The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 690

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Keyboard Warrior

After coming out of the Yokohama branch, Xia Feng was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Some trivial matters, big and small, are resolved this time, and the explanation is almost done.

But this is not the end, because there are still system tasks for this month that have not been done.

Last month’s system task, he solved it near the end of the month, but in a blink of an eye it was a new month.

He originally wanted to wait until the last few days of the month to do it, but when he thought of joining a provincial guild, he might be asked to participate in the event immediately, so he no longer thought about procrastinating. After all, it was sooner rather than later. It’s okay to finish.

After enabling the permission to convert material tasks into script tasks, Xia Feng completely eliminated the material tasks.

Although the difficulty of the material task is weaker than that of the script task, it is not as dangerous as the script task.

But aside from this, the scripted mission is otherwise complete.

Because no matter what the task is, there will be dangers, and dangers are unavoidable, but they can be big or small.

The places where the material tasks take place are all in reality, which is equivalent to an event sent by the Celestial Master Guild.

In reality, not in the scripted world, time is bound to be lost.

In addition, there are very few rewards for material tasks, far less than those obtained after the completion of script tasks.

The former only gives experience points, while the latter, not only can you get experience points, but you may also get some props, as well as some items that can be used in the underworld.

And after successfully solving the script task, he is equivalent to opening a new world, and can freely travel between reality and the script world.

Even if you need to consume some experience points, the amount is not much, only two or three points each time.

Because he had already decided to participate in the script task, he deliberately found a restaurant with a good reputation for a meal before returning home.

I don’t know how the script task is going, but I can be more energetic when I’m full.

It was 10 o’clock in the evening when I got home after eating.

Xia Feng took a shower and changed his clothes. He didn’t know if he thought he was going to run out to meet his sister.

After this set was finished, Xia Feng no longer hesitated to choose to start the script task.

Wu Naizhi is a student of Qiyang No. 2 Middle School. His academic performance is in the middle and lower reaches of the school.

Although the school expressly prohibits students from carrying mobile phones during school, as Wu Naizhi, who hardly listens to classes in class and does not have much sleepiness, if he obeys the school’s instructions obediently, then his days at school will really be worth it. It can be described in terms of days like years.

Because of Wu Naizhi’s sullen personality and little courage, some other students in the same class who did not study hard and were fighting couldn’t play together.

As for studying well, most of his energy is spent on studying, and naturally he will not play anything with him.

But in the Internet age, the concept of “friends” is no longer limited to the reality of getting along day and night, because just a few words on the Internet that seem like-minded can quickly become friends.

Wu Naizhi is a person who focuses on making friends online.

Of course, this kind of friendship is not about making girlfriends, or doing that, but simply wanting to attract attention and gain the approval of others.

No matter it is a big or small matter, as long as it is what he sees, no matter whether he understands it or not, he must comment.

When he encounters people who don’t recognize him, he will use his spare time to swear and rant and talk.

Also known as the keyboard warrior.

From Tieba, to some online novels, to some headlines popping up in browsers, there are messages from Wu Naizhi’s id, “the left hand of the gods”.

So that whenever there is any news, everyone will always leave a message and say, “The left hand of the gods will arrive soon.”

He is proud of this, and feels that it is a particularly awesome thing, and for him, there is nothing else that can be more enjoyable than his free will to attack people on the Internet.

He felt that he was a **** on the Internet, and no matter who it was, as long as he provokes him, he was sure to be mad at the other party.

Anyway, he has nothing to do with school all day, so he just scolds each other, no matter how he can scold each other, he won’t dare to return to him.

Apart from playing Tieba and watching news from some entertainment stars, what he reads the most is online novels.

As a person who has been reading novels on his mobile phone since elementary school, he has never spent a penny until his sophomore year of high school.

But just like many popular posts, many of them are either popular or unpopular in the comment area of novels, and there are his haunts.

Nothing else, just a very direct spray.

Many administrators in the book review area were too lazy to pay attention to him, and almost all silenced him.

But sometimes when he is not angry, he will also register for the trumpet and continue to scold.

When the scolding was unpleasant, he privately messaged the author, or the administrator of the book review, and continued to spray.

He is very clear that readers can scold the author at will, but 99% of the author will not spray it back.

Because as long as the author sprays it back, he will be caught by him, as long as he is making a trumpet and a rhythm.

A so-called author with poor character and low quality will attract many people like him to come over and start beating.

That is exactly what they want.

Therefore, for some of his insults, the authors will take the method of directly deleting the posts and banning them, greeting him in their hearts to the whole family who are long gone, and will not take the initiative to pay attention to them.

And people are like The more indulgence, the more presumptuous.

Wu Naizhi is such a person. He usually reads books on pirated websites, and then if he reads against his will, he will come to the genuine book review area, pretend to be a so-called genuine fan of the trumpet, and then start cursing people openly.

Because he was bored, he was always looking for books to read. He used to read those small h-texts, but with the arrival of the Harmony Army, he could only switch to other categories.

A few days ago, he inadvertently saw a book with 3 million words written, but it hadn’t even signed a contract.

No one left a message in the book review area, and the author is diligent in updating it every day.

He casually read a few chapters and felt that the other party’s writing was rubbish.

So he started scolding in the old way.

Scolding the author for writing such rubbish, so rotten, not even signing a contract, but also writing a **, insisting on it every day like a sabi, it is even more mentally handicapped than mentally handicapped…

After the words were scolded, the author immediately banned him.

And reply to him “keyboard man” three words.

When he saw the other party’s reply, he was unhappy, and then he found the other party’s book friend group in the profile, and added it as a support book friend.

i There are only 10 people in the book friend group of the other party, and the author is also in it.

He added the other party’s book friend group, naturally, not for the so-called support, but for him to be able to scold the author directly.

So after he joined the group, he directly added the author’s friend, and then began to chat with the other party hypocritically.

The author’s age note is 38 years old, and the avatar is just a randomly found system avatar, without even a personal signature.

This made Wu Naizhi feel that the other party was really mentally handicapped. After living for so many years, he couldn’t even understand a chat software.

What’s the point of being alive, it’s better to just die.

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: Mobile version reading URL:

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