The Super Girl is Destroying My Daily Life With All Her Strength

Chapter 28

Chapter 26 In the face of money

Yagi Miyuki is now in great embarrassment.

He-can’t find a suitable job!

He tossed around on the recruitment website twice, and found that the nearby jobs that meet the requirements, the working hours are basically around 5 pm.

The school only has two classes in the afternoon and ends at 4:30, after which it is time for club activities.

He did not participate in a club, so he should have been free time after class, but now he is forced to accept the task of tutoring Naruse Miro for the school financial subsidy.

It’s so hard to die, he put this time for counseling after class in the afternoon. But there is no way. After all, there is not much free time during class, so we can only make the best plan.

“Isn’t there a conflict between these two companies in terms of time? No, is there only one?”

Looking at the two jobs that met the requirements at the end of the filter list, Miyuki Yagi fell silent.

These two positions are a general waiter in a wine shop and a male servant in a… butler cafe!

What the hell! This is terrible! If the work clothes are of the housekeeper and deacon type, it would be fatal if they were to wear maid outfits!

Yagi Yuyue had a bitter cold.

He had been to Akihabara once before, and there was a valet cafe there. Yes, the waiters were all women’s ladies in maid outfits, so terrifying!

“Hmm… 950 yen per hour? Working hours are from 6 to 9:30 in the evening. For the late shift, the price is a bit low. But there is no choice.”

After ignoring the valet cafe, Miyuki Yagi carefully looked at the treatment of the only izakaya that he chose, and nodded in dissatisfaction.

950 yen is almost equivalent to about 60 soft sister coins. Of course, in Japan, 60 soft sister coins can also be used to buy a bowl of ramen, which is not too much.

Thinking about it, Miyuki Yagi gradually couldn’t control his right hand holding the mouse, and slowly opened the details of the valet cafe called “Swallowtail”.

Swallowtail, tuxedo.

Very good, just look at the name of this shop, it’s not the kind of devil cafe that asks people to wear maid costumes.


At first glance, Miko Yagi was stupid, and he wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes, “Shi…3000 yen per hour?”

Hello! This is completely fantasy level, is this sure to recruit high school students? The threshold is set so that graduate students are rushing to come, right? !


Although going to be a male servant will be called like a dog, but in the face of money, this is not a problem, okay!

Yagi Miyuki continues to look down


1, male, 15 to 35 years old, no educational background;

2, height over 165cm, handsome appearance and elegant manners;

3. Be proficient in at least one foreign language besides English;

There are many, compared with the previous izakaya waiter who only had one “hard work and stand hard work”, quite a lot.

“The first is nonsense, and the second…” Yagi Miyuki, who is already full of 3,000 yen per hour, compared his own situation, “From the current mainstream aesthetics, my body is completely in line with the handsome appearance. This request.”

It’s not that he is boasting, but that his appearance is really not bad, at least it is still very popular in school.

175, with good facial features, delicate face, a three-seven-point literary hairstyle similar to that of Mr. Sakamoto, plus a pair of glasses with extra points, a proper mental guy.

At this time, Yuyuki Yagi was very fortunate. If he was before crossing, he would definitely not meet the requirement of handsome appearance.

“There is one last condition. As for foreign languages, I definitely have a proficiency in Chinese.”

Yagi Miyuki clap!

“Okay! Can apply now!”

950 yen for peat, labor and capital must get three times their wages! Don’t say you don’t need women’s clothing, even if you want women’s clothing, I recognize it!


“Brother, can I come in?”

Hearing the knock on the door and the shouting of his sister, Miyuki Yagi’s excitement was a little slow, and he said, “Come in.”


Ochako took a few exercises and pushed in and said with a smile: “Can you please teach me homework? Huh?”

Ochako stepped forward, and when he saw the content displayed on the laptop on the desk, he couldn’t help but was taken aback, “The butler’s cafe? Brother, are you going to work in such a place, right?”


Yagi Yuyuki nodded, although he was a little bit ashamed, but he also concealed such things, and said, “Can I teach you homework? Yes, but wait a minute. I will submit an electronic resume.”

is wrong, right?

Ochako is not concerned about homework at this time, she remembered it! She remembered that during this period of time, her brother indeed started to work again, but he went to work as a waiter at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant. How could he suddenly change to work in a male servant cafe?

Swallowtail, Ochanko has heard of the name of this cafe. It is said that you can experience the enjoyment of a princess, and the consumption level is quite amazing!

is not right, Ochanko shook his head.

The result has not come out yet, maybe after my brother failed to apply for the job, he turned to work at the conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

Well, it must be so!

Ochako breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn’t want her brother to be a footman for other women.

“Do I still need to have a full-length photo? Forget it Now take two shots and vote together.”

Looking at the notes on the resume, Yagi Miyuki stood up, thought for a while, and looked at her sister beside her, “Mikako, can you take a picture for me?”

A full-length photo, obviously he can’t take it by himself, he doesn’t have a selfie stand or something.

“give it to me.”

Ochanoko smiled and nodded.

Isn’t it just taking two photos, this will not change the outcome of my brother’s failure to apply for the job.

Yagi Miyuki looked down at the short shorts on his body, and walked towards the closet without thinking about it.

What you need to apply for is the details, not to mention this kind of face-conscious work, it’s very important to show your appearance!

Although he doesn’t have any special formal clothes, the school uniform of St. Crogna Middle School is very much like a suit, which can come in handy.

“Ochanoko, I want to change my clothes.”

Yagi Miyuki expressly said. He has no habit of changing clothes in front of his sister.


Mitchako smiled, without consciously evading, but said: “I’ll help you, brother, school uniforms take a lot of time to wear, and you have to wear a tie…”

“Get out!”


After driving away his sister, Miyuki Yagi quickly changed into school uniform and combed the somewhat tangled hair.

On weekdays, he rarely combs his hair. Stroking it with his hands is almost the same. Now he is not used to the meticulous combing.

looked at himself in the mirror that came with the cupboard, after thinking about it, Miyuki Yagi took off his glasses again, and carefully polished the lenses to shine, and nodded in satisfaction.


PS: Why do you write the protagonist so handsome? Of course, I’m afraid you don’t have a sense of involvement!

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