The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 963: Xia Gou Gou Runs Fast

The three million migrants who came out of Daxia City attracted a lot of people to join them when they passed through the various realms. People from all over the country heard that the migrants were going to the new capital city, and they didn't even want the land. , to follow the patriarch.

Just passing through the Wangu Road, the number of migratory tribes soared from three million to five million. This is still under the restrictions of each road and city. For this reason, Xia Tuo had to order that all ethnic groups should not follow the migration .

Of course, this order still can't stop the clansmen who follow them, follow the patriarch, what is the Lingtian, if they steal it, they will follow.

For this reason, Xia Tuo could only let the clan guards open a way in front of the city, so as not to cause turmoil in the city.

A large number of women and children migrated along with them. Even if there were chariots and war beasts, they still had to stop and set up camp sometimes. When they left Daxia City, the team stretched for more than ten miles.

A year later, the team has stretched hundreds of miles away.

In one year, the team has appeared on the west side of the Holy King Mountain Range, in the south of Qingyang Daoyu. The appearance of this area has not changed much for hundreds of years, and it is not a gathering place for towns and cities. paradise.

Jinwu fell to the west, and the chariots were turned into a camp. The soldiers of the Great Xia tribe turned the area that stretched for more than a hundred miles into a camp. Women and children were inside, and the young and old were outside. The green smoke was curling up. Some women simply built rocks Turn it into a stove, mix the Lingmi and bacon together and cook.

The reason why the team stopped was of course the Patriarch Xia Tuo's intention. He wanted to find something here. The Jiao Clan said that the Monument of Laughing Wind was hidden in the veins deep in the Holy King Mountain Range, and he wanted to find it out. Look.

It depends on how miraculous the mocking wind stele is, it determines his next plan, and also determines the life and death of the Jiao clan sacrifice, whether to live longer or die sooner.

From the beginning, he was still not a good person. Of course, if he was a good person, Da Xia would not be able to reach this point.

After hundreds of years of integration, his thinking has also integrated some emotions of the Great Wilderness. Throughout the years, killing has always been the mainstream here, and it is also the easiest way to solve problems.

The Golden Crow shook its three legs and quickly disappeared into the sky. As night fell, the camp that stretched for hundreds of miles was still extremely noisy. There was a low hill in the center of the camp, where Xia Tuo's car was located.

Going out and migrating is naturally inferior to being in the city. Besides, Xia Tuo himself is not the kind of coddled person, so it is natural to make it more comfortable if he has the conditions.

The canopy that the car had been on before was covered again, turning the car into a mobile palace. In the main hall, Xia Tuo sat at the head, and above the wooden table in front of him was suspended the bright purple Tianlu Mountain.

Tianlu Mountain is three feet in size, and its whole body is deep purple. On the top of the mountain, there is a sea of ​​purple air. The purple light rushes out of the sea, traverses the sky, and shines brightly under the night, visible from far and near.

On Tianlu Mountain, an old tortoise the size of a palm is lying on the bed, migrating to the family, he is the most dangerous, for this reason he turned into a real body, and shrank directly on Tianlu Mountain, so as not to leak his breath.

In the hall, there are only two figures, Qiaoer sitting on the wooden chair below, the witch seal world exudes a mysterious atmosphere between her eyebrows.

The hall was very quiet, and Xia Tuo was communicating with the old dragon of the earth veins. Since the Monument of Laughing Wind was hidden deep in the ground, the old dragon needed to use the energy of the earth veins to take a peek.

The Shengwang Mountains run across the north and south, majestic and majestic. There are many peaks that exceed ten thousand feet. There are tens of thousands of various beasts living in the mountains.

Naturally, such mountains cannot be supported by spiritual veins.

In the depths of the earth, the old dragon of the earth veins exudes colorful divine light all over his body, and his body grows tens of thousands of feet. The so-called ten thousand feet refers to his solid body parts. In fact, if counting the small spiritual energy stretching everywhere, it is enough to reach millions of feet. .

Taking this migration as an example, wherever he passed, he swept all the inspirations in the places he passed with an unrivaled state of affairs, and after leaving, he would leave behind countless inspirations.

Xia Tuo Yuanshen came out of his body, stood in front of the old dragon, and waited quietly.

The so-called skill industry has a specialization, and the skill industry of the old dragon of the earth veins is to control the land. Now the land controlled by the entire Great Xia, the only spiritual vein beyond the control is the Northwest Tianhou Mountain.

Although the spiritual veins of the Sacred King Mountain Range are also very strong, they are not beyond the control of the old dragon. Of course, the inspiration in the Sacred King Mountain Range has not surrendered to the Great Xia Land Line. Both sides have always tacitly accepted the existence of the other.

Xia Tuo is well aware of this point. The Shengwang Mountain Range stretches for millions of miles, and there are no human tribes living in the mountain. In the past, the Daxia Land Line was not particularly strong, so he was not in a hurry to take control of the mountain range where no tribe lived. among.

The old dragon's head of the earth veins is facing Xia Tuo, but his body has already stretched endlessly towards the east, and the big and small inspirations in the earth veins along the way have been incorporated into his huge perception.

The barren land is a magical place. There are too many inspirations deep in the earth, and the inspiration does not necessarily refer to spiritual veins. For example, a spiritual pool, where the spiritual energy gathers into a group, a spiritual tree, a drop of spiritual liquid, Wherever there is inspiration, compared with the surroundings, it is full of aura.

There are many small inspirations in the Holy King Mountain Range, and these inspirations are not easy for practitioners to absorb. Under the earth, the aura of the old dragon in the veins of the earth is divided into thousands, like spirit pythons that shuttle back and forth, swimming around under the Holy King Mountain Range Walk.


In the depths of the Shengwang Mountain Range, the peaks that are more than 38,000 feet high have split at the bottom, forming a cracked cliff that traverses east and west. The sound of the wind resounds like thunder, resounding in all directions.

The big crack extends all the way to the depths of the earth. It is bottomless. The deeper the crack goes, the darker and deeper it becomes. In the depths of the earth, a khaki aura is crawling. Every breath, the surrounding aura is like The sea ebbs and flows in general.

However, the condition of this spiritual meridian is not very good. The body is lying on the undulating rock wall, and above the head is a simple stone tablet with a size of ten feet.

Not far from the dragon head of Lingmai, there is a green deer that has kept its body alive, with ferocious antlers on its head, and a slightly slender head like a dragon head. The heart is still beating, but the soul has disappeared.

Just like that, Qinglu stood, his eyes lost their luster, and he was still staring at the stone tablet above the spirit vein.

A gray stream of air fell from the stone tablet and landed on the yellow spirit vein, suppressing the normal movement of the spirit vein, and with every breath, countless inspirations would be absorbed by the stone tablet.


In the silent underground world, spiritual energy suddenly surged from the west like a tide, and the incoming spiritual energy exuded colorful halos, which quickly merged with the yellow spiritual energy.

With the passage of time, more and more colorful spiritual energy surged towards the body of the yellow spirit vein.

The yellow earth dragon's pulse instinctively trembled, and the earthy yellow light on its body surged, setting off a wave towards the five-colored spirit pulse, drowning all the five-colored aura that rushed over at once.

It's a pity that the khaki-yellow aura was powerless, and was soon impacted by the colorful aura again. In the entire underground rock wall world, the aura flourished, and the aura was like water.

Outside the mountain peak above the rock wall, Xia Tuo stood with his hands behind his back, looked into the depths of the crack, and stepped into the crack after a slight expression.

With only a little effort and not much effort, he had already entered the depths of the crack, saw a khaki spirit dragon crawling on the rock wall, and even saw the stone tablet on the top of the spirit dragon.

Although the stele has restrained its aura and lost its radiant charm, and the mocking wind dragon pattern depicted on the surface has also dimmed a lot, but at a glance, Xia Tuo can confirm that this is the one that stirred up in the frontier hundreds of years ago. The stele mocking the wind and rain.

At this moment, the surface of this sacred tablet is like a weathered stone, and fine cracks can still be seen here and there, and the earth-yellow spiritual energy is swallowed and breathed out, like an old man who is late and dying.

At this moment, Xia Tuo had a feeling of falling in love with the Monument of Ridiculous Wind at first sight. This feeling was very strange, and he couldn't explain why.


A dragon chant exploded in the world of rock walls, and the stele suddenly became brighter. On the surface of the stele, a figure shaped like a giant beast with a dragon's head seemed to come out of the halo, looking at Xia Tuo like this.

The dragon's chant resounded, making Xia Tuo's primordial spirit tremble slightly, and the flowers of the God of Luck and Merit surrounding the primordial spirit buzzed.

Luck merit!

In an instant, Xia Tuo understood where his strange feeling came from. It was the golden body of Qi Luck merits he had cultivated, and it was the prudent Qi mechanism of Qi Luck merits that made the divine tablet in front of him respond to him.

After thinking about this, Xia Tuo tried to move forward, stretched out his big hand, and touched the mocking wind looming in the mist.


There was another dragon chant, and the illusory mocking wind beast hovered in the hazy light. Although it was not too close, it did not reject his big hand.


The moment the big hand touched the phantom of the mocking wind beast, the ancient and vicissitudes of life burst out like a mushroom cloud in an instant, submerging Xia Tuo's figure in it.

For a moment, Xia Tuo was in a trance, as if he had fallen into an inexplicable situation, and the time seemed to be frozen.

At the same time, the earth-yellow spirit dragon crawling on the rock wall felt the pressure on his head disappear, and in an instant, he had an idea and headed for the distance.

Of course, there is also the colorful spiritual energy that followed, biting the body of the earthy yellow spirit dragon tightly, and the colorful spiritual energy swept under the ground, like the surging ocean.


The miracle induced by the mocking wind monument only lasted for three breaths, but to Xia Tuo, it seemed to have been frozen for countless years.

The Nine Sons Monument, the Emperor's Artifact.

Use the keel to stabilize the ground veins.

After hesitating for more than ten breaths, Xia Tuo raised his arms a little stiffly and rubbed his forehead, then shook his head vigorously, and then the corners of his mouth cracked into a wry smile.

How could I be so unlucky.

Or leave this monument here.

The problem is too big.

He is just a Hou tribe patriarch.

How did he know how high the sky was and how thick the earth was.

He is just a Hou tribe patriarch.

For a while, even the surrounding aura splashed, and the old dragon of the ground veins suppressed the fluctuations of the ground veins in the Holy King Mountain Range.

The problem is too big.

The Jiao clan sacrificed this old thing to harm him.

At this moment, Xia Tuo could only scold the Jiao clan for sacrifices like this.

You said that he is just a chief of the Hou clan, he is not bad at all, so he can build a golden body of good luck.

With this kung fu, isn’t it good to play with birds at home?

If this is the case, maybe Da Xia would have someone to succeed him long ago.

It's all right now, the problem is too big, and I don't know what to do at all.

Patriarch Xia was in a daze at the moment.

The Empress Dowager is on the top, he is just the head of the Hou tribe.

Staring blankly at the mocking Fengshen tablet floating in front of him, if time goes back a quarter of an hour, he would still be the full-hearted Great Xia patriarch.

The Stele of the God of Laughing Wind, one of the steles of the Nine Sons of the Human Emperor.

That's right, it is really a peerless artifact created by the Emperor.

If this news spread to the outside world, it would definitely cause many kings to go crazy and fight.

It's a pity that only people with good fortune and virtue can get close to the Human Emperor's Weapon, and only those who have cultivated to the level of the Human Emperor can fully control it.

A certain Xia was not talented, and happened to cultivate the Golden Body of Luck. Although it was only the first step, it happened to be recognized by the Monument of Laughing Wind.

Then because of the meritorious luck, the golden body touched the aura imprinted by the mocking wind tablet.

Right now he is thinking how it happened inadvertently, as if he had never seen the mocking wind stele, he is just a Marquis clan chief in the borderlands, not some Sri Lankan man who will be appointed by the heavens.

Who doesn't know that most of the saviors were taken away by dogs in the end. He is so cowardly, it's okay to become a king and ancestor in the frontier, but he can't hold on when he grows up, and he doesn't have such great skills.


It seemed that Xia Tuo didn't move, the mocking wind tablet trembled, and the dragon chant sounded again.

Hearing the sound, Xia Tuo's expression changed, and his figure took two steps back.

Brother Xiaofeng, Xia is bothering you a lot today, so I will leave now. Your brother will wait slowly for the colorful hero, and we will never see you again.

Facing the Monument of Laughing Wind, Xia Tuo decided to slip away.

Just now he got a very explosive news that the Nine Sons Monument was built by the Emperor, Jingping the Nine Regions of the Great Wilderness, and there is Chiwen, one of the Nine Sons Stele, in the Border Desolation. peace.

The Monument of Laughing Wind is suppressing the veins of the Youying Domain. Now the Monument of Laughing Wind has appeared in the frontier and is controlled by the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land. This already shows a big problem.

Is it not a big problem that the people who suppressed the earth's leylines shifted their imperial weapons? He is just a chief of the Hou tribe, and he doesn't want to die, nor does he want to be famous in the wild. To be precise, he doesn't like any actions that seek death.

The key point is that this is not the most important question. Why does the earth need to use the human emperor's weapon to stabilize it? Even an ordinary person can understand it if he thinks about it a little. If there are no problems, the human emperor will be fine. .

The sky cracks, the earth collapses, fills the gaps in the sky, and stabilizes the veins of the earth.

If you know how fast you die, Xia Tuo thinks it's better to be honest.

Immediately leave the Holy King Mountain Range without stopping, move the family to the frontier, plant the land, take care of the frontier, give birth to a few cubs, pass on the Great Xia, and live for 30,000 to 50,000 years. That's it, looking back, I don't have too many regrets, so much fulfillment.

Xia Tuo took a step back, and the Monument of the Monstrous Wind followed closely behind him, a foot in front of him, like a shadow, which made Xia Tuo a little dumbfounded, and he said again: Brother, don't worry, senior, Xia understands, get out of here , I promise not to reveal half a word, otherwise I will die a terrible death.

It's a pity that the mocking wind monument just depends on him like this, every time he moves, the mocking wind monument follows suit.

Brother Divine Beast, you must have misunderstood the person. I am timid and afraid of getting into trouble. When things happen, I hide as soon as I can. I always do things from the heart. Others call me Goutuo.

At this moment, Xia Tuo also gradually suppressed his thoughts from the panic just now, the problem was a bit serious, even if he was about to transform into a quasi-immortal soul, he felt panic in his heart.

Thirty-six strategies, running is the best strategy, the most reasonable thing left by the ancestors is absolutely correct.

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