The Support Ate it All

Chapter 58: Replay Analysis (3)

Chapter 58: Replay Analysis (3)

The artificial dungeons on the ground floor of the Dungeon building had been crafted solely for the education and examination of students.

There were hardly any dangers present, and even if there were, multiple layers of safety measures protected the students.

A notable example was the ejection mechanism that would instantly expel a student from the dungeon if a fatal injury was expected to happen.

On the other hand, the dungeons extended deep into the underground of the Dungeon building.

These numerous dungeons, spanning the island on which the Dragon Slayer Academy was built, were the reason the island was called the Dungeon Island.

Everything that occurred within these dungeons was real.

Should things go awry during an expedition, you could get hurt, and in some cases, you could even die.

However, the rewards offered were commensurate with the level of danger.

It meant that items could be acquired.

They were given as dungeon clear rewards, dropped by boss monsters, or cleverly hidden throughout the dungeon.

Go Hyeon-woos eyes sparkled with excitement when he heard this.

So, youre saying

Weapons can also be dropped.

Including C-rank and B-rank weapons.

Go Hyeon-woos expression mirrored the one he had when he first heard about the Special Cultivation Room.

However, he didnt immediately leap to his feet.

It was likely because he realized something midway.

He looked at me and posed a question.

But isnt it impossible right now?

Because its still the week of the duel battles.

The Dungeon building wouldnt open until next week when the strategy battles begin.

This meant we had no choice but to wait for several days.

And there was another big obstacle in our path.

Even next week, we wont be able to go down to the underground.

Why is that?

Were not qualified.

It was unthinkable to send first-year students who had just enrolled into life-threatening real combat situations.

If by any chance they were to sustain serious injuries with lasting aftereffects or lose their lives, it would mean the loss of a potential future hero.

Only those who had accumulated sufficient experience on the ground floor and had proven themselves both internally and externally were granted the privilege to descend.

Thus, the minimum requirement to go underground, that is, the entry condition for an F-rank dungeon, was:

A cumulative strategy battle score of 5,000 points. This total is calculated solely from pure dungeon clear scores, irrespective of points.


Go Hyeon-woo took out his student ID, checked the back, and let out a sigh.

It was bound to be woefully insufficient.

The same went for me.

My total strategy battle score was precisely 2,266 points.

In the [Fixed Zone], I scored 683 points which placed me in the upper-middle tier.

In the [Goblin Swamp] with Seo Ye-in we scored 728 points which placed us in the upper tier.

My solo strategy battle score was 855 points which made me the top of our year. Though I hadnt saved the replay.

The combined ranking was between the top 5% and 10% and maintaining this pace, I would need to engage in several more strategy battles before I could even set foot in an F-rank dungeon.

But my aim wasnt just any F-rank dungeon; I was targeting higher-ranked dungeons.

E-rank, D-rank, and above must be unlocked sequentially by accumulating more points or passing exams, so it was virtually impossible to unlock them during the first semester of the first year.

Go Hyeon-woo asked me.

So, as it stands, theres no way?

Officially, no.


Go Hyeon-woo echoed my words. And he soon understood the implied meaning behind my words before cracking a sly smile.

Theres no rule stating we must stick strictly to the paths laid out by the Dragon Slayer Academy.

We could sneak in.

This is precisely why the Dragon Slayer Academys errand service exists.

The thieves club is involved in various rule-breaking activities, including the trade of prohibited items.

One of their services includes sneaking students into dungeons theyre not qualified for.

I sent a message to Shin Byeong-cheol.

[Kim Ho: Errand]

[Shin Byeong-cheol: Where are you, customer-nim?]

[Kim Ho: Second floor terrace of the cafeteria]

[Shin Byeong-cheol: Ill be right there, customer-nim]

Did you call Shin-hyung?

Yeah. Hell be here soon.

I stealthily observed Seo Ye-ins reaction while we were waiting.

She seemed indifferent despite my blatant talk of breaking the rules.

It appeared she was more interested in her iced tea at the moment.

Thats to be expected

As expected, she didnt seem to have any particular dislike for breaking the rules.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say she simply didnt care about them at all.

In that case, there might come a time when we would join forces to tackle the dungeon levels below, depending on Seo Ye-ins needs.

What a rich young lady like her might need remains to be seen but the possibility is certainly there.

Shin Byeong-cheol arrived in less than five minutes after I sent the message.

As an errand service, it would be a shame if they werent second to none in terms of speed.

You were here? How can I help you?

Were looking to enter a dungeon.

A dungeon? You know theyre opening next week, right?

Im thinking Monday evening.

Monday evening is perfect; whats the number?

Number 388.

Lets see, lets see 388 would be

Shin Byeong-cheol pulled out something resembling a notebook and began flipping through it.

It looked like he was checking the dungeon information.

[Feathered Serpent Altar]? D-rank?


Its a four-person dungeon. Whos going in?

Just the two of us, me and him.

Shin Byeong-cheol looked back and forth between me and Go Hyeon-woo with a worried look on his face.

Are you sure? Its a D-rank and meant for four.

It was half concern for us and half for himself.

Should anything go wrong inside the dungeon, Shin Byeong-cheol, who facilitated our unauthorized entry, wouldnt be able to escape blame.

While we might be able to get through it with our skills if it were a normal D-rank dungeon, he couldnt help but wonder if it would be possible for two people to do what four people should do.

I shrugged nonchalantly.

We wont die. If things go south, well bounce out immediately.

I had no intention of fleeing but I wouldnt be telling him that.

He would only take on the task if he were convinced that it wouldnt bring any harm his way.

Shin Byeong-cheol also sought confirmation from Go Hyeon-woo,

And you? Are you okay with this?

I trust Kim-hyung. He must have everything figured out.

Go Hyeon-woos response was so firm that it felt like it was blind faith.

To the point that Shin Byeong-cheol was embarrassed to ask the question.

. Haah, alright then, lets go with that. Ill have everything ready by Monday evening.

What about the payment?

Facilitating entry into an underground dungeon was a complex and risky task.

Naturally, a certain fee had to be paid to the thieves club member who would be facilitating the entry.

Payments could be made upfront or as a portion of the dungeon clearance rewards.

However, Shin Byeong-cheol waved his hands.

Come on, what need is there for payment between us? Remember the debt from last time? Lets just consider it settled with that.

During the ban wave, he faced the risk of having all of his prohibited items confiscated, but I managed to hide them inside the [Cube of Life].

Thanks to that, Shin Byeong-cheol was spared from the fate of being beaten to a pulp by his senior. Instead, he got off with a moderate beating and some hair-pulling.

He proposed to settle this debt by helping with the dungeon infiltration for free.

I couldnt hide my surprise.

I didnt expect you to bring that up first. Youve surprised me.

Hey, dont make me sound like an ungrateful jerk. Shin Byeong-cheol, a man of his word, may skimp on other things but never on loyalty.

I see.

I nodded my head in understanding.

So hes the type to skimp on everything else.

Note to self: dont lend him anything.

There was also a very important reason why Shin Byeong-cheol brought up the idea of a free service first,

And honestly Ive only been down there once myself when following Noonim. Lets gain some experience this time.


He too was a first-year student with little experience.

He had ventured underground only once while following Dang Gyu-young, and now as an inexperienced guide, he was set to have us as his first clients.

Go Hyeon-woo asked me with his eyes if this was really okay.

It would be better to hire someone from the second year or above to be completely sure.

Yet, I wasnt overly concerned.

Although Shin Byeong-cheols skills might not be top-notch, I trusted that he had the basic skills required by a member of the thieves club.

And if things got tough, I was ready to step in.

Its fine by us, as long as you dont do a half-hearted job just because its your first time.

Of course, Ill do my very best to serve you. Is that all, then?

No, theres one more thing.

Another dungeon? Which one?

Number 104.

Number 104?

Shin Byeong-cheol furrowed his brows in thought, then checked his notebook with a look of apprehension, which only deepened.

Number 104 The [Black Death]. Thats a B-rank dungeon. You sure you havent got it wrong?

Im sure. Its the Black Death.

Thats a dungeon in the depths Look, honestly, I dont think I can help you with that.

Shin Byeong-cheol scratched the back of his head.

Dungeons ranked between B and S were situated in the deepest part of the dungeon building which was known as the depths.

Access was impossible for ordinary students, and merely loitering nearby and getting caught would result in the harshest of disciplinary actions.

With Shin Byeong-cheols abilities, it was not only difficult to escort someone there, but it was also not something a first-year like him should recklessly handle.

Hence, it was only natural for him to give such a response.

I know. Maybe I should bring it up with your club president.

That shouldnt be a problem. Ill ask and let you know. Anything else?

Thats all.

Okay. Then Im off. Take care~

After the business was finished, Shin Byeong-cheol stood up with an air of urgency.

He then dashed off just like he had arrived.

I sipped my iced tea while silently watching his retreating figure,

Afterward, I summarized the conversation with Go Hyeon-woo.

In broad terms, our plan is this: Enter the D-rank dungeon, [Feathered Serpent Altar], on Monday evening. Thats where youll get your weapon.

In short, he could obtain a fairly useful longsword.

That long sword will be sufficient for Go Hyeon-woo to use for the time being.

At the same time, I intended to secure some benefits for myself.

Choosing the Feathered Serpent Altar from among the various dungeons that dropped longswords was inspired by this reason.

After that, well go through a few days of preparation. Negotiate with the thieves club, and purchase some items.

As Shin Byeong-cheol had mentioned, the depths of the dungeons were not something he could handle.

It would likely involve negotiating with a third-year member of the thieves club and probably even Dang Gyu-young.

The chances of the negotiations failing were virtually non-existent.

I would make sure of that.

The more thorough the preparation, the better. A minor mistake could cost us our lives.

I am prepared. What do you need me to do?

Your role is important.

It wasnt just about bringing Go Hyeon-woo along for his skill with the sword.

Inside the dungeon, he must completely become another version of himself.

To achieve that,

Youll need to know as much about the dungeon as I do.

I handed over a bundle of documents.

Go Hyeon-woos eyes sparkled with interest as he flipped through them page by page.


The strategy guides for the [Feathered Serpent Altar] and the [Black Death].

From the layout of the dungeons to the enemies that appear, their locations, and how we would navigate to achieve our goal.

Everything was contained within these two guides.

Memorize them. Not a single letter less.


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