The Successor (My Hero Academia)

Chapter 5: Momo Yaoyorozu

Honestly, out of all of the options… there was only one real choice, wasn’t there? Oh sure, Izuku wanted to eventually make inroads with all of these girls, and he definitely wanted a good relationship with Amplifier as one of his future teachers. But Momo Yaoyorozu stood a head above the rest by sheer virtue of being a highly capable, incredibly rich young heiress.
It helped that she was also beautiful, but then all three of the girls were cute, each in their own way. Which made the decision of which to spend the hour with something that came down solely to their nonphysical attributes. And so Izuku made his way after Momo, using the Quirk that had allowed him to initially locate her tracks to slowly but surely hunt her down.
He finds her in an out of the way corner on a bench, eating a rather large sub sandwich. Blinking at the sight of it, Izuku is taken aback for a moment, wondering where Momo was even hiding something like that. In the meantime, the girl realizes he’s there and freezes up briefly before chewing and swallowing so she can offer him a nervous smile and a wave.
“Um… hello?”
Rallying swiftly enough, Izuku’s quick mind manages to put two and two together. He is, after all, something of a Quirk Analyst at heart. Momo Yaoyozoru’s Quirk, as he well knows, is that of Creation. More importantly to this moment in time, it forces her to eat a lot more than your average girl so that she always has extra fat cells in order to be able to produce things from her skin.
Of course, that’s not to say that Momo is fat by any means. Rather, she’s just more filled out in a lot of pleasing ways then most other girls their age, her Quirk and her eating habits both counteracting one another to make her a beautiful and curvaceous young woman.
Gracing her with a broad smile, Izuku waves back as he steps closer.
“Hey there, I’m Izuku Midoriya. I couldn’t help noticing that you finished early, and I thought I’d see if you wanted to hang out! Since we’re both going to be at U.A. and all, it makes sense to make friends now, right?”
Momo blinks and then lets out startled laugh at that, grinning slightly as the remnants of shyness and any awkward feelings about his approach rapidly fade away.
“Wow, you’re that confident that we’ll get in?”

Despite her question, it’s almost obvious from the heiress’ tone that she doesn’t actually have any worry in her about failing the Exam, either the Written that they just completed or the Practical that they’ll be doing next. Instead, it seems clear to Izuku that she’s more saying what she thinks she’s expected to say, acting all demure and trying to be humble rather than displaying the self-confidence Izuku can see lurking just under the surface.
This is a girl who’s just brimming with a surety in her own abilities that will probably honestly carry her pretty far as a Pro Hero. In fact, the more Izuku observes of her, the more he thinks she would be here with him now taking the Recommendation Exam even if she didn’t come from a wealthy family.
“Of course! I mean, we already made it to this Exam on our own merits, right? So long as we don’t slack off, there’s no way we can fail, right? You’re certainly going to give it your all, aren’t you?”
Straightening up, Momo’s face grows a bit more serious as she nods at his words.
“Then neither of us have anything to worry about. We already aced the Written Exam. All that’s left is to kick the Practical’s ass.”
The smile on Momo’s face has only grown from his words, and Izuku can see he’s had quite the effect on her. She shifts a little and pats the bench at her side, so he grins and takes the spot being offered to him, sitting down next to her as she returns to eating her sub sandwich. Looking at him sidelong, Momo chews and swallows again before asking the obvious.
“So, Izuku Midoriya… just who are you, huh?”
Letting out a light, sheepish laugh, Izuku rubs the back of his head with his hand and begins to tell her. Of course, all of it… it’s not so much an act per say, as it’s carefully curated. Rather, Izuku isn’t willing to leave anything to chance when it comes to this, his first attempt at making a friend who will be with him for the rest of his years at U.A.
He needs this to go well. He needs… he needs his father’s sacrifice to not be in vein. All For One had made ‘friends’ by holding power over people’s head. Via blackmail, Quirk use, and all sorts of dastardly, evil actions, his father had made a criminal empire spanning all of Japan that had lasted over a hundred years.
Izuku wasn’t looking to be a criminal though. He wasn’t planning on becoming a villain, not ever. He was going to be a Pro Hero, and with both his fathers’ hundreds of Quirks and All Might’s One For All, he figured he had the best chance of anyone to do exactly that. To that end though, Izuku knew one thing was for certain… he needed to get in close with the right people and build a group of likeminded heroic folks around him.
Momo Yaoyorozu had the honor of being his very first pick. Technically, Nana Shimura had come first, but she wasn’t so much chosen by him as foisted upon him. Not that Izuku minded the foisting one bit, mind you. Nana was… she was really important to him, and always would be. Momo though, Momo had her own value.
So yes, Izuku was using his Quirks on her. Nothing so direct or evil as Mind Control or Hypnosis or anything like that though. Yes, he DID have Quirks that could do that sort of thing. But he would never use them to make friends like he was doing right now. Not only was direct mental influence like that flimsy and prone to failure, leaving him exposed and ruined before he’d even started at U.A., but also Izuku wanted to build something real with Momo.

That didn’t stop him from stacking the deck in his favor though. A voice Quirk to tune his voice like a musical instrument until Momo was unconsciously leaning in as he spoke, quite literally hanging off of his every word. A muscle control Quirk that allowed him to properly regulate his posture and even his facial muscles at all times, so he never inadvertently came across as two aggressive, and his face was always the same casual cheery look to put her at ease.
Even a light sweat Quirk that produced the equivalent of a very nice smelling, completely natural sort of cologne scent, causing Momo to shift subconsciously closer to him, drawn in by his ‘natural’ musk. Izuku was pulling out all the stops for this, not wanting to leave anything to chance. Momo was going to be his first real friend in this world, after an entire lifetime of bullying. She was going to- Wait, why was she kissing him?!
Cut off in the middle of a heavily edited recounting of how he managed to catch the eye of some seriously high ranking Pro Heroes in order to get into the Recommendation Exam in the first place, Izuku is actually rather unprepared for Momo, who had by now finished her sandwich, to suddenly lean over and lay a big fat smooch on his lips, cutting him off.
Stunned into silence, Izuku can only stare at her as the raven-haired heiress pulls back and blushes, fiddling with her skirt nervously.
“S-Sorry. I just… um, s-sorry.”
She stands and moves to leave, but Izuku stops her, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her back down to his side. Before she can say or do anything else, he kisses her back. Nothing too deep, nothing tongue-filled… just a chaste kiss to answer a chaste kiss, pulling back and giving her a soft smile as he shakes his head.
“I didn’t mind.”
Momo smiles back at him with blinding brightness. Clearly, he’d misjudged the sheer strength of the show he was putting on. The combination of half a dozen Quirks he was using to make himself more appealing had apparently given him some serious Charisma, and Momo, being as confident a person as she was, hadn’t been able to help herself.
Now they were sitting there on the bench, his hand still in hers, looking at each other with looks of wonder on their faces. Momo’s wonder is very clearly stating ‘I can’t believe I just did that, or that you kissed me back. Is this what falling in love is like?’. Meanwhile, Izuku’s wonder is a bit more… obtuse. It’s more like ‘Wow, I had no idea I could so easily seduce girls like this. I wonder how far I can take this…’
To that end, Izuku leans in and gives Momo another kiss… one that she returns, leaning eagerly into his touch. There’s nothing chaste about what they’re doing this time around. Their lips press against one another with a certain level of inexperienced enthusiasm. Izuku’s tongue ends up slipping along Momo’s teeth for a moment before she opens wide and lets him have full access to her mouth. Both of their tongues end up entangled as the two young people kiss one another, moaning into each other’s mouths and exploring the act of kissing.
Of course, even though Izuku was practically as inexperienced at kissing as Momo was, he still had Quirks to fall back on. Like that muscle control Quirk, as well as a few Quirks that gave him advanced mental processing. This in turn allowed him to quickly figure out what sort of kissing Momo liked best. He would take what she responded to the most and replicate it. Rather than having to fumble around like the teenage boy he was, Izuku was soon kissing like a damn champ and Momo… Momo clearly wasn’t sure what to do about it, mewling and panting noisily into his mouth as they swapped spit for what felt like an eternity.
When they finally pull apart however, Izuku glances at his watch and sees that they really weren’t kissing, or talking, for all that long at all. They still had over thirty minutes left before they were needed back for the Physical part of the Exam. That said…
“I want… I want to do something for you, Momo. Is that alright?”
“Um, a-ah… s-sure?”
As confident as Momo presented herself to be, as full of self-certainty as she clearly was, she was still obviously a virgin young woman with all the lack of sexual experience that entailed. Izuku could probably have pushed for her to get on her knees and blow him right then and there, or even taken her virginity and she would have gone along with it. But he wanted to do something different… he wanted to firmly entrench himself in Momo’s mind as the kind of guy she could always go to.
And so, it’s Izuku who slides off of the bench and onto his knees. It’s Momo who stares down at him as he flips up her skirt, giving her a comforting grin, and slowly pulls her panties to the side. And it’s also Momo who lets out a startled, throaty moan when Izuku leans forward and slides his tongue along her moist, wet slit right then and there.
But he doesn’t stop there, even as he catalogs the salty taste of her slightly sweaty quim. His tongue pushes into her and he stares up at her challengingly, almost daring her to tell him to stop as he begins to put his Quirks to use in making him the best damn Cunnilingus expert in the whole fucking world. Okay, so maybe he’s not going to get that good instantly or anything like that.
But he doesn’t have to be the best in the world… he just had to be good enough to impress Momo Yaoyorozu. Judging by the way her eyes widen and her pupils dilate as she’s forced to cover her mouth with her hand to contain her moans and squeals, he’s doing a pretty damn good job. Her other hand comes down atop his head and her fingers lace through Izuku’s hair, gripping tightly as she gasps and shudders, bucking her hips up into his face.
Eyes twinkling, Izuku brings his own hands down to rest on Momo’s thighs and grips them tightly, giving them a healthy squeeze that makes her tense up in response. She remains frozen and Izuku stays in control, his tongue working its way in and out of her depths swiftly and energetically. He eats out the raven-haired heiress right there on the bench, where anyone could walk around the corner and see him on his knees and Momo with her skirt up and her panties pulled to the side.
And he enjoys doing it too. Not just because the taste of her quim isn’t half bad, but because he can see how good he’s making Momo feel. He can see how he’s etching the experience of his tongue on her folds securely into her mind. And so, he works and works, until eventually Momo can’t hold it back anymore. She squeals and proceeds to orgasm right then and there upon is tongue.
Izuku is easily able to deal with the mess, using a Quirk to make sure her squirting pussy juices never make it further than his tongue. Rather than getting her sexual fluids all over his chin and probably his shirt, he pulls away from the flustered, panting form of Momo completely clean, a wicked grin on his lips as he sits down next to her and takes her hand in his again, giving it a squeeze.
“Sorry, but I guess I just wanted to express my feelings for you properly. You’re really cool, Momo…”
“T-That was… I d-didn’t know that c-could feel so good. U-Um… I didn’t think I’d meet someone like you quite s-so soon.”
Izuku raises an eyebrow at that.
“Hm? Someone like me?”
Blushing profusely all the way down to the top of her chest, Momo is the one who slips off of the bench now and kneels between his legs.
“… Someone worth doing t-this for…”
As she reaches for his pants and begins to pull out his cock, Izuku recognizes exactly what ‘this’ is going to be. Rather than pushing for her to give him a blowjob, he’s made Momo feel like she should give him one, all of her own volition. She’s about to return the favor, basically. Oral for oral. A glance at the clock shows they DO have about twenty minutes left. A blowjob is definitely on the table.
The only question is, does Izuku want to push for more after all? Perhaps a quick warmup blowjob, and then he pushes for actual sex? Or should he just stick to the blowjob? Or maybe he could leave Momo wanting more, leave her feeling needy, and end things here with the excuse that they might be late to the Physical Exam otherwise?
One way or the other, she’s currently gathering up the courage to take him in her mouth, so it’s time for Izuku to make a decision and fast.

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