The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 16 Xia Tribe First Generation Armor

Xia Tuo came to the door in person, and Wu already made up his mind to change the cave with him and live in it.

The old witch looked very relieved. He was not willing to manage the tribe in the first place, and he had to do it before. Now Xia Tuo is the leader of the tribe, which is naturally excellent.

Step back, and don't disturb the old man's practice of witchcraft.

These are Wu's original words.

When they returned to their own cave, Elder Lian and Commander Hong had already arrived, and when they saw him come back, they got up one after another.


Sit down. Xia Tuo waved his hand, strode into the cave, and sat down beside the campfire.

The rein leader made a sound, and then grabbed a pile of blue and black scales on the ground next to him.

Patriarch, this is the armor made by the wind.

After grabbing the armor, he put it on himself. It was quite heavy, but even if he wasn't a totem warrior, he could easily carry it on his back.

The entire armor consists of about twenty scales, which are connected in series by animal skin ropes, which can barely protect the chest and back.

Grabbing the bottom scale and pulling it outward, the animal skin rope connecting the scales is very strong, as thick as a little finger, shiny and very strong.

In addition, whether it is in terms of material or style, this pair of armor can be said to be extremely simple and rough, barely looking like armor.

Even so, this armor represents a breakthrough for Horde armor zero.

Stretching out his left hand to scratch the right shoulder, he stretched his fingers into the cracks of the scales to support them, Xia Tuo continued, Elder Rein, the inside of these scales that make up the armor can be smoothed, or embedded with a layer of animal skin. It’s also more comfortable to wear.”

Taking off the half body armor, the uneven scales are very harsh, and some scales have sharp corners, pulling blood red marks on his body.

After putting down the half-body armor, Xia Tuo took the armguard handed over by Elder Rein. To put it bluntly, it was a piece of animal skin covered with mottled small scales, with holes pierced at the corners, so that it was rolled directly on the arm. The leather cord is sturdy.

In this way, the animal skin can protect the legs and hands, and with the half body armor, it can barely protect people initially.

Patriarch, Feng used several kinds of animal skins to make it, and found that the toughness of the leather of the flower python is the most suitable, and there are fine and small scales on the surface, which can enhance the protection.

Nodding slightly, Xia Tuo put the armor together. The armor has been made, but whether it is strong still needs to be verified.

Elder Rein will leave it to you to make the armor. There is still a piece of lion scales and bones in the cave. Take them together and try to get all the warriors in the tribe to wear armor.


By the way, call the clansmen to make stone spears.

As he spoke, Xia Tuo grabbed the rough stone soldier lying on his back next to him. It was about one and a half meters long and thicker than an arm.

It's not that it can't grow anymore, but that the stone soldiers are easy to break if they are too long.

How many stone spears does the patriarch need.

Elder Rein asked in a voice, in the past, the stone soldiers in the tribe were polished by each tribe, after all, not any stone can be polished into stone soldiers.

Smaller stone daggers and knives are easier, and larger stone soldiers are more demanding on stone materials.

The hunting team has at least one shot, the more the better.

After pondering for a moment, Xia Tuo continued, If you don't have so many stones, you can polish them into short spears.

He measured the length of about one meter with both hands and signaled Elder Rein.

There are still some stone materials in the tribe, but they are not easy to mine.

Take me to see.

Without the slightest delay, Xia Tuo followed the rein to a cave in the valley. The cave was very small, no more than two meters deep, and there were some stones with a faint green charm mixed in the gray-white rock layer.

Pointing to the blue-glowing stone inlaid in the rock layer, the elder rein said: Patriarch, this is the blue shining stone.

The material is strong and tough, not easy to break.


Xia Tuo blasted the stone spear in his hand towards the stone wall in front of him, and immediately the stone spear pierced into the gray-white rock layer. Even if the stone-cracking totem warriors did not use stone soldiers, they could easily smash these sandy rocks.

However, for those warriors in the tribe who have not become totem warriors, it is not easy to get a piece of sapphire stone to polish stone soldiers here. They dare not ask Hong to dig the sapphire stone for them.

Many stones in the Great Wilderness can be used as materials for grinding stone soldiers. These stones are associated with rocks and soil, similar to mines.


Pulling out the stone spear, a large piece of rock fragments splashed, and a piece of sapphire stone was pried off, but it was too small.

Hong, bring Li and the others to mine Qingyao Stone!

Hong didn't know Xia Tuo's order very well, but he didn't disobey it. He turned and left and soon brought Li and several totem warriors to the cave.

Mining the sapphire stone here.

Following his order, Hong and the others began to work hard, and there was a roaring sound in the cave.

Elder Rein, the mined Qingyao stone will be distributed to the clansmen for polishing.

In the past, apart from hunting, most of the clansmen in the tribe played their own way, very lazy, which is not good for the integrated Xia tribe now.

The tribe is a whole, since it is a whole, all of them must be moved. One person can only polish one stone soldier in a day, but the whole tribe can work together to polish hundreds of pieces.

On this day, the hunting team did not go out hunting. Hong led Li and others to mine the sapphire stone. The quasi-totem warriors in the tribe received a piece of stone one by one, and began to polish the stone spear according to the order of the patriarch.

Xia Tuo divided the people in the tribe into four parts. The first part was the group of children. Each of them gave a small rock to play with their heads, as long as they didn't make trouble.

Some of the women in the tribe continued to reclaim the land in the valley and planted potatoes. He didn't know if it would be possible to plant potatoes, but he had to try anyway.

In Xia Tuo's consideration, planting potatoes was just the beginning, and later discovered that new edible plants were all planted by tribes.

It's just that the whole tribe doesn't know anything about growing food, so they can only explore slowly, and the soil potato is the first experimental object.

Another part of the women is making armor under the leadership of Feng. Like planting, the making of armor is also guided by Xia Tuo's thought, and they are exploring.

As for the rest of the men, they were all given a piece of stone, and they polished their stone soldiers in their respective caves or on the rock walls outside.

For a while, apart from a few children, he was the patriarch who was the most leisurely in the whole tribe.

Looking at the few leather monkeys running around in the valley, Xia Tuo felt helpless. If he was in a big tribe, such a big kid should have a way to beat his body, but unfortunately he didn't.

I miss the system that was shot dead for the 900th time.

Shaking his head, he said fiercely: It seems that we can only grab it later.


On the second day when the Golden Crow ascended to the tree branch in the east, Xia Tuo summoned Hong and the others.


In the cave, several burly figures exuded a strong aura. ,

Have all the stone spears polished by Elder Rein yesterday been handed out?


Then Xia Tuo got up and walked out. The hunting team outside the cave had already gathered, and each of them had a few stone spears tied with animal skin ropes in their hands or shoulders.

Among them, five tribesmen have already put on the armor that was hurriedly made yesterday.

The stone spears in the hands of the clansmen were of different thicknesses and lengths, but the pointed ends were all polished, which was also Xia Tuo's order.

Today I will go hunting with you.

Under everyone's attention, Xia Tuo made a sound, and without waiting for everyone's reaction, he grabbed the stone spear in his hand and walked out first.

Elder Rein, tell the clansmen to save up to make armor and stone spears.

Xia Tuo walked in front, Hong and Li and other totem warriors followed quickly, and the twenty quasi-totem warriors behind were all very strong.

The patriarch climbed over the four hills to become the Red Fire Forest.

The Red Fire Forest was the place where the clan hunted this time. In the past, even Hong dared not come. There are so many fierce beasts in the Red Fire Forest. If you are not careful, you will be attacked.

The dense jungle was very terrifying, and the hunting team entered a state of alert before they crossed the first mountain. ,

The tall trees in the wild forest were as high as 100 meters, and the fallen branches and leaves piled up thickly on the ground, and there was even a faint smell of decay.

Xia Tuo clenched the stone spear in his hand, carefully observing the surroundings, where the beasts would not let him go just because he was the patriarch.

Perhaps because of the wildness of this world, the beasts living here are more ferocious and tyrannical than the beasts in his previous life, and their momentum is countless times stronger.

Even the most common wild beast was wilder than the king of the forest in his previous life.

Pushing aside the weeds taller than a person, Xia Tuo looked around. Instead of climbing over the mountain, they chose to go around the top of the mountain and pass through the depression.

call out.

Not far away was a very clever figure, grabbing the vines hanging down in the forest, and came to Xia Tuo with a few ups and downs.

Patriarch, there are no beasts ahead.

The fallen deer whispered to Xia Tuo.

They had already circled four mountains, and not far in front of them was the Red Fire Forest. Looking from a distance, the fiery red forest looked like a mountain fire had been ignited.

Go and see again.

Instructing the clansmen to cover up their figures, Xia Tuo made a sound, and the deer nimbly slipped into the woods again, into the Red Fire Forest.

There are many ferocious beasts living in the Scarlet Fire Forest, and there are not a few of them who have entered the rank. It is not easy for the previous tribes to hunt and kill some low-level beasts among these rock-cracking beasts.

Not long after this time, the deer hurriedly ran out of the Red Fire Forest.


Behind him roared and neighed, and there was a gust of stench, and there was a humming sound in the air. It was a big black wolf with two horns like crescent moons, five or six meters in size, and black scales all over its body like ink.

The black wolf's eyes were dark, flashing with tyranny. Xia Tuo even saw a thin layer of black smoke on its body surface. The black wolf roared, jumped up suddenly, and grabbed a giant tree. The terrifying force suddenly broke the giant tree.

The deer grabbed the vines and swung up to avoid the pounce of the black wolf. He kept in mind Xia Tuo's instructions, and if he encountered a fierce beast, he would expose the side and back of the beast to the tribe.

At this moment, Xia Tuo and others who were hiding in the forest in the distance had already raised the stone spear in their hands, pouring their strength into the stone spear, waiting for the black wolf to approach.


There was sharpness in Xia Tuo's eyes, and he threw the stone spear in his hand.


Accompanied by his shout, more than 20 clansmen behind him threw their stone spears horizontally!

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