The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 18

Rye raised his trembling hand to cast a spell, but he couldn't think of anything that could be used against Ludric. He could use a teleportation spell to places he ever visited, but he needed to know its specific coordinate. He could only use his emergency spell.

A door appeared next to the altar and Rye escaped through it before Ludric reached him. Once he closed the door, it disappeared.

He slumped to the ground from his weakened knees.

In case of emergency, he created a gate spell that was connected to a small chapel in the capital city where he always used to hide. It was all written in the magic circle, so he didn't need to do anything except casting it.

He slowly stood up after he finally caught his breathing. His heart was still beating rapidly from the scare. Honestly, he really thought he was a goner.

He took a deep breath and exhaled. Turning around, he completely froze.

Ludric was standing behind him with his sword.

He didn't even need to think. Why did he think he could escape Ludric? That was an impossible task.

"What do you want, Ludric?" Rye didn't try to run away again, but he couldn't hide the fear in his eyes, "We are in a chapel. Solistus is watching."

Ludric sheathed his sword, "This part of you hasn't changed. You always ran into a chapel for sanctuary. Even though Solistus was the one who didn't bless you with a heritage, you seek him more than anyone else."

"At the very least, Solistus never hurt me. In case you are not aware, I have no one and nowhere else to run to."

Ludric took a step forward and keenly noticed Rye flinching back with his shoulder tensing, ready to defend.

"Why are you so afraid of me?"


Asked the guy who beat him up daily for 5 continuous years in the past.

"Is it because of our childhood?" Ludric took another step forward, "Because I bullied you?"

With the door on his back, he couldn't go anywhere. Trying to open the door was futile. Ludric must've locked the entire chapel down.

"Ludric, I know it might look like that, but I am not trying to surpass you or trying to stand out. I have never thought of doing that. You are leagues stronger than me and will always be. It is my fault for not realizing that the book I used to learn was not the most updated one," Rye plastered his back to the door, "You hate me, don't you? I do not know what is your intention on doing this to me, but I am always well aware that I am below you. If you kicked me out of the academy because the students found out that you have a weak brother, I can change to a different academy. You did not need to drag me with you like this."

Ludric didn't stop his approach.

"What are you–" Rye was in full alert.

Ludric raised his arm. Rye immediately guarded his face with his arms in reflex and shut his eyes. Ludric was infinitely stronger than when he was in their childhood. It was entirely possible to be killed with one blow.

His wrist was grabbed by Ludric and he was yanked forward.

But the blow he expected didn't come.

Instead, he was enveloped in a tight embrace, petrifying him in place. Cold sweat poured down incessantly, his heart rate was blowing off the roof, and his body trembled quite badly.

What is this?

Is Ludric finally going to kill him once and for all?

Is he going to make his body explode? Turn him into a stone and crush him? Planting a curse in him?

Much to his surprise, none of that happened even after staying like that for 5 minutes. It was then, Ludric finally spoke a word.

"I'm sorry."

Rye was dumbfounded.

"Rye, I'm sorry," Ludric repeated in a hoarse voice, "I didn't know that was your impression of me. I didn't expect…I made you have this much fear towards me. I'm worse than our parents."

"What are you–"

"I was wrong. As your older brother, what I did to you is despicable. Ever since we were little, I knew what you were going through because of your blank heritage, but I abandoned you and made you suffer more because of something utterly ridiculous."


"Even though I promised that I will protect you. Even though I promised to be your hero. I, the person who you can run to, became a part of the people who you run away from. My heritage that is meant to give protection became something you fear of," he laughed in mocking, "Some hero I am. I couldn't– didn't even protect my own little brother."

"Ludric…" Rye clenched his robe.

Can he believe these words? Is Ludric really not tricking him right now? But he doesn't pick up any signs that Ludric is lying. He can feel the genuine regret in Ludric's words.

"Rye, I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll overwrite your fear towards me. I'll be a proper big brother for you. I know it's late. Very late. What am I saying after treating you badly for 5 years and abandoning you for 6 years? But can you forgive me? I'll do anything to make you forgive me."

"…" Rye cast his gaze down, "Don't you hate me? Why are you apologizing now all of a sudden? Are you pitying me because I said I never went to school? You did not know because you never care about me and now you suddenly care?"

"I don't hate you. I never did. I'm also not pitying you. I didn't know because I tried not to care. Do you know how shocked I was when I found you in the academy? Without me knowing, you have grown up to be so dazzling. You're not weak anymore. You are surrounded by people who you effortlessly hook by your natural charm," Ludric's hold tightened, "And in your bright world, I'm not there. I stayed in the darkness of your past that you want to lock away and avoid forever. I don't want that."

"I don't know what brightness you are talking about. My world, my life, is as dull as always. You're the one who lives in the light surrounded by people. Your words are hard to believe. What is it that you really want from me?" Rye pushed Ludric off of him.

"I'm telling the truth." Ludric caught Rye's arms.

"Even if you are, I can tell that you are hiding something from me. If you have some ulterior motive in doing this, you can just tell me straightforwardly. It's not like I can say no to you."

"Rye, I swear to Solistus that I just want to apologize to you and mend our relationship as brothers," Ludric threw away his sword and took off all his armors, "If beating me up can make you believe me, then beat me up until you're satisfied. I won't put on any defense, barriers, or buffs. Of course, I also won't counter your attacks."

"…" Rye looked away, "Just tell me what you want, Ludric. You would not be this desperate just to make me forgive you."

"Yes, I would. I can even prostrate to make you forgive me," Ludric cupped Rye's hands and brought them to his forehead, "I just want my brother back. I know it's hard, but please believe me. Please…Rye."

"Then tell me why you did all those things to me? Even to Godford who was completely innocent. I still remember clearly that you were once a good reliable brother. Did I do something to offend you? Was it our parents who told you to stay away from me to save your reputation?"

"That…" Ludric hesitated.

"…" Rye took his hands back, "It is alright if you do not want to tell me. It is not like I hate you or anything. If you are worried about how I did not hide the fact that our relationship is not good, I can cooperate with you to fix that image. You do not need to go this far."

"No, it's not like that. This has nothing to do with other people," Ludric caught Rye's hand again. He took a deep breath and looked straight into Rye's eyes, "I'll tell you."

Rye patiently waited.

"The truth is, I did all that because…because I–uhk."

Ludric suddenly choked on his words and went into a coughing fit. Once it died down, he tried again.

"Sorry, the truth is I–ghk!"

Ludric choked again and coughed more intensely than the previous one.

"…Are you alright?" Rye felt strange asking it, but he couldn't help but worry.

Ludric nodded reassuringly, "I–cough!"

He covered his mouth as his body bent forward from the violent coughing.

Rye hurriedly caught Ludric when he staggered back, "Are you really okay?"

When Ludric uncovered his mouth, both of them were stunned by the blood on his hand.

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