The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 21: The Battle Trial

Izuku won’t lie, he’s really feeling himself by the time he gets out to Grounds B with the rest of his class, all of them dressed in their hero costumes. Preliminary designs one and all, even his own, and yet they’re still dreams made reality. His in particular takes some mild inspiration from All Might, though most of the design is his. In the end, he needs to keep up the ruse, needs to have hints of his mentorship to the Hero here and there.
So yes, the top of his helmet looks a little bit like the spikes of All Might’s hair. An homage, if anything. The rest of his outfit is purely his own… and he notices that Katsumi did something similar with her own costume, the spikes coming off the back of her head looking both like an explosion and an homage to All Might’s hair at the same time.
No matter. Even if she’s glaring daggers at him as they all group up in front of Nana again, Izuku has no problems with ignoring her. Katsumi Bakugou… is beneath him, and ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Let her seethe. Let her plot. When she does come after him again, he’ll deal with her however he’s going to deal with her. It’s not like she’s a threat, after all.
“Welcome, everyone… to the Trial of Battle. This Hero Course will be mainly centered around combat. You all will be split into teams of two and grouped into villains and heroes. The villain pairs will be guarding a weapon in one of the buildings behind me, a weapon that can devastate a large area, if left unattended. The hero pairs, meanwhile, are going to try and stop them. Does everyone understand?”
Nana’s explanation doesn’t leave much to misunderstand, so after a round of murmurs and nods from the class, she smirks.
“Good, then let’s begin with pairing you all off.”
The pairings are decided by a lottery, a random digital interface effectively pulling their names out of an invisible, metaphysical hat. Or rather, it was technically supposed to be. Izuku was not above manipulating the results just a little, and after so long, he’d made a decision on exactly who he was going to be paired with.
“Izuku Midoriya… and Momo Yaoyorozu!”
The Class Representative jolts at that, before looking to him with wide eyes and a blush. To her credit, Momo’s reaction lasts only a second before she manages to get herself under control and walks over to stand by his side. Anyone who saw it would probably just think she was still a little starstruck from the reveal that Izuku was All Might’s student and had saved Nana Shimura from some sort of villainous stasis quirk. They probably wouldn’t be able to intuit that the real reason Momo was so unsure of herself around Izuku was that he’d gone down on her back during the Recommendation Exam they’d done together.
Regardless, as she approaches, Izuku finds a lot to admire about her hero costume. There were elements of it to be improved upon to be sure, but as far as first drafts went, it wasn’t bad. He knew that the amount of skin she was showing was only because of how her Quirk worked, sort of like Midnight the R-Rated Hero, but with Momo being far more innocent and less perverted than Midnight. Though, how much longer would that last, hm?
Standing side by side, Izuku gives Momo an easy grin and a nod.
“Good to be working with you, Class Rep.”
Blushing a little, but exercising sterling self-control, Momo smiles back, dipping her head.
“You too… please, call me Momo.”
Izuku opens his mouth, intending on agreeing and then continuing this little conversation, but before he can do so, Nana’s voice breaks in again.
“Alright, with all of you paired off now, let’s get to it! First up… will be Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu as the heroes, versus Katsumi Bakugou and Tenya Ida as the villains!”
Izuku hadn’t manipulated THOSE results. He’d left it completely up to chance. As such, his mildly surprised reaction is just as genuine as Katsumi’s jolt and the way the explosive bully whips her head in his direction, a hungry grin on her face. Despite how he’d kicked her ass in their little private duel, despite how he’d easily ripped her a new one… she was still intent on getting back at him. She really thought she had a chance.
It would almost be cute, really, if Izuku wasn’t surrounded by plenty of cuter girls and women. Katsumi was… she was hot, but her personality was also rotten. He wasn’t sure he wanted anything to do with her… her OR her weird hang-ups, and whatever the fuck that scent of arousal had meant back in that clearing.
As the two pairs Nana called out separate from the rest of the Class and move over to the building, Izuku and Momo watch as Katsumi and Tenya head inside. Nana explains the rules in a bit more detail, and Izuku listens with half an ear, filing away the pertinent information as he considers what to do here. He’s half-expecting Momo to be the one to turn to him with a plan… but it’s obvious her Type-A personality is currently running head first into her uncertainty regarding their dynamic.
“What… what do you think we should do, Izuku?”
Alternatively, she was still struck by his relation to All Might, and the revelation that he’d been doing heroics before even getting into UA. Smiling slightly, Izuku shrugs.
“Katsumi hates me. So, tell me this… do you think you can handle Tenya, all on your own?”
Momo pauses for a moment and Izuku is pleased to see her giving the question the actual consideration it deserves. Finally, though, 1-A’s Class Rep nods her head sharply and decisively.
“Yes. Yes, I can.”
Rolling his shoulders, Izuku brings his hands together in front of him, a fist into a hand.
“Then that’s our strategy. Katsumi will focus on me above all else, so I’ll keep her busy. I’ll trust in you to take down Tenya and complete the objective. I’m counting on you, Momo.”
Hearing her name pass through his lips does all sorts of interesting things to the young heiress, before she gets herself back under control. Izuku hides a grin, as she nods yet again.
“I w-won’t let you down.”
While there is that waver in her voice, she also sounds quite determined and resolved. Izuku finds a lot to admire in that and watches her go for a moment after they enter the building together and immediately split up.
With his Quirks, it’s not hard to track down Katsumi, prowling through the halls as she is. Just like he expected of her, she’s hunting for him rather than staying with the objective and utilizing teamwork to fight him and Momo together. And that’s just fine with Izuku, because he had Tenya’s measure, and was quite confident that Momo COULD take the boy in a one on one fight. She wouldn’t let him down.
And even if she did, well… Izuku would just beat Katsumi and then go on to beat Tenya and finish the objective anyways. But it wouldn’t come to that. He was sure of it. He was so sure in fact that-
Rearing back, Izuku dodges the explosion suddenly in his face as Katsumi blows up right in front of him, lunging at him and swinging wildly with those grenade arms of hers. He’d known she was stalking him of course, but he’d pretended like he didn’t realize she was there, even keeping up a running commentary in his head to make sure that outwardly, he really sold the lack of notice.
Now though, they were engaged in combat once more, with Katsumi snarling as she tries to hit him and fails again and again.
“Not gonna go like it did last time, D- Midoriya. I know your secrets now!”
Izuku smiles a little bit. It looked like Katsumi COULD be taught. How nice. Still, he can’t help but laugh a little, as they dance through the corridor, Katsumi still swinging wildly and exploding the area with every punch.
“Oh? Yes, you know who taught me how to use my Quirk after I awakened it saving your life. It was All Might himself. Congratulations, you’ve uncovered the critical piece of information.”
Katsumi’s eyes widen in outrage at his mocking tone, and she snarls.
“Fuck you!”
Scoffing, Midoriya slides past her latest explosive punch before suddenly going on the offensive and grabbing her by the bicep. For a moment, the world almost seems to freeze as Katsumi finds her momentum abruptly arrested by his hold, their eyes meeting for a brief second.
“Not in a million years.”
And then he throws her directly into the wall, watching her slam into it and crater it with a grunt. To her credit, Katsumi manages to explode her back so that the wall doesn’t do as much damage as it otherwise would have, literally cushioning herself with the blast amusingly enough. And thanks to that, she’s on her feet a moment later, looking more incensed than ever before. Izuku recognizes the look, recognizes the anger. Katsumi is about to get a lot more violent, and a lot more explosive, possibly than she ever has before.
He can still handle it though. In fact, he intends to. Raising his hands, rather than curling them into fists he uses them to beckon Katsumi forward, making a come hither gesture with both and smirking through his mask. She sees it, of course. She sees it, and it only fuels the fires of her rage even more. Just before she can jump at him however…
“The Trial is over. Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu are the victors. The weapon has been recovered by the Hero Team.”
For a moment, Katsumi looks dumbfounded as Nana’s projected voice echoes around them. Then, she looks positively furious, and like she’s going to attack him anyways.
“All four of you exit the building immediately, please, so we can talk about your Trial.”
Izuku takes that opportunity for what it is, giving Katsumi a simple, disrespectful salute and then turning his back on her and walking away. As pissed as she is, Katsumi won’t attack him while he’s facing away with her, especially not against direct orders from their Heroics Teacher, after the combat is already over. But one thing’s for shit-sure… she’s not going to let this go any time soon.
Izuku doesn’t care, all that much. As they all go over the Trial, Izuku gets to see Momo and Tenya’s side of things. As expected, Momo hadn’t played around. Her advanced tactical training, along with her Quirk, had allowed her to take Tenya down nonlethally and retrieve the weapon in the scant few minutes that Izuku and Katsumi had engaged.
Momo explained what she’d done and how she’d done it in such clear and concise detail that Nana even named her as the MVP of the Trial, even though Momo made a point of clarifying that it was Izuku who had devised the plan in which they split up and he acted as distraction. Izuku didn’t mind Nana’s decision though… quite frankly, he agreed with it.
If he’d provided a distraction that somehow managed to pull in both Katsumi AND Tenya and allowed him to completely keep the pair occupied while Momo won the day, then maybe he would have felt entitled to MVP. But in the end, all he’d really done was give Momo a fighting chance, a fair one-on-one duel against Tenya. Everything else, including Momo completing the objective while he kept Katsumi distracted, was her win.
Despite their Trial being over, he and Momo stand next to each other as the next fight happens, though that one is over even quicker than theirs was. When Shouko has her teammate stand outside and uses her incredibly powerful Ice Quirk to freeze their opponents in place so she can just walk in and touch the weapon, Izuku can’t decide whether he’s impressed or bemused. In the end, as the rest of the Trials continue on and that fight turns out to be the shortest and most one-sided, he reluctantly decides he’s impressed.
Still, there’s no denying HE has the focus of most of the class even now. But there are a few more focused on him than others, that’s for sure…
“M-Mirko, a-ah… I’m not s-so sure about this…”
“Shhhh. We’re closer than that, aren’t we? Don’t call me Mirko… we’re in a school, after all. Call me Senpai.”
Yu Takeyama, aka the Mineyama Hero: Mt. Lady, was a somewhat vain woman who very much enjoyed basking in the glory of being a hero. She liked using her ample sex appeal to constantly grow her fanbase, and a large part of being a hero for her was about how popular it made her. She liked being popular. She liked being seen. Her Quirk had always reflected that key element of her personality quite nicely, or so she’d always felt.
However, her Quirk was also the cause of a never-ending headache for her. She only had her normal size, and her giant size, with nothing in between. As a relatively young hero, she’d racked up quite a bit of debt from the property damage her fights caused. Even with insurance, even with sponsorships and brand deals and the adoring public loving her so much, she owed quite a lot of money behind the scenes.
When she’d accidentally destroyed her office, she’d despaired for a moment of ever making it as a Pro Hero. That was when she’d seen the article for UA and gone all in on trying to become a teacher. No, it wasn’t an example of ‘those who do, do, those who can’t, teach’, thank you very much! After all, how could that saying be true when Mirko the Rabbit Hero of all people was also a teacher?!
Of course, Yu had been a little late to the party. In the end, she’d only managed to get a job as a floater… a substitute, of sorts. She hadn’t even gotten to teach a class yet and had spent her days mostly being a gopher for the rest of the faculty. Until, that is, Mirko had cornered her while Class 1-A was off with the Heroics Teacher, Nana Shimura.
Whimpering, Yu squirms as Mirko pins her against the wall and looks up at her, eyes glittering with scary… but also thrilling promise. The giantess heroine knows in that moment that her next response will decide everything. She can still get out of this; she can still reject Mirko and push away… but Mirko is her idol. For as vain as Yu is, the other woman is everything she’s always aspired to. Even with the difference in height between them, Mirko has always felt… larger than life, really.
Blushing deeply, Yu ducks her head for a moment before finally nodding.
“O-Okay… Senpai…”
Mirko’s responding grin is so wide and wicked that Yu’s heart skips a beat as she wonders if she made the right call or not…

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