The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 720

Vol 2 Chapter 533: Dream

“Where did everyone go? Why is everyone gone!”

“It’s getting dark outside, what’s going on?”

Xia Feng looked at the female student and kept asking each other.

“I don’t know…they suddenly disappeared…”

The female student began to cry as she spoke, and Xia Feng did not comfort her, so she was very annoyed.

However, when he returned to his senses, he found that Dong Jie had disappeared without knowing when.

“My sister is gone!”

Xia Feng was shocked and immediately called out Dong Jie’s name, but in the empty teaching building, there was only his voice, which kept echoing.

“What should we do…”

The girl cried and asked.

Xia Feng did not speak, because at this moment he suddenly had a strong heart palpitations.

It was as if the culprit who made everyone disappear was in this teaching building, no, maybe it was nearby that he couldn’t see.

“It’s so evil, we can’t stay here any longer, let’s go out now.”

Xia Feng started to run towards the door of the teaching building as he spoke, and behind him, the female student followed along crying.

The two were on the 4th floor and went down the stairs to the second floor.

Everything went smoothly, but when they were about to go down to the first floor, the girl behind Xia Feng suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Xia Feng turned his head to look subconsciously, and saw that the girl’s head had disappeared, her neck was bald, and she was constantly spraying blood.

The blood was very hot, like lava, and it was painful to splash on his face.

The headless corpse fell down, but Xia Feng didn’t know what happened at all, there was only one thought in his heart, that is, there was a monster he couldn’t see near him.

He had to get out immediately.

The strong heart palpitations still existed, and Xia Feng began to flee down the stairs desperately.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the door of the teaching building, the scene changed inexplicably at this time.

In front of him was no longer the gate of the teaching building, but a tent instead.

At this time, he was lying in the tent.

But this inexplicable feeling soon disappeared, to be exact, it was completely forgotten by him.

He sat up from the sleeping pad as if it were a matter of course, then opened the tent and walked out.

“You finally woke up, and I noticed something was wrong with one of us.”

A person who was completely unfamiliar to him suddenly ran over from the side, and said in a terrified voice.

“Did you feel it too?”

Xia Feng didn’t know why he would say such a thing. He clearly felt that he was not familiar with the other party, but he instinctively said the words of acquaintances.

“I felt that something was wrong with him. When I passed the tent just now, I heard screams in the tent.

It was very loud, as if someone had died. ”

Xia Feng didn’t know whether the “he” the man said was male or female, but he felt very familiar, as long as he could see it, he would recognize it at a glance.

“I’ll go take a look with you.”

Xia Feng suggested a sentence at this time, and followed the man to the side.

As he walked, a trance appeared in his head again, the tent and everything disappeared, and they came to a very ordinary-looking room.

And from this room, there was a constant biting sound like a monster eating.

“Did you hear that?”

The man was still there, so he cautiously asked Xia Feng at this time.

“heard it.”

Xia Feng was very scared in his heart, but at this time the man suddenly pushed open the door.

“Are you crazy! Let’s run away.”

Xia Feng’s words did not go through his brain at all.

“We still don’t know what he is.

Don’t worry, I have a way to deal with “him”. ”

From the cowardice before, the man seemed to have changed into a very confident person.

Xia Feng nodded in confidence and walked in behind the man.

After entering the room, it is like a house with many rooms.

The room was a little dark, and only the lights were on in the bathroom, and with the light coming from the bathroom, they could see the outline of the house clearly.

The man walked straight to the bathroom as if he was familiar with the road.

Xia Feng wanted to stop him, but his legs didn’t obey him at all.

In this way, the two of them came to the door of the bathroom one after the other.

It was a very old-fashioned door with a dirty glass on it, and Xia Feng had a small frame with a few wooden bars inserted into the frame.

The light comes through the window above and the small frame below.

The biting noise they had heard outside before disappeared as they approached.

But Xia Feng noticed that there was a figure on the window.

There seemed to be someone standing behind the door too.

As for the man, he suddenly bent down at this time, and then fell on the ground strangely, facing the small frame below, and said in that very small voice:

“I brought him…”

Hearing the man’s words, Xia Feng’s back suddenly became cold. He was about to say something when the man suddenly turned his head and started laughing loudly at him.

With a ridiculous smile, the man’s head fell off his neck.

But even so, his mouth was still wide open in a smile.

At the same time, the bathroom door was suddenly pushed A gray-white hand appeared on the edge of the door, and then a blood-red eye was exposed.

Xia Feng screamed and immediately fled outside.

The sound of chasing footsteps was very close behind him. He didn’t dare to look back at what was chasing him, but he just kept running forward.

But the door that let him in seemed to have disappeared. The original room became bigger and bigger. He kept running forward, but there was no end.

In fact, he didn’t want to see the end either, because then it would prove that he had nowhere to run.

However, as soon as this thought came out, a wall appeared in front of him, and he had to stop and start trying to hit the wall blocking his path.

It just doesn’t hit at all.

In the darkness behind him, the footsteps were getting louder and louder, and a shadow was getting closer and closer to him.

His heart palpitated to the extreme, as if he was going to suffocate completely in the next moment.

At this moment, Xia Feng suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from Wang Xiaonei’s bed very tired.

It was only after a while that he reacted with fear, and it turned out that everything that had just happened was just a dream.

Glancing into the living room, the living room was completely shrouded in darkness, and it could be seen that it was dark outside.

He picked up the phone and checked the time. It was past 10 o’clock in the evening, and he slept for 6 hours unconsciously.

What happened in the dream, he still remembered clearly, but just like the usual dream, the dream was messy.

It’s not a complete one, there is no beginning, the middle is inexplicable, only the end is deeper.

“No, even before going to bed, no matter how much you remind yourself that you are dreaming, once you enter that state of sleep, it will be difficult to realize it.

A way has to be researched. “

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