The Supreme Hero’s Younger Brother

Chapter 51

With the barrier from the Light Tree diminished, the demon army could easily invade the elven kingdom once they managed to pass the illusory fog. The elves planned to intercept the demon army as much as possible when they entered the forest, but their plan turned to naught when the demon army outright burned the whole forest.

Ludric and the heroes stationed themselves to encircle the elven kingdom. They assisted the elven soldier to fight the hoard of demons. However, without the elves' light element, their attacks almost amount to nothing. The burden of holding back the demons landed on the heroes' shoulders.

Adnadan was initially restless when his connection to the Light Tree and Lune Vein was cut off. But with his health fully restored, he could now help his people defend their kingdom. Right now, only he has the power of light. After such a long time, he finally went back to the battlefield.

Ludric was about to blast away the orcs in front of him when they suddenly disintegrated. Looking back, he saw a majestic silver-haired elf descending down from the sky. His robe shimmered and fluttered under the night sky as if he was the personification of the moon itself.

"Supreme Hero, save your strength. Only you are able to fight the archdemon. Leave the rest to us. Go!"

Ludric saw the crown above the elf's head and resolutely nodded. The archdemon has a huge body and it was easy for him to find. He immediately cut his path through the monsters and fire to chase after the archdemon.

Adnadan flew to the top of the Light Tree. A white magic circle formed above the sky, enveloping the entire elven kingdom with Adnadan as the center. Immediately, the elves fighting below him glowed with the same light. They could all feel their king's force inside their body which filled them with strength and reverence. Their morale boosted up and the light of hope and determination returned to their eyes.

"His Majesty is lending us his strength!"

"Bring victory for His Majesty!! All hail the king!!"

"Defend our home!"

"We are elves!! The noblest of all creatures! Don't let these sinful demons win over us and bring shame to Lord Muriel and our king!!" Eshril yelled to all the soldiers around him.

"Yes, sir!!!"

Rosetta and the others who were helping the soldiers saw that they didn't need their help anymore. They tacitly went to where Ludric was to help him.

Ludric rushed to the archdemon through the air by creating crystal platforms for his steps, a new skill he learned to cover for his inability to fly. He cast a powerful spell on his sword and struck down right atop the archdemon's head. The archdemon noticed him however and blocked his attack with his thick saber sword. The impact exploded a powerful shockwave which threw the heroes who were coming towards them off their feet.

Ludric landed on the ground solemnly. If Rye was here, he could definitely land that attack using Rye's invisibility. Before he could resume his advance, the three-headed dog was released from its shackle to the chariot and went to attack him.

Desmund and Rock timely arrived. One blocked it and the other smashed its head, causing the creature to be blown out of Ludric's path forcefully.

"We'll handle this thing!" Desmund reassured Ludric.

"Marissa is also on her way," Rock informed.

Ludric nodded, "I'll leave it to you."

Ash, Rosetta, and Lilith shortly joined Ludric in the fight. Unlike the previous archdemons, this one didn't use any active dark magic. But it didn't mean he wasn't strong. His body was titanic with four arms, each carrying a saber bigger than 2 adults. Although he wasn't actively attacking with magic, his thick body was fortified and enhanced with buffs.

"Ash, can you take him down?" Ludric looked up at Ash.

Ash flew higher and took out his heaviest weapon, "I need time."

"Rose, Lilith, let's go," Ludric flashed forward.

Rose summoned a pair of water dragons and rock golems. Lilith changed her bow to a longer one and used thicker arrows to attack. Ludric leaped high and slashed down on one of the archdemon's arms. When the archdemon tried to parry it, Ludric attacked him with a strike of lightning to stun him and successfully cut one of his arms off.

However, it quickly regenerated a new arm to replace it. Rose made sure the fallen blade was buried deep into the earth. At the very least, the archdemon has now lost a saber. Ludric also didn't give the archdemon a chance to be on the offense. He knew the archdemon would have powerful regeneration, so his objective now was to stall. He would only use his finishing move after Ash successfully blast the archdemon off his feet.

The archdemon destroyed the golems with one swing of his saber. Seeing he was aiming for her, Rosetta quickly teleported to the back of the archdemon just as he swung his saber down. The ground split from his force until more than a mile away.

Seeing the back of the archdemon was completely open, Lilith released 3 of her arrows simultaneously with her full power. Rosetta saw it and cast a spell concentrated on the 3 spots Lilith aimed. In addition, Ludric froze the archdemon's lower half while trapping them in solid earth to prevent him from moving.

However, the archdemon unexpectedly moved. He turned his body and broke Ludric's ice. Using one saber, he easily blocked Lilith and Rosetta's attack. Before they could react, the archdemon swiftly countered with his other saber.

Ludric timely cast a barrier for them, but it shattered helplessly under the archdemon's strength. Lilith already pushed Rosetta down to dodge the attack. Though she successfully protected Rosetta, she couldn't say the same about her own body.

"Ludric!!" Ash called out.

Ludric gritted his teeth and picked up both Rosetta and Lilith, despite Lilith's critical injury, to get them out of Ash's range of attack, "Do it!"

Ash shot out a massive round of missiles straight toward the archdemon's head. The archdemon didn't have time to dodge from his position and got squarely hit. The explosion from the missile sent both blazing heat and shockwaves hundreds of meters radius from the center of the explosion.

While Ash brought Lilith away to be healed by a priest, Ludric bolted into the fire and smoke with his sword emitting bright golden light. He jumped up above the archdemon's torso and slashed the archdemon's head with maximum force. His move instantly dispersed the smoke and fire surrounding them, cutting through the trees around them.

When the scenery cleared, Rosetta saw Ludric has successfully killed the archdemon. Ludric was about to return to check on Lilith when the archdemon's body squirmed. He immediately became alert and raised his sword back.

A small hand appeared from the archdemon's chest and ripped it open further. Not long after, a little girl with a black and red twintail stepped out into the open. With stitched lips, she smiled hideously.

"You ruined my doll. Be my new toy."


Ash arrived at the ruined chapel. Countless soldiers were brought in to be healed by the priests and bishops. The elderly and children were also there to be sheltered. Seeing a hero descending there, a bishop hurriedly went to tend to Lilith's injury.

Seeing the critical wound on Lilith's back, the bishop looked at Ash hesitantly, "Sir Hero, this injury is too–"

"I know. Just do what you can," Ash took out his device to scan Lilith's body. He grabbed a passing priest, "go find Priestess Nandia for me."

"Yes, sir!!" The priest hurried away right after he finished treating one more soldier.

Ash has just finished diagnosing Lilith's body when he sensed someone beside him. He thought it was Nandia only to see a short haired boy standing next to him. His hair, eyes, and everything about him were pure white. The complete opposite of Crow.

He raised his hand and Lilith's body was illuminated with soft white light. Her wound rapidly closed until it didn't leave any mark at all. Although Lilith was still pale and unconscious, Ash saw that her vitals has stabilized.

Without saying any word, the boy pointed to where Ash came from, telling him to return.

"I entrust her to you, Light," Ash stood up and smoothly rode his Air Board, "might you be willing to heal the rest too?"

Light nodded and watched Ash unhesitantly leave with the flutter of his coat. Although Lord Solistus's spouse was his favorite, this hero really was cool.

While transferring his light to his people, Adnadan must also defend the sky from the monsters and demons above. Eshril and the others couldn't help him since he was the only one who could fly. He could sense his energy was decreasing fast although he did his best to conserve them.

It was then he witnessed the sky directly above him split.

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