The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 871

Vol 2 Chapter 682: Acquaintance

“It seems that I still don’t know you well enough, you are still a writer.

If you hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have believed it. ”

Shu Ya took a sip of red wine. Even though she has changed her face now, a beauty like her, even if her current appearance has declined, the temperament of her gestures still exists.

“It’s just for fun, and I want to do something other than killing evil spirits and killing people.”

After Xia Feng finished speaking disapprovingly, Shu Ya asked again:

“Xu Huifeng has completed the primary election, and the people are currently concentrated in S City and are undergoing training.

The first episode should be recorded the day after tomorrow.

As for the rating, I followed what you said and didn’t ask him to look for it. ”

“Well, it’s enough for me and him to be rated, and we don’t need anyone else. Have you followed up on the landscaping?”

“Following up, so far it’s going relatively smoothly, all landscaping will end at the end of this month, even if it’s later, it won’t exceed the 15th of next month.

If you plan to issue this draft once a week, it is conservatively estimated that it will end at the end of next month.

Some marketing companies have already begun to build momentum, and it is easy to find them online.

However, the attention was not as large as expected after the investment.

After all, there is no traffic, no big coffee, and the topicality is quite general. ”

“In this kind of thing, if the budget money is not effective, then double or triple the investment.

Not a difficult thing to solve.

The purpose of this show is to make these people who participate in the draft become a hot spot first. ”

“Let’s be friends with local tyrants?”

Shu Ya couldn’t help laughing.

“You are timid, dare to laugh at the rich, believe it or not, I will take the money from the cash card and punish you by making you count the money?

Let you experience the feeling of counting money to death? ”

“The threat is really strong.

But rather than this kind of threat, I would rather you tell me to call me Dad in bed to convince me. ”


After making Shu Ya want to die and calling her father all night, Xia Feng and Shu Ya came to the CBD of Hongyuan Culture the next morning.

As the executive director of the company, Shu Ya briefly introduced some other middle and high-level managers above the company.

After the introduction, Xia Feng met Xu Huifeng, and the two found a quiet teahouse and chatted about the next cooperation.

It is not difficult for Xia Feng to make Xu Huifeng obedient and obedient. Although Xu Huifeng has a little resistance to him, his performance is not obvious. It is undoubtedly that Shu Ya’s conversation with him yesterday played a role.

Xia Feng asked Xu Huifeng to continue to do what he is doing now. There is no need to change too much, but he needs to continue to apply for funds from the company to invest in the warm-up of the draft.

Moderator, please spend a lot of money to invite the most popular moderator now. If the other party can’t be scheduled, they will spend money until he can be scheduled.

In the final analysis, Xu Huifeng is still a bit limited when it comes to spending money.

This kind of employee who takes money as money is good, but in many cases, daring to spend money and spending a lot of money is also a manifestation of ability.

As for the judges, he originally meant no, it was decided by the two of them and Xu Huifeng.

But Shu Ya’s words yesterday reminded him that he still had to find some big names.

But let them perform mainly and select them strictly according to their wishes. This is also more in line with the trend. After all, there is no variety show, and the judges of the talent show do not rely on acting.

Most are default.

The movie “Death Block” has not yet been filmed. Currently, the money spent on landscaping, marketing preheating, and selecting some actors has added up to 600 million.

However, this is just the beginning. After all, there are still actors who have not negotiated a good price. At least before the official start of filming, it is very stable to burn another 600 million.

“How about Lao Xu, is it okay to chat with Feng Xia?”

Xia Feng left after chatting with Xu Huifeng, and Xu Huifeng met Shu Ya when he returned to the company.

“It’s okay, but I always feel like I’ve seen him somewhere, and it feels familiar.

The way of speaking is really similar to Xiao Xia. ”

Hearing Xu Huifeng’s feelings, Shu Ya’s expression did not change, but she became alert in her heart, and felt that it was necessary to tell Xia Feng about this and let him pay attention to such small details.

The next day, Xia Feng and Xu Huifeng took a plane to S City.

City S is no stranger to Xia Feng, because this is his second time here, and the last time he came here was with Dong Jie.

In addition, the headquarters of the website is also here, but the editor-in-chief and the editor-in-chief have seen him, and they all know his identity. With his current identity, he obviously cannot see them.

Through the primary election, that is, the audition, there were a total of 60 people, and Xu Huifeng placed them in a hotel with a better environment.

Every day, people follow the filming, and teachers teach them some things, which will be cut into small films later.

Xia Feng and Xu Huifeng came to the classroom where these people were, a large area. When they arrived, these young men and women were taking a physical fitness class.

It does have a sense of model learning.

But this is obviously necessary, after all, performance is the art of displaying body and expression.

“This is the general project leader of the company, Feng Xia.”

“This is Director Wang, who is in charge of the shooting of their early learning.”

Xia Feng and Director Wang shook hands. The other party is not unknown in the circle, especially in the reality Although he has never acted as the chief director, he has always been known for his stability as a deputy.

After a simple chat with the other party, Xia Feng went in and looked at the study of these people.

Those who were studying didn’t pay attention to the arrival of Xia Feng and Xu Huifeng, because if they were a little distracted, they would be criticized mercilessly by the teacher.

This high demand and responsibility made Xia Feng very satisfied.

There are both male and female actors, but they are not all handsome and beautiful. There are also some surprise bones, and their appearance is unique.

But most of them are still mostly handsome and beautiful.

No one is older than 20 years old. They are all students in school, some are high school students, some are college students.

Everyone was without makeup, like standing in a military posture, keeping one movement unchanged, sweat slid down their faces, and it seemed that they had persisted for a while.

Xia Feng was looking for the kind of face that made him feel that he fit the character of the dead block. At this moment, he heard a girl scream in pain, and then sat down on the ground.

“Zhang Ruchun, come out!”

Hearing the name “Zhang Ruchun”, Xia Feng couldn’t help but look towards the last row, thinking it was just a person with the same name, but he actually saw a familiar face.

It was Zhang Ruchun in 1, who was extremely disrespectful to Shen Yue.

“I’m sorry teacher, I got a sprained foot.”

Zhang Ruchun’s face was covered in sweat. She didn’t know if she was tired before, or because her feet were sore.

Some students expressed concern, and some students showed a gloating expression, but it was only fleeting.

“I told you before that if the foot injury is not healed, she will be raised, who will help her aside.

Tomorrow will officially start recording, because of your personal reasons, delaying everyone’s progress, I think no one will agree! ”

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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