The Strongest Tribe

Chapter 997 Xia Tuo Wants to Reform

The Tianhuo Palace was destroyed, and nearly two million disciples were wiped out. In fact, the number of disciples who really fell was far more than that.

In those days when the Tianhuo Palace was stationed, apart from the disciples of the Tianhuo Palace, the warriors and families who depended on the Tianhuo Palace outside the Tianhuo Mountain Range had a combined population of tens of millions.

When the natural disaster strikes, these people all perish along with the Tianhuo Palace.

These people all died with resentment and resentment in their hearts.

Standing in front of the gate of Yinshen Realm, the Skyfire Knife looked at the towering torii of the underworld, and there were unspeakable fluctuations in his thoughts.

As the saying goes, there is a grievance and a debtor, so where is the root of his hatred in Tianhuo Palace?

The world is unfair, but he hates it but is helpless.


When Xia Tuo came out of the Yin God Realm with the Skyfire Saber, the square outside the Yin God Realm had changed drastically.

woo woo woo~

The sky was full of gloom, and the sky was so thick that even the sunlight from the sky couldn't pierce it.

The yin wind was howling, and the priests, clan soldiers, and more than a thousand men and women standing on the square were surrounded by yin air. Some babies were crying loudly, and ghost shadows were flying in the sky in their eyes.

In the beginning, there were faint crying sounds mixed with the sound of the wind, and then the crying sound became louder and more numerous, ghosts and shadows whirled and danced under the sky.


Master, where are you?

Senior Brother, Senior Brother.

My child, where are you?

Have you seen my master?


Countless ghost shadows were densely packed, their voices were like weeping, floating above the surface, and white smoke was still emitting from their bodies.

When Tianhuo Palace was involved in a natural disaster for no reason, it was directly pierced through the Sanyang Realm, broke the inheritance, and the whole family was affected. Their resentment is naturally very heavy.

For those who are reincarnated as ghosts, the deeper the resentment, the more difficult it is to step into the reincarnation.

At this moment, burning incense and offering sacrifices, the ghosts were summoned, and once they appeared, they formed a ghostly creature with thousands of ghosts, and all the ominous beasts used for the sacrifice were eaten up.

The disciples of Tianhuo Palace obey the order.

The sound of the Skyfire Knife standing on the square drowned out the sound of ghosts crying all over the sky, and the floating ghosts were stunned for a moment, and some ghosts with strong energy were like fog, staring at him blankly.

Great Elder!

Great Elder.

One after another voices sounded, and Yin Qi exploded from the ghost shadows, and the ghost shadows that turned into hideous figures turned into human figures and stood in front of the Skyfire Knife.

In the blink of an eye, figures appeared in the square filled with ghostly shadows. Most of them were dressed in scarlet robes. They looked like men and women, old and young, exuding a strong yin energy.

From the strong man whose body is solid and solid like a ground-breaker, to the little ghost whose body is as illusory as green smoke, the entire square is filled. The surrounding mountains and the sky are full of ghosts. It is like a meeting of ghosts. .

The aura of strength is comparable to that of the ghosts in the ground-breaking realm and the holy witch realm. There are fifty-seven ghosts, and there are five auras that are similar to the sky fire knife.

There are one hundred and thirty-three ghosts in the Supernatural Realm and Wuzong Realm, and there are countless ghosts below the Supernatural Realm.

This is still the legacy of tens of thousands of years of baptism, after many ghosts have long since disappeared in the world.

When the disaster happened in the past, at that moment, countless people were scattered, and their souls were not left behind.

Sure enough, the supreme heritage is solid.

Next, there is no need for Xia Tuo to speak. With the great elder Tianhuo Dao, these lonely ghosts in Tianhuo Palace naturally have a leader.

Qiao'er, go and make arrangements for all members of the Yang Clan to start offering sacrifices to the undead of the Tianhuo Palace immediately.

At this moment, Xia Tuo sent a voice transmission to Qiaoer, and Qiaoer left quietly and began to prepare.

There are hundreds of thousands of ghosts appearing outside the Yin God Realm, both formed and unformed. For a while, Xia Tuo had other thoughts in his heart.

Although they are all ghosts, ghosts are also powerful. There are dozens of them with sixth-level strength alone. If they can be included in the underworld, then his newly established underworld background will be there.

The only scruple right now is that these ghosts haven't been labeled Da Xia yet.

After Qiao'er left, she went directly to the gathering place of the Yang clan in Lingzhou, prepared all kinds of sacrificial items, and began to burn incense for sacrifices. The blue smoke crossed the void and fell into the Yin God Realm.

In Yinshen Realm, Xia Tuo built a gathering area using the purple energy of the great summer luck to accommodate the ghosts of the Tianhuo Palace.

The Yin God Realm is full of Yin Qi, and there is also a mysterious atmosphere formed by the fortune of the Great Xia Clan. After these ghosts from the Yin God Realm came in, they all felt a warm and moist atmosphere.

In the gathering area, hundreds of thousands of ghost shadows sat cross-legged at random, with green smoke like mist hanging down from above, being absorbed into the body by one after another illusory figures.

Xia Tuo looked at the scene in front of him from a distance, not disturbing the undead in Tianhuo Palace.

They have sunk between heaven and earth for tens of thousands of years, resentful and unable to be reincarnated, and the aura on their bodies is violent and bloody.

The blue smoke is like a spiritual light, after entering the ghost body, it washes away the turbidity in their body and restores their clear mind.

However, this cannot be recovered in a short period of time. As for how long it takes, it depends on the individual.

Seeing that the undead of Tianhuo Palace could not recover in a short time, he did not enter their gathering place, but quietly left the Yinshen Realm.

Outside the Yin God Realm.

Uncle, the arrangements have been made. The descendants of the Yang family are offering sacrifices to the undead in Tianhuo Palace.

Qiaoer came from outside the mountain, landed beside Xia Tuo, and said, By the way, Uncle Tianhuo Palace's undead have been summoned, when shall we summon the Inheritance King Soldiers?

Don't panic about this.

Xia Tuo groaned softly, which surprised Qiao'er.

The method of summoning the Heavenly Fire Palace's inherited divine weapons comes from the Yang clan. Xia Tuo said softly: Now we have summoned all the orthodox disciples of the Tianhuo Palace. Do you think it will be difficult to summon the king's soldiers?

That's right. Hearing the sound, Qiao'er nodded.

Uncle, they will not give us the magic weapon.

For Qiaoer's worries, Xia Tuo shook his head and said, Let's go back to Phoenix City first, I have my own concerns here.

Saying that, Xia Tuo took Qiao'er and headed towards Yukong in the south. He wanted the inherited king soldiers of Tianhuo Palace, and he also wanted the disciples of Tianhuo Palace who had become ghosts.

The establishment of the underworld, no matter what, the world has changed. He has already embarked on the road of reform, and now he can only move forward bravely.

The disciples of Tianhuo Palace are very strong, enough to enrich the underworld. After all, the Daxia Li clan is only a few hundred years old, and the people have just returned to their hearts. It is really impossible to find such a powerful ghost to enlighten them.

Now that the undead of Tianhuo Palace have arrived in the Yinshen Realm of the underworld, he is not afraid of them running away. The disciples of Tianhuo Palace have subdued them. Could it be possible that the inherited king soldiers of Tianhuo Palace can grow wings and fly?

Uncle, you are still that Uncle. On the way back, Qiao'er looked at Xia Tuo and said with a smile. Obviously she had already realized that Xia Tuo was going to bring the ghost of Tianhuo Palace and Wang Bing together. Take it down.

Take it easy, Wang Bing is here, it doesn't matter if you get it sooner or later, it will be Da Xia's in the end.

Seeing Qiaoer's reaction, Xia Tuo didn't say much, and then said: These people in Tianhuo Palace have been sunk for tens of thousands of years, and there is a strong resentment accumulated in each of them.

In the next period of time, you have to personally arrange the sacrificial matters. The Yang clan doesn't need them to do anything in the next period of time, they just need to remember their ancestors every now and then.

I see.

The two quickly returned to the inheritance witch array and returned to Phoenix City.

summer pavilion.

How's the matter with Wang Bing? Seeing Xia Tuo's return, Lao Yuan rushed over and asked.

I haven't got it yet, but it's coming soon. Naturally, there was no need to hide much from Lao Yuan, and then Xia Tuo talked about the Yinshen Realm and the undead in Tianhuo Palace.

I didn't expect such a change to happen.

Hearing this, the old turtle pondered, with an inexplicable light in his eyes, staring at Xia Tuo and said: When you dared to risk your life to make a deal with the ancestor, the ancestor knew that you are not a fuel-efficient lamp, you now But it’s getting bigger and bigger.”


You are not afraid of being struck by lightning.

Glancing at the old turtle, Xia Tuo said: If I am struck by lightning, I will take your bastard shell on top.

You bastard. Immediately, the angry old turtle raised his beard, and the crutch with the inverted dragon head in his hand kept hitting the ground.

After a while, the old turtle said again: You have taken in this group of wild ghosts from the Tianhuo Palace and expanded the so-called underworld. You have to think about it. There has never been such a thing since ancient times. What if there is something like this? Accidents, it is likely to be beyond redemption.

The ancestors are not lawful, and the changes of the sky are not fearful. Xia Tuo groaned softly.

speak English.

Looking at the old turtle with a blowing beard and staring eyes, Xia Tuo said: People are dead and birds are upside down, and they will not die for thousands of years. You think I am willing to do this, and I am so helpless. If you don't continue, what do you think?

Following you, the ancestor will die young one day sooner or later. Glaring fiercely, Lao Yuan turned and left the Xia Pavilion hall.

Xia Tuo: ...

die young?

What the hell are you...

The hall fell silent, Xia Tuo sat on everyone, pressed his forehead with his right hand, and let out a long breath of relief.

The underworld, in the previous life, was the underworld in charge of reincarnation, controlling the six realms of reincarnation, and the destination of thousands of creatures after death.

Reincarnation is the secret of the end of life. Even heaven and man are afraid of it, but they can't see through the mysterious good fortune. Now that such a scene appears in the Great Xia, God knows whether it is good fortune or a crisis.

It would be a lie if there was no pressure, he just wanted to be the leader of his clan in peace and stability, and there would always be troublesome people trying to harm him.

Not to mention far away, counting from the Queling clan, the Hubenwei clan, the Huanlong clan, and the ancient clan alliance, they were all one by one, and he didn't provoke them much.

Especially Huanlong Shi, who attacked him again and again, really regarded him as a soft persimmon.

What should come will always come, even if he admits to being cowardly, it is impossible for him to settle down.

That being the case, why is he cowardly.

Since the establishment of Daxia, it has been a centralized system in tribal skins, and the tribal hunting system of Dahuang has long been changed beyond recognition by him.

Hunting has changed to farming, and now it seems that the career change is very good. The people of the ethnic group have something to take care of, and this is the right way.

Because of this, the affinity of heaven and earth to him has been strengthened, and the Daxia tribe he established has maintained the reproduction of the frontier human race and received the favor of luck.

Under the current circumstances, the better the development of the frontier barren, the stronger the fortune of Daxia, and he, the patriarch of the Daxia clan, will also prosper with luck.

Others peek at Daxia's luck, but luck is also the only thing he can use to fight back.

It's all changed, and I'm still afraid of a bird. After cursing in a low voice, Xia Tuo's figure disappeared into the hall.

Go home to sleep.


The next day, Xia Tuo stretched his waist when he woke up from his luxurious big bed with Jian Ling who had just left the customs.

A new day is naturally full of positive energy.

Just do it.

The reason why Great Xia has such a prosperous fortune is because it protected the multiplication of the ethnic group.

Speaking of reproduction, it seems that there are only two words, but what is contained in it is extremely profound.

In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, it includes too many things. Since Yankang, the tribal enfeoffment system of the human race, slavery is prevalent in the tribe, and few people pay attention to people's livelihood.

The term 'people's livelihood' is very unfamiliar in the Great Wilderness. In the world of martial arts, who cares about the life and death of ants. For the strong, ordinary humans are ants.

Just like, since ancient times, the frontier has been regarded as a land of barbarians and a land of exile by other regions outside the region.

But it is precisely because of the establishment of the Da Xia Li Clan that the promotion of the Lingtian has provided the people with enough food, the establishment of the Qianlong Temple has provided the people with a path to practice, and the establishment of a witch hospital to treat the elderly, weak, women and children has achieved its current prosperity.

This is not talking about any aspect, but involves a lot of clan policies.

For one night, Xia Tuo didn't have sex with his mother-in-law in his arms, but was really thinking about it.

I went over the things that have happened in the past few years since Daxia was established.

The fate of the human race is to accommodate the entire human blood compatriots. It does not mean that a certain human blood is expelled because of his low strength.

In the Great Wilderness, there are billions of human races, there are only a few strong ones, and there are really many blood descendants of ordinary people.

Too many ants can kill an elephant, but in the barren land, ordinary people are precisely the part that is ignored by the strong.

His advantage, or Daxia's advantage, is because he integrated the frontier barren, merged the tribes, promoted the Lingtian, and gave the people a place to give birth, so they are popular.

What is the destiny? The destiny of the human race is that all people return to their hearts.

What is the human emperor is the emperor recognized in the hearts of all human races. This is not only strength, but also a mark in the hearts of all human races.

Why did he suddenly feel the affinity from the earth? It wasn't for no reason, but the cause had been planted earlier.

The roots of Daxia still lie in the ethnic blood.

Walking out of the dormitory, Xia Tuo told the servants who were waiting in the garden: Send an order to Xia Ge and tell the elders that after three days, all the clan halls belong to the clan council, and all the clan halls must come to the clan council if there is no special matter.

Yes the attendant hurriedly left the Xia Garden and headed towards the Central Clan Hall.

The chief of the clan held a clan meeting, which immediately stunned the heads of the various ministries who had just started working early in the morning.

The patriarch hasn't held such a large-scale clan meeting for a long time, so it's possible that something big happened.

Three days later, the tribal hall.

All the ministries and halls of the clan are in charge, but there is no Taifu order to kill the fat man.

Fat brother didn't know where he went recently, he took the little padded jacket supervised by the governor of National Taiwan University, and wandered around everywhere.

This Lord Buling Lake also observed the main hall, and found that the fat man who abducted his daughter did not come, and the anger he had accumulated had to be suppressed for a while.

The fat man didn't come on purpose, did he?

Everyone in the hall saw that almost all the bigwigs of the family had appeared, and they were also wondering if something happened.

Otherwise, with the patriarch's lazy temperament, it's normal not to show up for ten or eight years.

Qiao'er sat at the top right of the main seat, and below her were Da Zhongzheng Xunfenghou of Kaogongsi, Governor of Linghu Lake, Supervisor of Taiwan University, General Haohai of Bingtai Grand Sima, and the courtyard of the Wuyuan was empty.

On the left is Ge Fu Lao Yuan and his six divisions and the warriors in each hall, as well as the Si Nong Hall, the Salt and Wine Road, etc.

In addition, even the two principals of the Shadow Guard and Zhenmasi, Uncle Yu who sits in the south, and the worshipers of the sixth-level realm in the secret platform also arrived.

Because of this, everyone guessed in their hearts what happened.

Xia Tuo came from the outside, his eyes wandered, and he saw the people in the hall, nodded and strode towards the main seat.

Meet the patriarch.

Lao Yuan took the lead, and after seeing Xia Tuo seated, they all got up and saluted.

Sit down. Xia Tuo took his seat, waved to everyone, and then said, Since we moved the family to Phoenix City, we haven't gathered together to talk for a long time.

Then, Xia Tuo didn't delay, and his eyes fell on the God General Haohai, the secretary of the secret platform, and asked, General Haohai, how long will it take to complete the migration of the people from the Sanyang Realm?

Most of the blood descendants of the human race in the Sanyang Realm have already migrated, and they are currently searching for lonely gathering places while migrating.

Xia Tuo was not very satisfied with the answer of God General Haohai, and he continued to ask: In five years, after five years, the population in Sanyang Realm will be completely relocated.

Hearing the sound, the Haohai God General was startled, and said: Follow the order.

Okay. Xia Tuo nodded, and said: There are no strong obstacles in the Sanyang Realm, and the secret platform order does not need to sit in the Sanyang Realm. If you are troublesome, the secret platform order should go to the Dragon Gate in the Black Dragon Waters to sit for a while. time.

The Sanyang Realm is under the full responsibility of the God General of Haohai. The old man Shitou, Guangyao, and Mu Hanshan, and the other twenty supernatural powers, I have other uses.


After arranging the Sanyang Realm, Xia Tuo's eyes fell on Hubu Situ Fengshi, and said, Hubu, how many people are registered in Daxia now?

Master Hui. Feng Shi stood up and said, Now there are more than 943.39 million registered households in Daxia, with a population of more than 6.736 million people.

How much is the total number of acres of spiritual fields?

The clan's initial clan policy was to reclaim 20 acres of spiritual land for adult men and women.

However, due to practical reasons, the northern region is the guarding region, and the west of Phoenix City is the garrison, so it is impossible to accurately count the real number of acres.

Well, sit down. Xia Tuo nodded, signaling Feng Shi to sit down, and he looked at the other people in the hall.

Sinon Hall...

Salt wine road, refined salt production in each area...

Witch Hospital...

Xia Tuo inquired one by one about the affairs in charge of each hall of the clan.

After thinking all night last night, he had a rough plan in his mind.

He wants to reform!

The more friendly the people under Daxia's command are to the Daxia clan, the more prosperous the Daxia clan's fortune will be.

How to make the people return to their hearts is to use a series of methods to make the people live a stable life. These things can be done better in Daxia.

Now that he has changed the system that has been passed down for a long time in the barren land, he might as well deepen it.

A long time ago, witchcraft was the embodiment of the civilization of the human race. What is the civilization of the human race?

Martial arts?

No, much more than that.

Budo is only the guardian of civilization.

Civilization is a variety of habitat-related things created by the human race itself.

He established the Great Xia Witch Academy a long time ago, and worked hard to recruit so many witch cultivators. Now it's time to show off his skills.

If the development of witchcraft is not for the better development of the human race, then what is the use? Witchcraft is not only for fighting and killing, but also for all kinds of assistance in life.

For example, the flying boat built a long time ago is a very good product.

Didn't people outside of Bianhuang say that Bianhuang is a soil beetle, so let's see who is a soil beetle.

First stabilize the basics of farming, cultivation, and human reproduction, and then develop and innovate on this basis.

For example, witchcraft sledges and witchcraft beast carts, these are things that can help ordinary people, and if used properly, they can enhance the overall strength of Daxia.

After coming to the Great Wilderness for so long, fighting, killing and plotting for hundreds of years, I should do something to change the Great Wilderness.

At this moment, in the main hall, Qingkong Yuanzheng looked a little confused.

Make a plow?

Animal car?

We are wizards!

We really are wizards!

We are building teleportation and communication witch arrays, flying treasure ships, and all kinds of magic weapons, and making plows for a bunch of mud legs.

Did he hear wrong?

Hun Kong knew that he heard it right, that's what the patriarch meant, and he had figured out the patriarch's temperament for so many years.

There are many whimsical ideas, as the saying goes, there is a hole in the brain, and let the dignified wizards go to build cars for ordinary artificial plows. This is not a hole.

Once it is said, Great Xia Wuyuan, people will laugh out loud.

People outside the region say that Bianhuang is a gathering place for indigenous people. If they do this, they will really become local turtles.

No, no, no, it can’t be like this, Hunkong looked up at Xia Tuo, and said: Patriarch, the ancient wizards walked the world and created the way of civilization for the human race. Even if witchcraft is declining now, it hasn’t fallen to this point yet, right? .”

When Hun Kong opened his mouth, Xia Tuo's own proposal was blocked. Hun Kong's court official said so, so one can imagine what other witch cultivators would think.

After all, witch cultivators are indeed rarer and have a higher status than martial artists in the Great Wilderness.

What's more, in the main hall, there is not only one witch cultivator in Hunkong, Sikong Huai, Minghuo, and Qiu Ling are all in the holy realm of witchcraft.

It is true that wizards claim to be the inheritors of human civilization, but now it seems that it is this title that promotes wizards too highly, which is somewhat divorced from reality.

What have the witch cultivators done since Yankang?

The earliest wizards of the human race all experienced the heaven and earth, comprehended myriad ways, and each of the wizard tools they created had great power. They could observe the sky, measure the stars, and move mountains to fill the sea.

But now, the witchcraft of the human race is becoming more and more cutting-edge, and everything is developed around killing, which is already putting the cart before the horse.

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