The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 852

Vol 2 Chapter 663: Imprint

“Head, have you quarreled with Director Liu recently?”

As soon as Xia Feng sat down in the office, Zhou Zhibin hurriedly closed the door and leaned over with a gossip on his face.

“What do we have to complain about?”

After replying indifferently, Xia Feng immediately rolled his eyes:

“Has the case been solved? There is nothing to do, right!”

“I won’t pour water for you at the other end, you’ll be busy first.”

Zhou Zhibin was so frightened by Xia Feng that he hurried out of the office and carefully closed the door outside.

As for Director Liu he mentioned just now, she was a female forensic doctor with a bad attitude at the scene of the murder.

The woman’s name is Liu Huihui. She is 30 years old this year. With her excellent skills, she is the youngest department director in the history of the Fucheng Detachment.

However, compared to her excellent skills, the top and bottom of the detachment were more concerned about whether she and Zhang Rang could both break the order and achieve positive results.

It has been a while since the two sparked a spark. Not only did the lower level care about it, but the higher level also deliberately matched it up. Otherwise, there would not even be a chance for sparks to emerge.

But Zhang Rang didn’t want a woman who was lying on the bed at home and played with dead bodies every day. According to his words, some of the things he was exposed to every day were even more disgusting. If he went home and had something to do with work, he wouldn’t have to live.

So Zhang Rang was planning to let this matter go gradually.

Maybe Liu Huihui felt something, so in the past few days, every time she saw him, she didn’t have any good face.

Xia Feng came into this scripted world simply to solve the incident. He didn’t want to spend some of his energy to develop any feelings.

So Liu Huihui was completely ignored by him, and it didn’t affect him anyway.

What’s more, according to Zhang Rang’s character, he would also do the same.

He was the only one in the office, he pushed the chair back, and then put his feet on the desk.

He started to flip through the information about the case in his hand.

As of today, only two days have passed.

Although the frequency of two days and three times is quite high, there are not many useful things.

Even though Xia Feng knew that this serial case was an evil murder, he couldn’t think about it according to common sense.

However, if the evil spirit kills people, there is really no so-called law, then if he wants to find the other party, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if he was able to release the evil spirits in the underworld, he would still only be able to kill a mouse with a blind cat. If he couldn’t find it, he had to look at his face.

So he still intends to start with the case itself, hoping that the evil spirit is not a random murder.

Of course, this is not just his personal hope, in fact there is evidence to prove it.

This is the type of the dead.

The three deceased, all in their 20s, lived alone when they were killed, and the murder weapons were all knives from home.

Because today’s deceased was discovered not long ago, the investigation on her is not yet detailed. But the first two, have done some understanding.

However, what he learned did not satisfy him.

Xia Feng then made two phone calls in succession.

One call was to ask the superiors for instructions and to investigate the case, and the other call was to Zhou Zhibin, asking him to tell the three deceased, from their parents, their relationship experience, their life circle, and their circle of friends, what was there? Hobbies need to have a detailed understanding.

This kind of investigation is not based on Xia Feng’s idea, but based on his previous judgment.

If the three victims who died in the front are not coincidental in age and gender.

Then it means that the evil spirits are not random killings, but have certain goals.

In other words, it has a scope to choose to kill.

The existence of the scope will not explain to him what the evil is or where it is, but it can narrow down the scope of its selected target.

What he needs to master is exactly the target range of the evil murderer.

The smaller the target range, the better he can prepare in advance to catch the evil spirits when they do.

Conversely, if he can’t find out this range and can’t further narrow it down, then he can only search like a needle in a haystack.

In that case, the incident would be difficult to resolve.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Xia Feng was called to the autopsy room.

Liu Huihui was wearing a white coat, her face was expressionless, and she was still wearing gloves for work.

“There are 14 stab wounds all over the body, on the inner and outer sides of the thigh and calf, as well as the back, and the ribs on both sides.

in the same murder weapon.

A certain amount of alcohol was detected in the blood of the deceased, who drank alcohol before his death.

But what I can’t understand is that, judging from the situation of the body found and the amount of blood at the scene, the deceased should have been cut on the body first, and then the throat was cut last.

But looking at the posture of the deceased, it doesn’t seem like he had resisted before he died. ”

“You mean, under normal circumstances, there are so many cuts all over the body, and people should have a violent reaction. It shouldn’t look like they don’t feel like they are still sleeping, right?”

“Yes. Even if the deceased drank so much before he was killed that he was drunk and hurt so much, he should have felt it.

Of course, the situation of alcohol anesthesia cannot be ruled out, after all, everyone has different degrees of adaptation to alcohol.

Maybe this girl is the kind of physique that pours a cup, but she drank a lot of wine.

***** is an old **** rupture, and there was no sexual activity before death. Like the first two deceased, **** and murder should be ruled out. ”

Xia Feng observed the corpse and listened to Liu Huihui’s words. At this time, he suddenly made a light “huh” as if he had found it, and pointed to the abdomen of the corpse:

“what is that?”

Liu Huihui glanced at it, and then said a little embarrassedly:

“Perhaps it was because of studying foreigners that I didn’t want too much hair on my body, so I removed it.”

“I’m talking about the scar that looks like a human face.”

Xia Feng recalled carefully, the previous autopsy report on the two deceased, it seems that in the photo, he also saw similar patterns in the lower abdomen.

Some want a scar, but it’s obviously a tattoo or something.

“There are also the two deceased people before. It doesn’t look like they were branded after death.”

“ok, I get it.”

Xia Feng nodded, then took off his gloves and planned to leave.

Seeing that Xia Feng was about to leave, Liu Huihui hesitated for a while, but she still stopped him:

“Why are you avoiding me recently?”

“No? You think too much.”

“Are you afraid that I will entangle you?”

“Director Liu, such a cold and rational, how could he possibly entangle me.

You really think too much. Recently, I have been busy with the case. As I get older, my energy is even more limited. ”

“When you talk nonsense, I don’t see at all that your energy is limited.

Let’s have dinner tonight. ”

“When this case is resolved, all three people have died. I have already told the above that we will join the case. If the deaths continue, the above will completely throw the pressure on me.”

“Okay, but you have to pay more attention to rest, like you said, you are no longer young.”

After Liu Huihui finished speaking, she ignored Xia Feng and put the white cloth over the body again. Xia Feng smiled, then pushed open the door and walked out.

She didn’t think about Liu Huihui’s concern for him, all she thought about was the mark on the belly of the deceased that looked like a human face.

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