The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 819

Vol 2 Chapter 631: Beluga’S Ambition

“Ask and I’ll tell you everything I know.

But in addition to the premise that you let me go, I have an additional condition. ”

Shu Ya seemed to have figured it out, and put forward an exchange condition to Xia Feng.

“If the conditions are reasonable, I will promise you.”

“You have to keep me safe.

I’m not stupid, you can let me go, but once the organized people know, they will still kill me.

And they will only do better than your peeling. ”

Xia Feng had guessed what conditions Shu Ya would propose, but did not expect it to be such a somewhat contradictory condition.

After all, they were enemies, and it was unknown whether he could fulfill his promise, but Shu Ya turned around and asked him to promise to protect her.

I don’t know if Shu Ya is too naive, or if he really believes that he will fulfill his promise to an enemy.

“You make me more and more confused about you.

What does this mean to you? ”

“Maybe it will keep me alive. That’s all.”

“Okay, I promise you.” Xia Feng nodded, agreeing.

Shu Ya took a serious look at Xia Feng, and then said:

“I don’t believe how much you keep your promises, but I do believe in your determination to destroy your enemies.

As long as the people in the organization know that I betrayed me, then I am your bait, and they will come to kill me sooner or later.

If you have the ability, you don’t need to struggle to find them, but wait for them to come to you. ”

Hearing this, Xia Feng was able to understand Shu Ya’s mind. Of course, he felt that with Shu Ya’s cleverness, it was also expected that he had captured his determination to eradicate the beluga whale.

But he didn’t say anything, he just said urgingly:

“If you’re smart, you’ll save time.

I think the water in the bathtub should have cooled down. ”

Shu Ya no longer did Tai Chi with Xia Feng, and she didn’t even need Xia Feng to ask any more questions, she said everything she knew:

“Beluga is a large organization, and China is just a branch of it.

But where the headquarters is located, I do not know.

Domestically, Beluga is also divided into two forces: red and black.

The king is the leader code-named “One Smile”.

The killer group in charge of the white whale is mainly responsible for removing dissidents, and to put it bluntly, what they do is murder.

Of course, that also includes surveillance, and some temporary assignments.

Besides the big king, there is also a little king.

This little king is code-named “zero” and is mainly in charge of the special core.

For example, a supernatural being like a Celestial Master.

In terms of numbers, as you just said, red and black add up to a total of 54 core members.

Red codes, such as hearts, diamonds, represent non-power cores.

Black codes, such as spades, suits, represent the core of power.

However, not all of them follow this rule, and there are exceptions.

For example, the four assistants under the big king.

That is, the A of Hearts, the A of Spades, the A of the Suit, and the A of the Diamonds. These four of them are all abilities.

Get rid of them, and the people below will meet this rule.

k, Q, J, 1o, 9, 8, 7… This ranking doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t mean the status in the organization, nor its own strength.

My task is to monitor Dou Zhun.

Because Dou Zhun was one of ours, but he was attracted by Zero’s means, and the organization suspected that he was a false surrender, so I was placed in the branch as the person monitoring him.

And in the monitoring, I also have another task, which is to find suitable provincial celestial masters, and then report them.

After that, organizations will find ways, using various means, to make them our people.

However, it does not have a code name, it can only be regarded as a vassal we found.

Their loyalty is limited.

Everyone has a superior.

will also be blocked from granting the corresponding permissions.

My immediate superior was originally the Ace of Hearts, but now it’s the Ace of Spades.

A of Hearts is a woman who also understands disguise. I have more contact with her, but not too often.

About her information, I can give very limited.

Oh yes, she may have a very serious cleanliness addiction. Or scars on her hands, and she was wearing gloves when I saw her. ”

“In the case of Yi Rongshu, why do you think she must be a woman, not a man?”

“An Adam’s apple. She doesn’t have an Adam’s apple. And she doesn’t wear a high collar and block her neck like a smile.

Oh yes, if there’s a laughing message to be given, it’s that he probably has a habit of wearing high collars. ”

Shu Ya really seemed to give up on the dark, and even helped Xia Feng analyze it.

Xia Feng was quite satisfied with this attitude. After all, if he wanted to live, he had to show sincerity that matched it.

“How did you target me?”

“You should have been to the mountains of Yokohama some time ago, right?

One of our members, there is where to act, but there is a problem in the middle.

That member noticed something unusual and asked the organization to help investigate.

As a result, among those who survived, we found you.

And it was also found that a female agent who retired for some reason.

Before that, you were the target of zero’s investigation. You didn’t have the background of the Tianshi family, and your performance was very different from before, like a blockbuster.

Your identity gives zero a Until now, you may have noticed the existence of the organization, and have a strong sense of prevention, and decided to do something to you. ”

Speaking of which, Shu Ya also emphasized one sentence:

“You should be clear, how strong a sense of defense a person has against a certain person or a certain force, it proves how deep the hostility is hidden in his heart.

However, for a person who has not dealt with much, this situation does not occur easily.

So the organization decided that you may have played against our people. ”

After hearing this, Xia Feng couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart. It was obvious that he made those little things behind his back. Although Moby Dick was not sure about it, he was very sure that he definitely did it.

And it is derived from some details.

Although Xia Feng’s heart was turbulent, he couldn’t see anything on his expression. Shu Ya tried her best to see through, but Xia Feng’s performance was impeccable and continued to ask:

“You haven’t penetrated into the national-level guild yet? That’s why you want to find a breakthrough from Chen Hong?”

“No. The national guild should have us.

I don’t know the specific reason, but I think it has something to do with Chen Hong’s father.

Chen Hong’s father, Chen Zhisen, was a very important Celestial Master in the national guild. ”

“So besides Hengbu, are there any of your people in other provincial branches?”

“Obviously so. But I don’t know exactly who and how many people there are. I am in the branch, although it is a middle-level person, but after all, it is not the A of Hearts and others.

Knowing things is very limited. ”

“How did you join Moby Dick? Why did you join Moby Dick?”

Hearing Xia Feng suddenly ask her personal reasons, Shu Ya suddenly became silent.


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