The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 717

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Sorry

What is the real main thread?

Xia Feng actually had the answer in his heart, because this was a two-choice question.

Before he chose one of the two, he felt that the main line must be a curse, and the branch line was Wu Naizhi’s death.

But now, I thought it was the curse of the main line, only to find out that it was just a branch line after it was solved.

Then obviously the remaining one is the main line.

But for this main line, he really has no clue.

Because the clues are really too few.

When Wu Naizhi died inexplicably, he knew that he was killed by evil spirits, and also died together with his parents.

But where is the evil that killed him?

But there is absolutely no clue.

But if there is no clue, he has to seek clues. He is like this now, and if he delays for a few days, it is estimated that he will really not be able to go out, and he will be completely rotten and left with bones.

Besides, he still had doubts, if Wang Xiaonei’s body really rotted into bones, he would not be able to return to reality.

Then everything is gg.

The only ones who can get started are those classmates who passed through Wu Naizhi.

Try to find out some information about Wu Naizhi from them.

The other is to ask about his parents, and then infiltrate some people around his parents to see if they can find out what’s wrong.

The time was tight and the task was heavy, and Xia Feng did not dare to delay for a moment.

But if something like this happened at the school, the students in the class must be terrified, at least not going to school today or tomorrow.

So he can only find out by phone.

Before that, Xia Feng first brought back Bao Jing, monkey monsters and other soldiers from the underworld who had been released before.

When he found them through the tracking technique, he almost vomited blood out of breath.

Because Pao Jing is taking them to the mall.

“How are you guys walking around? Why didn’t you buy any clothes to wear?”

“Your Highness, let’s just buy clothes, and besides, it’s useless even if we buy them.

Uh… That Honorable Lord… Excuse me, did you fall into the toilet, why is it so stinky? ”

“Stop smiling with me!

Am I being too indulgent to you?

I asked you to stare at Liu Wei, but where did you stare at?

Liu Wei, are they in the mall?

Talk to me like a fart, won’t you! ”

Xia Feng had already experienced a bit of unpleasantness in this mission, and he was extremely depressed. This fire finally burst out.

Seeing Xia Feng’s anger, the members of the underworld, such as the White Bone Monkey Monster, shivered with fright.

Compared with Bao Jing’s flattery on the surface, he was actually not very afraid of Xia Feng in his heart. The white-washed evil spirits like Bai Gujing were deeply afraid of Xia Feng.

“Your lord, calm down.

How dare we neglect what you have told us.

We kept watching until they suddenly turned into corpses.

We didn’t see you coming to us, so I took them out to get some air. ”

“So I have to apologize to you?”

“No, no, it’s our fault, let the Lord handle it.”

“If I don’t look for you, you won’t look for me?”

“We can’t find you.”

When Bao Jing said this, he looked a little aggrieved.

Xia Feng was hesitant to say anything, but after thinking about it, it was true that although this Underworld belonged to him, he had the feeling that he was borrowing it for a few days.

Because as long as the evil spirits are released, unless he uses the tracking technique in advance to leave a tracking mark on them, even if they run away, he will have nothing to do with them.

Like what he used to frighten Li Junmei before, even if it escaped to the ends of the earth, it could be found, it was completely bluffing.

And like Bao Jing, they did the same to him. Unless they kept following, they would be lost, and it would be difficult to find them again.

Perhaps it is still a matter of insufficient system level, and I don’t know if this problem can be solved in the future.

After training Bao Jing and them, Xia Feng brought them back to Hades.

The reason why he can’t use the evil spirits in the underworld too much now is that the degree of control over them is too poor, and the evil spirits inside are too weak.

But it is foreseeable that with the accumulation of time, the evil spirits in the underworld will grow day by day like seeds, and sooner or later will cultivate a lot of powerful underworld combat power.

But that’s all in the future, and I can’t count on it now.

After taking Bao Jing and other evil spirits back to the underworld, Xia Feng began to call the phone number in Wang Xiaonei’s mobile phone address book.

Although Wang Xiaonei has the best relationship with Liu Wei and others in the class, it does not mean that he has no contact with other students.

There are still some cell phone numbers of my classmates.

And most importantly, his address book has the cell phone number of the monitor.

And the monitor has the cell phone numbers of all the classmates.

Xia Feng successfully contacted the squad leader. The squad leader may have been frightened. His voice was very low.

The picture of the class address book is stored in the monitor’s mobile phone. He hangs up the phone here, and the monitor sends the picture after a while.

For the next two hours, Xia Feng didn’t do anything else, just made calls after phone calls.

A phone call after a phone call.

After 2 hours of phone calls in a row, Xia Feng took a sip of water, slowed down, and then called again.

By the time he finished the it was past nine o’clock in the evening.

After making these calls, although the harvest is not great, there is still some harvest.

First of all, Wu Naizhi didn’t basically have good friends as the story said.

Secondly, he inquired that Wu Naizhi did behave abnormally before his disappearance.

That is to sleep in class every day.

And always talk about having nightmares at night.

In the end, it was he who found out that Wu Naizhi’s parents were selling clothes in the underground mall.

I made a shop in my own house, and the two of them worked together.

Although he was in a hurry, the time was already at this point, and by the time he got to the underground shopping mall, it might have been closed.

So to find out about his parents’ situation, we can only wait until tomorrow.

Whether Wu Naizhi is often a keyboard warrior is criticized by everyone on the Internet, it is difficult to find out from his classmates.

After all, no one will advertise on the streets, saying that they curse people online every day.

But from what the students learned, the story he first told Liu Wei and others had very, very low credibility.

The only people who can match Wu Naizhi are death and nightmares.

The story mentions the death of Wu Naizhi and his parents, and also mentions that Wu Naizhi had nightmares.

And what Wu Naizhi scolded the author is also some other descriptions, strictly speaking, it is more like a description of Liu Wei and others.

So he began to understand that story as a collection of main and branch clues.

Belongs to both explain some things, and cover up some things.

But the students didn’t know what Wu Naizhi experienced. They only knew that before Wu Naizhi’s accident, he couldn’t sleep well because he always had nightmares, so he slept in the class every day.

He has an idea in his mind, but he still needs enough evidence to support it.

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