The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 961: Nine Monuments of the Emperor’s Artifact Don’t do anything, I surrender

In the border area of ​​Northwest, Central, and Northern Territories, at the southern end of the remnants of the Holy King Mountain Range, there are clusters of mountains and lush vegetation. In the depths of the mountains, black water gathers and rises into clouds, like dark clouds spanning thousands of miles.

In this mountain, except for some insects and ants, low-level ferocious beasts are rarely seen. Even at noon, the mountains and fields seem very quiet.

In the place where the black mist is the thickest, there are illusory black dragons shuttling among the black clouds, looming, flying through the clouds and fog, and there is a faint dragon chant resounding in all directions.

Below the black mist is a dark water pool that exudes cold air. The black water is dozens of times thicker than ordinary river water, blocking sight.

No one knows when the black water cold pool appeared. Recently, a powerful evil beast, a sixth-level evil dragon, came here, entrenched in the depths of the black pool.

A hundred miles away from the black pool, on a hill with withered vegetation, Venerable Wannu sat cross-legged to rest.

She has been confronting the sixth-order evil dragon here for three years, but unfortunately this evil beast is too cunning, and has not really caught its trace in the past three years.

The evil dragon controls a large number of ghosts, entrenched in the depths of the cold pool, although the diameter of the cold pool is only three miles, but the caves in the depths of the cold pool are criss-crossed, connecting countless underground rivers, like a maze, in which there are a lot of snakes Python beast.

In the past three years, she entered the cold pool several times, and the evil dragons hid in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack her. As a last resort, she had to withdraw from the cold pool and confront him outside.

In the depths of the cold pool, there are countless underground rivers, filled with a large amount of venom from snakes and pythons. It can be said that you can attack or escape, and the evil dragon can run away without a trace at any time.

Three thousand feet deep in the cold pool, in a water cave extending in all directions, the whole body is dark and densely scaled, the body is bloated, and five evil dragons with sickle-like horns grow on their foreheads.

The evil dragon is hundreds of feet in size, its body is close to that of an earth dragon, and it exudes a strong aura. In the cave like a passage, there are large and small figures lying cross-legged. The body is similar to the reduced version of the evil dragon. The triangular head of the boa constrictor is more slender.

At this moment, the Evil Jiao opened his eyes, like two eyeballs the size of a millstone, illuminating the dim water cave at once, the water flow turned into a vortex in front of its nostrils, and the black whip-like dragon beard danced, lashing the water flow.

The evil dragon opened its mouth, and golden light lit up from its mouth, and a three-foot-sized oval crystal floated out.

This crystal exudes dragon prestige, and is embedded on a stone platform, with fine dragon patterns engraved on the surface, integrating the crystal and the platform into one.

At this moment, the crystals radiated golden light, causing the surrounding water to surge wildly, faintly resounding dragon chant, and the dragon beasts in the surrounding water caves crawled tremblingly one by one, their bodies trembling in awe.

The crystal emits fluctuations, and an illusory figure vaguely emerges inside, baring its teeth and claws, jumping like thunder, facing the erosion of Longwei, the evil dragon is also under tremendous pressure, he opened his mouth again, and spit out sticky black dragon saliva , wrap the crystal and stone platform.

The toxin-containing dragon saliva was wrapped around the crystal and the stone platform, emitting an ear-piercing hum, and bubbles emerged, corroding the dragon pattern imprinted on it.

The golden light pierced through the venomous dragon saliva, and the eyes of the evil dragon gleamed coldly. Facing the figure in the crystal, he remained unmoved by his anger, and spit out several mouthfuls of dragon saliva, completely covering the crystal.

As if that wasn't enough, the huge body of the evil dragon roared, and the sound of its throat vibrated the waters, spit out a dark green flame, which was not affected at all in the water, and burned the outside of the crystal.


In a golden lake of fire, a middle-aged warrior in golden armor was raging with rage, and the surrounding golden flames exploded continuously as he breathed in and out, and there was a roar of dragons and tigers resounding.


Tianlongling cursed loudly, and the surrounding flames exploded with his ups and downs, burning the void into black marks.

After scolding for half a stick of incense, Tianlong Ling just restrained his breath, and the surrounding lake of flames gradually calmed down. The edge of this golden lake of flames is distorted, and the void is broken and reorganized from time to time, as if in a different time and space. .

Tianlongyan listens to the order, please kill Long Jue in the Hall of Law Enforcement, and go to the frontier to hunt down the blood traitors.

It was like the killing sound spit out from the throat, causing the surrounding void to vibrate again.

Follow the order!

Then a golden light flashed outside the Flame Lake, and the golden dragon danced and landed on the edge of the Flame Lake, and then the golden light flashed into a young man in golden armor with two golden dragon horns on his head.


At this time, a blue-golden rainbow appeared in the distant sky. The boundary of Yanhu Lake was not very large, and its length and width could not exceed a thousand miles.

In the blink of an eye, an illusory young man appeared in the blue-gold bloom, standing with his hands behind his back, wearing a long gown, looking very frail.

I've seen Elder Qingfa.

Seeing Qingjin's figure, Tianlongyan hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Qingfa, you want to prevent me from killing the traitor~

Tianlong stared at the dark golden eyeballs, looking at the blue light figure that appeared.

Tianlong Qingfa waved his hand to let Tianlongyan leave temporarily, his eyes fell on Tianlong Ling again, and said: It's just a partial branch of a mottled bloodline. Wouldn't it be humiliating to use Longjue to kill Longjue?

Tianlong Qingfa's words were light, but the invisible arrogance could be seen.

Then what do you say~?

The appearance of Tianlong Qingfa made Tianlong Ling understand that it would be difficult to use the Holy Land Punishment Hall to kill the Bianhuang Jiao clan, but if he didn't kill the Jiao clan, his anger would be hard to calm down. What he hated the most was those who were beyond his control.

If there is no punishment, what is the majesty of my holy land?

Regarding Tianlong Ling's words, Tianlong Qingfa shook his head. He didn't agree with these words, and then said: The lineage of the Bianhuang Jiao family is the descendant of the lineage of Tianlong Palace. The pulse has long been stripped of blood and expelled from the clan.

Don't forget, on the bright side, they have nothing to do with my Holy Land, how can they use Zhan Longjue.

This group of waste is so muddy that it can't support the wall~ Tianlong Ling sighed, and said fiercely: If I knew it earlier, I should have sent people from the Holy Land to find the sacred monument.

It's time for you to change your temper. If you cultivate your body and mind, you may have crossed this threshold long ago, ignited the fire of life, and made a further step.

Tianlong Qingfa opened his mouth, he and the Tianlongling in front of him are both the Supreme Elders of Tianlong Holy Land, and they have reached the fifth step of the land creation state.

The Tianlong Holy Land, which has inherited three great eras, is not comparable to those remote and small holy places.

To this day, the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land is still at its peak, with a prosperous bloodline, and there is a king who opened the sky in the clan, hanging high above the barren land, and facing the royal court, he is also independent from the outside.

In the entire barren land, there are still a few ancient clans as prosperous as Tianlong Holy Land, but not many.

Time is changeable, but nature is hard to change. I'm afraid I won't be able to overcome this natural moat in my life.

Speaking of practice, Tianlong Ling had a hint of embarrassment in his eyes. He has already lived one life, and in the first life he also practiced to the fifth step of the ground-opening state. It is possible that he did not cross that threshold. .

What he practiced was the method of fire, and he took the sun of the Golden Crow of the Great Sun, and his temperament was bursting, making it difficult to stabilize.

I let Tianlongyan go to the frontier, what do you think?

Hearing the sound, Tianlong Qingfa looked at Tianlong Ling, and it seemed that if he didn't kill the Bianhuang Jiao clan, Tianlong Ling would not let it go.

He doesn't care about the life and death of a branch bloodline, not to mention that it has been expelled from the Holy Land for more than thousands of years, and the bloodline has withered long ago.

If you kill it, you will kill it, but you can't use the Dragon Slaying Art, which will make people think that Tianlong Holy Land is making a fuss out of a molehill, which makes people laugh.

Of course, for the sake of a small descendant of blood, if the two great powers of the fifth step of land creation are all paying attention, it is too much to think highly of them.

After a while, Tianlong Qingfa asked: Recently, luck in the frontier is recovering, and the high priest deduces a secret based on the innate dragon bone Haowen Pagoda.

Borderlands is about to become a place where winds and clouds gather, chances and murderous intentions go hand in hand, so the search for the sacred monument is temporarily stopped, wait and see the situation and talk about the next development.

If Tianlong Qingfa said it, Tianlongling looked disapproving. Whenever chance and killing are not at the same time, the deduction of the high priest is purely taking off the beast robe and farting, which is superfluous.

Sure enough, he is old and timid in doing things.

But at this moment, he also restrained his emotions, and his eyes showed contemplation.

The change in the frontier barren is a good time to look for the sacred monument. In the past, the frontier barren was like a stagnant water, and even larger waves could not lift a few flowers, so how to find the sacred monument.

Both of them talked about the God Monument, not the Kingdom of God. In fact, it is false to seek the Kingdom of God in Bianhuang, but the Monument of God is true.

The dragon has nine sons, and the stele has nine faces. It is painted with the shape of the real dragon's nine sons. The nine god stele is a powerful witch treasure.

The Monument of Laughing Wind has been in Tianlong Holy Land for more than an era. Originally, if the Monument of Laughing Wind did not change, this matter would still be covered with dust, and the monument would continue to stay in the treasury of Tianlong Holy Land to collect ashes.

More than 4,000 years ago, there was a sudden change in the mocking wind monument. After hundreds of years of deduction and perception within the clan, it was found that the mocking wind belongs to the southwest.

At that time, it happened that the lineage of Tianlonggong committed a crime, and the Holy Land took advantage of the situation to expel this lineage to the borderlands.

Unexpectedly, since the descendants of Tianlong Palace arrived in the borderlands, the mocking wind monument has returned to calm. Gradually, the descendants of Tianlong Palace forgot about this matter, and Tianlong Holy Land itself stopped.

Until a thousand years ago, the silent Monument of Laughing Wind fluctuated again. Tianlong Ling felt that there might be another Jiuzi Monument in the frontier, so he began to contact the descendant of Tianlong Palace, the Jiao family.

The stele has a sacred aura, which is similar to the aura of the innate true spirit known as the 'divine beast'.

That's why he locked the direction in the relics of the ancient innate spirits, and the most famous innate relics in Bianhuang is the Kingdom of God that the Daqi King's Department got back then.

Then, Tianlong Qingfa said: At present, all parties are focusing their eyes on the frontier, so we should be careful so as not to attract attention.

After this period of time has passed, it will not be too late to find the sacred monument, and if it is not enough, we will take action when the sacred monument appears.


There was anger coming out of Tianlong Ling's nostrils, flowing like a swimming dragon, he opened his mouth in response.

It's not that Tianlong Holy Land is afraid of things, it's about the Monument of Laughing Wind, the artifact of the Nine Sons Monument, they don't want to make trouble out of it.

There are so many ancient clans in the barren land, who knows who has a mountain of moldy classics piled up in their house? I didn’t know this at first, and the classics are piled up in the palace to eat ashes. A little more trouble.

Nine Sons Monument, such a powerful witch weapon, I believe many kings will be envious. No matter how powerful the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land is, it still has no strength to be an enemy of the kings.

Of course, the most important problem is that there are a lot of words missing in a fragmented bone book in Tianlong Holy Land, one of which has six consecutive characters.

'Ren Huang Xing, Royal Nine Sons. '

Whether or not the Nine Sons are the Nine Sons Dragon Monument, Tianlong Holy Land can't verify, but the Nine Sons Monument is really ancient years ago, leaving many traces.

Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance that the Nine Sons of the Emperor Xing Yu refers to the Nine Sons Monument, then they have to be more careful. Once there is a movement, let alone the inheritance of the barren land, the three royal courts will not be able to bear it. live.

Regarding the involvement of the Nine Sons Monument and the Human Emperor's Artifact, only four people in the entire Tianlong Holy Land know about it. The Tianlong King counts as one, the high priest counts as one, and the rest are two people including Tianlongling. Qing Fa didn't know about this most secret secret, he only knew that the Monument of Laughing Wind was a very powerful witch weapon.

In order to keep this secret, except for the Tianlong King, the remaining three people have never left the Tianlong Holy Land since then. Tianlong Ling himself has not stepped out of the Yanhu Lake for thousands of years, and everything he does is directed by the clan.

This is to prevent him from leaving Tianlong Holy Land, being caught by the king's detection, living in Tianlong Holy Land, all with the help of other clansmen, even if he is noticed, he will not get the most fundamental sentence.

Many people, including those in Tianlong Holy Land, also believed that they were looking for traces of the Kingdom of God, and that the Monument of Laughing Wind was just the key to unlock the Kingdom of God.

This matter is of great importance, and Tianlong Order has to ponder over the words of the high priest. Even if such a heavy weapon is not available, it cannot be leaked out, otherwise it will inevitably stir up the entire wasteland.

I asked Tianlongyan to temporarily bring back the Monument of Laughing Wind.

In the end, Tianlong Ling still made a conservative decision. He placed the mocking wind stele in the frontier because there were not many people paying attention. From now on, everyone will pay attention to the wilderness in the southwest. Sharp-eyed guy.

Forget it, let's find it slowly, if this life doesn't work, then in the next life, if I can't come back in my reincarnation, then let someone else in the clan take over. Anyway, it's been so many years, so delaying it for thousands of years is not a problem at all. .


Frontier wasteland, nigger lake.

The crouching evil dragon showed a humanized look in its big eyes. The dragon crystal stone platform in front of it was burned by venom and poisonous flames. The dragon patterns on it became darker again, and the dragon patterns in two corners had disappeared.

When he takes the dragon crystal off the altar and refines it thoroughly, his strength will definitely leapfrog qualitatively, and then he will have the strength to counter the pursuit of the Heavenly Dragon Sacred Land.

However, will Heavenly Dragon Holy Land give him this time to develop indecently?

There was a hint of worry in his eyes, and the evil dragon raised his huge head, and looked at the black flood dragons crawling in the water caves, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

The black flood dragons in the water cave are all his clansmen, but unfortunately all of them have now become monsters that are neither human nor beast. The method of blood curse is beyond human power.

Holy places, ancestral temples, ethnic groups that have been yearning for thousands of years, hehe...

Roar~ Roar~ Roar~

In the water cave, looking at the huge eyes of the evil dragon, all the evil dragon beasts of different sizes roared one after another, their eyes filled with fear and bewilderment.

Their bodies are like vicious pythons, and their flesh has scales. Where will they go?

The evil dragon withdrew its gaze, let out a low roar, and many evil dragon beasts in the water cave calmed down.

Afterwards, black light flashed from the body of the evil dragon, and its huge body began to shrink. There was a crackling sound of battle bones in its body, and finally it turned into a monster that resembled a human, and headed out of the water cave.

Outside the Black Ghost Pool, Venerable Wan Nu was sitting cross-legged, refining a middle-grade spirit crystal, maintaining his aura, sensing waves in the pool hundreds of miles away, and his aura tensed up in an instant.

She went down to the depths of the secluded pool several times, but unfortunately she was escaped by the evil dragon, and she never thought that she dared to come out.

Ripples appeared in the black water in the black ghost pool, thick poisonous smoke rose, and the evil dragon emerged with a foul smell. The eyes wrapped in scales searched around, and finally fell in the direction of Venerable Wannu.


At this moment, Venerable Wan Nu showed surprise in his eyes. It was not the appearance of the evil dragon that surprised her, but the breath of the evil dragon.

Three years ago, when she first took office here, she saw the Evil Jiao for the first time. The strength of the Evil Jiao was only at the mid-level of the first step of the Earth Opening Realm.

It was this time that she easily injured the evil dragon seriously. If it wasn't for the terrain of the deep pool and her own thick skin, she would have killed him long ago.

Since that time, every time she went deep into the secluded pool, the Evil Jiao avoided fighting. In just three years, the Evil Jiao not only healed her injuries, but also raised her aura to the second level of the Earth Opening Realm. what treasure.

Such a change caused Venerable Wannu not to take action directly, but to carefully sense the surroundings to guard against any conspiracy. Her charm technique has no effect in front of this evil dragon.

At this moment, Ejiao said, I want to see Patriarch Daxia.

The open mouth and trembling Adam's apple were like two pieces of metal rubbing against each other, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Hearing the sound, Venerable Wannu raised his beautiful eyes, it's really strange that a monster that resembles a human being knows the Patriarch of Daxia.

At this moment, Ejiao said again: Go back and tell the Patriarch of Daxia that the Ghost Clan from the north went south hundreds of years ago... the coalition forces of human tribes and tribes in the south of Tianhou Mountain strangled the demon clan... the rumored god at the southern foot of the Holy King Mountain Range The ruins of the mansion...

Seeing that Ejiao's words didn't seem to be a lie, Venerable Wan Nu showed a look of surprise in his eyes. Could it be that Ejiao and that guy Xia Tuo are really friends?

People are not humans, beasts are not beasts, Xia Tuo really has a wide range of friends.

Although she thought so in her heart, Venerable Wan Nu did not move. Who knows if it is true, even if it sounds like it is true, it may not be true. She is not sure whether it is true or not.

This thing looks so ugly, it may not be true.

Venerable Wan Nu did not move, and the Evil Jiao also did not move. As for leaving the Youtan, he did not dare to. With the water caves extending in all directions in the depths of Youtan, he had the hope of escaping.

Ever since he started refining the altar, it was tantamount to breaking with the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land. The murderous intent to come to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land will soon come, and now only Bianhuang Daxia can protect him, and only the king can fight against the king.

The Daxia clan has been developed step by step by the old man over the past few hundred years. Sensing that Venerable Wannu was unmoved, the Evil Jiao was also a little uncertain, after all, this empty talk is groundless.

It has a strange appearance, humanoid, with four ugly animal horns on its head, and a figure with thick and short limbs. It is really surprising to say that it is so humane to speak.

It's a pity that Venerable Wannu is still unmoved. In her eyes, killing the ugly monster in front of her has a lot of benefits. Her realm has been stuck in the second step of land creation for nearly a thousand years. Don't look at her fair body, she is still very beautiful. In fact, she is already human. over middle age.

She has tried many times before, but the opportunity to break through the shackles has not yet come, and this evil dragon in front of her is her opportunity.

After being born for so many years, she can say that she has learned a lot about the development of Borderlands.

The old god of Tianhou Mountain, like her, has broken through.

Sikong Huai from the family secret platform broke through.

Suijun Linghu of the Governor's Terrace broke through.

All three of them took the second step of land creation and broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop. Although the process was different, they were all inseparable from the clan.

Like that old man Sikong Huai, whose lifespan was only twenty years away, he was broken back abruptly, with the hope of being reincarnated.

I heard that old man Sikong used the heart of a giant dragon, it is hard to find, she is younger than Sikong Huai, try with a dragon heart?

Regardless of whether it works or not, dig one first and let the high priest of the family family consider it. What if it works?

When the time comes to advance to the third step of Pidi, wouldn't it be nice to personally seek revenge on that fellow Jiuying.

What's more, she just joined the Daxia Clan, and she hasn't made any achievements in size. It's not very good if she wants to use the resources of the clan. .

Such a big evil dragon in front of him can not only be exchanged for meritorious deeds, but also the dragon's heart. After passing this pond, where can I find it.

Sensing Venerable Wannu's erratic expression, Ejiao's expression changed. Sure enough, this girl still wanted to harm him.

Turning his thoughts, Ejiao said again: Don't do anything, I surrender, I am willing to surrender to the Great Xia clan.

Hmm~ Venerable Wannu's beautiful eyes revealed a touch of embarrassment.

Damn stuff.

To tease my wife, right?

Why surrender, come on, fight to the death.

I want to take your heart off.


Great Xia City, Clan Family Hall.

Xia Tuo sits high above the main seat, with Lao Yuan on the left below, Liubu at the helm next to him, and God General Haohai, Sikong Huai, Minghuo and others on the right.

Patriarch, all the land veins in all directions of Phoenix City are stable, so it is necessary to take the main vein of the clan into the master and take over the mountains, rivers and land around Phoenix Terrace. Sikong Huai said, When the nine veins converge, the changes of the land veins can be derived.

Household Situ Fengshi stood up and said, Patriarch, the family is moving, how will the tens of millions of people in Daxia City be arranged, and whether they will move to Phoenix City in the Central Region together.

For the time being, only a few important halls of the clan will be relocated this time, and the clan's geography and luck will be relocated, along with important ministries such as Xiage and Cishitai.

As for the temporary rear of the six halls, the old God Marquis will stay behind in Daxia City, and temporarily replace me in Daxia City. After Phoenix City is stabilized, the six departments and institutions will move accordingly. As for the people in the city, they don’t need to travel long distances up.

Clan family migration, the most important thing is the land veins and clan luck. It has already been experienced once when they moved out from the Everlasting Mountains to Daxia City, but the last time was a short distance away.

But this time, from the northwest to the central region, thousands of miles away, there are many mountains and rivers, and there is no way to hide the luck, so they can only migrate step by step.

Moreover, he had to do it himself for the migration of the clan, which imposed great restrictions.

Speaking of which, the new family city has not been really completed yet, it just has the appearance of the city, and the most important defensive ancient witch array is only in its infancy and needs to be continuously built in the future.

Fortunately, the people on the Great Wilderness are very adaptable to the environment. Once there are cities, as long as there are people, they will be alive and look good.

During this migration trip, Xia Tuo only had two words 'simplification'. Right now, the territory was full of wars, and ghosts lingered. Until now, he still hasn't figured out who is behind the scenes.

Therefore, this migration is the process of him leading the snake out of the cave. If someone wants to destroy the Great Xia Clan, no matter where the mountains and plains are shaken thousands of miles during the migration process, it is a good place to make a move.

This is also Xia Tuo's helplessness, he has no clue, can only take one step at a time, and stays still and can only be beaten passively.

Following Xia Tuo's edict, Daxia City is still busy. Although it is streamlined, Daxia is now the honor of the Houbu, how can it be streamlined? type it out.


Summer garden, wooden pavilion.

A white-haired old man looked bitterly at the wine cup in front of him. The wine in the cup was like fine wine, exuding a strong aroma, but he had no appetite at all.

He took the wine gourd off his back and rubbed it in his arms. The old gourd was not happy at all, and he had only been stable for two hundred years. Unexpectedly, Xia Tuo thought of him again, and asked him to do the same by name when he moved to the family. , but also ride together.

What an honor it is to share a ride with the patriarch, and the eyes of countless people in the city almost lost their eyes with longing.

He really doesn't want to.

It must be all right.

Where does this make sense.

Over the years, his chances have been pretty good. Although his realm is not extremely stuck in the promotion of Shouyuan, in fact it is almost the same, and now he has reached the peak level of Shenzang realm.

Listening to the noises in the hall, the old gourd sighed, grabbed the wine cup, and drank it down in one gulp. This time it might be another hard job, only the gourd in his arms can bring him some warmth.

Inside the main hall.

When the Qishan Divine Palace was discovered back then, it was indeed found that there was a group of people whose aura was similar to that of the Six Flood Dragon Holy Land, but they were not from the Six Flood Flood Dragon Holy Land. But this group of people was short-lived and never found again.

Moxie opened his mouth, held a rolled animal skin in his hand, handed it to Xia Tuo, and said: This is the record about the Qishan Shenfu and his party back then.

Xia Tuo opened the scroll and glanced at it, then put it on the wooden table, and said, Go down and prepare, this time you will bring some people from the migrating clan with you.

Although Moxie's position as the head of the Zhenmagic Division was replaced by Venerable Wannu, in fact, the normal operations of the Zhenmagic Division were all in the hands of Moxie, and Venerable Wannu had no real power.

After Moxie left, Xia Tuo's eyes fell on the animal skin scroll again, and he murmured: Tianlong Holy Land.

When the ghost clan appeared in the borderlands back then, it was Tianlong Holy Land who was behind it. He knew this matter when he wiped out the ghost clan.

But the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land is not comparable to the Boundary Cave Heaven Holy Land. They have big fists, and Xia Tuo can only coax him, so he can only suppress this matter. Forget it.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the ghosts, Tianlong Holy Land even arranged a backhand. Even the ghosts were just pawns arranged on the bright side, and the real dark hands were hidden so deeply.

As expected of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land, the method is so secretive that it has been concealed for such a long time.

Looking for the Divine Palace?

The core of Shenfu is in his Daxia's hands.

Where can I find Tianlong Holy Land?

After thinking for a while, Xia Tuo still decided to meet the sixth-order evil dragon. It seems that the identity of this evil dragon is really not simple. It is a talent to play Infernal Affairs for him for hundreds of years.

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