The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 26

Not only the bishop, Rye stilled in place as well.

Instead of dimming without generating anything as it should, a string of words was written in it with a magnificent golden font. He was too stunned at the words along with the fact that words appeared at all that the crystal slipped out of his hand.

As the crystal clanked to the ground, Rye and the bishop stared at each other with shock and disbelief apparent in both eyes.

Everyone, "?"

"Rye…?" Ludric hesitantly called out.

"F-F-F-Forgive my impudence!!" The bishop abruptly kowtowed to the ground.

Everyone, "??"

Rye, "!"

He speedily grabbed the crystal and the bishop before dashing out of the room. He didn't even have any brain cell left to think of shutting the door back. He headlessly ran to anywhere with lesser and lesser people until there was nobody around him.

He opened a random door and hurried inside, yanking the bishop with him. He slammed the door shut and cast a barrier coating the whole room to prevent anyone from entering and isolating any sound from leaking.

"This…" Rye shoved the crystal in his hand, "What is this?"

"I-I-It's a heritage crystal, my lord." The bishop answered tremblingly.

His arm where Rye held to drag him earlier was stinging and throbbing.

"No, please don't call me like that," Rye pinched his nose bridge, "This is nonsense. Your crystal is broken. I don't have any heritage since my birth. It's impossible to–"

He paused mid-sentence as his mind replayed what happened early in the day and Octavian's words.


He stared at the words on the crystal over and over again with his mind flipped and turned into disarray with each reread.

[Bride of Solistus]

Solistus as in that Solistus?

The one whose statue is in every chapel?

The one whose face is taboo to be imagined and pictured on?

Then, does that mean Octavian is…

Wait, when did they even got married??

Just now earlier today? In front of the chapel? Just like that?

That was what he meant by claiming his heritage??

He…He reserved his heritage to be Octavian's bride!? Him??

Was he a woman in his previous life?

"M-My lord…?"

Rye returned the crystal to the bishop with threatening eyes. His eyes which were already glaring by default became 10 times more menacing.

"Do not– I repeat, Do. Not. Tell a soul about this. Once you leave this room, you know nothing, you see nothing, you hear nothing. You understand?"

"Y-Y-Y-Yes, my lord!!" The bishop cried from fear.

After the bishop left, Rye slumped to the wall, resting his head on his palm.

A bunch of emotions stirred abstractly in his heart, not knowing which he should feel and which he was actually feeling.

What should he do with this new heritage and status of his?

Should he tell Ludric? The king? Would it be a bad idea? He couldn't tell what others' reactions would be when he himself was like this. The bishop's reaction couldn't exactly be called good. He was more inclined to hide it for now.

If the world found out…

All hell will break loose.

It was fine if he was the only one who got the backlash since he has nothing to lose anyway, but what if Solistus was also implicated?

If people found out Solistus has a mortal male bride, what would his divine image become in their eyes? What if they scorned him for having an affair with a mortal and lost his credibility as a god? If they lost faith towards him, which other god could they turn to in the middle of this war against the demons?

That bishop probably thought that he was some otherworldly being from his reaction just now. Aerindel's words about his body containing holy attribute might not be wrong. The bishop specifically asked him earlier was definitely because he could also feel the holy attribute in him.

But he was just a mortal!

If he was a fair maiden with extraordinary prowess and ethereal beauty unrivaled by angels and goddesses that could topple kings and gods, it might still make sense.

But he was just a normal, average man! A man with menacing eyes that were also myopic might he added. He didn't have any extraordinary power and there was nothing pretty about him. As proof, nobody from both genders has ever been attracted to him.

Hell, even the soldiers of the same gender as him couldn't get themselves to look at his body.

This might be the greatest crisis in his life so far.

At the very least, he couldn't let anybody know about this before Ludric defeated the demon lord.

Rye slowly got to his feet and walked to the windows. He could see the sunflower path from where he was at. A thought entered his mind.

Octavian said that he claimed his heritage because of a promise. What if Octavian actually didn't love him and only do it for the sake of this promise? However he thought about it, it was impossible for Octavian to love him, right? What if the past him forced Octavian to make this promise somehow?

He couldn't imagine a mortal capable of forcing a god to promise them anything, but still…

Does Octavian love him?

Does he himself…love Octavian?

Rye clutched his chest anxiously. Just questioning those in his mind pained him. Was it normal for a person to have such feelings towards someone they just met? Not to mention, a god?

Has he fallen in love with just that mere moment?

He couldn't tell if what he was feeling is love or just reverence and worship. He has never experienced such intense emotion in his life that he was at a loss on what to name this feeling.

"Octavian…" Rye unconsciously breathed out the name.

Instantly, a warm pair of arms encircled his waist from behind. Octavian's low magnetic chuckle rang in his ears, making him shudder from the vibration.

"We have just separated and you missed me already?" Octavian's fingertips trailed Rye's arm in a light, teasing manner.

"I…" Rye was rendered helpless with Octavian's every touch.

He needed to say his thought to Octavian. This heritage…If he let it be, it could cause problems for Octavian himself in the future.

"What is it that burdens your mind, my dearest sun?" Octavian rested his hands around Rye.

Rye hesitated to open his mouth. He was already nervous enough from Octavian himself. Now knowing that he was actually Solistus, a god, made his voice stuck in his throat.

It wasn't like he could just ask a god whether he loves him or not. What right does he have? He never prayed outside the mandatory weekly prayer. Even that was forgotten in this journey.

Once again, Octavian caught the tears dripping from Rye's chin, treating them as treasures. He transformed them into pearls and kept them.

"If you are sad, what right does the world have to be happy?" Octavian whispered soothingly.

Soon after his words left his mouth, the sky outside darkened. Thick grey clouds blocked any light from slipping in and showered down the world with the distressed tears of the god's beloved.

"Your tears are too precious to shed. The world shall weep for you."

Seeing the raindrops trickling down the window, Rye's tears magically stopped. Unfortunately, it didn't wash the anxiety in his heart.

"Be fragile for me, my dearest sun," Octavian enveloped Rye's hand which was still clutching his chest, "You may fall, break, and shatter in my presence and I shall piece you back together. I am fully aware that you are a human. Your imperfections, I accept and endear them all."

"How…could you endear someone like me?" Rye's heart couldn't believe it, "I am nothing sort of pious or holy. I am not even attractive enough compared to other humans. I am unworthy of your affection."

"Someone like you who kept his body and heart pure for me; Who has never once had his heart stained by foul emotions; Who care for my chapels as your own home; Who seek me for nothing else but sanctuary and comfort. Your faith is stronger and purer than you think," Octavian caressed a corner of Rye's eyes tentatively, "And you are much more beautiful than you think. Only you are worthy and you have proved it."

"I am not beautiful," Rye lowered his head meekly, "Even for a man, I am not beautiful."

"…" Octavian turned Rye around, "Do you think the you reflected in my eyes are unsightly?"

Rye gazed at the reflection in Octavian's clear golden eyes. He didn't know if Octavian hypnotized him or something, but he indeed didn't look as bad as he feared.

The room stilled for a few minutes until Octavian softly laughed.

"How much longer do you wish to stare?"

Rye blushed and looked away.

"Keep staring," Octavian brought Rye's eyes back to him, "This way, I am able to stare at you in return."

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