The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 942 Trouble with Migrating Clans

The suspended text finally turned into dots of glowing light and bloomed, and finally fell back on the scroll, turning into a silver light symbol, which stirred a trace of space fluctuations.

Good means.

Seeing this scene, Xia Tuo couldn't help expressing a sigh of emotion. This scroll is not only a list, but also a witch storage device.

The rewards from the Great Yin Royal Court are all stored in this witchcraft.

These things are not bad. Seeing Xia Tuo retracting his eyes, the fat brother said: This time it went smoothly, and we didn't suffer much.

However, I didn't meet the three ruling kings. I just met a few elders who dealt with the affairs of the royal court in the Yin Wangtai, and then I handed this to me. down the stage.

Immediately afterwards, Fat Brother told Xia Tuo about the things he had experienced before and after entering the royal court.

This time, Wang Tingbao's victory trip was generally very successful. Although some small aspects were different from expectations, there were no deviations in large aspects.

In addition, Wang Tinglai's envoy witnessed with his own eyes that he repelled the attack of the king of the demon clan's tengu king. With the echoes, the descendants of the Great Xia God Prison Guardian Clan were confirmed.

Even if someone doubts it, they must have the courage to confirm it.

After intimidating the Quartet, the next step is to look at yourself and control the borderlands and the north.

A day later, Xia Tuo returned to Daxia City. He had been sitting in the ruins of the royal city for several years, and now he could finally return to Daxia City to arrange follow-up planning.

Daxia City is a city built by the clan family when they walked out of Wangu Mountain to control the northwest and the north. With the development of clan power, Daxia City has now become a remote place. Daxia wants to develop in the future, and wants to It is especially important to become orthodox in the frontier, migrate clans, and rebuild clan cities.

Of course, there is no such thing as orthodox in the frontier, but after migrating to the middle of the frontier, the Daxia tribe will become a symbol referring to the frontier, which is beyond doubt.

Tianlu Mountain.

The envoy of the Great Yin Royal Court issued an edict, but there is no change.

Xia Tuo asked in the purple air on the top of the mountain.

Can such a small matter stump the great Goumang? Wuwu got out of the purple air,

The small eyes were filled with arrogance, and he said, Don't worry, the enemy won't let me move, and if I don't move, he won't be able to find me.


As he said, Wuwu opened his mouth and blew into the purple air, and then the purple air rolled like a big wave, and a three-foot-sized purple bubble was squeezed out from the purple light, and a red purple bird appeared inside the bubble boundary. wing.

This is the totem of the Great Yin Royal Court. Xia Tuo carefully looked at this purple figure. The whole body was red and purple, and the feathers on the surface were as fine as hundreds of millions, but the next moment it turned into hundreds of millions of tiny runes, mysterious and mysterious.

This totem master is very strange. Wuwu circled around Zipao and said, He is sleeping.


Yes. Wuwu nodded, and said: To be precise, he fell into silence. The totem master absorbed the luck of the human race and entered the silence to transform. This is not a strange thing. It is the totem that is to blame. The main will seems to be incomplete.

Hearing the sound, Xia Tuo looked at Wuwu and asked, What do you mean?

It's just a feeling. Wuwu came to Xia Tuo's shoulder, pouted, and continued: The mysterious bird is turning blue, and this mysterious bird is turning red, it's actually a flame, which is very strange.

I have awakened the imprint of the innate true spirit, and I have a perception of the true spirit. I don't know if it is an illusion. I feel that the natal imprint of this totem master is incomplete.

But in order not to wake him up, and because Ben Wu was still recuperating, he didn't go deep to spy.

After finishing speaking, Wuwu squeezed her small eyes and said, You understand, isn't it good to be alive?

The question raised by Wuwu is tantamount to saying nothing, after all, Xia Tuo currently does not have the ability to prove it.

By the way, the thief who stole our family's purple energy stopped for a day before and started again last night.

It seems that this Huanlong clan is quite confident in his own strength.

Don't let me catch the opportunity, I must let him know why the flowers are so popular. Compared with Xia Tuo's indifference, Wuwu is full of resentment.

Seeing Xia Tuo's figure disappear, Wuwu pushed the bubbles of purple air into the sea of ​​purple air with his head, and plunged into it himself.

Ben Wu Dadu, wait, wait, I'm not angry at all, when the time comes, I'll let you know what a dragon with one bite and one head is.


Xia Yuan is in the main hall.

The Witch Hospital has dispatched a large number of people to the ruins of the royal city to treat the injured.

Jian Ling wore a long linen blue dress, her long hair was casually tied in a knot on her head with a wooden hairpin, and she held a bowl of soup on a wooden tray in front of Xia Tuo.

It's a pity, they were all impacted by the king's prestige. The physical injuries are easy to heal, but the spiritual trauma may last a lifetime.

Take care as much as you can.

Picking up the jade bowl and taking a sip, Xia Tuo pursed the corners of his lips, and then said: Next, we are leaving here and heading to the Central Region.

Hearing the sound, Jian Ling did not show any surprise, and said flatly, Shall we go now?

Migration needs a process. After drinking the soup in the jade bowl, Xia Tuo said: The king's city is still in ruins, and it will take a long time to rebuild. Coupled with the sparse population of the Central Territory, this process cannot be short.

Jianling put away the jade bowl and summoned the maid to put it away, then returned to Xia Tuo, and said, If the family court moves to the central region, our control over the various roads in the territory will be weakened a lot. Pressing at a close distance, I am afraid that the minds of various paths will also change.

So, a large and super-large teleportation witch array is needed to establish control over the various Dao domains.

Xia Tuo rubbed his head. The medium-sized teleportation witch array can already be imitated by the Great Xia clan, but the large-scale teleportation witch array does not mention the witchcraft structure involved, just the high-grade space stone needed, which is a big one. cost.

A large-scale teleportation witch array can teleport at least a million miles away. Now the best medium-sized witch array improved by the Great Xia Clan has a teleportation distance of only 700,000 miles. A million miles is a dividing line. There have been qualitative changes in the grade of gods and witchcraft skills.

If you can't make it internally, you can only look at the outside. If you have the real thing, you can easily imitate it yourself.

In fact, it is not that there is no large-scale teleportation witch array in Bianhuang, there is one outside Huanglong City, but the teleportation witch array there has been dismantled over the years, leaving only the one leading to Zhu Rongyu still in operation.

Migrating clans to the borderlands, not to mention external influences, but in terms of the internal factors of the surrounding deserts, one is the lack of population, but how to control the Quartet once the clans migrate to the middle region.

Except for the southern part being occupied by the Wuwuhou tribe, after Daxia migrated to the central region, it would occupy two-thirds of the frontier barren land. In such a huge place, convenient communication is especially important.

Xia Tuo spread out a piece of animal skin paper on the wooden table in front of him, drew a circle in the center to represent the Zhongyu clan, and then drew a large circle in the most northwest direction.

Look, this is the ancestral land of Wangu Mountain. The ancestral land is the place of the witch house. It is one of the most important places for us. Therefore, we need a super teleportation wizard array to teleport directly from the central domain to the ancestral land.

A Tuo, I don't think it's safe to put the ancestral land outside. It's better to move it into a cave world.

Jian Ling searched the animal skin paper for a while, and said: Since we occupy the central region, we will have more time to deal with the outside world in the future, and there will inevitably be many people peeping.

The witch house is placed in the Eternal Mountain Range, which is easy for people to peep at. After leaving the Eternal Mountain Range, it will be given to the Academy as an external trial place for the Academy.

Hmm~ Xia Tuo nodded, agreeing with Jian Ling's words. He is a fan of the authorities, and the status of the Eternal Mountain Range in his heart is not low. After all, this is the place where he made his fortune.

Northwest, Central, Northeast, and West, these four places need four super-large teleportation witch arrays. It is easy here in the northwest, and Tianhou Mountain is directly used as the transmission center in the northwest. The North, Northeast, and Northwest choose another hub. The ground serves as the center to communicate with the four directions.”

A Tuo, in this case, we need at least four super-large teleportation shaman formations, this~ Jian Ling didn't finish her sentence, and she could see clearly that super-large teleportation shaman formations are super strategic resources in the barren land. It is not measured by spiritual objects.

The point is that there is nowhere to get it.

Or, let's use the medium-sized teleportation shaman formation and build more transfer places. Jian Ling asked, trying to ask.

We need small and medium-sized teleportation shaman formations, as well as large and super-large ones. Xia Tuo breathed a sigh of relief. The super-large teleportation shaman formations are the main arteries, and the small and medium-sized teleportation shaman formations are the branch lines. The combination is a complete communication line.

Ah Tuo, don't think about it now. You're tense these days. Let's relax. Jian Ling stepped forward, holding Xia Tuo's arm, and the two walked towards the bedroom.

the next day.

Main hall.

Relocating the family to the Central Territory, there are two big problems, one is the teleportation witch formation, and the other is the communication problem.

Fat Brother opened his mouth and said: The witch array is barely passable right now, but the communication problem is especially important right now. The psychic orb in our hands can only be a million miles away, and at least it can be contacted within the border area to meet the most basic needs. needed.

At this moment, in the hall, all the masters of the land-opening realm in Daxia are listed, one more than before, Qingling, after obtaining the heaven and earth spiritual objects, Qingling retreated for several years, and finally crossed the earth-opening and natural moat.

The old man also has a question. The old Shenhou said, If you want to rebuild the royal city, it's best to find someone who understands the earth's veins to come.

The ground of the royal city is already riddled with holes, and there is no spiritual energy at all. If you want to build the city, you need to regenerate, otherwise you will die.

After the old Shenhou said this, Xia Tuo couldn't help but pay attention to it. It seems that building a city is not that simple. This is not the Great Xia City that was built back then.

At the beginning, the Daxia tribe was just a clan of the Bobu, and the Daxia City and the Bobu just matched.

Now that Daxia wants to occupy the frontier and rebuild a new city in the same way that Daxia City was built in the past, people will definitely be laughed at.

Great Yin sent 36,000 Luan Guards to convey the edict, which seemed to be costly, but the majesty and majesty made people feel intimidated. This is the general trend.

Sometimes waste is necessary.

If you want me to say, it's better to re-select the site and rebuild the city. The Great Yin King's City is completely abandoned. Immediately afterwards, the fat brother said, Even if we rebuild on the ruins, it's just a thankless effort.

However, we have invested a lot in the ruins of the royal city, and many wizards in the witch house have already depicted the witch formation. God General Haohai frowned slightly. Although he said so, he actually agreed with Fat Brother's words.

It didn’t take long for a high-level meeting of the family to have disagreements. Xia Tuo rubbed his head helplessly. Could it be that his IQ has declined recently? First, Jianling reminded him to move the witch house to the cave. At this moment, another fat man It is said that the site will be re-selected to build the city.

Sure enough, old.

But find someone who can read the pulse, this suggestion is very pertinent.

The large protective formation of the newly built city will be arranged in the form of an ancient formation. If the ancient formation is integrated into the leylines, the power will be more powerful and stable. If you want to break the formation, you need to destroy the leylines.

Elder Fat, I will leave it to you to find the pulse-seekers needed to build the city.

After thinking for a while, Xia Tuo said: After the Zhubo clan left, I plan to take away some of the land veins in the northwest and the north and concentrate them in the central region. I really want to find such a capable person to take a look.

Okay. Fat Brother nodded and agreed.

Then, Xia Tuo said: Now that the borderlands are initially stabilized, the next most important thing is to build the city and move the family.

Old God, you still need to control the affairs of the academy.

Haohai God General, from now on you select elite warriors from the whole region to serve as the future guards of the royal city.

As for whether the new city should be rebuilt on the ruins of the royal city, or reselected, I'm thinking about it.

Just when Xia Tuo was about to go to the central region to survey the land veins and see where to settle and build a city, the news came from Ghost.

Hu Ling, the general of Hubenwei, is here.

Now the main hall of Bianhuanghu Benwei is in the depths of Prison Fox Mountain, with the assistance of Guiyou, and Hanyue is also a agile person, the main hall of Bianhuanghu Benwei has been initially established by the two of them.


Outside Daxia City.

Dressed in a gray robe, the fox spirit hunted against the wind, standing high above the city outside the city, releasing its own aura.

After getting the fox spirit and entering the frontier, Xia Tuo saw its figure in Daxia City before he figured out its purpose.

In the inner city, Xia Tuo walked out of the summer garden and flew straight up in the air, thinking about the purpose of the fox spirit's sudden appearance.

Ghost You spread the message in a timely manner. After all, Hu Ling is the power of the fourth step. He comes and goes without a trace. If he can spread the news, he has done a good job.

I haven't seen you for a long time, but the general still looks the same.

Clasping his fists in the air, Xia Tuo said with a smile.

I haven't seen you for a long time, but the leader of the Xia family is the one who is impressive.

Looking at Xia Tuo who came out to welcome him, the fox spirit's beard and hair danced, his eyes narrowed, and he replied.


Xia Tuo invited the fox spirit to come down towards the Great Xia Clan Hall. After frightening all directions this time, he didn't expect that the first one to come was Huben Wei, which was really unexpected.

It's just that I don't know what General Huben Wei, a person of such status, is thinking about coming here?

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