The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 823

Vol 2 Chapter 635: Blood For Blood

The Ace of Spades may be difficult to deal with, but with his mind power, he may be able to easily kill his target.

But very unlucky, he ran into Xia Feng.

Xia Feng may not have that great ability to deal with evil spirits, and he doesn’t dare to say that he sees one person do another.

But in dealing with people, he is quite confident.

The iron cloth shirt on his body and the iron-blooded helmet on his head almost made him immune to gunshot wounds.

The short-range teleportation ability is also enough to allow him to avoid a small-scale explosion.

The existence of the underworld made him almost invincible.

And on this basis, he also has items that can have a greater impact on people, such as magic eyes and eyes of resentment, as well as hypnotism, tracking, pyrotechnics and other means that are almost equivalent to supernatural abilities.

It can be said that it is a treasure.

This is also the reason why he dares to shout directly with the white whale.

He didn’t do this before, because his strength was not enough at that time, and he was thinking of avoiding it if he could avoid it.

But now it’s different.

He has been included in the must-kill list by Moby Dick, it is meaningless to escape, and his passive defense will only attract more violent revenge from the other party.

That’s why he has the power he is now.

The Ace of Spades’ mouth was opened and closed greatly due to the presence of the Monster Slayer. Bloody saliva flowed down the corners of his mouth. Coupled with his dark appearance at the moment, it looked extremely disgusting.

“How are you feeling now? That feeling of lying on the ground and being slaughtered by others isn’t good, right?

I don’t know how many people, like you are now, mired in fear and despair, praying for that paltry hope to come. ”

The Ace of Spades’ mouth moved, obviously saying something, but it could only make a sound like a fool.

But looking at the other party’s pair of eyes full of resentment, you don’t have to listen to him until the other party wants to say something.

What is certain is that he will never beg for mercy again.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to know anything from your mouth.

Just like you would never tell me.

Oh, by the way, have you ever experienced the feeling of being cut up alive? ”

Hearing Xia Feng’s words, the Ace of Spades suddenly widened his eyes.

“I don’t understand your expression, but you will understand what I’m saying.”

Like dragging a dog to death, Xia Feng dragged the struggling Ace of Spades to the kitchen, and then he closed the kitchen door.

He found a plastic bag and put it on the head of the Ace of Spades to minimize the spread of his screams.

Bao Jing was called out by Xia Feng from the underworld. In this situation, Bao Jing seemed a little confused.

“Boss, what’s the situation?”

“This person is from the same organization as the person who killed you.

But he didn’t want to explain, so I handed him over to you, maybe you have a way to make his death more painful. ”

After becoming a ghost, it is like suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and will gradually forget the events of the past.

The speed of forgetting varies from ghost to ghost. Some forget slowly, while others forget quickly. Through his understanding of some ghosts, Xia Feng felt that the speed depends on whether the ghosts themselves can let go of their previous lives.

Decide to let the past be the past, and forgetting will speed up, such as peritectic is a typical example.

Bao Jing was very optimistic. Even if she was tortured to death by the Beluga people, she became less persistent in chasing the murderer after she became the administrator of the underworld and met her parents with the help of Xia Feng.

Of course, there is also a big reason for this, because she herself knows how difficult it is to track down the murderer.

So she may no longer worry about whether she can catch her murderer for revenge.

But obviously, in these short months, Bao Jing has not forgotten everything.

Bao Jing had been with Xia Feng for the longest time, and he knew Xia Feng’s personality very well, so he immediately understood what Xia Feng meant.

She didn’t pick up the dagger handed by Xia Feng, but picked it up on the ground, the kitchen knife that was previously controlled by the Ace of Spades with her mind, and then said to Xia Feng:

“I still use this thing smoothly.”

“As you like.”

Xia Feng was not interested in what weapon Bao Jing used to kill the Ace of Spades, but before going out, he specially reminded the Ace of Spades who was ashes as death:

“Even if you die, we’ll meet again. Trust me, you’ll be even more desperate then.”

The Ace of Spades may not have understood what Xia Feng meant. Then, Xia Feng opened the kitchen door and walked out, and then closed the door again.

As soon as he went out on his front feet, the screams like killing pigs began to come from the kitchen.

Fortunately, the loudness of the sound is still within an acceptable range.

After Shu Ya was poured into the healing potion by him, she had already recovered at this time.

She thought she was dead.

When she was confused, she only remembered that Xia Feng made her drink something sticky.

She can’t remember the smell, in fact, she can’t describe it, because it’s too weird.

But one thing she knew, it was Xia Feng who saved her.

“How do you feel? Did you see Death just now?”

Xia Feng sat on the sofa, then picked up an empty cup on the coffee table and said to Shu Ya:

“Do you mind pouring me a glass of water?”

Shu Ya was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously, then took Xia Feng’s cup and took a cup of warm water from the water purifier by the door.

“I’ve talked a lot today, so my throat is dry.”

Xia Feng drank all the water in the cup in one Ya stood in front of Xia Feng stupidly, her voice sounded like a nervous trembling:

“anything else?”

“No need.” Xia Feng shook his head, and the screams in the kitchen were now a little smaller.

“Thank you for saving me.”

Shu Ya said gratefully.

“You are wrong, I didn’t save you, you saved yourself.

If there was anything I didn’t like about what you did just now, I think I should be able to hear your voice in the kitchen right now. ”

For the young man sitting in front of him, Shu Ya once again raised an inescapable fear in her heart.

In fact, what she saw in her eyes was not a boy with an innocent face at all, but a gentleman-like devil with a smile on his face.

Although she was not sure of the strength of the Ace of Spades and how it compared to the Ace of Hearts, Suit A, and Diamond A, his strength was undoubtedly the top among Belugas.

But Xia Feng killed him just like that.

She was so close that she didn’t even know exactly what had just happened.

But after the fear comes great joy.

Because this proves that her choice is correct, Xia Feng may really be able to kill the white whale.

“Can I kill the Ace of Spades with my own hands?”

“Actually, you don’t need to do it, and he will die miserably.”

“But I want to kill him myself.”

“Give me a reason.”

“Remember the story I told you.

Mengxin was my best friend, and that **** beast killed her.

In front of my face, raped her, drained her blood little by little, then chopped and cooked her…”

When Shu Ya said this, she could no longer bear the pain of the memories, and burst into tears.

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