The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 877

Vol 2 Chapter 688: Suspect

On the way to the recording location, Xia Feng remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

Xu Huifeng was driving, and his eyes would occasionally fall on Xia Feng, and then he appeared to be hesitant to speak.

It wasn’t until he got to the recording location that he finally broke the silence and asked:

“Mr. Feng, are you still thinking about that student?

Maybe it was the student who came home on a whim? ”

“Perhaps so.”

Xia Feng shook his head indifferently, but he doubted Xu Huifeng’s IQ in his heart.

Even if Deng Qingying wanted to go home temporarily, she felt that even if she participated in the recording of the show, she would be eliminated later, so it would be meaningless to stay, so at least she would go back and pack up, right?

It is impossible to leave without even taking the suitcase with a small bag.

If he considered Zhang Ruchun’s situation last night, he felt that Deng Qingying, who had not returned overnight, was probably killed.

Perhaps Zhang Ruchun knew something there.

After all, for a girl as smart as Zhang Ruchun, if there is something strange around her, or someone is hostile to her, she will not be aware of it.

Some people’s intelligence is born, and some people’s intelligence is acquired.

Xia Feng felt that Zhang Ruchun’s intelligence belonged to the former.

Because Xia Feng had an idea, he decided to find some heavyweight judges, so many people didn’t have time, and in the end they only found a few, the kind of old actors who are in a semi-retired state.

And such a draft that is not pure, in fact, it is very complicated in performance.

Some of them are like the talent show that Xia Feng watched before.

Simply put, it is to perform their own unique skills.

There are 6 episodes in total.

Each phase is an elimination system, such as 80 into 60;

60 into 40;

40 into 12 and so on, the first few episodes were large-scale eliminations.

The smaller the number, the finer the consideration.

As for the previous episodes, especially the first episode, because there are too many people and the playing time is limited, it must be cut in large quantities.

Many people are afraid that they can’t even show their faces in the end.

The students sing and sing, dance and dance, and even do magic tricks, and fashion shows.

Seeing Xia Feng was full of embarrassment, he felt that the level of the producers of this show was too bad.

Xu Huifeng was relatively calm, or in other words, he was no stranger to this kind of recording.

There were various small problems on the stage, the director group kept shouting to stop, and the old drama bones of several judges went to the bathroom after a while, not knowing whether it was kidney deficiency or frequent urination.

Although Xia Feng felt that the show was garbage, but he thought about editing later, and this was just a way for him to select newcomers, he gradually didn’t care that much.

However, there were a few students, which made him feel pretty good. He told Xu Huifeng and asked Xu Huifeng to communicate with several judges, so that he could light up the lights for them.

Zhang Ruchun performed a self-playing and self-singing song, and to Xia Feng’s surprise, she sang the song “One Middle School” that he performed at the school anniversary.

Many of the audience who were invited to be a supporter had never heard this song at all, so they were very fascinated by it. It was rare for a performance to voluntarily applaud without being reminded by the director team.

About two-long programs, the recording time is about 12 to 18 hours according to the program group.

Xia Feng had never participated in this kind of thing before, but he had heard of it, and the recording of the program was often very perverted.

Because the feeling of recording must always be made like a live broadcast, and there can be no mistakes.

However, mistakes are unavoidable for newcomers, so they are constantly stopped, and some situations of the audience will also make the recording stagnate.

This also made Xia Feng feel for the first time how awesome the Spring Festival Gala that he watched live before.

But this is unavoidable. After all, the preparation time for the Spring Festival Gala is very long, and many actors only prepare for the Spring Festival Gala throughout the year, but just like that, when it officially starts, there will be some small problems.

Not to mention the recording of such an ordinary program.

Xia Feng first came here simply to see if any of those who passed the primary election seemed to have the feeling that he had set the characters at a glance.

As for staring at the recording of the show, he only had this idea, but after hearing the length of the recording and seeing the boring repetition of the scene, he immediately gave up the idea.

I think it’s better to be a viewer who stays in front of the TV.

Just when he was about to leave, Xu Huifeng suddenly called him aside, his face looked very bad.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Xu?”

“I really don’t know whether to say that Mr. Feng is predictable, or to complain about your crow’s mouth.

The person from the hotel called me just now and said that Deng Qingying had been found.

To be precise…the body of Deng Qingying was found. ”

In the third hour of the program recording, the police from City S arrived as scheduled, and one by one questioned everyone in the hotel.

Although the police did not tell the students about Deng Qingying’s death, the police were so active and the students were aware that the situation was really serious.

Xia Feng was also questioned in detail by the police. He just said something. During the process, he asked a few tentative questions, but the police who asked him ignored it.

It was not until he hypnotized the other party that he knew that Deng Qingying’s body was found in an empty room of the hotel.

No one lived in that room on the night Deng Qingying had an accident.

The front desk of the hotel has no information about opening rooms.

It wasn’t until the next day that someone came to the hotel to open a room and entered the room, only to find Deng Qingying’s body.

Deng Qingying’s body was found in the bathroom, and she sat naked on the toilet.

There were obvious scratches on the wrist, but no blood was seen on the ground. The cause of death was excessive blood loss.

The police found nothing at the scene, did not find a sharp weapon to cut Deng Qingying’s wrist, nor did they find any evidence that the suspect might exist.

The monitoring of the hotel was also very strangely broken that night.

And the staff of the hotel only found out that the monitor had failed last night when the police came to the door to monitor it, so that nothing was photographed.

Xia Feng began to wonder if he had the legendary physique of doom like Conan.

No matter how you go, you can’t get around these **** evil spirits.

But someone wants to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong, and he will definitely not give this face.

Otherwise, it was Zhang Ruchun and Deng Qingying yesterday, and it might be someone else today.

Whether it is the evil, or the person who may control the evil, he has to find out for the other party.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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