him directly on the head.

Then, the black man screamed, fell directly to the ground and passed out.

His screams immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the pitch.

Some people didn’t know what was going on here because they were training before. Xia Feng shouted, saying that this person had fainted, and then quickly left the gym, not wanting to cause trouble.

For the whole afternoon, what Xia Feng was most satisfied with was witnessing a swimming lesson.

The school has swimming pools, both outdoor and indoor.

Although the students’ swimsuits are more conservative, they still have protruding tops or bottoms.

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