The Strongest Tribe

Chapter Nine Hundred and Fifty Five Changes of Fortune

If you want the dove to occupy the magpie's nest, and turn the law god domain left over from Wufeng Dongtian into Daxia, you still need to see how powerful Daxia's own family fortune is.

The strength of the Great Xia clan movement comes from the land and ethnic groups under its control. The land is fixed, but the number of ethnic groups changes, which also involves the number of warriors and witches among the ethnic groups.

In terms of Daxia's family fortune today, Xia Tuo is still full of confidence in controlling Wufengdongtian. This is due to Daxia's current background. Looking at the barren land and talking about the land and the people, which Marquis can compare?

Xia Yuan is in the main hall.

Lao Yuan, Lao Shenhou, Fatty, and Qiaoer are all there.

Back then, in order to promote the earth veins to the mid-level, we thought of a way to artificially refine the purple energy. After the research of the high priest, this method can also be used in the current matter.

This time, it is still mainly based on the ground-opening state, and the clansman is also used as a supplement to build a formation where the main and auxiliary are dependent on each other, and attract luck to scour the law of the gods.

The ethnic groups under our command actually have the largest number of people in the Northwest, followed by the Northeast, and the North. As for the Central and Western regions, there are not many people.

This has led to the fact that although the clan family controls most of the frontier and barren land, it is actually only the northern land, which is the most compatible with the clan family's luck, and the northern land is most in the northwest.

The old Shenhou has been in the northwest for many years, chasing monsters and protecting the people, and has high morals, so he fits very well with the purple energy of the clan. This time, the old **** of the clan is encouraged to assist me, or take over from me to take charge of the formation when I have something to do.

There are also some reasons for choosing to let the old Shenhou assist instead of Qiaoer. Daxia now controls most of the border areas, but the population distribution is very uneven, with the northwest being the most.

On the land in the northwest, Tianhou Mountain's reputation is still magnificent. This is the heritage accumulated over thousands of years, not something that can be suppressed only a few hundred years after the establishment of the Great Xia.


Afterwards, Xia Tuo looked at Qiao'er, who got up and said, This time, let's form a three-person formation, led by three warriors of the ground-breaking realm, and cooperate with each other.

The reason why the three-person collar is used is also for the convenience of replacement. If you want to turn Wufengdongtian into Daxia's own thing, it can't be done in a short period of time, at least it will take tens or hundreds of years. When things happen, Xia Tuo always has to go out to deal with them.

Such a threesome,

If there is something, they can replace each other and ensure that there are enough people.

For the first time in the main formation, I will be the main one, with the old Shenhou and Qiao'er assisting.

Soon, Xia Tuo made a decision, and the family began to get busy. The slaves and villains who had been hidden in the depths of the earth veins and caves were also mobilized.


Tianlu Mountain.

Under the vast ocean of purple energy, Xia Tuo stood with his hands behind his back, and in the center of the ocean, a large pillar of luck stood upright, like a purple youth pillar.

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Tuo's primordial spirit came out of his body and sank into the ocean of purple qi. There were countless thoughts in the purple qi, all kinds of thoughts, but most of them were gratitude and some ordinary nonsense thoughts that had no effect.

Each of these thoughts is an illusory purple aura, and outsiders can only see the purple aura, unless they go deep into it and perceive it to perceive the thoughts in it.

Every day, the people under the command of the Great Xia clan will have too many ideas. These seemingly ethereal ideas are mysteriously gathered here, and a large part of them are actually annihilated into nothingness.

Yuanshen walked across the vast ocean and entered the large pillar of purple air. Inside the boundary was an illusory world map, just like a huge sand table, which showed the scene of the frontier barrenness.

Of course, on this purple air sand table, the northwest direction is the clearest, every mountain, city, grass, and tree are all clearly visible, while the southern region is gray and dark.

While waving his hands, Xia Tuo moved his thoughts, and the city that was originally displayed on the sand table, which was not considered big, suddenly began to expand, and turned into a huge image of the city in front of him.

This is one of the many cities on the territory of Great Xia. There are whirling figures and noisy voices in the city. After observing it for a while, Xia Tuo waved it back to its original state.


Then, he looked into the circle, why didn't he see Wuwu after such a long meeting.

Immediately following his shout, Wuwu squirmed out from a corner of the world. This is his world, where a single thought can span a long distance.

Why didn't the pillar of luck manifest?

Seeing the appearance of Wuwu, Xia Tuo asked casually, the luck of the Hou family is called the pillar of luck, the luck of the king's family is called the pillar of meeting, and the luck of the royal court is called Yuan. Thirty is the advanced number, which he already knew a long time ago.

A Tuo, the Luck Pillar has disappeared.

A little confusion flashed in Wuwu's small eyes, and he didn't know what was going on. He read all the memories in his head, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

The four ranks of Shi, Yun, Hui, and Yuan Qi Yun are systems that have gradually evolved since the era of the rise of the human race. Why are they gone all of a sudden?

Disappeared? Hearing the sound, Xia Tuo glanced at Wuwu.

I don't know why it just disappeared.

Wuwu flew to Xia Tuo, opened his mouth and spit out a vortex of purple air, and then the sand table scene in the boundary disappeared, replaced by a floating cloud of purple air.

Hey, it has become like this, it has become a cloud.

After finishing speaking, Wuwu hurriedly said, It's none of my business.

What are you doing? Shaking the first place, Xia Tuo glared at him.

According to my many observations, the root of the changes in the Luck Pillar of Luck lies in you in the final analysis. Wuwu, who was glared at by Xia Tuo, was not afraid at all this time, and said righteously: You said What have you made of a good tribal entrustment outside, and wherever there are tribes under your command, you can change the inheritance system of the past and present, so what's the problem with changing the shape of luck.

What he said made sense, Xia Tuo was really speechless for a while.

Seeing that Xia Tuo didn't speak, a flash of relief flashed in the depths of Wuwu's small eyes, and he was finally bluffed. He really didn't know why his luck turned into a cloud shape.

As Ju Mang, who has been reincarnated nine times and has scattered memories, he always realizes it after the fact.

Tuo, what do you think?

Hearing the sound, Xia Tuo didn't speak, and his mental thoughts sank into the floating clouds of purple air. As the head of the Daxia clan, the clan luck naturally respected him.

Now Daxia organizes households for the ethnic groups in the territory, and all the population is registered in the clan court.

In the eyes of everyone in the clan, there is only one reason why Daxia has grown from a small clan in the mountains to what it is today in just a few hundred years, and that is because it broke the tribal system, centralized the clan, and concentrated its strength.

It can be said that from the very beginning, Daxia was a pseudo-tribe in the guise of a tribe, but in fact concentrated power under its command.

According to the household registration data recently compiled by the Family and Household Department, Daxia’s various Daoyu and Zhenshoudao, including slaves in the Northern Territory, have a total of 213.6 million households with a population of 1.479 billion. Nine million nine hundred and sixty thousand and five thousand four hundred and thirty-nine people.

The number of this ethnic group has already exceeded the population controlled by some royal tribes on the barren land, and Daxia is just a Hou tribe.

In addition to the number of ethnic groups, the territory controlled by the clan also surpassed that of the royal family.

Fortunately, this is a frontier, and under the royal court, it is impossible for the royal family to control too many places.

On the barren land, an ordinary Bobu has an area of ​​about 40,000 to 50,000 miles. Of course, this is not custom-made. Some Bobu may only have a radius of 10,000 to 20,000 miles, and some may directly exceed 100,000 miles, or even reach the terrifying hundreds of thousands. It is round and round, but this is a minority after all, and such a one will not appear in ten thousand years.

Most of Hou Bo's fiefdoms are roughly vague figures, because the barren land is too large, no one will really measure it to be exact.

Even when the royal court conferred the uncle, it would only say that you should be sealed near a certain mountain and lake, with the mountains as the boundary and the river as the line, how many miles to the south or north is where your uncle country is located. The plants, trees and wild animals on the ground belong to the country of Erbo, and the tribes living on it will obey your orders.

For example, under the command of the Jumubo tribe back then, the area under his command was about 100,000 miles. Under the influence of his strength, the surrounding Marquis tribes controlled a population of more than 30 million. This is already the first family in Northwest China.

Outside of the frontiers, the Que Ling family is the lord of the Hou family. The land of the Hou country is only 190,000 miles in radius, and the population directly under its control is about 100 million. Several counties under his command.

Therefore, the territory and population of Hou Bo's country have not really been verified.

It mainly depends on the king's preferences when the royal court confers. If he likes you, he will give you more points. Even if it is an uncle, the king may grant you a large piece of land. If he doesn't like you, even if he is a prince, he may only give you one. The area of ​​the country.

For example, the Xishuihou Kingdom under the command of the Great Yin Royal Court is a small island less than ten thousand li in the Qinglu River.

The difference between Frontier Wasteland and Outer Territory is that the land is large, but it is unable to expand outwards. The land is vast and sparsely populated. Unlike the wasteland, the Hou Bo's clan live next to each other, and throwing a brick between each other may be thrown across the border.

In the wilderness, the land is like a vast ocean, the tribes are like islands, and there are vast barren areas between each other. Even after so many years of governance by Daxia, it is still the same scene.

All of this is due to the fact that the Yaozu's frontiers were too cruel ten thousand years ago.

The number of ethnic groups today is not much different from the number indicated by the fate of the ethnic groups, but these populations are still too small compared to 10,000 years ago. The population of the frontiers 10,000 years ago should be at least ten times that of today.

However, even ten thousand years ago, when the frontier barren was at its most prosperous, this ancient barren land was still sparsely populated.

Daxia has such a large population now because it broke the tribal system, broke up all the tribes, large and small, migrated all the small tribes hidden in the cliffs, and registered them as Qimin, and secondly, he bought them from outside the territory A large number of slaves came, accounting for about 10% of the total population.

It seems that there is a huge population of nearly 1.5 billion, but thinking about the territory that Daxia now controls, apart from the royal court, Daxia controls the largest place, and Daxia is just a tribe of the rank of Marquis.

Of course, one cannot always focus on the disadvantaged side of things. If it is said that the Marquis of the Daxia District has 1.5 billion tribes, its population is comparable to that of the royal tribe, its territory is tens of millions of square kilometers, and its territory is far away from the royal family. Strangling the frontier of the barren land and the wild, the force is instantly different.

The population and the territory are the reasons why Xia Tuo has the confidence to control the cave of Wufeng Law, but he did not expect Wuwu to bring him such 'good' news at this moment.

The purple clouds floated as if startled, elegant and luxurious, like a canopy, there were fifteen purple clouds in total, some purple light was extremely deep, while others were darker.

In perception, these purple clouds are completely composed of streaks of purple energy, containing countless ideas.


At this time, a flash of surprise flashed in Xia Tuo's eyes. He felt that the number of thoughts in the deepest purple cloud was exactly 100 million. Each strand of purple air seemed the same, but there was a slight difference in the deeper part.

After he screened this difference, he found that it was different from person to person, that is to say, it was the thoughts gathered in the purple clouds, each of which was different and came from different clansmen.

Every member of the Great Xia Clan has a purple energy of thought that belongs to them.

Then, he sensed the rest of the purple clouds one by one with his soul, and found that it was similar to what he thought. Among the fifteen purple clouds, fourteen of them were purple qi with 100 million thoughts. few.

The remaining one is 84,637,540 Dao, which is more than 5 million Dao more than the number of ethnic groups counted by the clan.

The thought of 100 million Dao people turned into a cloud of purple Qi, and the luck suddenly changed from a pillar to a cloud. What is the reason?

This is equivalent to changing the level of luck. It is rumored that the four levels of luck in Zhongshi, Yun, Hui, and Yuan are very mysterious. Only the king of Wang Ting knows the change.

In your memory, do you have any relevant fragments about the 'Yuan' stage of luck?

Wuwu nodded, and then said pitifully: I must have known it before, but now I can't remember~

Xia Tuo was not surprised that he didn't get any useful information from Wuwu's little confusion. As the head of the Daxia clan, the tribe and luck are closely related to him. He didn't feel any danger coming, and he can handle the change of luck for the time being. No, I can only suppress my heart.

After suppressing his thoughts, Xia Tuo shifted his focus to the matter of receiving the Law God's Domain.

Half a month later.

The 400,000 clansmen who tempered their luck were divided into three parts in the cave sky of the earth veins. These people have been suppressed in the sky cave for a long time to temper the purple energy for the old dragon of the earth veins, so this change is very neat.

Inside the Dimai Cave, Xia Tuo, Lao Shenhou, and Qiao'er sat in three directions. Xia Tuo held the secret key to enter the Wufeng Cave, and began to open the way to the God of Law.

This stage is the most important, to open up a connecting point, so that Daxia's family luck can flow into the river of law.

The river of law is very mysterious, and the real body of a warrior cannot enter it. Ziqi is also a rare and mysterious thing, which can enter the river of law.

After the secret key was activated, the void began to distort. After Xia Tuo's primordial spirit came out of his body, he was not in a hurry but continued to activate the secret key, allowing the spatial fluctuations triggered by the secret key to expand, covering the old Shenhou and Qiao'er as well.

In the distorted void, there was already the sound of rushing water, an illusory long black river flowing from endless time and space, and the black water has no boundaries.

Xia Tuo then spread out his palm, the purple light was like a star, extremely gorgeous, as if surrounded by stars, it was the seal of the family court, and the words ordered by the sky printed on it naturally carried a kind of coercion.

Immediately afterwards, Yuanshen took the seal and stepped into the long river of law. This time, he was very close to Wufeng's law god domain, and he stepped on the island of law in an instant.

Xia Tuo turned his head and looked at the seal in his hand. The purple light was shining brightly, and a faint purple energy was drawn in, and then the space-time three feet above the seal was distorted, as if a space-time tunnel appeared, and the purple energy slowed down. Slowly down.

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