The Strongest Terror System

Chapter 902

Vol 2 Chapter 712: Peer

In the evening, Xia Feng tentatively called Shen Yue and asked him if he was interested in going to S City and participating in Feng Liusha’s fan carnival.

Shen Yue showed great interest, but she had no way to go.

Because tomorrow is neither a weekend nor a holiday, even if it is a weekend, No.

After hearing Shen Yue’s concerns, Xia Feng only asked her to ask the old class for leave, and assured Shen Zhong that the two of them would definitely agree to go.

After all, this kind of pediatric matter, he can’t solve it simply.

Just hypnotize the heavy and the old class, and everything will be solved.

When Xia Feng first learned hypnotism, his use of hypnotism was far from what it is now.

It is even possible to use hypnotism to hypnotize people’s behavior, and even like a memory implant, to make the hypnotized object produce memories of things that have never happened before.

But this kind of memory is not reliable. Every time I recall it, it will become blurred. After a few times, the traces left by his hypnosis at that time will disappear.

It’s just because the false memory he transferred with hypnotism will not have any effect on the hypnotized object, so usually no one will recall it repeatedly.

This is like a lot of times when I clearly remember this, but what I often show in front of me is different from what I believe in.

After gradually using the ability of hypnotism with ease, Xia Feng even wondered if his occasional forgetfulness was not because he was forgetful, but was hypnotized by someone who knew hypnotism.

Early the next morning, Xia Feng, Shen Yue, Shu Ya and Dong Jie had already boarded the first flight to S City.

The four of them sat in the first class cabin, Dong Jie rested on the back chair, and Shen Yue and Shu Ya were whispering from time to time and didn’t know what to talk about.

He was too lazy to use mind reading to listen, because it was not difficult to guess just by guessing.

The three women who were supposed to be fighting for men, and who were each other’s enemies, seemed to be born without any bad atmosphere under the magical effect of the beauty card.

The purpose of this trip to S City should have been to relax.

Maybe Shu Ya and Dong Jie and the others also saw that since she came back from Guzi Town, her condition was relatively poor.

Even talking is obviously much less than before.

Dong Jie hardly asked about him, and Shen Yue hardly knew anything about him, so Shu Ya was the only one who could talk about some things.

But he didn’t talk to Shu Ya too much. After all, it’s better not to know this kind of thing that can make people irritable or bad.

Calculating the distance from the death of Chen Hong and the Ace of Hearts, it has come to the night of returning to the soul for the two of them.

He originally wanted to stay and return to Hengbu after the ghost of the Ace of Hearts and the ghost of Chen Hong were found.

But because he was worried that his Feng Xia’s identity would also be exposed, in order to avoid any more sinister tricks from the Beluga people, he rushed back without stopping.

Although several days passed without incident, and it didn’t look like something was going to happen in the short term, he still didn’t take the old goblin and Xiaobai back.

After all, this is something to be prepared for.

Except for the big king, ZERO, and a smile, the A cores of the four red flowers that he knew were all killed by him.

And Yixiao and ZERO are wearing a pair of pants, basically found ZERO also found Yixiao.

But what should not be said is that even after so many days after the death of the Ace of Hearts, he was still not completely relieved in his heart.

There is no other reason, it is too easy to solve the trouble of Ace of Hearts.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the Ace of Hearts is weak and rubbish. Just a few slaps can kill the opponent.

After all, the Ace of Hearts is the absolute elite in Moby Dick.

The things they are good at are different. Hearts are good at making monsters. If the 8th-level ghost king hadn’t been broken by him in the middle, he didn’t know what would have happened later.

It’s like the summoner is afraid of being approached, the Ace of Hearts can make monsters and control monsters, just like a magician.

But she should have left some evil spirits to protect her, not just a few broken paper figures in the house.

However, worrying about Gui Worry, Xia Feng was more inclined to the conclusion that the Ace of Hearts had been killed.

After all, he is very powerful now.

Neither the low-level monsters made by the other party nor the killing skills mastered by the other party.

Xia Feng always felt that the white whale was his nemesis, and his entanglement with him was like a ghost.

No matter where he goes, he can encounter people who are white whales.

But for the Beluga people, for the Ace of Hearts, Xia Feng is their nemesis.

Because so far, everyone who has had contact with Xia Feng, with the exception of Shu Ya, has killed every one of them.

Everyone actually has the ability to hypnotize, to be precise, the ability to self-hypnotize.

Things like comforting yourself, enlightening yourself, finding excuses for yourself, etc., are all included in this category.

However, Xia Feng still intends to go to Guzi Town when they return from S City this time.

By the way, Chen Hong’s ghost was taken into the underworld. He could not die for Chen Hong, but he could avenge Chen Hong and give him another chance to That red Peach A had better hang up.

It’s best.

To find out if the ace of hearts is really dead, just search for its ghost.

If you can’t find it, it’s embarrassing.

Xia Feng opened the visor and looked towards the somewhat dazzling outside world, hoping that this trip would be smoother.

Don’t make any trouble again.

After Lao Xu learned that a few of them would come, he had already arranged the pick-up in advance.

However, Lao Xu himself was not in S City. At this time, he was meeting with Xia Feng’s avatar and meeting some people who could help with shooting in the dead block.

Speaking of which, this was also deliberately arranged by Xia Feng. Otherwise, if the clone was here and his body was also here, it would be a big deal.

The driver was driving a more comfortable business car. Xia Feng took out his mobile phone to check the time, and then sent a message to Zhang Ruchun.

Speaking of which, he was still quite worried about Zhang Ruchun and Shen Yue.

Even if the beauty card can keep them from being jealous, the small grievances between the two are not easy to resolve.

There were still two impression cards left in the system backpack. Speaking of which, he had already decided that if the two of them kept pinching each other when they met, he would not mind using one for each other to improve their impression of each other.

Zhang Ruchun did not reply, because this time was the rehearsal time.

With the release of the first episode of the show, Zhang Ruchun, who was highly anticipated by the public, also felt a lot of pressure.

The driver first sent them to the hotel where they were staying to put their luggage. After putting down some temporarily unused things, Shen Yue and Shu Ya took Dong Jie and wanted to take a good stroll in S City.

Although Xia Feng was reluctant to go shopping in his heart, he could only smile and agree.

(One chapter today, and 6 more outbreaks will continue in the next two days.)

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