The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 692

Vol 2 Chapter 505: Avatar Pervert

In the past script tasks, the system will give him an identity and let him play a role in the script world.

But for this role, there are no particularly straightforward requirements.

Even if there is a request, he needs to **** and verify it through this identity.

For example, the first scripted mission he participated in.

At that time, the script mission required him not to leave Xu Jia and escape alone.

As long as this implicit requirement is violated, it will be warned by the system.

Another example is the script task of subduing the white bone spirit. He couldn’t go against the character’s character and directly killed Pang Ying, who was pregnant with a ghost.

Something like this is called an implicit requirement.

Of course, the straightforward request is not without it, that is, he is not allowed to reveal the existence of the system to anyone in the script world.

In other words, he is not allowed to tell the people in the scripted world what kind of world they live in.

Other than that, there is none.

However, this script mission was uncharacteristically.

He even asked him to tell a ghost story to a few “classmates”.

It is also necessary to tell this story in accordance with the requirements of the system.

This also made him very strange.

But what he told could be described as a ghost story, and of course it could also be described as a very bad murder case.

Because the protagonist of the story, Wu Naizhi, is a student in Class 2, Senior 2, and Class 3.

However, not long ago, Wu Naizhi’s family of three were found dead at home.

The corpses were chopped into pieces and then sewn together with needles and thread. Three corpses lay side by side on the floor of the living room.

There was no sign of a fight in the house, not even blood was left at the scene.

And that’s just the weird part.

What’s really weird is that all three people died at different times.

Among them, Wu Naizhi stopped coming to school half a month ago, and the teachers at the school also contacted Wu Naizhi’s parents.

It turned out that Wu Naizhi was seriously ill and would not go to school recently.

Because Wu Naizhi was a very unremarkable student in the class, and he didn’t have much to do with it, so no one cared about him.

But in the autopsy report of the police, Wu Naizhi died half a month ago.

Because the corpse has already begun to decompose.

The second strange thing is his father.

His father and Wu Naizhi died a week apart.

To put it simply, during the week of Wu Naizhi’s death, his father still went to and from get off work every morning and evening.

It’s as if Wu Naizhi died when he died, or he disappeared when he disappeared, and he didn’t care.

Of course, there is even more terrible, this person is Wu Naizhi’s mother.

Wu Naizhi’s mother died two days ago, but in the previous half a month.

This woman, who lost her son and husband one after another, commutes to and from get off work as usual, buys and cooks food, and goes to the beauty salon for maintenance twice.

If it wasn’t for a dead person who couldn’t kill himself, dismember himself and sew him up with thread, then anyone would think that Wu Naizhi’s mother was the murderer.

This bizarre case was originally deeply hidden by the police, but it is said that a case investigator, who drank too much during a small gathering with friends, said it as a talking point at the wine table, so it was passed on to ten, Ten reports, plus some reporters’ confirmation, the matter was confirmed.

It can be said that the city is full of storms and people are panicking, especially for the students in Class 3 of Senior Two.

After all, no matter how unattractive Wu Naizhi is, he is also a classmate who has been in the same class for more than a year. When he thinks of his former classmate, his whole body is stitched up with fishing line, lying on the ground rotten, and there are two corpses of his parents next to him, think about it. No one is not afraid.

So when Xia Feng used some atmosphere to exaggerate it, he almost made the students **** their pants in fright.

Not counting Xia Feng, there were a total of 5 students.

If you count Xia Feng, it’s the Gang of Six “all-powerful” in Class 3 of Senior Two.

To describe it simply and rudely, it is not an adult, but he does what an adult does.

Smoking, drinking and scalding your head, plus hardly going to school.

It is a typical poor student with very poor academic performance.

Xia Feng’s identity in the script mission this time was a student with a perverted heart.

The name also has its own characteristics, it is called Wang Xiaonei, and everyone who knows him is called Xiao**.

I don’t know if it’s because of the name, Wang Xiaonei, a student, has very perverted and evil thoughts since he was a child.

That’s stealing all the women’s **** in the world.

Xia Feng felt that he was already relatively shameless and a bit wretched, but compared to this Wang Xiaonei, he was nothing but nothing.


Because stealing other people’s **** is fine, it’s fine to spy on other people’s underwear, but Wang Xiaonei even includes his mother, his sister, and even his aunt’s eldest sister, his aunt’s little sister, his mother’s friend’s daughter, and That friend’s daughter, etc., can be said to be full of evil thoughts.

Of course, only he knows this.

Even those who have played with him since childhood, and the many best friends in the school don’t know it.

And just looking at his face, he looks relatively simple and honest, how can he pretend to be such a lewd person.

Alive is a **** maniac.

When he was speechless about Wang Xiaonei’s mentality, he also thought about researching how this mentality was formed.

After all, there are countless examples of this kind of perversion in reality.

There are people who like to steal people’s underwear.

There needs to be more extension here.

Because it is also divided into high-end and low-end.

Some of the high-end, is to choose women’s underwear to steal.

The low-level ones are more excessive, whether it is a man or a woman, as long as they can steal it, they will not let it go.

When Xia Feng was in school, a low-level underwear maniac was used to steal 8 pairs of underwear.

Not only him, everyone in the dormitory had their shorts stolen.

At that time, the school said that it would be well, but I didn’t know it was investigated, but I felt that once this kind of thing was exposed, it would cause a devastating blow to the heart of the person, so it was not announced, or it was not at all. Found someone.

But there are indeed many people who have this kind of mentality.

Some are interested in underwear, others are about underwear, worn socks, and even more disgusting is the used aunt towel.

It can be said that only more perverted, not the most perverted.

I thought that Wang Xiaonei had been stimulated in some way, or something, to have this fetish.

But in fact, Wang Xiaonei’s parents have no problems. Although the education for him is not good, it can be regarded as the education of ordinary families. At most, they just don’t have much time to watch him.

This script assignment caught him by surprise, so that after he finished telling the ghost story about Wu Naizhi, he was still a little confused.

Some people don’t know how this script task will develop in the next direction.

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