The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 44

Aerindel looked behind him as they put on their shoes.

All the way from the praying hall to the front entrance, on the floor that was previously pure white, there was a regal gold path distinguishing itself from the rest. There were even intricate sunflower patterns in a darker gold which can be seen once the sunlight fell on it.

His eyes fell back to the person who caused it. He didn't see any spells being activated and he also saw earlier that Rye was surprised himself.

But now, he could see the subtle pink tinting the young man's cheeks. He also seems like he was holding back a smile.

He shifted his gaze before his eyes got roasted.

"Sorry for earlier. He's the archbishop I told you about."

Rye got up after he finished wearing his shoes back, "Why are you apologizing? It's alright. I did touch the tree without permission. I should be the one apologizing."

They walked out of the temple.

"Is there anywhere else you want to see?"

"I want to check the water around the Light Tree, but I'm exhausted from our journey. It's pretty far from here, isn't it?"

Aerindel nodded, "You should rest. I can take you there tomorrow."

"I feel like you'll be my tour guide here."

"Who else will?" Aerindel chuckled.

"Are you really not busy? With your father being ill, don't you have to take over his work as the first prince?"

"Unfortunately for elves, before a prince is coronated, he is not allowed to be involved in governing the kingdom. The council is now representing my father in his matter."

"If this rule is implemented in a human kingdom there would definitely be retaliation and political conflict. They already exist without it though."

"The council consists of one representative from each tribe and my father's loyal minister who act as its head. Unlike human kingdoms, we only have one minister to help the king in all matters who is also the king's daily attendant."

"He must truly be a capable person."

"Sometimes I doubt if he slee– Woah!"

Aerindel timely retreated his foot back when a rabbit suddenly jumped out of the bushes and rushed past them.

As a result, his other foot twisted to the side and he lost his balance. He instinctively reached out to prevent his fall. Rye also grabbed him in reflex, but he was also caught off guard.

The two of them inevitably fell to the ground.

Aerindel lowly hissed in pain. He definitely twisted his ankle. Not to mention, his hand got burned from touching Rye.

"Are you okay?" Rye propped his body up, "sorry, I fell on you."

"No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have pulled you," Aerindel opened his eyes.

He immediately stiffened. Their face has never been so close even when they slept together in the tent. Rye's glasses fell down from his face and he could see his sky blue eyes clearly. There was a gradient of gold blending at the periphery of his iris.

Though his eyes got blinded by an intense light instantly, he still managed to capture all that into his mind.

Rye wore his fallen glasses and straightened his back, "Where does it hurt?"

Aerindel hid his burned hand, "My right ankle."

Rye moved aside and checked Aerindel's ankle, "It's nothing serious. I'll heal you now."

Aerindel nodded, "Thanks."

After making sure he could walk comfortably, the two of them continued heading back.

"Did you hurt your head? Your face is burning," Rye asked in concern.

"…It'll be fine with some ice later."

Rye created a ball of snow and gave it to Aerindel, "Snow is softer."

Aerindel, "…"

He silently accepted it and pressed it to his face instead.

Rye was stunned, "Was it…because of me? Did I bump you that hard?"

He didn't realize he has such a tough skull.

"No, don't worry. Just…don't ask."


At dinner time, Rye and the others were served a rich meal by the elves. There was no meat in any of the dishes and everything consisted of greens, fruits, and bread.

It was the first time for them to drink nectar. It tasted sweet and light to drink. It wasn't as thick as juice, but it wasn't watery either.

But although the food was delicious, they couldn't exactly enjoy it.



"…Ludric," Rye put down his glass, "what's wrong with you?"

Sitting next to him, Ludric was emitting a dark, threatening aura. The room temperature turned colder because of his deathly glare that was amazingly consistent from the start of their dinner until now.

It was fine if he didn't have any specific target at the table, but everyone could see he was locked onto Aerindel who was sitting across from him at the circular table. Aerindel couldn't even afford to lift a fork since Ludric's arrival.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine," Ludric smiled menacingly.

Everyone, "…"

At least try to look decently fine.

"Did my brother do something wrong…?" Freanor nervously asked.

"Who knows?" Ludric stared daggers at Aerindel, "did you?"

Aerindel sweated cold.

He seriously has no clue whatsoever!

"D-Did the council said something that offended you? A few elves tend to have a superiority complex, so…"

"Is that so? I see," Ludric coldly replied with a flat tone.

Everyone, "…"

That's definitely the wrong answer.

"Ludric, I think whatever Aerindel did wrong he didn't do it on purpose. He won't know if you don't tell him clearly," Rosetta tried to reason with Ludric.

"I promise I'll apologize and won't do it again."

"Oh? Will you really?" Ludric narrowed his eyes.

Aerindel quickly nodded, "Yes, I promise. Everyone at this table will be my witness."

They all swallowed their saliva anxiously. What did Aerindel do that brought out this much rage from Ludric?

"Don't you ever dare kiss my brother again. Don't you even think of laying your hands on him," Ludric directly ordered, "break up with him right now while we're at it."

Rye, "???"

Aerindel, "Huh…?"

The rest, "!?"

What in the heaven and hell is he talking about???

Freanor looked at her brother in shock, "Brother, when did you confess?"

"No, I didn't–" Aerindel answered in reflex and hurriedly stop himself. He looked at Freanor with hidden panic, "what are you talking about!?"

Freanor swiftly closed her mouth seeing Aerindel's eyes.

"Ludric, when and where and how did we kiss? I have no recollection of such event," Rye frowned in confusion.

"And we're not in that kind of relationship or anything," Aerindel hurriedly added.

"You're not in a relationship and yet you kissed him!?" Ludric slammed the table, "what are you taking my brother as?"

Rye, "…"

Did you not hear his question?

"Sir Rye, don't you think you're a bit too much?" Nandia spoke in anger, "you're having a relationship with Sir Ludric yet you're playing with Prince Aerindel's heart!?"

Rye, "????"

Everyone, "!!??"

What is this development??

"I'm having a relationship with Rye?" Ludric frowned and turned to Rye, "since when?"

Rye, "…"

Is your brain damaged?

"Princess Nandia, Ludric and I are brothers by blood. Are you not aware of this fact?"

"I saw the two of you kissing as well!" Nandia pointed at Rye, "you're lying to us, aren't you? Aren't you actually adopted or step-brothers with Sir Ludric? You two are too affectionate for mere brothers. Moreover, Sir Ludric wouldn't be this mad if you are just brothers!"

Rye sighed and fixed his glasses, "Our circumstances are a bit complex and we're in the middle of fixing our relationship. But I can assure you that we are blood-related brothers. I also have no recollection of kissing Ludric."

"Yes, it's impossible for us to kiss," hearing Rye emphasizing that they were blood-related brothers calmed Ludric down somewhat, "I can't even touch him. How can I kiss him?"

"That," Aerindel pointed at Ludric's words, "that goes for me too. I also can't touch him. There must be a misunderstanding, Ludric."

Ludric looked at Aerindel suspiciously.

Ash raised his hand and spoke up, "I must say in Aerindel's defense, I am also unable to so much brush past Rye by accident."

"Then, what were the two of you doing on the ground near the temple earlier this evening?"

Aerindel quickly understood the situation, "I twisted my ankle and fell down. I accidentally pulled Rye down with me and he fell on top of me. That's it. He healed my ankle afterward. Didn't you see that?"

Ludric still didn't believe Aerindel, "If you can't touch him, how did you pull him down?"

Aerindel hesitated for a while and showed his other hand he has been hiding to Ludric, "Look, it's burned."

Thankfully, he hasn't healed it yet because he was with his father until dinner time.

Half of them who have never experienced getting repelled and blinded widened their eyes in shock.

They incredulously turned to Rye to question him only to see his face blushing.

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